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CHANGELOG.txt in Panopoly 7

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.83, 2021-07-21
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.82, 2021-07-21
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.81, 2021-06-10
- Update Simple GMap.
- "Content item" widget gives validation error if attempting to use a piece
  of content with a title longer than 128 characters.
- Multiple Spotlight widgets on the same page leads to duplicate IDs.
- Update Media, YouTube, File Entity.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.80, 2021-04-26
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.79, 2021-01-20
- Patch media_youtube to fix failing embeds.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.78, 2020-11-30
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.77, 2020-11-19
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.76, 2020-09-17
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.75, 2020-06-18
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.74, 2020-05-20
- File widget doesn't seem to switch to Media browser in update tests.
- Fix Features overridden after tablefield patch from #3130749.
- Update Panopoly Widgets with latest version of Media (media-7.x-2.26).
- Update Panopoly Widgets with latest version of TableField
- Fieldable Panels Panes fields missing from UI.
- Patch Tablefield for header row orientation per widget.
- Modifying content of reusable widgets doesn't actually save when first
  adding the widget.
- Update Media modules in Panopoly Widgets.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.72, 2019-12-19
- Switch File widget to use Media Browser.
- Add "Crop" tool to Spotlight widget.
- Accessibility improvements for the mini pager on the Spotlight widget.
- PHP notices when Piece of Content widget is empty.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.71, 2019-11-19
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.70, 2019-06-28
- Hide "Always display title" option on Submenu widget.
- Getting ready for the 1.69 release.

7.x-1.69, 2019-06-07
- Update Panopoly Widgets to media_youtube-7.x-3.8.
- Taking "Manage Fields" paths of content type like
  "admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields" redirects to wrong non-existing

7.x-1.68, 2019-05-29
- Update tablefield to 7.x-3.5 for SA-CONTRIB-2019-051.

7.x-1.67, 2019-05-09
- Allow Spotlight links to be up to 255 characters.

7.x-1.66, 2019-04-18
- Security update for TableField module (tablefield-7.x-3.4).

7.x-1.65, 2019-03-27
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.64, 2019-03-20
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.63, 2019-03-14
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.62, 2019-02-21
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.61, 2019-02-13
- PHP Errors are generated when deleted FPP objects do not exist.
- Update TableField to tablefield-7.x-3.2.
- Update Menu Block to menu_block-7.x-2.8.
- Upgrade File Entity (file_entity) to 7.x-2.25.

7.x-1.60, 2019-01-23
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.59, 2019-01-17
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.58, 2018-12-11
- File entity overwriting slide title on spotlight widgets.
- Normalize "Slide duration" for Spotlight widgets.
- Update Media to 2.21.
- Update file_entity to 2.22.

7.x-1.57, 2018-10-18
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.56, 2018-10-10
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.55, 2018-07-04
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.54, 2018-05-10
- Upgrade media and media_youtube in panopoly_widgets.
- Update to Drupal core 7.59 and Media for SA-CORE-2018-004.
- File and Image widgets show PHP notices when underlying file has been deleted.
- Widgets can be saved without any content.
- Update and patch Simple GMAP.
- Update TableField to 7.x-3.1.

7.x-1.51, 2018-02-22
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.50, 2018-02-15
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.49, 2017-12-13
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.48, 2017-11-30
- Edit file button appears on Media style selector modal.
- Update to Media 2.13 and File Entity 2.12.

7.x-1.47, 2017-08-17
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.46, 2017-06-21
- Fields shown when adding a reusable widget, even if the user doesn't have
  permission to edit them.
- Use Media Browser on Spotlight widget.

7.x-1.45, 2017-05-11
- Update of Media to 2.1 for security issue DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2017-044.
- Add option to Submenu widget to control how many levels down to expand
  children, when using the "Expand all children" option.

7.x-1.44, 2017-04-13
- Update to Media 2.0.
- Incorrect image style used in WYSIWYG on updated sites.

7.x-1.43, 2017-02-22
- No changes since last release.

