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CHANGELOG.txt in Panopoly 7

Panopoly 7.x-1.83, 2021-07-21
- Remove change that I accidentally committed.

Panopoly 7.x-1.82, 2021-07-21
- Update to Drupal 7.82 for SA-CORE-2021-004.
- Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements
  Countable in panopoly_core_preprocess_page() (line 96 of
- Specify default configurations in Behat test suite.
- Start testing upgrade from 1.80.

Panopoly 7.x-1.81, 2021-06-10
- Tests on Travis broken with warning: Invalid argument supplied for
  foreach() - fix accidental changes to composer.json.
- Update Link to 1.9.
- Update Simple GMap.
- Tests on Travis broken with warning: Invalid argument supplied for
  foreach() - second try.
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more
  than a year ago.
- Tests on Travis broken with warning: Invalid argument supplied for
- "Content item" widget gives validation error if attempting to use a piece
  of content with a title longer than 128 characters.
- Multiple Spotlight widgets on the same page leads to duplicate IDs.
- Show descriptions when adding widgets and preview mode is "Automatic" or
- Manual Crop doesn't work with strong Content Security Policy.
- Current page title on taxonomy term page is put before parent page title
  in breadcrumb.
- Update Views Bulk Operations to 3.6.
- Update Token to 1.8.
- Update Search API and DB.
- Update Linkit to 3.6.
- Update Media, YouTube, File Entity.
- Update Features to 2.13.
- Update Panels to 3.10 and CTools to 1.19.

Panopoly 7.x-1.80, 2021-04-26
- Update to Drupal 7.80 for SA-CORE-2021-002.
- Start testing upgrade from 1.79.

Panopoly 7.x-1.79, 2021-01-20
- Update to Drupal 7.78 for SA-CORE-2021-001.
- Patch media_youtube to fix failing embeds.
- Start testing upgrade from 1.78.

Panopoly 7.x-1.78, 2020-11-30
- Update to Drupal 7.75 for SA-CORE-2020-013.
- Start testing upgrade from 1.77.

Panopoly 7.x-1.77, 2020-11-19
- Update to Drupal 7.74 for SA-CORE-2020-012.
- Fix Travis builds with composer 2.x.
- Patch contrib modules for PHP 7.4.
- Start testing upgrade from 1.76.

Panopoly 7.x-1.76, 2020-09-17
- Update to Drupal 7.73 for SA-CORE-2020-007.
- Start testing upgrade from 1.75.

Panopoly 7.x-1.75, 2020-06-18
- Update to Drupal 7.72 for SA-CORE-2020-004.
- Update the Behat Drupal extension to 4.0.1.
- Revert "Update the composer files for Travis".
- Update the composer files for Travis.
- Detect PHP notices/errors.
- Removing 7.x-1.73 because it will fail for not having been a "complete"
- Start testing upgrades from 1.72 and 1.73.

Panopoly 7.x-1.74, 2020-05-20
- Merge tag '7.x-1.73' into 7.x-1.x.
- Update to Drupal 7.70 for SA-CORE-2020-002 and SA-CORE-2020-003.
- File widget doesn't seem to switch to Media browser in update tests.
- Modernize the set of PHP versions used in the tests.
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more
  than a year ago.
- Fix Features overridden after tablefield patch from #3130749.
- Update Panopoly Widgets with latest version of Media (media-7.x-2.26).
- Update Panopoly Widgets with latest version of TableField
- Update Panopoly Core with latest version of Views (views-7.x-3.24).
- Fix fatal error in Date with PHP 7.1+.
- Panopoly_magic doesn't render previews for field_collection's with
  field_collection 7.x-1.1.
- Fieldable Panels Panes fields missing from UI.
- Moving (some?) panopoly_search variables out of strongarm.
- Patch Tablefield for header row orientation per widget.
- Prevent PHP notice (Undefined index: title in link_field_load()) during
  live preview of Image widgets.
- Modifying content of reusable widgets doesn't actually save when first
  adding the widget.
- Update WYSIWYG to version 2.6.
- Add a 'robo git:pre-commit' to ensure we run 'robo build:drupal-org-make'
  before committing.
- Revert "Issue #3094890 by cboyden: Update WYSIWYG to version 2.6".
- Forgot to run 'robo build:drupal-org-make' before last two commits!.
- Update Media modules in Panopoly Widgets.
- Update WYSIWYG to version 2.6.
- Update Link to version 1.7.
- Add 'robo diff --uncommitted' for making patches from local changes.
- Fix undefined index in panopoly_admin_menu_validate.
- Add Robo command to easily make single module patches for
- Forgot to run 'robo build:drupal-org-make' after the latest .make file
- Update Panopoly Core with latest version of Views (views-7.x-3.23).
- Update Facet API and Search API Solr.
- Update Panopoly Core with latest version of Views (views-7.x-3.23).
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.72 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.73, 2020-05-20
- Issue #3138388: Update to Drupal 7.70 for SA-CORE-2020-002 and SA-CORE-2020-003

Panopoly 7.x-1.72, 2019-12-19
- Issue #3102147: Update to Drupal 7.69 for SA-CORE-2019-012.
- Issue #2884143 by dsnopek, cboyden: Switch File widget to use Media
- Issue #2574369 by dsnopek, cboyden: Tests fail with Radix.
- Fix 'robo create-test-branch' for patches that make .orig or .rej files.
- Issue #2975934 by dsnopek, cboyden: Accessibility improvements for the
  mini pager on the Spotlight widget.
- Issue #2672468 by cboyden: PHP notices when Piece of Content widget is
- Issue #3087510 by cboyden: PHP notice when panes have no titles.
- Issue #3030478 by collinhaines, junaidpv, cboyden: Notice: Only variables
  should be passed by reference in
- Issue #2743231 by dsnopek: Add Views Pane error - Undefined index:
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.71 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.71, 2019-11-19
- Issue #3094252:  Update admin_views to 7.x-1.7 for SA-CONTRIB-2019-076.
- Issue #3069824 by dsnopek, cboyden: Display type setting doesn't work for
  overridden views displays.
- Backport support for PANOPOLY_BEHAT_WINDOW_SIZE from 8.x-2.x.
- Issue #2454947 by dsnopek, cboyden: Preview doesn't update when editing
  the value of a field via FAPE.
- Issue #3076935 by dsnopek, cboyden: Live preview doesn't update when
  Views pane uses Views caching.
- Fix tests on Travis.
- Issue #3030479 by collinhaines, cboyden: Notice: Undefined index:
  triggering_element in
- Issue #3070684 by dsnopek, cboyden: Add option to disallow view mode
  selection for Views content panes in IPE.
- Fix minor issues with 'robo create-test-branch'.
- Change Behat version to hopefully fix the tests.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.70 release.
- Updated panopoly_magic's CHANGELOG.txt for 7.x-1.70 release.
- Issue #2971163 by dsnopek: Aaaah! Forgot panopoly_magic.
- Issue #2971163 by dsnopek: 'robo release' wouldn't work with
  composer.json modified for Travis, so completely split those.

Panopoly 7.x-1.70, 2019-06-28
- Issue #2971163 by dsnopek: Attempt to fix extra 'drush rn' output mixing
  into CHANGELOG.txt.
- Issue #2971163 by dsnopek: Replace all scripts and Phing build process
  with Robo.
- Issue #3033212 by dsnopek, cboyden: Hide "Always display title" option on
  Submenu widget.
- Issue #2905972 by dsnopek, cboyden: Use empty alt="" on images without
  alt, rather than omitting alt attribute.
- Issue #2477303 by dsnopek: Drop support for updating from Panopoly
  version that were release more than a year ago.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.68 and 1.69 releases.

7.x-1.69, 2019-06-07
- Issue #2851122 by dsnopek: Update scripts/ for monorepo.
- Fix .make file generation.
- Issue #2851122: Move Panopoly from 'manyrepos' to 'monorepo' with a subtree
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #3053321 by byronveale, dsnopek: Update
  Panopoly Search to search_api-7.x-1.26.
- Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3053322 by byronveale: Update Panopoly Widgets to
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3053320 by byronveale: Update Panopoly Core to
  use views-7.x-3.22.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3053318 by byronveale: Update Panopoly Core to
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3053316 by byronveale: Update Panopoly Core to
  use devel-7.x-1.7.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3053315 by byronveale: Update to
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3039431 by junaidpv: Taking "Manage Fields"
  paths of content type like "admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields"
  redirects to wrong non-existing path.

7.x-1.68, 2019-05-29
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3057972: Update UUID to 7.x-1.3 for SA-
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3057971: Update tablefield to 7.x-3.5 for
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.67 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.67 release.

7.x-1.67, 2019-05-09
- Update to Drupal 7.67 for SA-CORE-2019-007.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3052950 by dsnopek: Allow Spotlight links
  to be up to 255 characters.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2975931 by dsnopek, aubjr_drupal: Update
  default jQuery version to 1.10 on new sites.
- Move disruptive composer.json/lock out of the top-level directory.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.66 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.66 release.

7.x-1.66, 2019-04-18
- Update to Drupal 7.66 for SA-CORE-2019-006.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3048952: Security update for TableField
  module (tablefield-7.x-3.4).
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.65 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.65 release.

7.x-1.65, 2019-03-27
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #3043878 by byronveale: Security update,
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.64 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.64 release.

7.x-1.64, 2019-03-20
- Update to Drupal 7.65 for SA-CORE-2019-004.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.63 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.63 release.

7.x-1.63, 2019-03-14
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3039961 by cboyden, bkosborne: Update to Views
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.62 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.62 release.

7.x-1.62, 2019-02-21
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3034517 by byronveale: Update to link-7.x-1.6.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.61 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.61 release.

7.x-1.61, 2019-02-13
- Start testing upgrades from latest versions, and drop those over a year old.
- Update to Drupal 7.64.
- Update Panopoly Admin and Core for Issue #3021508 by byronveale, dsnopek:
  Update Administration Menu to admin_menu-7.x-3.0-rc6.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2611876 by cboyden, dsnopek, mpotter: Add
  descriptions to Single Preview mode in Panopoly Magic.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3027578 by wylbur, dsnopek: PHP Errors are
  generated when deleted FPP objects do not exist.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2984994 by byronveale, dsnopek: Upgrade Link
  module to 1.5.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3021518 by byronveale: Update TableField to
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3021497 by byronveale: Update Menu Block to
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2984990 by byronveale: Upgrade File Entity
  (file_entity) to 7.x-2.25.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3021551 by byronveale: Update Features to
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.60 release.

7.x-1.60, 2019-01-23
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3027936: Update panels_breadcrumbs for SA-
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.59 release.

7.x-1.59, 2019-01-17
- Update to Drupal 7.63.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.58 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.58 release.

7.x-1.58, 2018-12-11
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948466 by bkosborne: Patch defaultcontent
  module to remove PHP7 deprecation warning.
- Update Panopoly Core and Magic for Issue #2968560 by dsnopek, cboyden: Allow
  overriding "more" text on Views-based widgets.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2995003 by dsnopek, cboyden: File entity
  overwriting slide title on spotlight widgets.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2982707 by dsnopek, cboyden: Swap order of
  "Save" and "Update Preview" buttons when in manual preview mode.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2973185 by dsnopek, cboyden: Normalize
  "Slide duration" for Spotlight widgets.
- Update Drupal to 7.61.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #3011888 by dsnopek: Update search_api to
  1.25 and search_api_db to 1.7.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3011887 by dsnopek: Update Media to 2.21.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3011886 by dsnopek: Update file_entity to
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3011889 by dsnopek: Update uuid module to 1.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948753 by bkosborne, cboyden: Patch panels
  breadcrumb module to remove deprecation notice in PHP 7.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948768 by bkosborne, Jorrit, RobLoach:
  Patch/update views bulk operations to remove deprecation warnings in PHP 7.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948717 by bkosborne, berliner: Patch features
  to remove deprecation warning in PHP 7.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948744 by bkosborne, cboyden, byronveale:
  Upgrade & patch migrate module to make it compatible with PHP 7.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3002885 by cboyden: Patch Views for PHP 7.1
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2948454 by bkosborne: Patch admin_menu to
  remove PHP 7 deprecation warning.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948456 by bkosborne, cboyden: Patch apps to
  remove PHP 7 deprecation warning.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948452 by bkosborne, cboyden: Update
  libraries module to resolve deprecation warning for PHP 7.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2853699 by DamienMcKenna, torotil, jelo,
  Asacolips, z.stolar: Out-of-date dependency processing in panopoly_core.
- Add test job for PHP 7.2, which is (currently) allowed to fail.
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  year ago.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.57 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.57 release.

7.x-1.57, 2018-10-18
- Update to Drupal 7.60 for SA-CORE-2018-006.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.55 and 1.56 releases.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.56 release.

7.x-1.56, 2018-10-10
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #3005752 by dsnopek: Update to
  search_api_solr 1.14 for SA-CONTRIB-2018-065.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2995697 by cboyden, dsnopek: PHP notices when
  previewing widgets.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.55 release.

7.x-1.55, 2018-07-04
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2597275 by dsnopek, humansky, skwashd,
  mpotter, bkosborne, byronveale, Jorrit: Update UUID to version 1.1.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2975454 by dsnopek, cboyden: Improve
  accessibility of the 'Single' and 'Manual' preview modes.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2981684 by cboyden: Add alt text for custom
  preview images.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.54 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.54 release.

7.x-1.54, 2018-05-10
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2971200 by dsnopek, cboyden: Fix issues with
  waiting for AJAX in an iframe (Behat).
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2541570 by dsnopek, gdaw, humansky,
  byronveale, bkosborne: Date popup hover issue.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2936050 by byronveale, dsnopek, bkosborne:
  Update Breakpoints module to 7.x-1.6.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2933585 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update
  caption_filter to version 1.3.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2971194 by dsnopek, byronveale: Update Views
  to version 3.20.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2933585 by dsnopek: Update caption_filter
  to version 1.3.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2936050 by byronveale, bkosborne: Update
  Breakpoints module to 7.x-1.4.
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  year ago.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2971189 by dsnopek: Update to migrate 2.9.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2937146 by byronveale, bkosborne: Update
  Module Filter to 7.x-2.1.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2936259 by byronveale, bkosborne: Update Date
  Popup Authored module to 7.x-1.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2936030 by byronveale, bkosborne: Update Apps
  module to 7.x-1.1.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2971198 by dsnopek: Update WYSIWYG to 2.5.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2971188 by dsnopek: Update devel to version
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2933584 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update
  search_api to version 1.24.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933580 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update
  field_group to version 1.6.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2882771 by cboyden, byronveale, dsnopek,
  bkosborne: Update WYSIWYG Filter to 7.x-1.6-rc9.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2931757 by byronveale, joseph.olstad,
  dsnopek, bkosborne: upgrade media and media_youtube in panopoly_widgets.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2561731 by dsnopek, wylbur, bkosborne:
  Update to image_resize_filter 1.16.
- Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2933583 by dsnopek, byronveale: Update
  manualcrop to version 1.7.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933581 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update
  libraries to version 2.3.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933578 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update date to
  version 2.10.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933577 by dsnopek: Update
  views_bulk_operations to version 3.4.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2954647 by dsnopek: Linkit and live
  preview with panes style tests failing on Travis.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2969375 by dsnopek: Declare $javascript
  property in
- Update to Drupal core 7.59 and Media for SA-CORE-2018-004.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2952671 by dsnopek, cboyden: File and Image
  widgets show PHP notices when underlying file has been deleted.
- Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2505357 by cboyden, dsnopek:
  Widgets can be saved without any content.
- Merge tag '7.x-1.52' into 7.x-1.x.
- Update to Drupal 7.58 for SA-CORE-2018-002.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2955645 by dsnopek: "Full screen" button in
  WYSIWYG blanks out content.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2903251 by dsnopek, byronveale, cboyden,
  bkosborne: Update and patch Simple GMAP.
- Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2919401 by cboyden, byronveale,
  dsnopek, bkosborne: Update TableField to 7.x-3.1.
- Try only verifying .make files when not doing an upgrade test.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2945430 by byronveale, cboyden, bkosborne:
  Update to ctools 7.x-1.14.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933582 by dsnopek, bkosborne, cboyden: Update
  views to version 3.18 (add Views patch).
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933582 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update views to
  version 3.18.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.51 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.51 release.

7.x-1.51, 2018-02-22
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.50 release.

7.x-1.50, 2018-02-15
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2944886 by cboyden: Update to Entity API 1.9.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2938996 by dsnopek: Validation for reusable
  FPP's "Admin Title" doesn't fire except when uploading images.
- Update Panopoly Users for Issue #2935666 by vitalie: Undeclared radix_layouts
  dependency in panopoly_users.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2484843 by dsnopek, cboyden: Allow widgets to
  control how their "example" is rendered on the "Add content" dialog (including
  using a static image rather than rendering).
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.49 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.49 release.

7.x-1.49, 2017-12-13
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.47 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.48 release.

7.x-1.48, 2017-11-30
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  year ago.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2923210 by cboyden: Edit file button
  appears on Media style selector modal.
- Fully support PHP 7.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2925659 by dsnopek: Fieldable panels pane
  entities added erroneously to pane configuration.
- Update Panopoly Core and Magic for Issue #2177417 by dsnopek: Widget output
  when editing with IPE can be different than when viewing the page normally
  (easily reproducable with "Submenu" widget).
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2869560 by jamesrward, chrisgross, Jorrit:
  PHP7 Error: Indirect access to variable (revert unintentional change).
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2869560 by jamesrward, chrisgross, Jorrit:
  PHP7 Error: Indirect access to variable.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2916715 by Jorrit: Update token for PHP 7
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2920387 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update to
  Media 2.13 and File Entity 2.12.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2914229 by cboyden: Switch to headless Chrome
  for Travis testing.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2916704 by Jorrit: Add field_group patch for
  PHP 7 compatibility.
- Composer can't find http_request2 library.
- Set composer repository to https.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.47 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.47 release.

7.x-1.47, 2017-08-17
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2902677 by collinhaines, byronveale: Update
  Views to 3.17.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2902696 by collinhaines: Update Entity
  reference to 1.5.
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  year ago.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2890125 by cboyden: Media button isn't
  highlighted when an image is selected.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.46 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.46 release.

7.x-1.46, 2017-06-21
- Update Panopoly Test to revert patch from #2884143 that got accidentally
- Update to Drupal 7.56 for SA-CORE-2017-003.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG, Magic and Test for Issue #2865140 by dsnopek,
  cboyden: Update WYSIWYG to 2.4.
- Update Panopoly Widgets, Magic and Test for Issue #2881473 by cboyden,
  dsnopek: Fields shown when adding a reusable widget, even if the user doesn't
  have permission to edit them.
- Update Panopoly Search and Test for Issue #2854334 by dsnopek, cboyden: Page
  title and H1 on search results page should give number of results for
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2867870 by cboyden: Update Entity API to 1.8.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2778617 by aubjr_drupal, dsnopek, cboyden:
  Update Link to v1.4.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2855737 by byronveale, candelas: Update Panels
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2875842 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update to FPP
  1.11 and enable revision locking on existing sites.
- Tests sometimes reaching 50 minute limit on Travis since switching to
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2878634: Tests sporadically failing with
  "Element matching css "#edit-submit" not found" on Media tests - try adding a
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2863077 by chrisgross: Update Search API
- Re-run failed Behat scenarios once (in case of gremlins).
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2875018 by cboyden: Abstract screenshot step
  so it can be used without Imgur.
- Try explicitly requesting the 'mysql' service.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2849268 by dsnopek, cboyden: Date picker month
  and year are unreadable in Bootstrap-based theme.
- Try with bigger screen dimensions on Travis CI.
- Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2774911 by dsnopek, annagaz,
  cboyden: Use Media Browser on Spotlight widget.
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  year ago.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.45 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.45 release.

7.x-1.45, 2017-05-11
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2876031 by dsnopek, NicholasS, cboyden:
  Chrome v58 Cannot Edit Images - Tiny MCE Bug setBaseAndExtent.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2877428 by dsnopek, Steve Hanson: Update of
  Media to 2.1 for security issue DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2017-044.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2874638 by dsnopek, cboyden: Add a Behat step
  to manually take a screenshot.
- All Chrome tests failing with "Could not open connection: An unknown server-
  side error".
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2860930 by dsnopek, cboyden: Add option to
  Submenu widget to control how many levels down to expand children, when using
  the "Expand all children" option.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.44 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.44 release.

7.x-1.44, 2017-04-13
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2869079 by dsnopek: Update to Media 2.0.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2856834 by dsnopek: Incorrect image style
  used in WYSIWYG on updated sites.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.43 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.43 release.

7.x-1.43, 2017-02-22
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2855019 by cboyden: Security update to Views
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.41 and 1.42 releases.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.42 release.

7.x-1.42, 2017-02-17
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2850972: Rename 'tests' directory to 'behat'.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2850954: Add composer.lock to .gitignore in
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  year ago.
- Update to Drupal 7.54.
- Update Panopoly Core, Widgets and Images for Issue #2828987 by dsnopek,
  humansky, cboyden, mazze, byronveale, Steve Hanson, ndeet, mpotter: Update
  Media module to 7.x-2.0-rc3.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2623318 by dsnopek: Spotlight title display
  problems at mobile width.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2717277 by dsnopek: Upload screenshots to
  imgur on failed tests.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2803347 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update Behat
  Drupal extension to 3.2.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2789503 by cboyden, dsnopek, temkin: Update
  CTools to 1.12 and Panels to 3.8.
- Update to Drupal core 7.53.
- Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2771333 by dsnopek: Use linkit on
  path for "Make title a link" for all FPP widgets.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2789503 by cboyden, temkin, dsnopek:
  Update CTools to 1.12 and Panels to 3.8".
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2789503 by cboyden, temkin, dsnopek: Update
  CTools to 1.12 and Panels to 3.8.
- Update Panopoly Widgets, WYSIWYG and Test for Issue #2173535 by dsnopek: Use
  linkit on Spotlight.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2832255 by dsnopek, cboyden: URLs truncated
  on Image widgets.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2379145 by dsnopek: Panopoly Magic live
  preview does not render field collections.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2813391 by dsnopek, cboyden: Preview doesn't
  refresh after link is inserted into field with Linkit.
- Merge branch '7.x-1.x' of into 7.x-1.x.
- Update Panopoly Core and Pages for Issue #2597273 by dsnopek: Update to
  Pathauto 1.3.
- Update Panopoly Core and Search for Issue #2765427 by dsnopek, humansky, Jon
  Nunan: Fix tests and 'drush' installation with Drupal 7.50 and greater.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.41 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.41, 2016-11-17
- Upgrade to Drupal 7.52.
- Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2340811 by dsnopek, mcrittenden:
  Switch Image widget to use Media Browser.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2748813 by dsnopek, adamsro: Redirected to
  ajax endpoint when editing with IPE.
- Incorrect storage_id in panopoly_test breaks some child distributions tests.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2790595 by mpotter, humansky: SolrPhpClient
  cannot be downloaded.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2788861: Add Panelizer patch to make
  'administer panelizer' permission work correctly.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.40 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.40 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.40, 2016-08-20
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2787195 by byronveale, dsnopek: Update to
  Panels 7.x-3.7 and Panelizer 7.x-3.4.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2786553 by cboyden: Data loss: Saving in IPE
  without changes can cause previous change to be lost.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2786249 by dsnopek: Panels 3.6 converts user
  configured CSS IDs from underscores to dashes and makes CSS classes lover-
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.39 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.39 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.39, 2016-08-18
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2786249: Panels 3.5 converts user configured
  CSS IDs from underscores to dashes.
- Update Panopoly Core, Admin, Pages, Search, Test, Users for Issue #2785825 by
  dsnopek: Update Panels and Panelizer for SA-CONTRIB-2016-047 and SA-
- Drop support for upgrading from Panopoly versions older than 1 year.
- Update Panopoly Core, Users and Pages for Issue #2429549 by HaiNguyen007,
  dsnopek, DamienMcKenna, mglaman, hefox, mpotter: Update to latest Panelizer.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2753091 by cboyden: Patch Views Autocomplete
  Filters for clunky autocomplete message.
- Fix grammar in readme.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.37 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.38 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.38, 2016-08-03
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2778555 by chrisgross: Update Admin Views to
  1.6 for SA-CONTRIB-2016-041.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2773683 by cboyden, dsnopek: Can't
  distinguish Add links on Add Content dialog.
- Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2013965 by dsnopek, caschbre,
  lsolesen, Andrew_Mallis: ability to link images placed with image widget.
- Revert "Issue #2765427: Update to Drupal 7.50".
- Update to Drupal 7.50.
- Assign UID 1 to 'administrator' role on install.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2418861 by dsnopek: Don't enable
  pantheon_apachesolr on panopoly sites hosted on Pantheon by default.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.37 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.37 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.37, 2016-06-16
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2750185: Update Views to 3.14 for SA-
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.36 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.36 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.36, 2016-06-16
- Update to Drupal 7.44 for SA-CORE-2016-002.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2063541 by lsolesen: Remove Open Sans?.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2728569 by dsnopek: CTools modal positioned
  incorrectly in Bootstrap theme when message is present.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.35 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.35 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.35, 2016-05-04
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2483295 by dsnopek, humansky,
  mglaman, cboyden: Title in FPP is double encoded when making a link.
- Update Panopoly Core and Magic for Issue #2717509 by dsnopek: Update to
  Fieldable Panels Panes 1.10 for SA-CONTRIB-2016-025.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.34 release.
- Merge branch '7.x-1.35' of into 7.x-1.35.
- Drop support for upgrading from Panopoly versions older than 1 year.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.34 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.34, 2016-04-20
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2710389 by dsnopek: Update to search_api
  1.18 for SA-CONTRIB-2016-022.
- Update Panopoly Search and Test for Issue #2561737 by cboyden, mpotter: Update
  search_api to 1.17, search_api_db to 1.5, search_api_solr to 1.10.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2708733 by mpotter: Update Features to 2.10.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.33 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.33 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.33, 2016-04-14
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2706279 by dsnopek: Remove the Respondjs
  library from Panopoly.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2706259: Update to Features 2.9 for SA-
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2694253 by dsnopek, cboyden: Don't log
  searches for empty keywords.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2695563 by dsnopek: Remove debug code from
  Panels IPE.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2467073 by cboyden, dsnopek,
  segovia94: Preview fieldset overflows in Firefox if using a very large image.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.32 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.32 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.32, 2016-03-03
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2679947 by cboyden: Security update to
  fieldable panels panes 1.8.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.31 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.31 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.31, 2016-02-25
- Update to Drupal 7.43 for SA-CORE-2016-001.
- Update Panopoly Widgets and WYSIWYG for Issue #2646372 by dsnopek:
  Panopoly_widgets Schema Update 7016 Integrity constraint violation.
- Phing build exposes too much to the public.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2653834 by dsnopek: Pass entity to
  'panopoly_spotlight_wrapper' and 'panopoly_spotlight_view' theme functions.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.30 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.30 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.30, 2016-01-06
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2645668: "Use an image from elsewhere on the
  web" test failing.
- Assign UID 1 to 'administrator' role on install.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2645654: Update field_group to 1.5 for SA-
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2637004 by humansky: Default admin role.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2623662 by dsnopek: Access denied when
  adding Media in WYSIWYG.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2617618 by dsnopek: Don't set default image
  for image widget.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.29 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.29 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.29, 2015-11-18
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2618206 by mpotter: Patching media for
  opening multiple media browser popups.
- Bah! We don't want to test only 7.x-1.29, but skip testing 8.x-2.x (otherwise
  we lose the issue branch tests).
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2616342 by rajarju: User base_url for showing
  site url over permalink field (label).
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2610366 by mpotter: Panels patches for Atrium.
- Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2573877 by Andrew_Mallis: tighten up media
  browser thumbnails.
- Merge branch '7.x-1.29' of into 7.x-1.29.
- For now, only test the 7.x-1.29 branch.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2533688 by dsnopek: Update to Media
  2.0-beta1 and File Entity 2.0-beta2.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2592731 by mpotter: Update Features 2.7 (and
  Features Override).
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2578219 by mglaman: Update defaultconfig to
  version 1.0-alpha11.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2597273: Update to Pathauto 1.3".
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2567483 by humansky: Update to Date 2.9.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2597273: Update to Pathauto 1.3.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2561733: Update to CTools 1.9.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2553903: Update to Linkit 3.4.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.28 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.28 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.28, 2015-10-21
- Update to Drupal 7.41 for SA-CORE-2015-004 and jquery_update for SA-
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2557317 by visabhishek, rhuffstedtler: Remove
  question mark from Enable/Disable link on pane library.
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  year ago.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2560753 by amaisano: Search block pane
  config ignores prompt override.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2560753 by amaisano: Search block
  pane config ignores prompt override".
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2583449 by LCM: Missing file access checks for
  private files attached to Fieldable Panel Panes.
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2574491 by Alex Bukach: Don't rebuild
  accordions on AJAX requests.
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2541838 by hart0554: Convert accordion
  "heightAuto" to "heightStyle" for jQuery UI >= 1.9.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2562983 by kekkis: Incorporate patch that
  eases creating new text formats.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2562157: Can't distinguish reusable content
  without admin title when previews are in single mode.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2559617 by mglaman: CTools "Undefined index:
  access callback in ctools_entity_from_field_context()".
- Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2558367 by uttamkotekar: Type-o findthe in
  watchdog() text panopoly_images module.
- Update to Selenium 2.47.1 to fix test stability issues.
- failing on Travis-CI.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2552723 by B-Prod: Update to
  simplified_menu_admin 1.0.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2528248 by dsnopek, chrisgross: Text on
  tabs on Media Browser is lower than it is on other interfaces.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2565175 by cboyden: Performance issues when
  indexing HTML-heavy sites.
- Fix the script for the changes in .travis.yml.
- Add back PHP 5.5 and 5.6 tests!.
- Fix permissions on new script files.
- Cache Drush and Composer on Travis for builds.
- Migrate to new Travis infrastructure.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.27 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.27 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.27, 2015-09-02
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2562017: Update to fieldable_panels_panes
  version 1.7 for SA-CONTRIB-2015-145.
- Use latest Chrome on Travis-CI.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2492877 by RobLoach, Albert Volkman: Move
  jQuery version from strongarm to defaultconfig so it can be overridden.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.26 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.26 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.26, 2015-08-19
- Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2474563 by mglaman: Need ctools patch
  for calling node_view more than once".
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2554189: Update to CTools 1.8 for SA-
- Update to Drupal 7.39 for SA-CORE-2015-003.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2391243 by dsnopek, B-Prod: Multilingual
  options for menu does not work.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2185351 by dsnopek, caschbre: Does
  panopoly_admin really depend on panopoly_theme?.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2314059 by Andrew Edwards, dsnopek,
  nlambert, martin_q: Panopoly Widgets - support the Title module.
- Composer.json build requirements should be require-dev and not require.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2534936 by ultimike: Counting Spotlight
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2498437 by dsnopek, mglaman, jfrederick:
  Update media_vimeo to version 2.1.
- Chrome tests failing on Travis-CI.
- Update Panopoly Pages and Test for Issue #2497297 by jfrederick, dsnopek:
  Errors on non-interactive install with drush site-install.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2456255 by dsnopek, mglaman: Update
  views_autocomplete_filters to version 1.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2474563 by mglaman: Need ctools patch for
  calling node_view more than once.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2044147 by populist, jfrederick: Have
  panopoly_search SOLR intergration configured for node access by default.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2504829 by dsnopek, mglaman, mpotter,
  Elijah Lynn: Update Vimeo configuration export.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2530866 by cboyden, jfrederick, Lowell:
  Search indexes source code.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2500307 by mglaman, jfrederick: Update
  search_api to 1.15 and search_api_solr to 1.7.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2117715 by dsnopek, yakoub, mglaman:
  Redirect search block to our search_api-based search.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2534646 by dsnopek: Update from Panopoly
  1.15 or older fails with "Table 'drupal.search_api_task' doesn't exist".
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2434591 by caschbre: Check if
  panopoly_search is enabled in panopoly_search update 7005.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2533504 by drunken monkey: Exported disabled
  server "Solr Server" cannot have an index attached.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2528924 by dsnopek, cboyden, ultimike:
  Spotlight accessibility regressions.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2533064 by dsnopek: Live preview after image
  upload breaks Spotlight (regression).
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2532908 by dsnopek: Panopoly Widgets
  overridden after upgrade to -dev.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2510944 by hefox, mglaman: Update Apps to 1.0.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2334041 by Andrew Edwards: Move rendering
  of Spotlight formatter into theme template.
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2530966 by hart0554, Lowell: Accordion style
  setting "-1" on active doesn't work with jquery ui => 1.9.
- Add 'sudo: required' to our .travis.yml.
- Update Panopoly Core and Test for Issue #2183937 by mglaman, tom friedhof,
  fastangel, mcrittenden: Error on install of Panopoly-based install profile:
  "Column 'module' cannot be null" when profile starts with "e".
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #1980348 by elliotc, ivymy, lsolesen: The
  breadcrumb for create text & image shows ampersand as" & ".
- Update Panopoly Widgets, Magic and Test for Issue #2479569 by dsnopek,
  mglaman: Update tablefield to version 2.4.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2509988 by mglaman: Update to
  image_resize_filter 1.15.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2272721 by mglaman: Image Resize Filter
  never utilized.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.25 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.25 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.25, 2015-07-08
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2525208 by dsnopek, hfarrier: Media dialog
  broken (possible bug).
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2529416: Update to admin_views 1.5 for SA-
- Add phing-based build system to make it easier for contributors to build,
  install and run tests.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2526330 by Andrew Edwards: Split spotlight
  JS into it's own file.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.24 release.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2521644 by dsnopek: Allow video_widget.feature
  to run under Firefox.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.24 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.24, 2015-07-02
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2506371 by dsnopek, chrisgross, humansky:
  Media dialog missing styles.
- Update to Selenium 2.46.
- Revert "Issue #2516882: Update to Selenium 2.46".
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2516868 by dsnopek: Update to
  views_bulk_operations 3.3 for SA-CONTRIB-2015-131.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2516872 by dsnopek: Update to Migrate 2.8 for
- Update Panopoly Core and Widgets for Issue #2506371 by dsnopek, chrisgross,
  humansky: Media dialog missing styles.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2510910 by humansky: Update to
  media_youtube 3.0.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2514518 by dsnopek: Update to menu_block
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2477391 by hefox, mpotter: Update Features to
  version 2.6.
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2093009 by dsnopek: Undefined index: active
  in theme_panopoly_theme_panopoly_accordion_style_render_region(.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.23 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.23 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.23, 2015-06-17
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2507897: Commit composer.lock to increase test
  performance and consistancy.
- Update to Drupal 7.38 for SA-CORE-2015-002.
- Update Panopoly Core and Admin for Issue #2507781: Update to jquery_update 2.6
  for SA-CONTRIB-2015-123.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2496027 by dsnopek: Generate preview
  markup in a theme function/template.
- Update Panopoly Core, Admin and Widgets for Issue #2235081 by dsnopek,
  RobLoach, hefox: Update jquery_update to version 2.5.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2477391 by hefox, mpotter: Update Features to
  version 2.6-rc1.
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2503921 by joegraduate: Update to
  radix_layouts 3.4.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2499289 by dsnopek, lsolesen, cboyden:
  Spotlight titles without descriptions wrapping to a second line.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2449855 by hefox, mglaman: Patch breakpoints
  so it doesn't make cache clear slow on sites with enabled themes not using
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2499979 by joegraduate, mglaman: Update
  menu_block to version 2.6.
- Update Panopoly Pages for Issue #2500351 by mglaman: SQL Integrity constraint
  thrown for Panopoly Landing Page permissions on upgrade.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.22 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.22 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.22, 2015-06-04
- Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  year ago.
- Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2401473 by dsnopek: Update to latest
  ManualCrop 7.x-1.22-dev.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2155377 by dsnopek, sylus, mpotter,
  cboyden: Only show one widget preview at a time when adding content in panels.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2499273: Include Panels and CTools patches for
  improved keyboard accessibility.
- Update Panopoly Core, Magic and Test for Issue #2483265 by dsnopek: Update to
  latest Fieldable Panels Panes (FPP).
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2371247 by dsnopek, cboyden: Upgrade to Behat
  3 / Drupal Extension 3.
- Update to Drupal 7.37.
- Update Panopoly Core and Admin for Issue #2492811 by RobLoach, dsnopek: Move
  jquery_update to panopoly_core.make and .info.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2458677 by mglaman: Add locale language
  filter to "Add content item" widget View.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2374827 by dsnopek, Shawn DeArmond: Write
  Behat test for autocomplete on "Add content item" widget.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2492841 by RobLoach: Switch from
  hook_pre_render_styles() to hook_library_alter().
- Update scripts/ for the addition of the 5.5 and 5.6 jobs.
- Run Travis-CI tests with PHP 5.5 and 5.6 as well.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2459163 by mglaman, dsnopek: Editing
  body of node in FAPE via the IPE doesn't save changes.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2491521 by dsnopek: Warning when content
  includes duplicate IDs and a user defined text format that allows them.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2445119 by dsnopek: Update Media to
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2477469 by dsnopek, mglaman: Style
  settings form breaks 'managed_file' elements, puts 'Cancel' button in 'General
  Settings' fieldset, and gives PHP notices on region style settings.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2491593 by dsnopek: Visual regression on 'Add
  content' dialog for the top-level widget buttons.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2430975 by Shawn DeArmond: Add Behat tests for
  demo content pulled in via panopoly_demo and Migrate.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2456255 by dsnopek: Update
  views_autocomplete_filters to version 1.2".
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2316531 by cornifex: Update Date to 2.9-rc1.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2489630 by mglaman: "@Then /^I should see the
  "([^"]*)" button$/" notice on $region.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2489354 by caschbre: Write Behat test for
  hiding seldom used pane styles via Panopoly Magic.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2489354 by caschbre: Write Behat test
  for hiding seldom used pane styles via Panopoly Magic".
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2466935 by mglaman, hefox: Update apps to rc1.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2424709 by joegraduate: Update 'menu_block'
  module to 2.5.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2456255 by dsnopek: Update
  views_autocomplete_filters to version 1.2.
- Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2486713 by ergophobe: Caption filter doesn't
  select the correct image size when an image's size is manually adjusted.
- Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2489320 by junaidpv: panopoly_images module
  pass incorrect arguments when calling watchdog() inside hook_init()
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2484733 by uladzimir.karol: Replace 'und'
  with the constant LANGUAGE_NONE for multi language site in panopoly_admin.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2485081 by dobe: Alter Search Form Submit.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2481145 by hefox: Undefined events don't have
  definition but afterStep still called, errors out.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2480835 by dsnopek: Spotlight widget
  shouldn't assume that image exists when rendering.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2479569: Update tablefield to
  version 2.4".
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2468371 by dsnopek, cboyden: Provide
  a way for Views to opt out of allowing the "Display type" to be changed on the
  pane settings.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2479569: Update tablefield to version 2.4.
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2453093: Update respondjs to version 1.5.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.21 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.21 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.21, 2015-04-29
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2480383: Update Views to version 3.11 for SA-
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2236815 by segovia94, dsnopek: Set human-
  readable names for all of Panopoly's image styles.
- Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2236815 by segovia94, dsnopek: Set human-
  readable names for all of Panopoly's image styles.
- Update Panopoly Core, Admin, Pages and Test for Issue #2477319: Clean up
  instances of deprecated layouts.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2473365 by dsnopek: WYSIWYG format
  shouldn't use "Convert line breaks into HTML" filter.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #1962642 by Sheldon Rampton: Undefined index:
  default_filename in defaultconfig_defaultconfig_components() (line 418.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2468989 by hanoii: Include views patch to fix
  destination query string on ajax calls from views.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2476723 by dsnopek: Remove 'Radix' from the
  label of each of the layouts.
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2476723 by dsnopek: Remove 'Radix' from the
  label of each of the layouts.
- Update Panopoly Images and Test for Issue #2476227 by dsnopek: Page full of
  variables after changing layout.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2476543 by dsnopek: <meta> tag getting
  added to the WYSIWYG output.
- Fix type-o in scripts/ panopoly_wyiswyg =>
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2444361 by mglaman: Update token module to
  version 1.6.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2451691 by mglaman: Update TinyMCE library
  to 3.5.11.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2472693: Make theming FPPs sane.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2471995 by hefox: menu_rebuild removed, but
  not variable that tracked if had been done.
- Update Panopoly Core and profile for Issue #2468273 by dsnopek: Update to
  Drupal 7.36.
- Update Panopoly Core, Images, Widgets, Admin, Pages, Search and Test for Issue
  #2446165: Update Features module to version 2.5.
- The script should skip all but one upgrade test by
- Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2468445 by RobLoach, dsnopek: Panopoly
  Images targets img elements.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2468445 by RobLoach, dsnopek:
  Panopoly Images targets img elements".
- Update Panoploy WYSIWYG for Issue #2460217 by mcrittenden: LinkIt is broken
  when changing to WYSIWYG editor after save.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2261061 by segovia94, dsnopek, hernani: Allow
  panopoly magic to affect other forms.
- Update Panopoly Images and WYSIWYG for Issue #2287805 by ergophobe, dsnopek,
  cornifex, mglaman: Caption filter does not work with Quarter Size image format
  - or with floated captions.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2456919 by ergophobe: Caption filter not
  properly converting singe quotes to entities.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2463395 by dsnopek: Content Item widget
  initial preview is confusing.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2463389 by dsnopek: PHP notice when adding
  Image pane as an editor.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2461077 by dshields, dsnopek: Hiding the Body
  field label breaks the summary toggle.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2455789: Errors when viewing pages with
  fieldable panels panes with visibility rules.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2459229 by dsnopek: Document names in the
  Media "Library" overflow outside of their boxes.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2459195 by dsnopek: "File name" filter in
  Media "Library" loses focus after each keystroke.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2458747 by dsnopek: Media browser tabs give
  little indication that a tab is selected.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.20 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.20 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.20, 2015-03-25
- Update Panopoly Pages for Issue #2456635 by candelas, dsnopek:
  SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'rid' cannot be
- Intermittent test failures due to Chrome errors.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2429327 by B-Prod: The alteration of node
  options may conflict with other forms.
- CHANGELOG.txt updates for 1.19 went wrong.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.19 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.19 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.19, 2015-03-19
- Getting ready for the 1.19 release.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2455073: Update to CTools 1.7 for SA-
- Update Drupal core to 7.35 for SA-CORE-2015-001.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2443499 by dsnopek: User profile:
  Unable to chage image field style formatter options because they don't get
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2424017 by B-Prod: Malformed (and useless)
  string context causes errors with new versions of CTools.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2453837 by dsnopek: Authenticated users should
  have full permission to all test content types.
- Update Panopoly Search and Test for Issue #2423841 by dsnopek: "Top search
  phrases" report not showing any data.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2432625 by dsnopek: panopoly_widgets makes
  it hard/impossible to implement responsive tables strategy for the whole site.
- Update Panopoly Image for Issue #2449357 by dsnopek: Relabeled view modes
- Update Panopoly Pages and Test for Issue #2293947 by caschbre, dsnopek,
  mglaman: Make "Landing Page" into node + Panelizer (rather than a Page Manager
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2449495 by dsnopek: livepreview.feature is
  super slow.
- Update Panopoly Users for Issue #2447591 by bwood: Perform coding style fixes
  on panopoly_users.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2448757: Features exports including Panels
  stuff (*, *, etc) use incorrect indentation.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2444359 by caschbre: Update admin_views to
  version 1.4.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2396241 by brandy.brown, dsnopek: Hide field
  labels in a more accessible way.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2446219 by mglaman: Media Vimeo patch to
  fix improper Exception handling.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2152111 by brandy.brown, dsnopek: Removal of
  description from Featured image.
- Update Panopoly Magic, Core and Test for Issue #2398347 by dsnopek, mglaman:
  Panopoly Magic abuses FPP revisions.
- Update Panopoly Test and Magic for Issue #2447839 by dsnopek: Audit Behat code
  for slowness and optimize.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2447475 by dsnopek: YouTube test fails on
  Chrome 41.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2443031 by joegraduate: Panopoly Magic update
  generates warning when FPP not installed.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2430617 by hanoii: states.js doesn't work
  properly with jquery 1.7 (jquery_update 2.3).
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2420281 by dsnopek: Administration menu:
  errors when enabling it.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2412321: Update admin_menu to 3.0-rc5.
- Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2272179: Update 'module_filter' module to
  version 7.x-2.0 (1.8 unsupported).
- Installing last release fails to pull in panopoly_demo on Travsi-CI.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2317467 by dsnopek: Allow live
  preview to work with WYSIWYG.
- Tests randomly fail with "MySQL server has gone away" (take 4).
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.18 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.18 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.18, 2015-02-26
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2436351 by hefox: Patch search_api_db to be a bit less brittle.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2164187 by dsnopek: Upgrade from 1.0-rc4 fails: Table 'cache_search_api_solr' doesn't exist.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2438281 by dsnopek: Update to Entity API 1.6 for SA-CONTRIB-2015-053.
- Write a script to submit issue patches to Travis-CI.
- Enable APC on Travis-CI.
- Travis-CI not failing on 'drush updb' errors!.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2426241 by adamsro: Upgrade causes fieldable panels panes Titles to appear twice.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2430889 by dsnopek: Hide 'preview' and 'diff_standard' view modes when adding FPPs.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2170695 by dsnopek, whastings, mglaman: Make view modes removed from pane configuration a setting.
- Test allowing Apps to pull in the panopoly_demo module when running via Drush.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2430921: Failing to download 'panopoly_demo' when installing via 'drush si': "Downloading updates failed:Failed to download from ".
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2425577 by adamsro: WD search_api: SearchApiException: Unknown or invalid item type node on update.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2412317 by artem.kolotilkin: Update to Migrate 2.7.
- Update Panopoly Image for Issue #2422163 by ergophobe: Panopoly CSS causes issues with WYSIWYG image because of image style class names.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.17 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.17 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.17, 2015-02-18
- Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2181263 by ivanjaros: HP Fatal error:  [] operator not supported for strings in panopoly_images/panopoly_images.module on line 90.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #1759222: Remove special handling for Pane titles.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2425903 by adamsro: Search API exceptions during install.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2424709 by joegraduate: Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5".
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2424829 by cboyden: Submenu widget test depends on panopoly_pages.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2424709 by joegraduate: Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.16 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.16 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.16, 2015-02-12
- Updated Panopoly Core for Issue #2424627: Update Views to version 3.10 for SA-CONTRIB-2015-039.
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2418885 by lsolesen: Makefile downloads master of respondjs library instead of tag/hash.
- Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2424327 by dsnopek: Overriding title in "Content Item" widget doesn't work for "Featured" view mode of Content Pages.
- Updated Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2334439 by dsnopek: Switch "Content Item" widget to use some kind of entity reference field rather than title with autocomplete filter.
- Update Panopoly Pages for Issue #2191069 by dsnopek, arshadcn, caschbre, klu: Have Panopoly Theme depend on Radix Layouts - forget some layout changes.
- Update Panopoly Core, Search, Test for Issue #2416525 by dsnopek: Allow users to search for content added to a node via Panelizer.
- Updated Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2421569 by dsnopek: Allow the title of "Content item" widgets to be overridden.
- Updated Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2421593 by dsnopek: Remove empty ("no results") message from "Content list" and "Content item" widgets.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2395719 by cboyden, dsnopek: Add option to support sorting by updated date to Content List.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2418769: Notice: Undefined variable: id in ctools_argument_entity_id_context() (line 73 of /prj/ctools/plugins/arguments/
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2416775 by ivanjaros: Warning: Illegal offset type in views_add_contextual_links() (line 816 of ~/prj/panopoly/panopoly/modules/contrib/views/views.module).
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2417293: Submenu widget broken - Fatal error:  Call to undefined function menu_block_configure_form_follow_validate() - take 2!.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2149171 by dsnopek, lsolesen: Write Behat tests for Panopoly "submenu" widget.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2417293: Submenu widget broken - Fatal error:  Call to undefined function menu_block_configure_form_follow_validate().
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2416781 by dsnopek, ivanjaros: Stray select box when configuring Views widgets.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2403539 by fastangel: Makefile downloads master of markitup library instead of tag/hash.
- Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2080893 by dsnopek: Update Search API modules.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2416035 by ivanjaros: Update to Panels 3.5 and Ctools 1.6.
- Include Drupal core patch to fix issues with ImageCache Actions.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2373495 by cboyden: Write Behat test for Media Web tab; move to new feature.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2268647 by cboyden, dsnopek: File upload tests do not clean up after themselves.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2312827: Widget 'title' isn't shown admin pages for Fieldable Panel Panes.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2268647 by cboyden, dsnopek: File upload tests do not clean up after themselves".
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2276089 by dsnopek, maustyle: Allow configuring file types for "File" widget without overriding the Feature.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2411920: @ rule for wysiwyg_filter needs to come first, rather than last.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2411755 by mcrittenden: Spotlight Pause/Pause/Prev/Next buttons stop working after opening or saving Panels IPE.
- Updated Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2276089 by dsnopek, maustyle: Allow configuring file types for "File" widget without overriding the Feature.
- Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2312827 by dsnopek: Widget 'title' isn't shown admin pages for Fieldable Panel Panes".
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2312827 by dsnopek: Widget 'title' isn't shown admin pages for Fieldable Panel Panes.
- Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2410921 by Chewie, dsnopek: Avoid overwriting title of IPE buton.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.15 release.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2398801 by cornifex: Map widget pane-content should hide overflow as opposed to entire pane.
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2402199 by hefox: Update to features 2.3.

Panopoly 7.x-1.15, 2015-01-12
- Update to CTools 1.5
- Use structured markup for search results
- Spotlight: Allow hiding of pager, replace with previous/next controls
- Spotlight should allow an empty title field
- Updated LinkIt module to 3.3 version

Panopoly 7.x-1.14, 2014-11-19
- Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2374727 by hefox: update to apps beta20.
- Update to Drupal 7.34 for SA-CORE-2014-006.
- Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2378487 by dsnopek: Update all Panels in the database to use Radix Layouts.
- Update Panopoly Search for #2144779 by dsnopek: Update automatic configuration of SOLR on Pantheon.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2329387 by cboyden, jessehs: Write Behat tests to ensure search works after install and provides facets.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2334055 by jessehs: Write Behat tests to verify that submission guidelines appear on node edit form.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2377713 by dsnopek: panopoly_test shouldn't put "use text format panopoly_(html|wysiwyg)_text" in user_permission.
- Update Panopoly Core, Theme, Magic, Admin, Users, Pages, Search, Test for #2191069 by dsnopek, arshadcn, caschbre, klu: Have Panopoly Theme depend on Radix Layouts (rather than providing it's own).
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2374715 by dsnopek: Fixed "Content Type" filter on the "Add content item" widget is broken.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2374697 by dsnopek: Fixed views_autocomplete_filters 'dependent' feature doesn't work in Pane settings.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2374121 by mpotter: Fixed Patch needed to Views Bulk Operations (VBO).
- Update to Drupal 7.33.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2369627 by dsnopek: Update 'link' module to version 1.3 (fix overridden Features).
- Update Panopoly Core for #2369629 by dsnopek: Update distro_update to version 1.0-beta4.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2369627 by dsnopek: Update 'link' module to version 1.3.
- Update Panopoly Theme for #2369609 by dsnopek: Update responsive_bartik to version 1.0.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2163985 by lsolesen: Added Too narrow Spotlight headline area.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2334143 by jessehs | dsnopek: Write Behat tests for pathauto for 'editor' role.
- Update Panopoly Search for #2150047 by jessehs, lsolesen: Fixed Empty search should yield message "Enter your keywords".
- Update Panopoly Test for #2334055 by jessehs | dsnopek: Write Behat tests to verify that submission guidelines appear on node edit form.
- Start testing upgrades from the 1.13 release.
- Update Panopoly Theme for #2370539 by arshadcn: Fixed Hide hidden themes from Panopoly theme selection.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2171809 by mpotter | ergophobe: Added Can't turn off previews on Panels Add Content modal.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2369967 by mpotter | dsnopek: Consider CTools modal resize patch (#2055785) for inclusion in Panopoly?.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2370527 by cboyden: Use 'imports' in behat.yml files to share common configuration.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2361927 by hefox | lsolesen: Fixed Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in apps_retrieve_app_image().
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2317411 by mglaman: Added Restore automatic menu title generation from menu.js.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2058917 by dsnopek, scottalan | kmonty: Fixed Kitchen Sink WYSIWYG plug-in breaks non-panopoly_wysiwyg input format editors (using CKEditor).
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.13 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.13, 2014-10-17
- Fixed panopoly_update_7102() breaks if 'help' block is already placed in a region.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2357405 by hefox: Fixed Patch for tablefield not needed.
- Starting testing upgrades from the 1.12 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.12 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.12, 2014-10-15
- Update to Drupal 7.32 for SA-CORE-2014-005.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2354303 by dsnopek: Fixed Remove field_featured_categories and field_featured_status from panopoly_test.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2354297 by dsnopek: Fixed Include CTools patch to prevent error in IPE when field doesn't exist.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG and Test for #2186541 by caschbre, dsnopek: Added Upgrade linkit module 3.1+.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2353385 by dsnopek: Update 'panels_breadcrumbs' to version 2.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2353381 by dsnopek: Update 'uuid' to version 1.0-alpha6.
- Update Panopoly Admin and Test for #2212695 by dsnopek | lsolesen: Fixed Disabling "Advanced Panel Plugins" breaks some Panes (ex. Panels Everywhere).
- Update Panopoly Core and Test for #2283223 by caschbre, dsnopek | carsonblack: Fixed Old content aliases should be preserved by default.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2303783 by hefox | cboyden: Update Apps to latest beta.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2063541 by lsolesen | populist: Remove Open Sans?.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2307831 by mglaman | Iceabenezer: Fixed Using deprecated clicked_button, not triggering_element.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2335809 by humansky: Fixed On Views "Content Panes", exclude hidden fields (on "Field Settings") by default.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2306771 by trevjs | cboyden: Fixed One-time login link test does not delete its user.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2337593 by caschbre | lsolesen: Added only show number and play on spotlight if pics no >= 2.
- Fixed Tests on Travis-CI randomly fail with: "Could not open connection" (take 3).
- Update Panopoly Test for #2316067 by dsnopek, mglaman, cboyden: Fixed panopoly_test should not depend on panopoly_pages.
- Update Panopoly Users for #2209661 by scottalan: Fixed Panopoly Users - Default body classes not added to feature.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2058917 by kmonty: Fixed Kitchen Sink WYSIWYG plug-in breaks non-panopoly_wysiwyg input format editors.
- Fixed Tests on Travis-CI randomly fail with: "Could not open connection". (take 2).
- Update Panopoly Theme for #2330841 by dsnopek: Update respondjs to version 1.4.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2319075 by dsnopek: Update Breakpoints to version 1.3.
- Update Panopoly Magic and Test for #2160731 by mglaman, dsnopek, whastings: Added Panopoly Magic should respect a view's configured view mode. (take 2).
- Update Panopoly Core for #2280589 by trevjs, mglaman | ergophobe: Patch Panelizer to avoid fatal error in Features.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2334141 by mglaman: Added Behat feature for Panopoly Magic and view pane configuration.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2160731 by mglaman, dsnopek, whastings: Added Panopoly Magic should respect a view's configured view mode.
- Fixed Tests on Travis-CI randomly fail with: "Could not open connection".
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2295079 by cornifex | dsnopek: Fixed panopoly_admin should use #field_prefix for path customizations.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2334157 by mglaman: Fixed View panes in CTools add modal are missing a[title] values.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2078839 by trevjs, Sheldon Rampton: Fixed Error notice after overriding WYSIWYG feature.
- Update Panopoly for #2334043 by mglaman | dsnopek: Check that Spotlight 'Slide Duration' field is present and settable in Behat tests.
- Update Panopoly Users for #2050909 by cornifex, trevjs, mglaman | christowm: Fixed The user profile page shows an uploaded image twice in very large formats.
- Update Panopoly Admin and Test for #2283531 by caschbre | dsnopek: Fixed Path alias isn't preserved if the user doesn't have "create url alias" permission.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2208783 by dsnopek, mrfelton | lsolesen: Added features override.
- Help Region?.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2208783 by mrfelton | lsolesen: Added features override.
- Added Spotlight image should link to URL.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2330667 by mcrittenden: Added per-spotlight setting for slide rotation duration.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2293745 by mglaman | dsnopek: Investigate why tests now take twice as long to run.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2329143 by dsnopek: Fixed Default permissions only allow 'administrator' to add media.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2328751 by dsnopek: Fixed panopoly_widgets_update_7003() fails to properly update 'Video' widgets.
- Update Panopoly Search for #2063715 by populist, dsnopek: Panopoly Search update breaks from older versions (for example, 1.0-rc3, 1.0-rc4).
- Update Panopoly Users for #2328023 by dsnopek: Fixed Table 'field_data_field_user_picture' not found in panopoly_users_update_7001() when updating from very old Panopoly.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2128959 by caschbre, dsnopek: Replace default "update" module behavior with something that makes sense for distributions.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2201507 by mrfelton | stevector: Fixed Undefined index error when creating a node with no allowed menus.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2122797 by mrfelton | kmonty: Add WYSIWYG Patch #934976 to Panopoly (Allows for hiding input format fields).
- Update Panopoly Core for #2307337 by mrfelton | mrfelton: Double-encoding of ampersands in page title on node add form.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2229297 by mrfelton | dsnopek: Update 'media_vimeo' to version 2.0.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2324879 by mrfelton | cboyden: Fixed Video widget test looks for "youtube" text both times.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2257727 by dsnopek | rodrigoaguilera: Fixed update 7007 fails if field exists.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2316513 by mrfelton: Update Features to 2.2.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2051621 by mglaman | Andrew_Mallis: Added decouple navbar styling from panopoly-admin.css.
- Starting testing upgrades from the 1.11 release.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2268641 by dsnopek | cboyden: Fixed WYSIWYG image insert test fails if private file path not set.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.11 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.11, 2014-08-14
- Update Panopoly Test for #2320997 by mrfelton: Fixed Tabs region is defined twice in behat.yml which is causing tests to fail in child distributions.
- Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2320987 by mrfelton: Fixed Demo Homepage test fails on child distributions.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2320851 by dsnopek: Update TableField to version 2.3 for SA-CONTRIB-2014-077.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2276291 by eugene.ilyin: Fixed Descriptive text is not displayed in panopoly magic.
- Update Panopoly Theme for #2209441 by dsnopek: Update respondjs to version 1.3.
- Fixed requires drupalorg_drush but doesn't say so.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2293293 by cboyden: Added highlighting to Add Table widget to distinguish header row.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2316157 by cboyden: Fixed Case sensitivity in live preview test.
- Starting testing upgrades from the 1.10 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.10 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.10, 2014-08-06
- Update to Drupal 7.31 (fixes SA-CORE-2014-004).
- Starting testing upgrades from the 1.9 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.9 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.9, 2014-07-31
- Update Panopoly Core for #2312787 by dsnopek: Update to Date 2.8 for SA-CONTRIB-2014-073.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2312509 by dsnopek: Fixed Previews for new Views widgets don't show "more link" even when it should be enabled by default.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2308325 by dsnopek: Write Behat test for alt/title text on images in the WYSIWYG. (update for quotes).
- Starting testing upgrades from the 1.8 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.8, 2014-07-25
- Minor fix to drupal-org-dev.make file for panopoly_test.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2306225 by dsnopek: Packaging error with Panopoly 1.7 release: Unable to download tinymce. (take two).
- Update to Drupal 7.30 (fixes regression in 7.29).
- Update Panopoly Test for #2308325: Write Behat test for alt/title text on images in the WYSIWYG.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2308487 by dsnopek: Fixed Alt and Title double encoded in WYSIWYG.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2307007 by dsnopek: Fixed When inserting Image in WYSIWYG, the second set of alt/title fields is ignored. (take two).
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2307007 by dsnopek: Fixed When inserting Image in WYSIWYG, the second set of alt/title fields is ignored.
- Move README.txt to and add link to Travis-CI build status image.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2303755 by dsnopek | cboyden: Fixed Live preview does not respond to keyboard events.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2213769 by caschbre | lsolesen: Added transliteration.
- Got .make file in sync with other projects after failed 1.8 release.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2306225: Revert Packaging error with Panopoly 1.7 release: Unable to download tinymce.
- Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for issue #2306225: Packaging error with Panopoly 1.7 release: Unable to download tinymce.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.7 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.7, 2014-07-16
- Update to Drupal 7.29 for SA-CORE-2014-003.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2304465: Fixed Autocomplete loses item selected via keyboard in CTools dialog.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2303477 by dsnopek: Fixed views_autocomplete_filter 1.1 is broken on Pantheon.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2299157 by cboyden: Fixed Login test depends on known credentials.
- Update Panopoly Test for #2294515 by cboyden: Fixed Behat template for local testing needs Chrome profile.
- On Travis-CI, panopoly_test should be enabled AFTER completing the upgrade.
- Move our FeatureContext and *.features into panopoly_test so that child distributions can reuse them.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2144021 by Andrew Edwards, dsnopek, whastings: Fixed Panopoly Magic only provides node view modes for view mode.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2295513 by dsnopek, Andrew_Mallis: Improve UX of menu titles with clearer labelling.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2295353: Disable "Nody body" pane in favor of "Field: Body" (which FAPE supports).
- Update Panopoly Pages, Widgets for #2294097: Move panopoly_page's hook_menu_block_tree_alter() to panopoly_widgets.
- Parameterize tests as much as possible so they work in child distributions.
- Fixed WYSIWYG Behat test crashes if toolbar button is not found.
- Create a panopoly_test module to hold Views and Content Types for testing (forgot some .make files).
- Create a panopoly_test module to hold Views and Content Types for testing.
- Move functionality from .travis.yml into a proper script.
- Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page" (fix WYSIWYG tests on Travis-CI).
- Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page" (hopefully, last fixes to the tests).
- Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page" (minor test fix - take 2).
- Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page" (minor fix to tests).
- Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page".
- Fixed 'file_display' components are always overridden (minor fix to the tests).
- Update Panopoly Images, Widgets for #2159149: Fixed 'file_display' components are always overridden (update Media / File Entity).
- Update Panopoly Core for #2289407 by cboyden: Add visual indicator of tab focus on to IPE customize page screen.
- Fixed Random Behat failures on Travis-CI with the Drupal API.
- Improve README.txt on how to run Behat tests.
- Add a Behat test for Linkit.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2287315 by cboyden: Fixed "Add" button styling broken on "Add content" dialog.
- Add Behat test for content page.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2283289 by cboyden: Update styling for Add Content links for accessibility changes.
- Test if Features are Overridden after install on Travis-CI.
- Update Panopoly Core and Widgets for #2280887 by cboyden: Fixed Accessibility issues for link markup on Add Content overlay.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2277549: Update admin_views to version 1.3.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2285271: Update 'breakpoints' to version 1.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2285263: Update field_group to version 1.4.
- Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2284269: Added WYSIWYG should show 'outdent' then 'indent' buttons (rather than reverse) like OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Word, etc. (correct commits this time!).
- Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2284269: Added WYSIWYG should show 'outdent' then 'indent' buttons (rather than reverse) like OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Word, etc.
- Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #1846322: Fixed Switching between TinyMCE text formats causes textarea to disappear.
- Pathauto tests failing after update from 1.0-rc3.
- Added Behat test for pathauto behavior.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2153941: Fixed Descriptions of views not accurate.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly "image" widget.
- Get answer from Travis faster.
- Tests randomly fail with "MySQL server has gone away" (take 2).
- Update Panopoly Images for #2269027: Fixed Cropped image not being served in WYSIWYG as "Original Size".
- Starting testing upgrades from the 1.6 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.6 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.6, 2014-05-22
- Update Panopoly Core for #2272091: Update Views to 3.8 for DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2014-054.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2239847: Update "persist" patch to pathauto.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2110183: Could not find "Fixed parent item" when adding Menu Block.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2259793: Update 'menu_block' module to 2.4.
- Update Panopoly Theme for #2259797: Update 'responsive_bartik' theme to 1.0-rc1.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2259791: Update 'devel' module to 1.5.
- Update to Drupal 7.28.
- Parameters reversed in WYSIWYG testing function.
- Add version to composer.json for drupalextension.
- Build script malfunction! Put in a random commit for panopoly_users. Fixing!.
- Starting testing upgrades from the 1.5 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.5 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.5, 2014-04-30
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2251989: Crop on spotlight widget does nothing when Spotlight is new.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2254999: Update FAPE to version 1.2 for SA-CONTRIB-2014-048.
- Add test for one time login.
- Revert "Issue #2252095: Add test for one time login.".
- Run 'drush make-verify' on Travis-CI to make sure ALL .make files will work on
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2246859: Font-family on submit buttons (CSS Error).
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2244811: Update Date Popup Authored to latest -dev from Git.
- Update build-*.make files for the 1.4 release.
- Starting testing upgrades from the 1.4 release.
- Updated CHANGELOG.txt (the 1.3 changes got lost).
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.4 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.4, 2014-04-24
- Update Panopoly Images for #2248591: Update manualcrop.make to match Whitelist.
- Revert "Starting testing upgrades from the 1.3 release.".
- Starting testing upgrades from the 1.3 release.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.3 release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.3, 2014-04-23
- Getting ready for the 1.3 release.
- Upgrade from 1.0-rc5 fails: Table 'pathauto_state' doesn't exist.
- Update Panopoly Images for #2247561: Improve compatibility with focal_point.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly "video" widget.
- Update Panopoly Admin to revert issue #2235081: Update jquery_update to version 2.4.
- Update Panopoly Images for #2245127: Manualcrop breaks Video widget.
- Update to Drupal 7.27 for SA-CORE-2014-002.
- Update Panopoly Images, Widgets, Users and Pages for #2173079: Crop pictures when inserting them.
- .gitignore file interferes with adding and committing rebuilds of the full Drupal codebase.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2192711: Update 'libraries' module to 2.2.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2201695: Update library to underscore 1.5.x.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2235081: Update jquery_update to version 2.4.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2223985 by dsnopek: Update 'entity' module to version 1.5.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2209455: Update views_autocomplete_filters to version 1.1.
- Tests randomly fail with "MySQL server has gone away".
- Travis-CI tests randomly failing on WYSIWYG media tests with YouTube/Vimeo.
- All Goutte-based tests failing on Travis-CI.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2229919: Spotlight Accessibility Improvements.
- Make behat.travis.yml not care about repository owner.
- Builds on Travis-CI will randomly fail if over GitHub API limit (take 2).
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2051967: Error when changing node-edit page.
- Update Panopoly Theme for #2228095: Classes wrong on "moscone" layouts.
- Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2171121: Update Media to at least 7.x-2.0-alpha3+37-dev for PSA-2014-001.
- Update Panopoly Widgets and Images for #2171121 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update Media to at least 7.x-2.0-alpha3+37-dev for PSA-2014-001.
- Update Panoploy Theme for #2220669: Radix span* classes on selby and selby_flipped are incorrect.
- Include upgrades from version 1.2 in the test suite.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.2 Release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.2, 2014-03-08
- Add UPGRADE.txt
- Add shell script to help with creating release notes for Drupal release nodes
- Create a complete README.txt file for the Panopoly distribution.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2213593 by mrfelton: Notice: Undefined index: view_mode line 779 of panopoly_magic when adding existing content  through IPE.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly "file" widget.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2199779 by lsolesen: Errors in widget.css.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2198865 by joelpittet, mrfelton: Panopoly_admin_general_panes_content_type_render array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given.
- Update Panopoly Users for #2198839 by lsolesen: Remove font-family from spotlight.
- Update Panopoly Users for #2176805 by mglaman, loopduplicate: Escape HTML entities in Panopoly Users settings help.
- Ensure that test suite runs in the context of other distributions.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2196661: Use stable Fieldable Panels Panes release.
- Update Panopoly Users for #2196337: Reduce the minimum user profile picture dimensions to 80x80 (to match our thumbnail size).
- Update Panopoly Core for #2153291: The "Sort by" won't save in the "Content list" widget (switch from ctools patch to views patch).
- Install Drush on Travis-CI via 'composer' rather than 'pear' (second try!).
- Install Drush on Travis-CI via 'composer' rather than 'pear'.
- Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2195307: Update image_resize_filter to version 1.14 (security vulnerability!).
- Update Panopoly Core for #2194641: Update to actual CTools 1.4 (security vulnerablity!) and Panels 3.4 releases!.
- Add custom Travis-CI notifications.
- Update Panopoly Theme for #2050651: Make Panels layout from Panopoly Theme work with Radix.
- Update Panopoly Users, Search, Pages, Core and Admin for #2188597: Provide feature module updates for ctools / panels upgrade.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2161429: Update date module to latest version 2.7.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2190789: Update 'devel' module to version 1.4.
- Upgrade tests on Travis-CI should upgrade also test upgrading from 1.1 to current Git!.
- Revert: Installing 'ctools' (1.4) before 'uuid' during Panopoly install causes fatal error.
- Update Panopoly Users for #2186485: Error upgrading from 1.0-rc5 or lower: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: Table 'cache_panels' doesn't exist.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2163447: Update views_bulk_operations to version 3.2.
- Remove 'defaultcontent' dependency from
- Installing 'ctools' (1.4) before 'uuid' during Panopoly install causes fatal error.
- Update tests on Travis-CI fail because panopoly_demo won't install.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2184743: Test changes to Ctools (1.4) and Panels (3.4) comming on Feb 5th.
- Builds on Travis-CI will randomly fail if over GitHub API limit.
- Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.1 Release.

Panopoly 7.x-1.1, 2014-01-13
- Update Panopoly Users for #2175729: panopoly_users_update_7001 will be skipped due to missing dependency on fieldable_panel_panes_update_7107.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2155847: Panopoly panes error.
- Travis-CI should use drupal-org-core.make / drupal-org.make directly.
- Update Panopoly Search for #2182713: Search type is overridden.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2067367: Panopoly links appear on Administration Menu even when role has no relevant permissions.
- Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2180047: "Format" selector overlaps vertical tabs below it.
- Update Drupal core to 7.26 (security release).
- Don't do automated upgrade tests of 1.0-rc2 (or older).
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2164193: Upgrade from 1.0-rc3 fails: Table 'pathauto_state' doesn't exist (2nd attempt!).
- Update Panopoly Users for #2172093: Upgrade from 1.0-rc3 or 1.0-rc2 fails: Table 'cache_entity_fieldable_panels_pane' doesn't exist.
- Update Panopoly Search for #2164187: Upgrade from 1.0-rc4 fails: Table 'cache_search_api_solr' doesn't exist.
- Update Panopoly Core and Users for #2164193: Upgrade from 1.0-rc3 or 1.0-rc2 fails: Table 'pathauto_state' doesn't exist.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2171125: Update Entity API to 1.3 for security vulnerablity.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2171127: Update simple_gmap to version 1.2.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2165793: Add projects[apps][version] = 1.x-dev to makefile.
- Implement upgrade tests on Travis-CI.
- Travis fails to install with Migrate based panopoly_demo.
- Switch repos back to dev mode.
- Getting ready for the 1.0 Release.
- Ensure that demo content apps are properly enabled on install if selected.
- Bring back the checkbox to allow demo content to be installed at install time.
- Update Panopoly Core to add helper functions for demo content modules.
- Add a third option to rebuild in release mode in
- Fix up drupal-org-dev.make and so that HEAD versions of Panopoly code are used.
- Fix for incorrect revision hash in previous commit (in drupal-org.make too!).
- Fix for incorrect revision hash in previous commit.
- Update Panopoly Users for #2145405: Edit Issue Change 'user_picture' support to save field_user_picture value to {user}.picture.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2154689: Spotlight widget breaks with jquery_update to jQuery UI >= 1.9.
- Update Panopoly Admin, Core, Images, Theme, Magic, Widgets, Pages, Users for #2159119: Update all features.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2154521: Add AJAX bug fix patch to 'tablefield'.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2017159: Render preview outside of pane configuration form.
- Fix for incorrect branch/tag in build-panopoly-release.make.
- Add makefiles to enable building the distribution for use on Pantheon.
- Fix incorrect revision for panopoly_widgets.
- Update Panopoly Core for 31981494: FAPE causing "Illegal string offset 'field_name'.
- Update Panopoly Admin and Widgets for #2151657: Use #title_display rather than unsetting #title.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2151657: Change panopoly_admin to use #title_display rather than unsetting #title.
- Update Panopoly Core and Panopoly Magic for #2058931: Incorrect implementation of CSS 'clearfix'.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2080925: Update field_group to version 1.3.
- Add a Behat test for the live preview.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2075903: Spotlight gives an ajax error - hook_field_validate() doesn't run during live preview.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2016527: use #parents instead of checking under exposed.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly "content list" widget.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2153291: The "Sort by" won't save in the "Content list" widget.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2016643: Undefined index row_classes, group - use hook_view_pre_view instead of hook_views_pre_render.
- Update Panopoly Magic for #2097199: Views pager settings do not stick.
- Update Panopoly Core for #2146727: Update 'link' module to version 1.2.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly "links" widget.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2125231: Update simple_gmap to version 1.1.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2087075: Update file_entity and media to version 2.0-alpha3.
- Update Panopoly Admin for #2151647: Don't move 'field_featured_status' into node 'options' if the user doesn't have permission to access it.
- Update Panopoly Pages for #2151571: Separate field_base from field_instance in Panopoly Pages.
- Fix e-mail handling on Travis-CI.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly "map" widget.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly "table" widget.
- Add Behat login test.
- Update Panopoly Widgets for #2075903: Spotlight gives an ajax error and title does not ever change.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly "content item" widget.
- Add travis support for github.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly "text" widget.
- Add Behat test for creating landing page.
- Add utility scripts to make rebuilding the installation profile a simple process.
- Add .gitignore to exclude libraries, themes, and modules directories.
- Write Behat tests for Panopoly spotlight widget.
- Update Panopoly Admin and Panopoly Widgets for #2031673: Move file_entity permissions from panopoly_admin to panopoly_widgets.
- Add initial Behat tests to Panopoly.
- Update Panopoly User for #2023433: Should set 'user_picture' to work with themes that customize 'user-picture.tpl.php'.
- Follow-up to Update Drupal core to 7.24 (security release!).
- Update Panopoly Core for #2101013 - Defaultconfig issues in installation profiles that extend panopoly.
- Update Panopoly Search for #2111097 - Unable to install Panopoly Search on Pantheon.
- Updting Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2097487 - Accessibility improvement, support for aria properties.
- Updting Panopoly Admin for #2122847 - Improve the styling of the media "cancel" button.
- Updting Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2055091 - Update Caption Filter to latest dev.
- Fix for incorrect revision numbers.
- Updting Panopoly Admin for #2124727 - Editors unable to save draft content by default.
- Updating Panopoly Admin for #2062381 - Update module_filter module to version 1.8.
- Remove reference to RC4 in panopoly dev makefiles.
- Updating Panopoly Core for #2105433 - Add Migrate modules to Panopoly Core to help facilitate better demo content patterns.
- Updating Panopoly Pages for 2008762 - Panopoly Pages has missing dependencies.
- Updating Panopoly Core for #2097861 - Update Apps module so that Apps can be used in offline mode.
- Updating Panopoly Core and Panopoly Pages for #1837312 - Troubles Implementing Default Permissions for Panelizer.
- Updating Panopoly Core for #2062377: Update features to 2.0.
- Updating Panopoly Core for #2068489: Update 'entity' module to version 1.2 (for security advisory!).
- Updating Panopoly Core for #2141069: Update 'entityreference' module to version 1.1 (for security advisory!).
- Update Drupal core to 7.24 (security release!).
- Updating Panopoly Admin for #2071133: Update URLs for backbone and underscore for whitelist.
- Add -dev and -release make files to make is easier to build dev or release versions of the platform.
- Getting ready for the RC5 Release: Part Two.


View source
  1. Panopoly 7.x-1.83, 2021-07-21
  2. -------------------
  3. - Remove change that I accidentally committed.
  4. Panopoly 7.x-1.82, 2021-07-21
  5. -------------------
  6. - Update to Drupal 7.82 for SA-CORE-2021-004.
  7. - Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements
  8. Countable in panopoly_core_preprocess_page() (line 96 of
  9. panopoly_core/panopoly_core.module).
  10. - Specify default configurations in Behat test suite.
  11. - Start testing upgrade from 1.80.
  12. Panopoly 7.x-1.81, 2021-06-10
  13. -------------------
  14. - Tests on Travis broken with warning: Invalid argument supplied for
  15. foreach() - fix accidental changes to composer.json.
  16. - Update Link to 1.9.
  17. - Update Simple GMap.
  18. - Tests on Travis broken with warning: Invalid argument supplied for
  19. foreach() - second try.
  20. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more
  21. than a year ago.
  22. - Tests on Travis broken with warning: Invalid argument supplied for
  23. foreach().
  24. - "Content item" widget gives validation error if attempting to use a piece
  25. of content with a title longer than 128 characters.
  26. - Multiple Spotlight widgets on the same page leads to duplicate IDs.
  27. - Show descriptions when adding widgets and preview mode is "Automatic" or
  28. "Manual".
  29. - Manual Crop doesn't work with strong Content Security Policy.
  30. - Current page title on taxonomy term page is put before parent page title
  31. in breadcrumb.
  32. - Update Views Bulk Operations to 3.6.
  33. - Update Token to 1.8.
  34. - Update Search API and DB.
  35. - Update Linkit to 3.6.
  36. - Update Media, YouTube, File Entity.
  37. - Update Features to 2.13.
  38. - Update Panels to 3.10 and CTools to 1.19.
  39. Panopoly 7.x-1.80, 2021-04-26
  40. -------------------
  41. - Update to Drupal 7.80 for SA-CORE-2021-002.
  42. - Start testing upgrade from 1.79.
  43. Panopoly 7.x-1.79, 2021-01-20
  44. -------------------
  45. - Update to Drupal 7.78 for SA-CORE-2021-001.
  46. - Patch media_youtube to fix failing embeds.
  47. - Start testing upgrade from 1.78.
  48. Panopoly 7.x-1.78, 2020-11-30
  49. -------------------
  50. - Update to Drupal 7.75 for SA-CORE-2020-013.
  51. - Start testing upgrade from 1.77.
  52. Panopoly 7.x-1.77, 2020-11-19
  53. -------------------
  54. - Update to Drupal 7.74 for SA-CORE-2020-012.
  55. - Fix Travis builds with composer 2.x.
  56. - Patch contrib modules for PHP 7.4.
  57. - Start testing upgrade from 1.76.
  58. Panopoly 7.x-1.76, 2020-09-17
  59. -------------------
  60. - Update to Drupal 7.73 for SA-CORE-2020-007.
  61. - Start testing upgrade from 1.75.
  62. Panopoly 7.x-1.75, 2020-06-18
  63. -------------------
  64. - Update to Drupal 7.72 for SA-CORE-2020-004.
  65. - Update the Behat Drupal extension to 4.0.1.
  66. - Revert "Update the composer files for Travis".
  67. - Update the composer files for Travis.
  68. - Detect PHP notices/errors.
  69. - Removing 7.x-1.73 because it will fail for not having been a "complete"
  70. release.
  71. - Start testing upgrades from 1.72 and 1.73.
  72. Panopoly 7.x-1.74, 2020-05-20
  73. -------------------
  74. - Merge tag '7.x-1.73' into 7.x-1.x.
  75. - Update to Drupal 7.70 for SA-CORE-2020-002 and SA-CORE-2020-003.
  76. - File widget doesn't seem to switch to Media browser in update tests.
  77. - Modernize the set of PHP versions used in the tests.
  78. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more
  79. than a year ago.
  80. - Fix Features overridden after tablefield patch from #3130749.
  81. - Update Panopoly Widgets with latest version of Media (media-7.x-2.26).
  82. - Update Panopoly Widgets with latest version of TableField
  83. (tablefield-7.x-3.6).
  84. - Update Panopoly Core with latest version of Views (views-7.x-3.24).
  85. - Fix fatal error in Date with PHP 7.1+.
  86. - Panopoly_magic doesn't render previews for field_collection's with
  87. field_collection 7.x-1.1.
  88. - Fieldable Panels Panes fields missing from UI.
  89. - Moving (some?) panopoly_search variables out of strongarm.
  90. - Patch Tablefield for header row orientation per widget.
  91. - Prevent PHP notice (Undefined index: title in link_field_load()) during
  92. live preview of Image widgets.
  93. - Modifying content of reusable widgets doesn't actually save when first
  94. adding the widget.
  95. - Update WYSIWYG to version 2.6.
  96. - Add a 'robo git:pre-commit' to ensure we run 'robo build:drupal-org-make'
  97. before committing.
  98. - Revert "Issue #3094890 by cboyden: Update WYSIWYG to version 2.6".
  99. - Forgot to run 'robo build:drupal-org-make' before last two commits!.
  100. - Update Media modules in Panopoly Widgets.
  101. - Update WYSIWYG to version 2.6.
  102. - Update Link to version 1.7.
  103. - Add 'robo diff --uncommitted' for making patches from local changes.
  104. - Fix undefined index in panopoly_admin_menu_validate.
  105. - Add Robo command to easily make single module patches for
  106. - Forgot to run 'robo build:drupal-org-make' after the latest .make file
  107. updates.
  108. - Update Panopoly Core with latest version of Views (views-7.x-3.23).
  109. - Update Facet API and Search API Solr.
  110. - Update Panopoly Core with latest version of Views (views-7.x-3.23).
  111. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.72 release.
  112. Panopoly 7.x-1.73, 2020-05-20
  113. -------------------
  114. - Issue #3138388: Update to Drupal 7.70 for SA-CORE-2020-002 and SA-CORE-2020-003
  115. Panopoly 7.x-1.72, 2019-12-19
  116. -------------------
  117. - Issue #3102147: Update to Drupal 7.69 for SA-CORE-2019-012.
  118. - Issue #2884143 by dsnopek, cboyden: Switch File widget to use Media
  119. Browser.
  120. - Issue #2574369 by dsnopek, cboyden: Tests fail with Radix.
  121. - Fix 'robo create-test-branch' for patches that make .orig or .rej files.
  122. - Issue #2975934 by dsnopek, cboyden: Accessibility improvements for the
  123. mini pager on the Spotlight widget.
  124. - Issue #2672468 by cboyden: PHP notices when Piece of Content widget is
  125. empty.
  126. - Issue #3087510 by cboyden: PHP notice when panes have no titles.
  127. - Issue #3030478 by collinhaines, junaidpv, cboyden: Notice: Only variables
  128. should be passed by reference in
  129. panopoly_magic_form_ctools_entity_field_content_type_formatter_options_alter().
  130. - Issue #2743231 by dsnopek: Add Views Pane error - Undefined index:
  131. #type.
  132. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.71 release.
  133. Panopoly 7.x-1.71, 2019-11-19
  134. -------------------
  135. - Issue #3094252: Update admin_views to 7.x-1.7 for SA-CONTRIB-2019-076.
  136. - Issue #3069824 by dsnopek, cboyden: Display type setting doesn't work for
  137. overridden views displays.
  138. - Backport support for PANOPOLY_BEHAT_WINDOW_SIZE from 8.x-2.x.
  139. - Issue #2454947 by dsnopek, cboyden: Preview doesn't update when editing
  140. the value of a field via FAPE.
  141. - Issue #3076935 by dsnopek, cboyden: Live preview doesn't update when
  142. Views pane uses Views caching.
  143. - Fix tests on Travis.
  144. - Issue #3030479 by collinhaines, cboyden: Notice: Undefined index:
  145. triggering_element in
  146. panopoly_magic_form_ctools_entity_field_content_type_formatter_options_alter().
  147. - Issue #3070684 by dsnopek, cboyden: Add option to disallow view mode
  148. selection for Views content panes in IPE.
  149. - Fix minor issues with 'robo create-test-branch'.
  150. - Change Behat version to hopefully fix the tests.
  151. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.70 release.
  152. - Updated panopoly_magic's CHANGELOG.txt for 7.x-1.70 release.
  153. - Issue #2971163 by dsnopek: Aaaah! Forgot panopoly_magic.
  154. - Issue #2971163 by dsnopek: 'robo release' wouldn't work with
  155. composer.json modified for Travis, so completely split those.
  156. Panopoly 7.x-1.70, 2019-06-28
  157. -------------------
  158. - Issue #2971163 by dsnopek: Attempt to fix extra 'drush rn' output mixing
  159. into CHANGELOG.txt.
  160. - Issue #2971163 by dsnopek: Replace all scripts and Phing build process
  161. with Robo.
  162. - Issue #3033212 by dsnopek, cboyden: Hide "Always display title" option on
  163. Submenu widget.
  164. - Issue #2905972 by dsnopek, cboyden: Use empty alt="" on images without
  165. alt, rather than omitting alt attribute.
  166. - Issue #2477303 by dsnopek: Drop support for updating from Panopoly
  167. version that were release more than a year ago.
  168. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.68 and 1.69 releases.
  169. 7.x-1.69, 2019-06-07
  170. -------------------
  171. - Issue #2851122 by dsnopek: Update scripts/ for monorepo.
  172. - Fix .make file generation.
  173. - Issue #2851122: Move Panopoly from 'manyrepos' to 'monorepo' with a subtree
  174. split.
  175. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #3053321 by byronveale, dsnopek: Update
  176. Panopoly Search to search_api-7.x-1.26.
  177. - Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3053322 by byronveale: Update Panopoly Widgets to
  178. media_youtube-7.x-3.8.
  179. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3053320 by byronveale: Update Panopoly Core to
  180. use views-7.x-3.22.
  181. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3053318 by byronveale: Update Panopoly Core to
  182. fieldable_panels_panes-7.x-1.13.
  183. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3053316 by byronveale: Update Panopoly Core to
  184. use devel-7.x-1.7.
  185. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3053315 by byronveale: Update to
  186. ctools-7.x-1.15.
  187. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3039431 by junaidpv: Taking "Manage Fields"
  188. paths of content type like "admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields"
  189. redirects to wrong non-existing path.
  190. 7.x-1.68, 2019-05-29
  191. -------------------
  192. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3057972: Update UUID to 7.x-1.3 for SA-
  193. CONTRIB-2019-052.
  194. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3057971: Update tablefield to 7.x-3.5 for
  195. SA-CONTRIB-2019-051.
  196. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.67 release.
  197. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.67 release.
  198. 7.x-1.67, 2019-05-09
  199. -------------------
  200. - Update to Drupal 7.67 for SA-CORE-2019-007.
  201. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3052950 by dsnopek: Allow Spotlight links
  202. to be up to 255 characters.
  203. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2975931 by dsnopek, aubjr_drupal: Update
  204. default jQuery version to 1.10 on new sites.
  205. - Move disruptive composer.json/lock out of the top-level directory.
  206. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.66 release.
  207. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.66 release.
  208. 7.x-1.66, 2019-04-18
  209. -------------------
  210. - Update to Drupal 7.66 for SA-CORE-2019-006.
  211. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3048952: Security update for TableField
  212. module (tablefield-7.x-3.4).
  213. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.65 release.
  214. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.65 release.
  215. 7.x-1.65, 2019-03-27
  216. -------------------
  217. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #3043878 by byronveale: Security update,
  218. module_filter-7.x-2.2.
  219. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.64 release.
  220. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.64 release.
  221. 7.x-1.64, 2019-03-20
  222. -------------------
  223. - Update to Drupal 7.65 for SA-CORE-2019-004.
  224. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.63 release.
  225. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.63 release.
  226. 7.x-1.63, 2019-03-14
  227. -------------------
  228. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3039961 by cboyden, bkosborne: Update to Views
  229. 3.21.
  230. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.62 release.
  231. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.62 release.
  232. 7.x-1.62, 2019-02-21
  233. -------------------
  234. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3034517 by byronveale: Update to link-7.x-1.6.
  235. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.61 release.
  236. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.61 release.
  237. 7.x-1.61, 2019-02-13
  238. -------------------
  239. - Start testing upgrades from latest versions, and drop those over a year old.
  240. - Update to Drupal 7.64.
  241. - Update Panopoly Admin and Core for Issue #3021508 by byronveale, dsnopek:
  242. Update Administration Menu to admin_menu-7.x-3.0-rc6.
  243. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2611876 by cboyden, dsnopek, mpotter: Add
  244. descriptions to Single Preview mode in Panopoly Magic.
  245. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3027578 by wylbur, dsnopek: PHP Errors are
  246. generated when deleted FPP objects do not exist.
  247. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2984994 by byronveale, dsnopek: Upgrade Link
  248. module to 1.5.
  249. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3021518 by byronveale: Update TableField to
  250. tablefield-7.x-3.2.
  251. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3021497 by byronveale: Update Menu Block to
  252. menu_block-7.x-2.8.
  253. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2984990 by byronveale: Upgrade File Entity
  254. (file_entity) to 7.x-2.25.
  255. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3021551 by byronveale: Update Features to
  256. features-7.x-2.11.
  257. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.60 release.
  258. 7.x-1.60, 2019-01-23
  259. -------------------
  260. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3027936: Update panels_breadcrumbs for SA-
  261. CONTRIB-2019-004.
  262. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.59 release.
  263. 7.x-1.59, 2019-01-17
  264. -------------------
  265. - Update to Drupal 7.63.
  266. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.58 release.
  267. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.58 release.
  268. 7.x-1.58, 2018-12-11
  269. -------------------
  270. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948466 by bkosborne: Patch defaultcontent
  271. module to remove PHP7 deprecation warning.
  272. - Update Panopoly Core and Magic for Issue #2968560 by dsnopek, cboyden: Allow
  273. overriding "more" text on Views-based widgets.
  274. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2995003 by dsnopek, cboyden: File entity
  275. overwriting slide title on spotlight widgets.
  276. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2982707 by dsnopek, cboyden: Swap order of
  277. "Save" and "Update Preview" buttons when in manual preview mode.
  278. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2973185 by dsnopek, cboyden: Normalize
  279. "Slide duration" for Spotlight widgets.
  280. - Update Drupal to 7.61.
  281. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #3011888 by dsnopek: Update search_api to
  282. 1.25 and search_api_db to 1.7.
  283. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3011887 by dsnopek: Update Media to 2.21.
  284. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #3011886 by dsnopek: Update file_entity to
  285. 2.22.
  286. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3011889 by dsnopek: Update uuid module to 1.2.
  287. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948753 by bkosborne, cboyden: Patch panels
  288. breadcrumb module to remove deprecation notice in PHP 7.2.
  289. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948768 by bkosborne, Jorrit, RobLoach:
  290. Patch/update views bulk operations to remove deprecation warnings in PHP 7.2.
  291. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948717 by bkosborne, berliner: Patch features
  292. to remove deprecation warning in PHP 7.2.
  293. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948744 by bkosborne, cboyden, byronveale:
  294. Upgrade & patch migrate module to make it compatible with PHP 7.
  295. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #3002885 by cboyden: Patch Views for PHP 7.1
  296. issue.
  297. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2948454 by bkosborne: Patch admin_menu to
  298. remove PHP 7 deprecation warning.
  299. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948456 by bkosborne, cboyden: Patch apps to
  300. remove PHP 7 deprecation warning.
  301. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2948452 by bkosborne, cboyden: Update
  302. libraries module to resolve deprecation warning for PHP 7.
  303. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2853699 by DamienMcKenna, torotil, jelo,
  304. Asacolips, z.stolar: Out-of-date dependency processing in panopoly_core.
  305. - Add test job for PHP 7.2, which is (currently) allowed to fail.
  306. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  307. year ago.
  308. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.57 release.
  309. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.57 release.
  310. 7.x-1.57, 2018-10-18
  311. -------------------
  312. - Update to Drupal 7.60 for SA-CORE-2018-006.
  313. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.55 and 1.56 releases.
  314. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.56 release.
  315. 7.x-1.56, 2018-10-10
  316. -------------------
  317. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #3005752 by dsnopek: Update to
  318. search_api_solr 1.14 for SA-CONTRIB-2018-065.
  319. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2995697 by cboyden, dsnopek: PHP notices when
  320. previewing widgets.
  321. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.55 release.
  322. 7.x-1.55, 2018-07-04
  323. -------------------
  324. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2597275 by dsnopek, humansky, skwashd,
  325. mpotter, bkosborne, byronveale, Jorrit: Update UUID to version 1.1.
  326. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2975454 by dsnopek, cboyden: Improve
  327. accessibility of the 'Single' and 'Manual' preview modes.
  328. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2981684 by cboyden: Add alt text for custom
  329. preview images.
  330. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.54 release.
  331. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.54 release.
  332. 7.x-1.54, 2018-05-10
  333. -------------------
  334. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2971200 by dsnopek, cboyden: Fix issues with
  335. waiting for AJAX in an iframe (Behat).
  336. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2541570 by dsnopek, gdaw, humansky,
  337. byronveale, bkosborne: Date popup hover issue.
  338. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2936050 by byronveale, dsnopek, bkosborne:
  339. Update Breakpoints module to 7.x-1.6.
  340. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2933585 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update
  341. caption_filter to version 1.3.
  342. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2971194 by dsnopek, byronveale: Update Views
  343. to version 3.20.
  344. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2933585 by dsnopek: Update caption_filter
  345. to version 1.3.
  346. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2936050 by byronveale, bkosborne: Update
  347. Breakpoints module to 7.x-1.4.
  348. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  349. year ago.
  350. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2971189 by dsnopek: Update to migrate 2.9.
  351. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2937146 by byronveale, bkosborne: Update
  352. Module Filter to 7.x-2.1.
  353. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2936259 by byronveale, bkosborne: Update Date
  354. Popup Authored module to 7.x-1.2.
  355. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2936030 by byronveale, bkosborne: Update Apps
  356. module to 7.x-1.1.
  357. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2971198 by dsnopek: Update WYSIWYG to 2.5.
  358. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2971188 by dsnopek: Update devel to version
  359. 1.6.
  360. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2933584 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update
  361. search_api to version 1.24.
  362. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933580 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update
  363. field_group to version 1.6.
  364. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2882771 by cboyden, byronveale, dsnopek,
  365. bkosborne: Update WYSIWYG Filter to 7.x-1.6-rc9.
  366. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2931757 by byronveale, joseph.olstad,
  367. dsnopek, bkosborne: upgrade media and media_youtube in panopoly_widgets.
  368. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2561731 by dsnopek, wylbur, bkosborne:
  369. Update to image_resize_filter 1.16.
  370. - Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2933583 by dsnopek, byronveale: Update
  371. manualcrop to version 1.7.
  372. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933581 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update
  373. libraries to version 2.3.
  374. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933578 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update date to
  375. version 2.10.
  376. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933577 by dsnopek: Update
  377. views_bulk_operations to version 3.4.
  378. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2954647 by dsnopek: Linkit and live
  379. preview with panes style tests failing on Travis.
  380. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2969375 by dsnopek: Declare $javascript
  381. property in
  382. - Update to Drupal core 7.59 and Media for SA-CORE-2018-004.
  383. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2952671 by dsnopek, cboyden: File and Image
  384. widgets show PHP notices when underlying file has been deleted.
  385. - Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2505357 by cboyden, dsnopek:
  386. Widgets can be saved without any content.
  387. - Merge tag '7.x-1.52' into 7.x-1.x.
  388. - Update to Drupal 7.58 for SA-CORE-2018-002.
  389. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2955645 by dsnopek: "Full screen" button in
  390. WYSIWYG blanks out content.
  391. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2903251 by dsnopek, byronveale, cboyden,
  392. bkosborne: Update and patch Simple GMAP.
  393. - Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2919401 by cboyden, byronveale,
  394. dsnopek, bkosborne: Update TableField to 7.x-3.1.
  395. - Try only verifying .make files when not doing an upgrade test.
  396. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2945430 by byronveale, cboyden, bkosborne:
  397. Update to ctools 7.x-1.14.
  398. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933582 by dsnopek, bkosborne, cboyden: Update
  399. views to version 3.18 (add Views patch).
  400. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2933582 by dsnopek, bkosborne: Update views to
  401. version 3.18.
  402. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.51 release.
  403. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.51 release.
  404. 7.x-1.51, 2018-02-22
  405. -------------------
  406. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.50 release.
  407. 7.x-1.50, 2018-02-15
  408. -------------------
  409. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2944886 by cboyden: Update to Entity API 1.9.
  410. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2938996 by dsnopek: Validation for reusable
  411. FPP's "Admin Title" doesn't fire except when uploading images.
  412. - Update Panopoly Users for Issue #2935666 by vitalie: Undeclared radix_layouts
  413. dependency in panopoly_users.
  414. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2484843 by dsnopek, cboyden: Allow widgets to
  415. control how their "example" is rendered on the "Add content" dialog (including
  416. using a static image rather than rendering).
  417. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.49 release.
  418. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.49 release.
  419. 7.x-1.49, 2017-12-13
  420. -------------------
  421. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.47 release.
  422. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.48 release.
  423. 7.x-1.48, 2017-11-30
  424. -------------------
  425. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  426. year ago.
  427. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2923210 by cboyden: Edit file button
  428. appears on Media style selector modal.
  429. - Fully support PHP 7.
  430. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2925659 by dsnopek: Fieldable panels pane
  431. entities added erroneously to pane configuration.
  432. - Update Panopoly Core and Magic for Issue #2177417 by dsnopek: Widget output
  433. when editing with IPE can be different than when viewing the page normally
  434. (easily reproducable with "Submenu" widget).
  435. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2869560 by jamesrward, chrisgross, Jorrit:
  436. PHP7 Error: Indirect access to variable (revert unintentional change).
  437. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2869560 by jamesrward, chrisgross, Jorrit:
  438. PHP7 Error: Indirect access to variable.
  439. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2916715 by Jorrit: Update token for PHP 7
  440. compatibility.
  441. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2920387 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update to
  442. Media 2.13 and File Entity 2.12.
  443. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2914229 by cboyden: Switch to headless Chrome
  444. for Travis testing.
  445. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2916704 by Jorrit: Add field_group patch for
  446. PHP 7 compatibility.
  447. - Composer can't find http_request2 library.
  448. - Set composer repository to https.
  449. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.47 release.
  450. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.47 release.
  451. 7.x-1.47, 2017-08-17
  452. -------------------
  453. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2902677 by collinhaines, byronveale: Update
  454. Views to 3.17.
  455. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2902696 by collinhaines: Update Entity
  456. reference to 1.5.
  457. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  458. year ago.
  459. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2890125 by cboyden: Media button isn't
  460. highlighted when an image is selected.
  461. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.46 release.
  462. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.46 release.
  463. 7.x-1.46, 2017-06-21
  464. -------------------
  465. - Update Panopoly Test to revert patch from #2884143 that got accidentally
  466. committed!.
  467. - Update to Drupal 7.56 for SA-CORE-2017-003.
  468. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG, Magic and Test for Issue #2865140 by dsnopek,
  469. cboyden: Update WYSIWYG to 2.4.
  470. - Update Panopoly Widgets, Magic and Test for Issue #2881473 by cboyden,
  471. dsnopek: Fields shown when adding a reusable widget, even if the user doesn't
  472. have permission to edit them.
  473. - Update Panopoly Search and Test for Issue #2854334 by dsnopek, cboyden: Page
  474. title and H1 on search results page should give number of results for
  475. accessibility.
  476. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2867870 by cboyden: Update Entity API to 1.8.
  477. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2778617 by aubjr_drupal, dsnopek, cboyden:
  478. Update Link to v1.4.
  479. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2855737 by byronveale, candelas: Update Panels
  480. 3.9.
  481. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2875842 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update to FPP
  482. 1.11 and enable revision locking on existing sites.
  483. - Tests sometimes reaching 50 minute limit on Travis since switching to
  484. 'trusty'.
  485. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2878634: Tests sporadically failing with
  486. "Element matching css "#edit-submit" not found" on Media tests - try adding a
  487. wait.
  488. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2863077 by chrisgross: Update Search API
  489. modules.
  490. - Re-run failed Behat scenarios once (in case of gremlins).
  491. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2875018 by cboyden: Abstract screenshot step
  492. so it can be used without Imgur.
  493. - Try explicitly requesting the 'mysql' service.
  494. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2849268 by dsnopek, cboyden: Date picker month
  495. and year are unreadable in Bootstrap-based theme.
  496. - Try with bigger screen dimensions on Travis CI.
  497. - Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2774911 by dsnopek, annagaz,
  498. cboyden: Use Media Browser on Spotlight widget.
  499. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  500. year ago.
  501. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.45 release.
  502. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.45 release.
  503. 7.x-1.45, 2017-05-11
  504. -------------------
  505. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2876031 by dsnopek, NicholasS, cboyden:
  506. Chrome v58 Cannot Edit Images - Tiny MCE Bug setBaseAndExtent.
  507. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2877428 by dsnopek, Steve Hanson: Update of
  508. Media to 2.1 for security issue DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2017-044.
  509. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2874638 by dsnopek, cboyden: Add a Behat step
  510. to manually take a screenshot.
  511. - All Chrome tests failing with "Could not open connection: An unknown server-
  512. side error".
  513. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2860930 by dsnopek, cboyden: Add option to
  514. Submenu widget to control how many levels down to expand children, when using
  515. the "Expand all children" option.
  516. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.44 release.
  517. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.44 release.
  518. 7.x-1.44, 2017-04-13
  519. -------------------
  520. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2869079 by dsnopek: Update to Media 2.0.
  521. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2856834 by dsnopek: Incorrect image style
  522. used in WYSIWYG on updated sites.
  523. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.43 release.
  524. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.43 release.
  525. 7.x-1.43, 2017-02-22
  526. -------------------
  527. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2855019 by cboyden: Security update to Views
  528. 3.15.
  529. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.41 and 1.42 releases.
  530. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.42 release.
  531. 7.x-1.42, 2017-02-17
  532. -------------------
  533. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2850972: Rename 'tests' directory to 'behat'.
  534. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2850954: Add composer.lock to .gitignore in
  535. panopoly_test.
  536. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  537. year ago.
  538. - Update to Drupal 7.54.
  539. - Update Panopoly Core, Widgets and Images for Issue #2828987 by dsnopek,
  540. humansky, cboyden, mazze, byronveale, Steve Hanson, ndeet, mpotter: Update
  541. Media module to 7.x-2.0-rc3.
  542. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2623318 by dsnopek: Spotlight title display
  543. problems at mobile width.
  544. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2717277 by dsnopek: Upload screenshots to
  545. imgur on failed tests.
  546. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2803347 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update Behat
  547. Drupal extension to 3.2.2.
  548. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2789503 by cboyden, dsnopek, temkin: Update
  549. CTools to 1.12 and Panels to 3.8.
  550. - Update to Drupal core 7.53.
  551. - Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2771333 by dsnopek: Use linkit on
  552. path for "Make title a link" for all FPP widgets.
  553. - Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2789503 by cboyden, temkin, dsnopek:
  554. Update CTools to 1.12 and Panels to 3.8".
  555. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2789503 by cboyden, temkin, dsnopek: Update
  556. CTools to 1.12 and Panels to 3.8.
  557. - Update Panopoly Widgets, WYSIWYG and Test for Issue #2173535 by dsnopek: Use
  558. linkit on Spotlight.
  559. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2832255 by dsnopek, cboyden: URLs truncated
  560. on Image widgets.
  561. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2379145 by dsnopek: Panopoly Magic live
  562. preview does not render field collections.
  563. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2813391 by dsnopek, cboyden: Preview doesn't
  564. refresh after link is inserted into field with Linkit.
  565. - Merge branch '7.x-1.x' of into 7.x-1.x.
  566. - Update Panopoly Core and Pages for Issue #2597273 by dsnopek: Update to
  567. Pathauto 1.3.
  568. - Update Panopoly Core and Search for Issue #2765427 by dsnopek, humansky, Jon
  569. Nunan: Fix tests and 'drush' installation with Drupal 7.50 and greater.
  570. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.41 release.
  571. Panopoly 7.x-1.41, 2016-11-17
  572. ----------------------
  573. - Upgrade to Drupal 7.52.
  574. - Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2340811 by dsnopek, mcrittenden:
  575. Switch Image widget to use Media Browser.
  576. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2748813 by dsnopek, adamsro: Redirected to
  577. ajax endpoint when editing with IPE.
  578. - Incorrect storage_id in panopoly_test breaks some child distributions tests.
  579. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2790595 by mpotter, humansky: SolrPhpClient
  580. cannot be downloaded.
  581. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2788861: Add Panelizer patch to make
  582. 'administer panelizer' permission work correctly.
  583. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.40 release.
  584. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.40 release.
  585. Panopoly 7.x-1.40, 2016-08-20
  586. ----------------------
  587. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2787195 by byronveale, dsnopek: Update to
  588. Panels 7.x-3.7 and Panelizer 7.x-3.4.
  589. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2786553 by cboyden: Data loss: Saving in IPE
  590. without changes can cause previous change to be lost.
  591. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2786249 by dsnopek: Panels 3.6 converts user
  592. configured CSS IDs from underscores to dashes and makes CSS classes lover-
  593. case.
  594. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.39 release.
  595. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.39 release.
  596. Panopoly 7.x-1.39, 2016-08-18
  597. ----------------------
  598. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2786249: Panels 3.5 converts user configured
  599. CSS IDs from underscores to dashes.
  600. - Update Panopoly Core, Admin, Pages, Search, Test, Users for Issue #2785825 by
  601. dsnopek: Update Panels and Panelizer for SA-CONTRIB-2016-047 and SA-
  602. CONTRIB-2016-048.
  603. - Drop support for upgrading from Panopoly versions older than 1 year.
  604. - Update Panopoly Core, Users and Pages for Issue #2429549 by HaiNguyen007,
  605. dsnopek, DamienMcKenna, mglaman, hefox, mpotter: Update to latest Panelizer.
  606. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2753091 by cboyden: Patch Views Autocomplete
  607. Filters for clunky autocomplete message.
  608. - Fix grammar in readme.
  609. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.37 release.
  610. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.38 release.
  611. Panopoly 7.x-1.38, 2016-08-03
  612. ----------------------
  613. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2778555 by chrisgross: Update Admin Views to
  614. 1.6 for SA-CONTRIB-2016-041.
  615. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2773683 by cboyden, dsnopek: Can't
  616. distinguish Add links on Add Content dialog.
  617. - Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2013965 by dsnopek, caschbre,
  618. lsolesen, Andrew_Mallis: ability to link images placed with image widget.
  619. - Revert "Issue #2765427: Update to Drupal 7.50".
  620. - Update to Drupal 7.50.
  621. - Assign UID 1 to 'administrator' role on install.
  622. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2418861 by dsnopek: Don't enable
  623. pantheon_apachesolr on panopoly sites hosted on Pantheon by default.
  624. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.37 release.
  625. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.37 release.
  626. Panopoly 7.x-1.37, 2016-06-16
  627. ----------------------
  628. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2750185: Update Views to 3.14 for SA-
  629. CONTRIB-2016-036.
  630. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.36 release.
  631. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.36 release.
  632. Panopoly 7.x-1.36, 2016-06-16
  633. ----------------------
  634. - Update to Drupal 7.44 for SA-CORE-2016-002.
  635. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2063541 by lsolesen: Remove Open Sans?.
  636. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2728569 by dsnopek: CTools modal positioned
  637. incorrectly in Bootstrap theme when message is present.
  638. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.35 release.
  639. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.35 release.
  640. Panopoly 7.x-1.35, 2016-05-04
  641. ----------------------
  642. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2483295 by dsnopek, humansky,
  643. mglaman, cboyden: Title in FPP is double encoded when making a link.
  644. - Update Panopoly Core and Magic for Issue #2717509 by dsnopek: Update to
  645. Fieldable Panels Panes 1.10 for SA-CONTRIB-2016-025.
  646. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.34 release.
  647. - Merge branch '7.x-1.35' of into 7.x-1.35.
  648. - Drop support for upgrading from Panopoly versions older than 1 year.
  649. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.34 release.
  650. Panopoly 7.x-1.34, 2016-04-20
  651. ----------------------
  652. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2710389 by dsnopek: Update to search_api
  653. 1.18 for SA-CONTRIB-2016-022.
  654. - Update Panopoly Search and Test for Issue #2561737 by cboyden, mpotter: Update
  655. search_api to 1.17, search_api_db to 1.5, search_api_solr to 1.10.
  656. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2708733 by mpotter: Update Features to 2.10.
  657. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.33 release.
  658. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.33 release.
  659. Panopoly 7.x-1.33, 2016-04-14
  660. ----------------------
  661. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2706279 by dsnopek: Remove the Respondjs
  662. library from Panopoly.
  663. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2706259: Update to Features 2.9 for SA-
  664. CONTRIB-2016-020.
  665. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2694253 by dsnopek, cboyden: Don't log
  666. searches for empty keywords.
  667. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2695563 by dsnopek: Remove debug code from
  668. Panels IPE.
  669. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2467073 by cboyden, dsnopek,
  670. segovia94: Preview fieldset overflows in Firefox if using a very large image.
  671. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.32 release.
  672. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.32 release.
  673. Panopoly 7.x-1.32, 2016-03-03
  674. ----------------------
  675. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2679947 by cboyden: Security update to
  676. fieldable panels panes 1.8.
  677. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.31 release.
  678. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.31 release.
  679. Panopoly 7.x-1.31, 2016-02-25
  680. ----------------------
  681. - Update to Drupal 7.43 for SA-CORE-2016-001.
  682. - Update Panopoly Widgets and WYSIWYG for Issue #2646372 by dsnopek:
  683. Panopoly_widgets Schema Update 7016 Integrity constraint violation.
  684. - Phing build exposes too much to the public.
  685. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2653834 by dsnopek: Pass entity to
  686. 'panopoly_spotlight_wrapper' and 'panopoly_spotlight_view' theme functions.
  687. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.30 release.
  688. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.30 release.
  689. Panopoly 7.x-1.30, 2016-01-06
  690. ----------------------
  691. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2645668: "Use an image from elsewhere on the
  692. web" test failing.
  693. - Assign UID 1 to 'administrator' role on install.
  694. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2645654: Update field_group to 1.5 for SA-
  695. CONTRIB-2016-001.
  696. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2637004 by humansky: Default admin role.
  697. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2623662 by dsnopek: Access denied when
  698. adding Media in WYSIWYG.
  699. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2617618 by dsnopek: Don't set default image
  700. for image widget.
  701. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.29 release.
  702. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.29 release.
  703. Panopoly 7.x-1.29, 2015-11-18
  704. ----------------------
  705. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2618206 by mpotter: Patching media for
  706. opening multiple media browser popups.
  707. - Bah! We don't want to test only 7.x-1.29, but skip testing 8.x-2.x (otherwise
  708. we lose the issue branch tests).
  709. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2616342 by rajarju: User base_url for showing
  710. site url over permalink field (label).
  711. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2610366 by mpotter: Panels patches for Atrium.
  712. - Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2573877 by Andrew_Mallis: tighten up media
  713. browser thumbnails.
  714. - Merge branch '7.x-1.29' of into 7.x-1.29.
  715. - For now, only test the 7.x-1.29 branch.
  716. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2533688 by dsnopek: Update to Media
  717. 2.0-beta1 and File Entity 2.0-beta2.
  718. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2592731 by mpotter: Update Features 2.7 (and
  719. Features Override).
  720. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2578219 by mglaman: Update defaultconfig to
  721. version 1.0-alpha11.
  722. - Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2597273: Update to Pathauto 1.3".
  723. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2567483 by humansky: Update to Date 2.9.
  724. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2597273: Update to Pathauto 1.3.
  725. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2561733: Update to CTools 1.9.
  726. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2553903: Update to Linkit 3.4.
  727. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.28 release.
  728. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.28 release.
  729. Panopoly 7.x-1.28, 2015-10-21
  730. ----------------------
  731. - Update to Drupal 7.41 for SA-CORE-2015-004 and jquery_update for SA-
  732. CONTRIB-2015-158.
  733. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2557317 by visabhishek, rhuffstedtler: Remove
  734. question mark from Enable/Disable link on pane library.
  735. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  736. year ago.
  737. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2560753 by amaisano: Search block pane
  738. config ignores prompt override.
  739. - Revert "Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2560753 by amaisano: Search block
  740. pane config ignores prompt override".
  741. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2583449 by LCM: Missing file access checks for
  742. private files attached to Fieldable Panel Panes.
  743. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2574491 by Alex Bukach: Don't rebuild
  744. accordions on AJAX requests.
  745. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2541838 by hart0554: Convert accordion
  746. "heightAuto" to "heightStyle" for jQuery UI >= 1.9.
  747. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2562983 by kekkis: Incorporate patch that
  748. eases creating new text formats.
  749. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2562157: Can't distinguish reusable content
  750. without admin title when previews are in single mode.
  751. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2559617 by mglaman: CTools "Undefined index:
  752. access callback in ctools_entity_from_field_context()".
  753. - Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2558367 by uttamkotekar: Type-o findthe in
  754. watchdog() text panopoly_images module.
  755. - Update to Selenium 2.47.1 to fix test stability issues.
  756. - failing on Travis-CI.
  757. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2552723 by B-Prod: Update to
  758. simplified_menu_admin 1.0.
  759. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2528248 by dsnopek, chrisgross: Text on
  760. tabs on Media Browser is lower than it is on other interfaces.
  761. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2565175 by cboyden: Performance issues when
  762. indexing HTML-heavy sites.
  763. - Fix the script for the changes in .travis.yml.
  764. - Add back PHP 5.5 and 5.6 tests!.
  765. - Fix permissions on new script files.
  766. - Cache Drush and Composer on Travis for builds.
  767. - Migrate to new Travis infrastructure.
  768. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.27 release.
  769. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.27 release.
  770. Panopoly 7.x-1.27, 2015-09-02
  771. ----------------------
  772. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2562017: Update to fieldable_panels_panes
  773. version 1.7 for SA-CONTRIB-2015-145.
  774. - Use latest Chrome on Travis-CI.
  775. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2492877 by RobLoach, Albert Volkman: Move
  776. jQuery version from strongarm to defaultconfig so it can be overridden.
  777. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.26 release.
  778. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.26 release.
  779. Panopoly 7.x-1.26, 2015-08-19
  780. ----------------------
  781. - Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2474563 by mglaman: Need ctools patch
  782. for calling node_view more than once".
  783. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2554189: Update to CTools 1.8 for SA-
  784. CONTRIB-2015-141.
  785. - Update to Drupal 7.39 for SA-CORE-2015-003.
  786. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2391243 by dsnopek, B-Prod: Multilingual
  787. options for menu does not work.
  788. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2185351 by dsnopek, caschbre: Does
  789. panopoly_admin really depend on panopoly_theme?.
  790. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2314059 by Andrew Edwards, dsnopek,
  791. nlambert, martin_q: Panopoly Widgets - support the Title module.
  792. - Composer.json build requirements should be require-dev and not require.
  793. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2534936 by ultimike: Counting Spotlight
  794. clicks.
  795. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2498437 by dsnopek, mglaman, jfrederick:
  796. Update media_vimeo to version 2.1.
  797. - Chrome tests failing on Travis-CI.
  798. - Update Panopoly Pages and Test for Issue #2497297 by jfrederick, dsnopek:
  799. Errors on non-interactive install with drush site-install.
  800. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2456255 by dsnopek, mglaman: Update
  801. views_autocomplete_filters to version 1.2.
  802. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2474563 by mglaman: Need ctools patch for
  803. calling node_view more than once.
  804. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2044147 by populist, jfrederick: Have
  805. panopoly_search SOLR intergration configured for node access by default.
  806. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2504829 by dsnopek, mglaman, mpotter,
  807. Elijah Lynn: Update Vimeo configuration export.
  808. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2530866 by cboyden, jfrederick, Lowell:
  809. Search indexes source code.
  810. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2500307 by mglaman, jfrederick: Update
  811. search_api to 1.15 and search_api_solr to 1.7.
  812. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2117715 by dsnopek, yakoub, mglaman:
  813. Redirect search block to our search_api-based search.
  814. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2534646 by dsnopek: Update from Panopoly
  815. 1.15 or older fails with "Table 'drupal.search_api_task' doesn't exist".
  816. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2434591 by caschbre: Check if
  817. panopoly_search is enabled in panopoly_search update 7005.
  818. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2533504 by drunken monkey: Exported disabled
  819. server "Solr Server" cannot have an index attached.
  820. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2528924 by dsnopek, cboyden, ultimike:
  821. Spotlight accessibility regressions.
  822. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2533064 by dsnopek: Live preview after image
  823. upload breaks Spotlight (regression).
  824. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2532908 by dsnopek: Panopoly Widgets
  825. overridden after upgrade to -dev.
  826. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2510944 by hefox, mglaman: Update Apps to 1.0.
  827. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2334041 by Andrew Edwards: Move rendering
  828. of Spotlight formatter into theme template.
  829. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2530966 by hart0554, Lowell: Accordion style
  830. setting "-1" on active doesn't work with jquery ui => 1.9.
  831. - Add 'sudo: required' to our .travis.yml.
  832. - Update Panopoly Core and Test for Issue #2183937 by mglaman, tom friedhof,
  833. fastangel, mcrittenden: Error on install of Panopoly-based install profile:
  834. "Column 'module' cannot be null" when profile starts with "e".
  835. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #1980348 by elliotc, ivymy, lsolesen: The
  836. breadcrumb for create text & image shows ampersand as" & ".
  837. - Update Panopoly Widgets, Magic and Test for Issue #2479569 by dsnopek,
  838. mglaman: Update tablefield to version 2.4.
  839. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2509988 by mglaman: Update to
  840. image_resize_filter 1.15.
  841. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2272721 by mglaman: Image Resize Filter
  842. never utilized.
  843. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.25 release.
  844. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.25 release.
  845. Panopoly 7.x-1.25, 2015-07-08
  846. ----------------------
  847. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2525208 by dsnopek, hfarrier: Media dialog
  848. broken (possible bug).
  849. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2529416: Update to admin_views 1.5 for SA-
  850. CONTRIB-2015-132.
  851. - Add phing-based build system to make it easier for contributors to build,
  852. install and run tests.
  853. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2526330 by Andrew Edwards: Split spotlight
  854. JS into it's own file.
  855. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.24 release.
  856. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2521644 by dsnopek: Allow video_widget.feature
  857. to run under Firefox.
  858. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.24 release.
  859. Panopoly 7.x-1.24, 2015-07-02
  860. ----------------------
  861. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2506371 by dsnopek, chrisgross, humansky:
  862. Media dialog missing styles.
  863. - Update to Selenium 2.46.
  864. - Revert "Issue #2516882: Update to Selenium 2.46".
  865. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2516868 by dsnopek: Update to
  866. views_bulk_operations 3.3 for SA-CONTRIB-2015-131.
  867. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2516872 by dsnopek: Update to Migrate 2.8 for
  868. SA-CONTRIB-2015-130.
  869. - Update Panopoly Core and Widgets for Issue #2506371 by dsnopek, chrisgross,
  870. humansky: Media dialog missing styles.
  871. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2510910 by humansky: Update to
  872. media_youtube 3.0.
  873. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2514518 by dsnopek: Update to menu_block
  874. 2.7.
  875. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2477391 by hefox, mpotter: Update Features to
  876. version 2.6.
  877. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2093009 by dsnopek: Undefined index: active
  878. in theme_panopoly_theme_panopoly_accordion_style_render_region(.
  879. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.23 release.
  880. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.23 release.
  881. Panopoly 7.x-1.23, 2015-06-17
  882. ----------------------
  883. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2507897: Commit composer.lock to increase test
  884. performance and consistancy.
  885. - Update to Drupal 7.38 for SA-CORE-2015-002.
  886. - Update Panopoly Core and Admin for Issue #2507781: Update to jquery_update 2.6
  887. for SA-CONTRIB-2015-123.
  888. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2496027 by dsnopek: Generate preview
  889. markup in a theme function/template.
  890. - Update Panopoly Core, Admin and Widgets for Issue #2235081 by dsnopek,
  891. RobLoach, hefox: Update jquery_update to version 2.5.
  892. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2477391 by hefox, mpotter: Update Features to
  893. version 2.6-rc1.
  894. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2503921 by joegraduate: Update to
  895. radix_layouts 3.4.
  896. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2499289 by dsnopek, lsolesen, cboyden:
  897. Spotlight titles without descriptions wrapping to a second line.
  898. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2449855 by hefox, mglaman: Patch breakpoints
  899. so it doesn't make cache clear slow on sites with enabled themes not using
  900. breakpoints.
  901. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2499979 by joegraduate, mglaman: Update
  902. menu_block to version 2.6.
  903. - Update Panopoly Pages for Issue #2500351 by mglaman: SQL Integrity constraint
  904. thrown for Panopoly Landing Page permissions on upgrade.
  905. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.22 release.
  906. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.22 release.
  907. Panopoly 7.x-1.22, 2015-06-04
  908. ----------------------
  909. - Drop support for updating from Panopoly version that were release more than a
  910. year ago.
  911. - Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2401473 by dsnopek: Update to latest
  912. ManualCrop 7.x-1.22-dev.
  913. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2155377 by dsnopek, sylus, mpotter,
  914. cboyden: Only show one widget preview at a time when adding content in panels.
  915. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2499273: Include Panels and CTools patches for
  916. improved keyboard accessibility.
  917. - Update Panopoly Core, Magic and Test for Issue #2483265 by dsnopek: Update to
  918. latest Fieldable Panels Panes (FPP).
  919. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2371247 by dsnopek, cboyden: Upgrade to Behat
  920. 3 / Drupal Extension 3.
  921. - Update to Drupal 7.37.
  922. - Update Panopoly Core and Admin for Issue #2492811 by RobLoach, dsnopek: Move
  923. jquery_update to panopoly_core.make and .info.
  924. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2458677 by mglaman: Add locale language
  925. filter to "Add content item" widget View.
  926. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2374827 by dsnopek, Shawn DeArmond: Write
  927. Behat test for autocomplete on "Add content item" widget.
  928. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2492841 by RobLoach: Switch from
  929. hook_pre_render_styles() to hook_library_alter().
  930. - Update scripts/ for the addition of the 5.5 and 5.6 jobs.
  931. - Run Travis-CI tests with PHP 5.5 and 5.6 as well.
  932. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2459163 by mglaman, dsnopek: Editing
  933. body of node in FAPE via the IPE doesn't save changes.
  934. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2491521 by dsnopek: Warning when content
  935. includes duplicate IDs and a user defined text format that allows them.
  936. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2445119 by dsnopek: Update Media to
  937. 2.0-alpha4.
  938. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2477469 by dsnopek, mglaman: Style
  939. settings form breaks 'managed_file' elements, puts 'Cancel' button in 'General
  940. Settings' fieldset, and gives PHP notices on region style settings.
  941. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2491593 by dsnopek: Visual regression on 'Add
  942. content' dialog for the top-level widget buttons.
  943. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2430975 by Shawn DeArmond: Add Behat tests for
  944. demo content pulled in via panopoly_demo and Migrate.
  945. - Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2456255 by dsnopek: Update
  946. views_autocomplete_filters to version 1.2".
  947. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2316531 by cornifex: Update Date to 2.9-rc1.
  948. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2489630 by mglaman: "@Then /^I should see the
  949. "([^"]*)" button$/" notice on $region.
  950. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2489354 by caschbre: Write Behat test for
  951. hiding seldom used pane styles via Panopoly Magic.
  952. - Revert "Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2489354 by caschbre: Write Behat test
  953. for hiding seldom used pane styles via Panopoly Magic".
  954. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2466935 by mglaman, hefox: Update apps to rc1.
  955. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2424709 by joegraduate: Update 'menu_block'
  956. module to 2.5.
  957. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2456255 by dsnopek: Update
  958. views_autocomplete_filters to version 1.2.
  959. - Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2486713 by ergophobe: Caption filter doesn't
  960. select the correct image size when an image's size is manually adjusted.
  961. - Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2489320 by junaidpv: panopoly_images module
  962. pass incorrect arguments when calling watchdog() inside hook_init()
  963. implementaion.
  964. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2484733 by uladzimir.karol: Replace 'und'
  965. with the constant LANGUAGE_NONE for multi language site in panopoly_admin.
  966. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2485081 by dobe: Alter Search Form Submit.
  967. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2481145 by hefox: Undefined events don't have
  968. definition but afterStep still called, errors out.
  969. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2480835 by dsnopek: Spotlight widget
  970. shouldn't assume that image exists when rendering.
  971. - Revert "Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2479569: Update tablefield to
  972. version 2.4".
  973. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2468371 by dsnopek, cboyden: Provide
  974. a way for Views to opt out of allowing the "Display type" to be changed on the
  975. pane settings.
  976. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2479569: Update tablefield to version 2.4.
  977. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2453093: Update respondjs to version 1.5.
  978. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.21 release.
  979. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.21 release.
  980. Panopoly 7.x-1.21, 2015-04-29
  981. ----------------------
  982. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2480383: Update Views to version 3.11 for SA-
  983. CONTRIB-2015-103.
  984. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2236815 by segovia94, dsnopek: Set human-
  985. readable names for all of Panopoly's image styles.
  986. - Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2236815 by segovia94, dsnopek: Set human-
  987. readable names for all of Panopoly's image styles.
  988. - Update Panopoly Core, Admin, Pages and Test for Issue #2477319: Clean up
  989. instances of deprecated layouts.
  990. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2473365 by dsnopek: WYSIWYG format
  991. shouldn't use "Convert line breaks into HTML" filter.
  992. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #1962642 by Sheldon Rampton: Undefined index:
  993. default_filename in defaultconfig_defaultconfig_components() (line 418.
  994. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2468989 by hanoii: Include views patch to fix
  995. destination query string on ajax calls from views.
  996. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2476723 by dsnopek: Remove 'Radix' from the
  997. label of each of the layouts.
  998. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2476723 by dsnopek: Remove 'Radix' from the
  999. label of each of the layouts.
  1000. - Update Panopoly Images and Test for Issue #2476227 by dsnopek: Page full of
  1001. variables after changing layout.
  1002. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2476543 by dsnopek: tag getting
  1003. added to the WYSIWYG output.
  1004. - Fix type-o in scripts/ panopoly_wyiswyg =>
  1005. panopoly_wysiwyg.
  1006. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2444361 by mglaman: Update token module to
  1007. version 1.6.
  1008. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2451691 by mglaman: Update TinyMCE library
  1009. to 3.5.11.
  1010. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2472693: Make theming FPPs sane.
  1011. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2471995 by hefox: menu_rebuild removed, but
  1012. not variable that tracked if had been done.
  1013. - Update Panopoly Core and profile for Issue #2468273 by dsnopek: Update to
  1014. Drupal 7.36.
  1015. - Update Panopoly Core, Images, Widgets, Admin, Pages, Search and Test for Issue
  1016. #2446165: Update Features module to version 2.5.
  1017. - The script should skip all but one upgrade test by
  1018. default.
  1019. - Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2468445 by RobLoach, dsnopek: Panopoly
  1020. Images targets img elements.
  1021. - Revert "Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2468445 by RobLoach, dsnopek:
  1022. Panopoly Images targets img elements".
  1023. - Update Panoploy WYSIWYG for Issue #2460217 by mcrittenden: LinkIt is broken
  1024. when changing to WYSIWYG editor after save.
  1025. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2261061 by segovia94, dsnopek, hernani: Allow
  1026. panopoly magic to affect other forms.
  1027. - Update Panopoly Images and WYSIWYG for Issue #2287805 by ergophobe, dsnopek,
  1028. cornifex, mglaman: Caption filter does not work with Quarter Size image format
  1029. - or with floated captions.
  1030. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2456919 by ergophobe: Caption filter not
  1031. properly converting singe quotes to entities.
  1032. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2463395 by dsnopek: Content Item widget
  1033. initial preview is confusing.
  1034. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2463389 by dsnopek: PHP notice when adding
  1035. Image pane as an editor.
  1036. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2461077 by dshields, dsnopek: Hiding the Body
  1037. field label breaks the summary toggle.
  1038. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2455789: Errors when viewing pages with
  1039. fieldable panels panes with visibility rules.
  1040. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2459229 by dsnopek: Document names in the
  1041. Media "Library" overflow outside of their boxes.
  1042. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2459195 by dsnopek: "File name" filter in
  1043. Media "Library" loses focus after each keystroke.
  1044. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2458747 by dsnopek: Media browser tabs give
  1045. little indication that a tab is selected.
  1046. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.20 release.
  1047. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.20 release.
  1048. Panopoly 7.x-1.20, 2015-03-25
  1049. ----------------------
  1050. - Update Panopoly Pages for Issue #2456635 by candelas, dsnopek:
  1051. SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'rid' cannot be
  1052. null.
  1053. - Intermittent test failures due to Chrome errors.
  1054. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2429327 by B-Prod: The alteration of node
  1055. options may conflict with other forms.
  1056. - CHANGELOG.txt updates for 1.19 went wrong.
  1057. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.19 release.
  1058. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.19 release.
  1059. Panopoly 7.x-1.19, 2015-03-19
  1060. -----------------------
  1061. - Getting ready for the 1.19 release.
  1062. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2455073: Update to CTools 1.7 for SA-
  1063. CONTRIB-2015-079.
  1064. - Update Drupal core to 7.35 for SA-CORE-2015-001.
  1065. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2443499 by dsnopek: User profile:
  1066. Unable to chage image field style formatter options because they don't get
  1067. saved.
  1068. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2424017 by B-Prod: Malformed (and useless)
  1069. string context causes errors with new versions of CTools.
  1070. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2453837 by dsnopek: Authenticated users should
  1071. have full permission to all test content types.
  1072. - Update Panopoly Search and Test for Issue #2423841 by dsnopek: "Top search
  1073. phrases" report not showing any data.
  1074. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2432625 by dsnopek: panopoly_widgets makes
  1075. it hard/impossible to implement responsive tables strategy for the whole site.
  1076. - Update Panopoly Image for Issue #2449357 by dsnopek: Relabeled view modes
  1077. baffles.
  1078. - Update Panopoly Pages and Test for Issue #2293947 by caschbre, dsnopek,
  1079. mglaman: Make "Landing Page" into node + Panelizer (rather than a Page Manager
  1080. page).
  1081. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2449495 by dsnopek: livepreview.feature is
  1082. super slow.
  1083. - Update Panopoly Users for Issue #2447591 by bwood: Perform coding style fixes
  1084. on panopoly_users.
  1085. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2448757: Features exports including Panels
  1086. stuff (*, *, etc) use incorrect indentation.
  1087. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2444359 by caschbre: Update admin_views to
  1088. version 1.4.
  1089. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2396241 by brandy.brown, dsnopek: Hide field
  1090. labels in a more accessible way.
  1091. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2446219 by mglaman: Media Vimeo patch to
  1092. fix improper Exception handling.
  1093. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2152111 by brandy.brown, dsnopek: Removal of
  1094. description from Featured image.
  1095. - Update Panopoly Magic, Core and Test for Issue #2398347 by dsnopek, mglaman:
  1096. Panopoly Magic abuses FPP revisions.
  1097. - Update Panopoly Test and Magic for Issue #2447839 by dsnopek: Audit Behat code
  1098. for slowness and optimize.
  1099. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2447475 by dsnopek: YouTube test fails on
  1100. Chrome 41.
  1101. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2443031 by joegraduate: Panopoly Magic update
  1102. generates warning when FPP not installed.
  1103. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2430617 by hanoii: states.js doesn't work
  1104. properly with jquery 1.7 (jquery_update 2.3).
  1105. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2420281 by dsnopek: Administration menu:
  1106. errors when enabling it.
  1107. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2412321: Update admin_menu to 3.0-rc5.
  1108. - Update Panopoly Admin for Issue #2272179: Update 'module_filter' module to
  1109. version 7.x-2.0 (1.8 unsupported).
  1110. - Installing last release fails to pull in panopoly_demo on Travsi-CI.
  1111. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2317467 by dsnopek: Allow live
  1112. preview to work with WYSIWYG.
  1113. - Tests randomly fail with "MySQL server has gone away" (take 4).
  1114. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.18 release.
  1115. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.18 release.
  1116. Panopoly 7.x-1.18, 2015-02-26
  1117. ----------------------
  1118. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2436351 by hefox: Patch search_api_db to be a bit less brittle.
  1119. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2164187 by dsnopek: Upgrade from 1.0-rc4 fails: Table 'cache_search_api_solr' doesn't exist.
  1120. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2438281 by dsnopek: Update to Entity API 1.6 for SA-CONTRIB-2015-053.
  1121. - Write a script to submit issue patches to Travis-CI.
  1122. - Enable APC on Travis-CI.
  1123. - Travis-CI not failing on 'drush updb' errors!.
  1124. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2426241 by adamsro: Upgrade causes fieldable panels panes Titles to appear twice.
  1125. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2430889 by dsnopek: Hide 'preview' and 'diff_standard' view modes when adding FPPs.
  1126. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for Issue #2170695 by dsnopek, whastings, mglaman: Make view modes removed from pane configuration a setting.
  1127. - Test allowing Apps to pull in the panopoly_demo module when running via Drush.
  1128. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2430921: Failing to download 'panopoly_demo' when installing via 'drush si': "Downloading updates failed:Failed to download from ".
  1129. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2425577 by adamsro: WD search_api: SearchApiException: Unknown or invalid item type node on update.
  1130. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2412317 by artem.kolotilkin: Update to Migrate 2.7.
  1131. - Update Panopoly Image for Issue #2422163 by ergophobe: Panopoly CSS causes issues with WYSIWYG image because of image style class names.
  1132. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.17 release.
  1133. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.17 release.
  1134. Panopoly 7.x-1.17, 2015-02-18
  1135. ----------------------
  1136. - Update Panopoly Images for Issue #2181263 by ivanjaros: HP Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in panopoly_images/panopoly_images.module on line 90.
  1137. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #1759222: Remove special handling for Pane titles.
  1138. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2425903 by adamsro: Search API exceptions during install.
  1139. - Revert "Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2424709 by joegraduate: Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5".
  1140. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2424829 by cboyden: Submenu widget test depends on panopoly_pages.
  1141. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2424709 by joegraduate: Update 'menu_block' module to 2.5.
  1142. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.16 release.
  1143. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.16 release.
  1144. Panopoly 7.x-1.16, 2015-02-12
  1145. ----------------------
  1146. - Updated Panopoly Core for Issue #2424627: Update Views to version 3.10 for SA-CONTRIB-2015-039.
  1147. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2418885 by lsolesen: Makefile downloads master of respondjs library instead of tag/hash.
  1148. - Update Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2424327 by dsnopek: Overriding title in "Content Item" widget doesn't work for "Featured" view mode of Content Pages.
  1149. - Updated Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2334439 by dsnopek: Switch "Content Item" widget to use some kind of entity reference field rather than title with autocomplete filter.
  1150. - Update Panopoly Pages for Issue #2191069 by dsnopek, arshadcn, caschbre, klu: Have Panopoly Theme depend on Radix Layouts - forget some layout changes.
  1151. - Update Panopoly Core, Search, Test for Issue #2416525 by dsnopek: Allow users to search for content added to a node via Panelizer.
  1152. - Updated Panopoly Widgets and Test for Issue #2421569 by dsnopek: Allow the title of "Content item" widgets to be overridden.
  1153. - Updated Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2421593 by dsnopek: Remove empty ("no results") message from "Content list" and "Content item" widgets.
  1154. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2395719 by cboyden, dsnopek: Add option to support sorting by updated date to Content List.
  1155. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2418769: Notice: Undefined variable: id in ctools_argument_entity_id_context() (line 73 of /prj/ctools/plugins/arguments/
  1156. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2416775 by ivanjaros: Warning: Illegal offset type in views_add_contextual_links() (line 816 of ~/prj/panopoly/panopoly/modules/contrib/views/views.module).
  1157. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2417293: Submenu widget broken - Fatal error: Call to undefined function menu_block_configure_form_follow_validate() - take 2!.
  1158. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2149171 by dsnopek, lsolesen: Write Behat tests for Panopoly "submenu" widget.
  1159. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2417293: Submenu widget broken - Fatal error: Call to undefined function menu_block_configure_form_follow_validate().
  1160. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2416781 by dsnopek, ivanjaros: Stray select box when configuring Views widgets.
  1161. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2403539 by fastangel: Makefile downloads master of markitup library instead of tag/hash.
  1162. - Update Panopoly Search for Issue #2080893 by dsnopek: Update Search API modules.
  1163. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2416035 by ivanjaros: Update to Panels 3.5 and Ctools 1.6.
  1164. - Include Drupal core patch to fix issues with ImageCache Actions.
  1165. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2373495 by cboyden: Write Behat test for Media Web tab; move to new feature.
  1166. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2268647 by cboyden, dsnopek: File upload tests do not clean up after themselves.
  1167. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2312827: Widget 'title' isn't shown admin pages for Fieldable Panel Panes.
  1168. - Revert "Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2268647 by cboyden, dsnopek: File upload tests do not clean up after themselves".
  1169. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2276089 by dsnopek, maustyle: Allow configuring file types for "File" widget without overriding the Feature.
  1170. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for Issue #2411920: @ rule for wysiwyg_filter needs to come first, rather than last.
  1171. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2411755 by mcrittenden: Spotlight Pause/Pause/Prev/Next buttons stop working after opening or saving Panels IPE.
  1172. - Updated Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2276089 by dsnopek, maustyle: Allow configuring file types for "File" widget without overriding the Feature.
  1173. - Revert "Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2312827 by dsnopek: Widget 'title' isn't shown admin pages for Fieldable Panel Panes".
  1174. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2312827 by dsnopek: Widget 'title' isn't shown admin pages for Fieldable Panel Panes.
  1175. - Update Panopoly Magic for Issue #2410921 by Chewie, dsnopek: Avoid overwriting title of IPE buton.
  1176. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.15 release.
  1177. - Update Panopoly Widgets for Issue #2398801 by cornifex: Map widget pane-content should hide overflow as opposed to entire pane.
  1178. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2402199 by hefox: Update to features 2.3.
  1179. Panopoly 7.x-1.15, 2015-01-12
  1180. ----------------------
  1181. - Update to CTools 1.5
  1182. - Use structured markup for search results
  1183. - Spotlight: Allow hiding of pager, replace with previous/next controls
  1184. - Spotlight should allow an empty title field
  1185. - Updated LinkIt module to 3.3 version
  1186. Panopoly 7.x-1.14, 2014-11-19
  1187. ----------------------
  1188. - Update Panopoly Core for Issue #2374727 by hefox: update to apps beta20.
  1189. - Update to Drupal 7.34 for SA-CORE-2014-006.
  1190. - Update Panopoly Theme for Issue #2378487 by dsnopek: Update all Panels in the database to use Radix Layouts.
  1191. - Update Panopoly Search for #2144779 by dsnopek: Update automatic configuration of SOLR on Pantheon.
  1192. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2329387 by cboyden, jessehs: Write Behat tests to ensure search works after install and provides facets.
  1193. - Update Panopoly Test for #2334055 by jessehs: Write Behat tests to verify that submission guidelines appear on node edit form.
  1194. - Update Panopoly Test for #2377713 by dsnopek: panopoly_test shouldn't put "use text format panopoly_(html|wysiwyg)_text" in user_permission.
  1195. - Update Panopoly Core, Theme, Magic, Admin, Users, Pages, Search, Test for #2191069 by dsnopek, arshadcn, caschbre, klu: Have Panopoly Theme depend on Radix Layouts (rather than providing it's own).
  1196. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2374715 by dsnopek: Fixed "Content Type" filter on the "Add content item" widget is broken.
  1197. - Update Panopoly Core for #2374697 by dsnopek: Fixed views_autocomplete_filters 'dependent' feature doesn't work in Pane settings.
  1198. - Update Panopoly Core for #2374121 by mpotter: Fixed Patch needed to Views Bulk Operations (VBO).
  1199. - Update to Drupal 7.33.
  1200. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2369627 by dsnopek: Update 'link' module to version 1.3 (fix overridden Features).
  1201. - Update Panopoly Core for #2369629 by dsnopek: Update distro_update to version 1.0-beta4.
  1202. - Update Panopoly Core for #2369627 by dsnopek: Update 'link' module to version 1.3.
  1203. - Update Panopoly Theme for #2369609 by dsnopek: Update responsive_bartik to version 1.0.
  1204. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2163985 by lsolesen: Added Too narrow Spotlight headline area.
  1205. - Update Panopoly Test for #2334143 by jessehs | dsnopek: Write Behat tests for pathauto for 'editor' role.
  1206. - Update Panopoly Search for #2150047 by jessehs, lsolesen: Fixed Empty search should yield message "Enter your keywords".
  1207. - Update Panopoly Test for #2334055 by jessehs | dsnopek: Write Behat tests to verify that submission guidelines appear on node edit form.
  1208. - Start testing upgrades from the 1.13 release.
  1209. - Update Panopoly Theme for #2370539 by arshadcn: Fixed Hide hidden themes from Panopoly theme selection.
  1210. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2171809 by mpotter | ergophobe: Added Can't turn off previews on Panels Add Content modal.
  1211. - Update Panopoly Core for #2369967 by mpotter | dsnopek: Consider CTools modal resize patch (#2055785) for inclusion in Panopoly?.
  1212. - Update Panopoly Test for #2370527 by cboyden: Use 'imports' in behat.yml files to share common configuration.
  1213. - Update Panopoly Core for #2361927 by hefox | lsolesen: Fixed Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in apps_retrieve_app_image().
  1214. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2317411 by mglaman: Added Restore automatic menu title generation from menu.js.
  1215. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2058917 by dsnopek, scottalan | kmonty: Fixed Kitchen Sink WYSIWYG plug-in breaks non-panopoly_wysiwyg input format editors (using CKEditor).
  1216. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.13 release.
  1217. Panopoly 7.x-1.13, 2014-10-17
  1218. ----------------------
  1219. - Fixed panopoly_update_7102() breaks if 'help' block is already placed in a region.
  1220. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2357405 by hefox: Fixed Patch for tablefield not needed.
  1221. - Starting testing upgrades from the 1.12 release.
  1222. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.12 release.
  1223. Panopoly 7.x-1.12, 2014-10-15
  1224. ----------------------
  1225. - Update to Drupal 7.32 for SA-CORE-2014-005.
  1226. - Update Panopoly Test for #2354303 by dsnopek: Fixed Remove field_featured_categories and field_featured_status from panopoly_test.
  1227. - Update Panopoly Core for #2354297 by dsnopek: Fixed Include CTools patch to prevent error in IPE when field doesn't exist.
  1228. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG and Test for #2186541 by caschbre, dsnopek: Added Upgrade linkit module 3.1+.
  1229. - Update Panopoly Core for #2353385 by dsnopek: Update 'panels_breadcrumbs' to version 2.2.
  1230. - Update Panopoly Core for #2353381 by dsnopek: Update 'uuid' to version 1.0-alpha6.
  1231. - Update Panopoly Admin and Test for #2212695 by dsnopek | lsolesen: Fixed Disabling "Advanced Panel Plugins" breaks some Panes (ex. Panels Everywhere).
  1232. - Update Panopoly Core and Test for #2283223 by caschbre, dsnopek | carsonblack: Fixed Old content aliases should be preserved by default.
  1233. - Update Panopoly Core for #2303783 by hefox | cboyden: Update Apps to latest beta.
  1234. - Update Panopoly Core for #2063541 by lsolesen | populist: Remove Open Sans?.
  1235. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2307831 by mglaman | Iceabenezer: Fixed Using deprecated clicked_button, not triggering_element.
  1236. - Update Panopoly Core for #2335809 by humansky: Fixed On Views "Content Panes", exclude hidden fields (on "Field Settings") by default.
  1237. - Update Panopoly Test for #2306771 by trevjs | cboyden: Fixed One-time login link test does not delete its user.
  1238. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2337593 by caschbre | lsolesen: Added only show number and play on spotlight if pics no >= 2.
  1239. - Fixed Tests on Travis-CI randomly fail with: "Could not open connection" (take 3).
  1240. - Update Panopoly Test for #2316067 by dsnopek, mglaman, cboyden: Fixed panopoly_test should not depend on panopoly_pages.
  1241. - Update Panopoly Users for #2209661 by scottalan: Fixed Panopoly Users - Default body classes not added to feature.
  1242. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2058917 by kmonty: Fixed Kitchen Sink WYSIWYG plug-in breaks non-panopoly_wysiwyg input format editors.
  1243. - Fixed Tests on Travis-CI randomly fail with: "Could not open connection". (take 2).
  1244. - Update Panopoly Theme for #2330841 by dsnopek: Update respondjs to version 1.4.
  1245. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2319075 by dsnopek: Update Breakpoints to version 1.3.
  1246. - Update Panopoly Magic and Test for #2160731 by mglaman, dsnopek, whastings: Added Panopoly Magic should respect a view's configured view mode. (take 2).
  1247. - Update Panopoly Core for #2280589 by trevjs, mglaman | ergophobe: Patch Panelizer to avoid fatal error in Features.
  1248. - Update Panopoly Test for #2334141 by mglaman: Added Behat feature for Panopoly Magic and view pane configuration.
  1249. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2160731 by mglaman, dsnopek, whastings: Added Panopoly Magic should respect a view's configured view mode.
  1250. - Fixed Tests on Travis-CI randomly fail with: "Could not open connection".
  1251. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2295079 by cornifex | dsnopek: Fixed panopoly_admin should use #field_prefix for path customizations.
  1252. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2334157 by mglaman: Fixed View panes in CTools add modal are missing a[title] values.
  1253. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2078839 by trevjs, Sheldon Rampton: Fixed Error notice after overriding WYSIWYG feature.
  1254. - Update Panopoly for #2334043 by mglaman | dsnopek: Check that Spotlight 'Slide Duration' field is present and settable in Behat tests.
  1255. - Update Panopoly Users for #2050909 by cornifex, trevjs, mglaman | christowm: Fixed The user profile page shows an uploaded image twice in very large formats.
  1256. - Update Panopoly Admin and Test for #2283531 by caschbre | dsnopek: Fixed Path alias isn't preserved if the user doesn't have "create url alias" permission.
  1257. - Update Panopoly Core for #2208783 by dsnopek, mrfelton | lsolesen: Added features override.
  1258. - Help Region?.
  1259. - Update Panopoly Core for #2208783 by mrfelton | lsolesen: Added features override.
  1260. - Added Spotlight image should link to URL.
  1261. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2330667 by mcrittenden: Added per-spotlight setting for slide rotation duration.
  1262. - Update Panopoly Test for #2293745 by mglaman | dsnopek: Investigate why tests now take twice as long to run.
  1263. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2329143 by dsnopek: Fixed Default permissions only allow 'administrator' to add media.
  1264. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2328751 by dsnopek: Fixed panopoly_widgets_update_7003() fails to properly update 'Video' widgets.
  1265. - Update Panopoly Search for #2063715 by populist, dsnopek: Panopoly Search update breaks from older versions (for example, 1.0-rc3, 1.0-rc4).
  1266. - Update Panopoly Users for #2328023 by dsnopek: Fixed Table 'field_data_field_user_picture' not found in panopoly_users_update_7001() when updating from very old Panopoly.
  1267. - Update Panopoly Core for #2128959 by caschbre, dsnopek: Replace default "update" module behavior with something that makes sense for distributions.
  1268. - Update Panopoly Core for #2201507 by mrfelton | stevector: Fixed Undefined index error when creating a node with no allowed menus.
  1269. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2122797 by mrfelton | kmonty: Add WYSIWYG Patch #934976 to Panopoly (Allows for hiding input format fields).
  1270. - Update Panopoly Core for #2307337 by mrfelton | mrfelton: Double-encoding of ampersands in page title on node add form.
  1271. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2229297 by mrfelton | dsnopek: Update 'media_vimeo' to version 2.0.
  1272. - Update Panopoly Test for #2324879 by mrfelton | cboyden: Fixed Video widget test looks for "youtube" text both times.
  1273. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2257727 by dsnopek | rodrigoaguilera: Fixed update 7007 fails if field exists.
  1274. - Update Panopoly Core for #2316513 by mrfelton: Update Features to 2.2.
  1275. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2051621 by mglaman | Andrew_Mallis: Added decouple navbar styling from panopoly-admin.css.
  1276. - Starting testing upgrades from the 1.11 release.
  1277. - Update Panopoly Test for #2268641 by dsnopek | cboyden: Fixed WYSIWYG image insert test fails if private file path not set.
  1278. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.11 release.
  1279. Panopoly 7.x-1.11, 2014-08-14
  1280. ----------------------
  1281. - Update Panopoly Test for #2320997 by mrfelton: Fixed Tabs region is defined twice in behat.yml which is causing tests to fail in child distributions.
  1282. - Update Panopoly Test for Issue #2320987 by mrfelton: Fixed Demo Homepage test fails on child distributions.
  1283. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2320851 by dsnopek: Update TableField to version 2.3 for SA-CONTRIB-2014-077.
  1284. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2276291 by eugene.ilyin: Fixed Descriptive text is not displayed in panopoly magic.
  1285. - Update Panopoly Theme for #2209441 by dsnopek: Update respondjs to version 1.3.
  1286. - Fixed requires drupalorg_drush but doesn't say so.
  1287. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2293293 by cboyden: Added highlighting to Add Table widget to distinguish header row.
  1288. - Update Panopoly Test for #2316157 by cboyden: Fixed Case sensitivity in live preview test.
  1289. - Starting testing upgrades from the 1.10 release.
  1290. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.10 release.
  1291. Panopoly 7.x-1.10, 2014-08-06
  1292. ----------------------
  1293. - Update to Drupal 7.31 (fixes SA-CORE-2014-004).
  1294. - Starting testing upgrades from the 1.9 release.
  1295. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.9 release.
  1296. Panopoly 7.x-1.9, 2014-07-31
  1297. ----------------------
  1298. - Update Panopoly Core for #2312787 by dsnopek: Update to Date 2.8 for SA-CONTRIB-2014-073.
  1299. - Update Panopoly Core for #2312509 by dsnopek: Fixed Previews for new Views widgets don't show "more link" even when it should be enabled by default.
  1300. - Update Panopoly Test for #2308325 by dsnopek: Write Behat test for alt/title text on images in the WYSIWYG. (update for quotes).
  1301. - Starting testing upgrades from the 1.8 release.
  1302. Panopoly 7.x-1.8, 2014-07-25
  1303. ----------------------
  1304. - Minor fix to drupal-org-dev.make file for panopoly_test.
  1305. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2306225 by dsnopek: Packaging error with Panopoly 1.7 release: Unable to download tinymce. (take two).
  1306. - Update to Drupal 7.30 (fixes regression in 7.29).
  1307. - Update Panopoly Test for #2308325: Write Behat test for alt/title text on images in the WYSIWYG.
  1308. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2308487 by dsnopek: Fixed Alt and Title double encoded in WYSIWYG.
  1309. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2307007 by dsnopek: Fixed When inserting Image in WYSIWYG, the second set of alt/title fields is ignored. (take two).
  1310. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2307007 by dsnopek: Fixed When inserting Image in WYSIWYG, the second set of alt/title fields is ignored.
  1311. - Move README.txt to and add link to Travis-CI build status image.
  1312. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2303755 by dsnopek | cboyden: Fixed Live preview does not respond to keyboard events.
  1313. - Update Panopoly Core for #2213769 by caschbre | lsolesen: Added transliteration.
  1314. - Got .make file in sync with other projects after failed 1.8 release.
  1315. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2306225: Revert Packaging error with Panopoly 1.7 release: Unable to download tinymce.
  1316. - Update Panopoly WYSIWYG for issue #2306225: Packaging error with Panopoly 1.7 release: Unable to download tinymce.
  1317. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.7 release.
  1318. Panopoly 7.x-1.7, 2014-07-16
  1319. ----------------------
  1320. - Update to Drupal 7.29 for SA-CORE-2014-003.
  1321. - Update Panopoly Core for #2304465: Fixed Autocomplete loses item selected via keyboard in CTools dialog.
  1322. - Update Panopoly Core for #2303477 by dsnopek: Fixed views_autocomplete_filter 1.1 is broken on Pantheon.
  1323. - Update Panopoly Test for #2299157 by cboyden: Fixed Login test depends on known credentials.
  1324. - Update Panopoly Test for #2294515 by cboyden: Fixed Behat template for local testing needs Chrome profile.
  1325. - On Travis-CI, panopoly_test should be enabled AFTER completing the upgrade.
  1326. - Move our FeatureContext and *.features into panopoly_test so that child distributions can reuse them.
  1327. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2144021 by Andrew Edwards, dsnopek, whastings: Fixed Panopoly Magic only provides node view modes for view mode.
  1328. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2295513 by dsnopek, Andrew_Mallis: Improve UX of menu titles with clearer labelling.
  1329. - Update Panopoly Core for #2295353: Disable "Nody body" pane in favor of "Field: Body" (which FAPE supports).
  1330. - Update Panopoly Pages, Widgets for #2294097: Move panopoly_page's hook_menu_block_tree_alter() to panopoly_widgets.
  1331. - Parameterize tests as much as possible so they work in child distributions.
  1332. - Fixed WYSIWYG Behat test crashes if toolbar button is not found.
  1333. - Create a panopoly_test module to hold Views and Content Types for testing (forgot some .make files).
  1334. - Create a panopoly_test module to hold Views and Content Types for testing.
  1335. - Move functionality from .travis.yml into a proper script.
  1336. - Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page" (fix WYSIWYG tests on Travis-CI).
  1337. - Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page" (hopefully, last fixes to the tests).
  1338. - Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page" (minor test fix - take 2).
  1339. - Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page" (minor fix to tests).
  1340. - Switch Behat widget tests to use "Landing page".
  1341. - Fixed 'file_display' components are always overridden (minor fix to the tests).
  1342. - Update Panopoly Images, Widgets for #2159149: Fixed 'file_display' components are always overridden (update Media / File Entity).
  1343. - Update Panopoly Core for #2289407 by cboyden: Add visual indicator of tab focus on to IPE customize page screen.
  1344. - Fixed Random Behat failures on Travis-CI with the Drupal API.
  1345. - Improve README.txt on how to run Behat tests.
  1346. - Add a Behat test for Linkit.
  1347. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2287315 by cboyden: Fixed "Add" button styling broken on "Add content" dialog.
  1348. - Add Behat test for content page.
  1349. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2283289 by cboyden: Update styling for Add Content links for accessibility changes.
  1350. - Test if Features are Overridden after install on Travis-CI.
  1351. - Update Panopoly Core and Widgets for #2280887 by cboyden: Fixed Accessibility issues for link markup on Add Content overlay.
  1352. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2277549: Update admin_views to version 1.3.
  1353. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2285271: Update 'breakpoints' to version 1.2.
  1354. - Update Panopoly Core for #2285263: Update field_group to version 1.4.
  1355. - Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2284269: Added WYSIWYG should show 'outdent' then 'indent' buttons (rather than reverse) like OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Word, etc. (correct commits this time!).
  1356. - Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2284269: Added WYSIWYG should show 'outdent' then 'indent' buttons (rather than reverse) like OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Word, etc.
  1357. - Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #1846322: Fixed Switching between TinyMCE text formats causes textarea to disappear.
  1358. - Pathauto tests failing after update from 1.0-rc3.
  1359. - Added Behat test for pathauto behavior.
  1360. - Update Panopoly Core for #2153941: Fixed Descriptions of views not accurate.
  1361. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly "image" widget.
  1362. - Get answer from Travis faster.
  1363. - Tests randomly fail with "MySQL server has gone away" (take 2).
  1364. - Update Panopoly Images for #2269027: Fixed Cropped image not being served in WYSIWYG as "Original Size".
  1365. - Starting testing upgrades from the 1.6 release.
  1366. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.6 release.
  1367. Panopoly 7.x-1.6, 2014-05-22
  1368. ----------------------
  1369. - Update Panopoly Core for #2272091: Update Views to 3.8 for DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2014-054.
  1370. - Update Panopoly Core for #2239847: Update "persist" patch to pathauto.
  1371. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2110183: Could not find "Fixed parent item" when adding Menu Block.
  1372. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2259793: Update 'menu_block' module to 2.4.
  1373. - Update Panopoly Theme for #2259797: Update 'responsive_bartik' theme to 1.0-rc1.
  1374. - Update Panopoly Core for #2259791: Update 'devel' module to 1.5.
  1375. - Update to Drupal 7.28.
  1376. - Parameters reversed in WYSIWYG testing function.
  1377. - Add version to composer.json for drupalextension.
  1378. - Build script malfunction! Put in a random commit for panopoly_users. Fixing!.
  1379. - Starting testing upgrades from the 1.5 release.
  1380. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.5 release.
  1381. Panopoly 7.x-1.5, 2014-04-30
  1382. ----------------------
  1383. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2251989: Crop on spotlight widget does nothing when Spotlight is new.
  1384. - Update Panopoly Core for #2254999: Update FAPE to version 1.2 for SA-CONTRIB-2014-048.
  1385. - Add test for one time login.
  1386. - Revert "Issue #2252095: Add test for one time login.".
  1387. - Run 'drush make-verify' on Travis-CI to make sure ALL .make files will work on
  1388. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2246859: Font-family on submit buttons (CSS Error).
  1389. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2244811: Update Date Popup Authored to latest -dev from Git.
  1390. - Update build-*.make files for the 1.4 release.
  1391. - Starting testing upgrades from the 1.4 release.
  1392. - Updated CHANGELOG.txt (the 1.3 changes got lost).
  1393. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.4 release.
  1394. Panopoly 7.x-1.4, 2014-04-24
  1395. ----------------------
  1396. - Update Panopoly Images for #2248591: Update manualcrop.make to match Whitelist.
  1397. - Revert "Starting testing upgrades from the 1.3 release.".
  1398. - Starting testing upgrades from the 1.3 release.
  1399. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.3 release.
  1400. Panopoly 7.x-1.3, 2014-04-23
  1401. ----------------------
  1402. - Getting ready for the 1.3 release.
  1403. - Upgrade from 1.0-rc5 fails: Table 'pathauto_state' doesn't exist.
  1404. - Update Panopoly Images for #2247561: Improve compatibility with focal_point.
  1405. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly "video" widget.
  1406. - Update Panopoly Admin to revert issue #2235081: Update jquery_update to version 2.4.
  1407. - Update Panopoly Images for #2245127: Manualcrop breaks Video widget.
  1408. - Update to Drupal 7.27 for SA-CORE-2014-002.
  1409. - Update Panopoly Images, Widgets, Users and Pages for #2173079: Crop pictures when inserting them.
  1410. - .gitignore file interferes with adding and committing rebuilds of the full Drupal codebase.
  1411. - Update Panopoly Core for #2192711: Update 'libraries' module to 2.2.
  1412. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2201695: Update library to underscore 1.5.x.
  1413. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2235081: Update jquery_update to version 2.4.
  1414. - Update Panopoly Core for #2223985 by dsnopek: Update 'entity' module to version 1.5.
  1415. - Update Panopoly Core for #2209455: Update views_autocomplete_filters to version 1.1.
  1416. - Tests randomly fail with "MySQL server has gone away".
  1417. - Travis-CI tests randomly failing on WYSIWYG media tests with YouTube/Vimeo.
  1418. - All Goutte-based tests failing on Travis-CI.
  1419. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2229919: Spotlight Accessibility Improvements.
  1420. - Make behat.travis.yml not care about repository owner.
  1421. - Builds on Travis-CI will randomly fail if over GitHub API limit (take 2).
  1422. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2051967: Error when changing node-edit page.
  1423. - Update Panopoly Theme for #2228095: Classes wrong on "moscone" layouts.
  1424. - Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2171121: Update Media to at least 7.x-2.0-alpha3+37-dev for PSA-2014-001.
  1425. - Update Panopoly Widgets and Images for #2171121 by dsnopek, cboyden: Update Media to at least 7.x-2.0-alpha3+37-dev for PSA-2014-001.
  1426. - Update Panoploy Theme for #2220669: Radix span* classes on selby and selby_flipped are incorrect.
  1427. - Include upgrades from version 1.2 in the test suite.
  1428. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.2 Release.
  1429. Panopoly 7.x-1.2, 2014-03-08
  1430. ----------------------
  1431. - Add UPGRADE.txt
  1432. - Add shell script to help with creating release notes for Drupal release nodes
  1433. - Create a complete README.txt file for the Panopoly distribution.
  1434. - Add CHANGELOG.txt
  1435. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2213593 by mrfelton: Notice: Undefined index: view_mode line 779 of panopoly_magic when adding existing content through IPE.
  1436. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly "file" widget.
  1437. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2199779 by lsolesen: Errors in widget.css.
  1438. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2198865 by joelpittet, mrfelton: Panopoly_admin_general_panes_content_type_render array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given.
  1439. - Update Panopoly Users for #2198839 by lsolesen: Remove font-family from spotlight.
  1440. - Update Panopoly Users for #2176805 by mglaman, loopduplicate: Escape HTML entities in Panopoly Users settings help.
  1441. - Ensure that test suite runs in the context of other distributions.
  1442. - Update Panopoly Core for #2196661: Use stable Fieldable Panels Panes release.
  1443. - Update Panopoly Users for #2196337: Reduce the minimum user profile picture dimensions to 80x80 (to match our thumbnail size).
  1444. - Update Panopoly Core for #2153291: The "Sort by" won't save in the "Content list" widget (switch from ctools patch to views patch).
  1445. - Install Drush on Travis-CI via 'composer' rather than 'pear' (second try!).
  1446. - Install Drush on Travis-CI via 'composer' rather than 'pear'.
  1447. - Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2195307: Update image_resize_filter to version 1.14 (security vulnerability!).
  1448. - Update Panopoly Core for #2194641: Update to actual CTools 1.4 (security vulnerablity!) and Panels 3.4 releases!.
  1449. - Add custom Travis-CI notifications.
  1450. - Update Panopoly Theme for #2050651: Make Panels layout from Panopoly Theme work with Radix.
  1451. - Update Panopoly Users, Search, Pages, Core and Admin for #2188597: Provide feature module updates for ctools / panels upgrade.
  1452. - Update Panopoly Core for #2161429: Update date module to latest version 2.7.
  1453. - Update Panopoly Core for #2190789: Update 'devel' module to version 1.4.
  1454. - Upgrade tests on Travis-CI should upgrade also test upgrading from 1.1 to current Git!.
  1455. - Revert: Installing 'ctools' (1.4) before 'uuid' during Panopoly install causes fatal error.
  1456. - Update Panopoly Users for #2186485: Error upgrading from 1.0-rc5 or lower: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: Table 'cache_panels' doesn't exist.
  1457. - Update Panopoly Core for #2163447: Update views_bulk_operations to version 3.2.
  1458. - Remove 'defaultcontent' dependency from
  1459. - Installing 'ctools' (1.4) before 'uuid' during Panopoly install causes fatal error.
  1460. - Update tests on Travis-CI fail because panopoly_demo won't install.
  1461. - Update Panopoly Core for #2184743: Test changes to Ctools (1.4) and Panels (3.4) comming on Feb 5th.
  1462. - Builds on Travis-CI will randomly fail if over GitHub API limit.
  1463. - Restored drupal-org.make after the 1.1 Release.
  1464. Panopoly 7.x-1.1, 2014-01-13
  1465. ----------------------
  1466. - Update Panopoly Users for #2175729: panopoly_users_update_7001 will be skipped due to missing dependency on fieldable_panel_panes_update_7107.
  1467. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2155847: Panopoly panes error.
  1468. - Travis-CI should use drupal-org-core.make / drupal-org.make directly.
  1469. - Update Panopoly Search for #2182713: Search type is overridden.
  1470. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2067367: Panopoly links appear on Administration Menu even when role has no relevant permissions.
  1471. - Update Panopoly Wysiwyg for #2180047: "Format" selector overlaps vertical tabs below it.
  1472. - Update Drupal core to 7.26 (security release).
  1473. - Don't do automated upgrade tests of 1.0-rc2 (or older).
  1474. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2164193: Upgrade from 1.0-rc3 fails: Table 'pathauto_state' doesn't exist (2nd attempt!).
  1475. - Update Panopoly Users for #2172093: Upgrade from 1.0-rc3 or 1.0-rc2 fails: Table 'cache_entity_fieldable_panels_pane' doesn't exist.
  1476. - Update Panopoly Search for #2164187: Upgrade from 1.0-rc4 fails: Table 'cache_search_api_solr' doesn't exist.
  1477. - Update Panopoly Core and Users for #2164193: Upgrade from 1.0-rc3 or 1.0-rc2 fails: Table 'pathauto_state' doesn't exist.
  1478. - Update Panopoly Core for #2171125: Update Entity API to 1.3 for security vulnerablity.
  1479. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2171127: Update simple_gmap to version 1.2.
  1480. - Update Panopoly Core for #2165793: Add projects[apps][version] = 1.x-dev to makefile.
  1481. - Implement upgrade tests on Travis-CI.
  1482. - Travis fails to install with Migrate based panopoly_demo.
  1483. - Switch repos back to dev mode.
  1484. - Getting ready for the 1.0 Release.
  1485. - Ensure that demo content apps are properly enabled on install if selected.
  1486. - Bring back the checkbox to allow demo content to be installed at install time.
  1487. - Update Panopoly Core to add helper functions for demo content modules.
  1488. - Add a third option to rebuild in release mode in
  1489. - Fix up drupal-org-dev.make and so that HEAD versions of Panopoly code are used.
  1490. - Fix for incorrect revision hash in previous commit (in drupal-org.make too!).
  1491. - Fix for incorrect revision hash in previous commit.
  1492. - Update Panopoly Users for #2145405: Edit Issue Change 'user_picture' support to save field_user_picture value to {user}.picture.
  1493. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2154689: Spotlight widget breaks with jquery_update to jQuery UI >= 1.9.
  1494. - Update Panopoly Admin, Core, Images, Theme, Magic, Widgets, Pages, Users for #2159119: Update all features.
  1495. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2154521: Add AJAX bug fix patch to 'tablefield'.
  1496. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2017159: Render preview outside of pane configuration form.
  1497. - