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class PartyDefaultDataSetUIAttach in Party 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \PartyDefaultDataSetUIAttach

The 'attach' action: attach an existing entity.


Expanded class hierarchy of PartyDefaultDataSetUIAttach


includes/, line 141
Provides default classes for UI actions on data sets.

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class PartyDefaultDataSetUIAttach implements PartyDataSetActionInterface {

   * The page title for the action form.
  function get_page_title($party, $data_set, $eid = NULL) {
    $data_set_controller = party_get_crm_controller($party, $data_set['set_name']);
    return t("Attach existing @data-set-label to @party-label", array(
      '@data-set-label' => $data_set_controller
      '@party-label' => $party->label,

   * Provides the action form for attaching an existing entity.
   * @param $party
   *   A loaded party object.
   * @param $data_set
   *   A loaded data set.
   *   We don't actually need this loaded, but we need a menu loader to convert
   *   the path-style string to the machine name, and a menu loader that doesn't
   *   load would be weird too.
   * @param $eid
   *   The id of the entity, if relevant to this action.
  function action_form($form, &$form_state, $party, $data_set, $eid = NULL) {
    $form = array();
    drupal_set_message(t("This doesn't work for general entities yet!"), 'error');
    return $form;
  function action_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  function action_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PartyDefaultDataSetUIAttach::action_form function Provides the action form for attaching an existing entity. Overrides PartyDataSetActionInterface::action_form 1
PartyDefaultDataSetUIAttach::action_form_submit function Form submission for the action form. Overrides PartyDataSetActionInterface::action_form_submit 1
PartyDefaultDataSetUIAttach::action_form_validate function Form validation for the action form. Overrides PartyDataSetActionInterface::action_form_validate 1
PartyDefaultDataSetUIAttach::get_page_title function The page title for the action form. Overrides PartyDataSetActionInterface::get_page_title