7.x-1.42, 2017-02-17
- Update Media module to 7.x-2.0-rc3.
- Spotlight title display problems at mobile width.
- Use linkit on path for "Make title a link" for all FPP widgets.
- Use linkit on Spotlight.
- URLs truncated on Image widgets.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.41, 2016-11-17
- Switch Image widget to use Media Browser.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.40, 2016-08-20
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.39, 2016-08-18
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.38, 2016-08-03
- Ability to link images placed with image widget.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.37, 2016-06-16
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.36, 2016-06-16
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.35, 2016-05-04
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.34, 2016-04-20
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.33, 2016-04-14
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.32, 2016-03-03
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.31, 2016-02-25
- Panopoly_widgets Schema Update 7016 Integrity constraint violation.
- Pass entity to 'panopoly_spotlight_wrapper' and 'panopoly_spotlight_view'
  theme functions.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.30, 2016-01-06
- Access denied when adding Media in WYSIWYG.
- Don't set default image for image widget.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.29, 2015-11-18
- Patching media for opening multiple media browser popups.
- Update to Media 2.0-beta1 and File Entity 2.0-beta2.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.28, 2015-10-21
- Text on tabs on Media Browser is lower than it is on other interfaces.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.27, 2015-09-02
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.26, 2015-08-19
- Panopoly Widgets - support the Title module.
- Counting Spotlight clicks.
- Update media_vimeo to version 2.1.
- Update Vimeo configuration export.
- Spotlight accessibility regressions.
- Panopoly Widgets overridden after upgrade to -dev.
- Move rendering of Spotlight formatter into theme template.
- Update tablefield to version 2.4.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.25, 2015-07-08
- Split spotlight JS into it's own file.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.24, 2015-07-02
- Media dialog missing styles.
- Update to media_youtube 3.0.
- Update to menu_block 2.7.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.23, 2015-06-17
- Update jquery_update to version 2.5.
- Spotlight titles without descriptions wrapping to a second line.
- Update menu_block to version 2.6.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.22, 2015-06-04
- Add locale language filter to "Add content item" widget View.
- Update Media to 2.0-alpha4.
- Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5.
- Spotlight widget shouldn't assume that image exists when rendering.
- Revert "Issue #2479569: Update tablefield to version 2.4".
- Update tablefield to version 2.4.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.21, 2015-04-29
- Update Features module to version 2.5.
- Content Item widget initial preview is confusing.
- Document names in the Media "Library" overflow outside of their boxes.
- "File name" filter in Media "Library" loses focus after each keystroke.
- Media browser tabs give little indication that a tab is selected.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.20, 2015-03-25
- CHANGELOG.txt updates for 1.19 went wrong.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.19, 2015-03-19
- Updated CHANGELOG.txt for 7.x-1.19 release.
- Panopoly_widgets makes it hard/impossible to implement responsive tables
  strategy for the whole site.
- Media Vimeo patch to fix improper Exception handling.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.18, 2015-02-26
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.17, 2015-02-18
- Revert "Issue #2424709 by joegraduate: Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5".
- Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.16, 2015-02-12
- Overriding title in "Content Item" widget doesn't work for "Featured" view mode of Content Pages.
- Switch "Content Item" widget to use some kind of entity reference field rather than title with autocomplete filter.
- Allow the title of "Content item" widgets to be overridden.
- Remove empty ("no results") message from "Content list" and "Content item" widgets.
- Add option to support sorting by updated date to Content List.
- Submenu widget broken - Fatal error:  Call to undefined function menu_block_configure_form_follow_validate() - take 2!.
- Submenu widget broken - Fatal error:  Call to undefined function menu_block_configure_form_follow_validate().
- Spotlight Pause/Pause/Prev/Next buttons stop working after opening or saving Panels IPE.
- Allow configuring file types for "File" widget without overriding the Feature.
- Map widget pane-content should hide overflow as opposed to entire pane.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.15, 2015-01-12
- Spotlight: Allow hiding of pager, replace with previous/next controls
- Spotlight should allow an empty title field

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.14, 2014-11-19
- Fixed "Content Type" filter on the "Add content item" widget is broken.
- Update 'link' module to version 1.3 (fix overridden Features).
- Added Too narrow Spotlight headline area.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.13, 2014-10-17
- Fixed Patch for tablefield not needed.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.12, 2014-10-15
- Added only show number and play on spotlight if pics no >= 2.
- Added Spotlight image should link to URL.
- Added per-spotlight setting for slide rotation duration.
- Fixed Default permissions only allow 'administrator' to add media.
- Fixed panopoly_widgets_update_7003() fails to properly update 'Video' widgets.
- Update 'media_vimeo' to version 2.0.
- Fixed update 7007 fails if field exists.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.11, 2014-08-14
- Update TableField to version 2.3 for SA-CONTRIB-2014-077.
- Added highlighting to Add Table widget to distinguish header row.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.10, 2014-08-06
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.9, 2014-07-31
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.8, 2014-07-25
- Fixed Alt and Title double encoded in WYSIWYG.
- Fixed When inserting Image in WYSIWYG, the second set of alt/title fields is ignored. (take two).
- Fixed When inserting Image in WYSIWYG, the second set of alt/title fields is ignored.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.7, 2014-07-16
- Move panopoly_page's hook_menu_block_tree_alter() to panopoly_widgets.
- Fixed 'file_display' components are always overridden (update Media / File Entity).
- Fixed Accessibility issues for link markup on Add Content overlay.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.6, 2014-05-22
- Could not find "Fixed parent item" when adding Menu Block.
- Update 'menu_block' module to 2.4.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.5, 2014-04-30
- Crop on spotlight widget does nothing when Spotlight is new.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.4, 2014-04-24
- No changes since last release.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.3, 2014-04-23
- Crop pictures when inserting them.
- Spotlight Accessibility Improvements.
- Update Media to at least 7.x-2.0-alpha3+37-dev for PSA-2014-001.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.2, 2014-13-08
- Errors in widget.css.
- Remove font-family from spotlight.

Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.1, 2014-01-13
- Upgrade from 1.0-rc3 fails: Table 'pathauto_state' doesn't exist (2nd attempt!).
- Update simple_gmap to version 1.2.
- Spotlight widget breaks with jquery_update to jQuery UI >= 1.9.
- Update all features.
- Add AJAX bug fix patch to 'tablefield'.
- Use #title_display rather than unsetting #title.
- Update simple_gmap to version 1.1.
- Update file_entity and media to version 2.0-alpha3.
- Spotlight gives an ajax error and title does not ever change.
- Move file_entity permissions from panopoly_admin to panopoly_widgets.


View source
  1. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.83, 2021-07-21
  2. -------------------
  3. - No changes since last release.
  4. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.82, 2021-07-21
  5. -------------------
  6. - No changes since last release.
  7. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.81, 2021-06-10
  8. -------------------
  9. - Update Simple GMap.
  10. - "Content item" widget gives validation error if attempting to use a piece
  11. of content with a title longer than 128 characters.
  12. - Multiple Spotlight widgets on the same page leads to duplicate IDs.
  13. - Update Media, YouTube, File Entity.
  14. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.80, 2021-04-26
  15. -------------------
  16. - No changes since last release.
  17. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.79, 2021-01-20
  18. -------------------
  19. - Patch media_youtube to fix failing embeds.
  20. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.78, 2020-11-30
  21. -------------------
  22. - No changes since last release.
  23. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.77, 2020-11-19
  24. -------------------
  25. - No changes since last release.
  26. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.76, 2020-09-17
  27. -------------------
  28. - No changes since last release.
  29. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.75, 2020-06-18
  30. -------------------
  31. - No changes since last release.
  32. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.74, 2020-05-20
  33. -------------------
  34. - File widget doesn't seem to switch to Media browser in update tests.
  35. - Fix Features overridden after tablefield patch from #3130749.
  36. - Update Panopoly Widgets with latest version of Media (media-7.x-2.26).
  37. - Update Panopoly Widgets with latest version of TableField
  38. (tablefield-7.x-3.6).
  39. - Fieldable Panels Panes fields missing from UI.
  40. - Patch Tablefield for header row orientation per widget.
  41. - Modifying content of reusable widgets doesn't actually save when first
  42. adding the widget.
  43. - Update Media modules in Panopoly Widgets.
  44. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.72, 2019-12-19
  45. -------------------
  46. - Switch File widget to use Media Browser.
  47. - Add "Crop" tool to Spotlight widget.
  48. - Accessibility improvements for the mini pager on the Spotlight widget.
  49. - PHP notices when Piece of Content widget is empty.
  50. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.71, 2019-11-19
  51. -------------------
  52. - No changes since last release.
  53. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.70, 2019-06-28
  54. -------------------
  55. - Hide "Always display title" option on Submenu widget.
  56. - Getting ready for the 1.69 release.
  57. 7.x-1.69, 2019-06-07
  58. -------------------
  59. - Update Panopoly Widgets to media_youtube-7.x-3.8.
  60. - Taking "Manage Fields" paths of content type like
  61. "admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields" redirects to wrong non-existing
  62. path.
  63. 7.x-1.68, 2019-05-29
  64. -------------------
  65. - Update tablefield to 7.x-3.5 for SA-CONTRIB-2019-051.
  66. 7.x-1.67, 2019-05-09
  67. -------------------
  68. - Allow Spotlight links to be up to 255 characters.
  69. 7.x-1.66, 2019-04-18
  70. -------------------
  71. - Security update for TableField module (tablefield-7.x-3.4).
  72. 7.x-1.65, 2019-03-27
  73. -------------------
  74. - No changes since last release.
  75. 7.x-1.64, 2019-03-20
  76. -------------------
  77. - No changes since last release.
  78. 7.x-1.63, 2019-03-14
  79. -------------------
  80. - No changes since last release.
  81. 7.x-1.62, 2019-02-21
  82. -------------------
  83. - No changes since last release.
  84. 7.x-1.61, 2019-02-13
  85. -------------------
  86. - PHP Errors are generated when deleted FPP objects do not exist.
  87. - Update TableField to tablefield-7.x-3.2.
  88. - Update Menu Block to menu_block-7.x-2.8.
  89. - Upgrade File Entity (file_entity) to 7.x-2.25.
  90. 7.x-1.60, 2019-01-23
  91. -------------------
  92. - No changes since last release.
  93. 7.x-1.59, 2019-01-17
  94. -------------------
  95. - No changes since last release.
  96. 7.x-1.58, 2018-12-11
  97. -------------------
  98. - File entity overwriting slide title on spotlight widgets.
  99. - Normalize "Slide duration" for Spotlight widgets.
  100. - Update Media to 2.21.
  101. - Update file_entity to 2.22.
  102. 7.x-1.57, 2018-10-18
  103. -------------------
  104. - No changes since last release.
  105. 7.x-1.56, 2018-10-10
  106. -------------------
  107. - No changes since last release.
  108. 7.x-1.55, 2018-07-04
  109. -------------------
  110. - No changes since last release.
  111. 7.x-1.54, 2018-05-10
  112. -------------------
  113. - Upgrade media and media_youtube in panopoly_widgets.
  114. - Update to Drupal core 7.59 and Media for SA-CORE-2018-004.
  115. - File and Image widgets show PHP notices when underlying file has been deleted.
  116. - Widgets can be saved without any content.
  117. - Update and patch Simple GMAP.
  118. - Update TableField to 7.x-3.1.
  119. 7.x-1.51, 2018-02-22
  120. -------------------
  121. - No changes since last release.
  122. 7.x-1.50, 2018-02-15
  123. -------------------
  124. - No changes since last release.
  125. 7.x-1.49, 2017-12-13
  126. -------------------
  127. - No changes since last release.
  128. 7.x-1.48, 2017-11-30
  129. -------------------
  130. - Edit file button appears on Media style selector modal.
  131. - Update to Media 2.13 and File Entity 2.12.
  132. 7.x-1.47, 2017-08-17
  133. -------------------
  134. - No changes since last release.
  135. 7.x-1.46, 2017-06-21
  136. -------------------
  137. - Fields shown when adding a reusable widget, even if the user doesn't have
  138. permission to edit them.
  139. - Use Media Browser on Spotlight widget.
  140. 7.x-1.45, 2017-05-11
  141. -------------------
  142. - Update of Media to 2.1 for security issue DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2017-044.
  143. - Add option to Submenu widget to control how many levels down to expand
  144. children, when using the "Expand all children" option.
  145. 7.x-1.44, 2017-04-13
  146. -------------------
  147. - Update to Media 2.0.
  148. - Incorrect image style used in WYSIWYG on updated sites.
  149. 7.x-1.43, 2017-02-22
  150. -------------------
  151. - No changes since last release.
  152. 7.x-1.42, 2017-02-17
  153. -------------------
  154. - Update Media module to 7.x-2.0-rc3.
  155. - Spotlight title display problems at mobile width.
  156. - Use linkit on path for "Make title a link" for all FPP widgets.
  157. - Use linkit on Spotlight.
  158. - URLs truncated on Image widgets.
  159. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.41, 2016-11-17
  160. ------------------------------
  161. - Switch Image widget to use Media Browser.
  162. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.40, 2016-08-20
  163. ------------------------------
  164. - No changes since last release.
  165. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.39, 2016-08-18
  166. ------------------------------
  167. - No changes since last release.
  168. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.38, 2016-08-03
  169. ------------------------------
  170. - Ability to link images placed with image widget.
  171. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.37, 2016-06-16
  172. ------------------------------
  173. - No changes since last release.
  174. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.36, 2016-06-16
  175. ------------------------------
  176. - No changes since last release.
  177. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.35, 2016-05-04
  178. ------------------------------
  179. - No changes since last release.
  180. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.34, 2016-04-20
  181. ------------------------------
  182. - No changes since last release.
  183. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.33, 2016-04-14
  184. ------------------------------
  185. - No changes since last release.
  186. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.32, 2016-03-03
  187. ------------------------------
  188. - No changes since last release.
  189. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.31, 2016-02-25
  190. ------------------------------
  191. - Panopoly_widgets Schema Update 7016 Integrity constraint violation.
  192. - Pass entity to 'panopoly_spotlight_wrapper' and 'panopoly_spotlight_view'
  193. theme functions.
  194. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.30, 2016-01-06
  195. ------------------------------
  196. - Access denied when adding Media in WYSIWYG.
  197. - Don't set default image for image widget.
  198. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.29, 2015-11-18
  199. ------------------------------
  200. - Patching media for opening multiple media browser popups.
  201. - Update to Media 2.0-beta1 and File Entity 2.0-beta2.
  202. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.28, 2015-10-21
  203. ------------------------------
  204. - Text on tabs on Media Browser is lower than it is on other interfaces.
  205. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.27, 2015-09-02
  206. ------------------------------
  207. - No changes since last release.
  208. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.26, 2015-08-19
  209. ------------------------------
  210. - Panopoly Widgets - support the Title module.
  211. - Counting Spotlight clicks.
  212. - Update media_vimeo to version 2.1.
  213. - Update Vimeo configuration export.
  214. - Spotlight accessibility regressions.
  215. - Panopoly Widgets overridden after upgrade to -dev.
  216. - Move rendering of Spotlight formatter into theme template.
  217. - Update tablefield to version 2.4.
  218. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.25, 2015-07-08
  219. ------------------------------
  220. - Split spotlight JS into it's own file.
  221. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.24, 2015-07-02
  222. ------------------------------
  223. - Media dialog missing styles.
  224. - Update to media_youtube 3.0.
  225. - Update to menu_block 2.7.
  226. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.23, 2015-06-17
  227. ------------------------------
  228. - Update jquery_update to version 2.5.
  229. - Spotlight titles without descriptions wrapping to a second line.
  230. - Update menu_block to version 2.6.
  231. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.22, 2015-06-04
  232. ------------------------------
  233. - Add locale language filter to "Add content item" widget View.
  234. - Update Media to 2.0-alpha4.
  235. - Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5.
  236. - Spotlight widget shouldn't assume that image exists when rendering.
  237. - Revert "Issue #2479569: Update tablefield to version 2.4".
  238. - Update tablefield to version 2.4.
  239. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.21, 2015-04-29
  240. ------------------------------
  241. - Update Features module to version 2.5.
  242. - Content Item widget initial preview is confusing.
  243. - Document names in the Media "Library" overflow outside of their boxes.
  244. - "File name" filter in Media "Library" loses focus after each keystroke.
  245. - Media browser tabs give little indication that a tab is selected.
  246. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.20, 2015-03-25
  247. ------------------------------
  248. - CHANGELOG.txt updates for 1.19 went wrong.
  249. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.19, 2015-03-19
  250. -------------------------------
  251. - Updated CHANGELOG.txt for 7.x-1.19 release.
  252. - Panopoly_widgets makes it hard/impossible to implement responsive tables
  253. strategy for the whole site.
  254. - Media Vimeo patch to fix improper Exception handling.
  255. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.18, 2015-02-26
  256. ------------------------------
  257. - No changes since last release.
  258. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.17, 2015-02-18
  259. ------------------------------
  260. - Revert "Issue #2424709 by joegraduate: Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5".
  261. - Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5.
  262. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.16, 2015-02-12
  263. ------------------------------
  264. - Overriding title in "Content Item" widget doesn't work for "Featured" view mode of Content Pages.
  265. - Switch "Content Item" widget to use some kind of entity reference field rather than title with autocomplete filter.
  266. - Allow the title of "Content item" widgets to be overridden.
  267. - Remove empty ("no results") message from "Content list" and "Content item" widgets.
  268. - Add option to support sorting by updated date to Content List.
  269. - Submenu widget broken - Fatal error: Call to undefined function menu_block_configure_form_follow_validate() - take 2!.
  270. - Submenu widget broken - Fatal error: Call to undefined function menu_block_configure_form_follow_validate().
  271. - Spotlight Pause/Pause/Prev/Next buttons stop working after opening or saving Panels IPE.
  272. - Allow configuring file types for "File" widget without overriding the Feature.
  273. - Map widget pane-content should hide overflow as opposed to entire pane.
  274. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.15, 2015-01-12
  275. ------------------------------
  276. - Spotlight: Allow hiding of pager, replace with previous/next controls
  277. - Spotlight should allow an empty title field
  278. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.14, 2014-11-19
  279. ------------------------------
  280. - Fixed "Content Type" filter on the "Add content item" widget is broken.
  281. - Update 'link' module to version 1.3 (fix overridden Features).
  282. - Added Too narrow Spotlight headline area.
  283. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.13, 2014-10-17
  284. ------------------------------
  285. - Fixed Patch for tablefield not needed.
  286. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.12, 2014-10-15
  287. ------------------------------
  288. - Added only show number and play on spotlight if pics no >= 2.
  289. - Added Spotlight image should link to URL.
  290. - Added per-spotlight setting for slide rotation duration.
  291. - Fixed Default permissions only allow 'administrator' to add media.
  292. - Fixed panopoly_widgets_update_7003() fails to properly update 'Video' widgets.
  293. - Update 'media_vimeo' to version 2.0.
  294. - Fixed update 7007 fails if field exists.
  295. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.11, 2014-08-14
  296. ------------------------------
  297. - Update TableField to version 2.3 for SA-CONTRIB-2014-077.
  298. - Added highlighting to Add Table widget to distinguish header row.
  299. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.10, 2014-08-06
  300. ------------------------------
  301. - No changes since last release.
  302. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.9, 2014-07-31
  303. ------------------------------
  304. - No changes since last release.
  305. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.8, 2014-07-25
  306. ------------------------------
  307. - Fixed Alt and Title double encoded in WYSIWYG.
  308. - Fixed When inserting Image in WYSIWYG, the second set of alt/title fields is ignored. (take two).
  309. - Fixed When inserting Image in WYSIWYG, the second set of alt/title fields is ignored.
  310. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.7, 2014-07-16
  311. ------------------------------
  312. - Move panopoly_page's hook_menu_block_tree_alter() to panopoly_widgets.
  313. - Fixed 'file_display' components are always overridden (update Media / File Entity).
  314. - Fixed Accessibility issues for link markup on Add Content overlay.
  315. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.6, 2014-05-22
  316. ------------------------------
  317. - Could not find "Fixed parent item" when adding Menu Block.
  318. - Update 'menu_block' module to 2.4.
  319. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.5, 2014-04-30
  320. ------------------------------
  321. - Crop on spotlight widget does nothing when Spotlight is new.
  322. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.4, 2014-04-24
  323. ------------------------------
  324. - No changes since last release.
  325. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.3, 2014-04-23
  326. ------------------------------
  327. - Crop pictures when inserting them.
  328. - Spotlight Accessibility Improvements.
  329. - Update Media to at least 7.x-2.0-alpha3+37-dev for PSA-2014-001.
  330. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.2, 2014-13-08
  331. ------------------------------
  332. - Add CHANGELOG.txt
  333. - Errors in widget.css.
  334. - Remove font-family from spotlight.
  335. Panopoly Widgets 7.x-1.1, 2014-01-13
  336. ------------------------------
  337. - Upgrade from 1.0-rc3 fails: Table 'pathauto_state' doesn't exist (2nd attempt!).
  338. - Update simple_gmap to version 1.2.
  339. - Spotlight widget breaks with jquery_update to jQuery UI >= 1.9.
  340. - Update all features.
  341. - Add AJAX bug fix patch to 'tablefield'.
  342. - Use #title_display rather than unsetting #title.
  343. - Update simple_gmap to version 1.1.
  344. - Update file_entity and media to version 2.0-alpha3.
  345. - Spotlight gives an ajax error and title does not ever change.
  346. - Move file_entity permissions from panopoly_admin to panopoly_widgets.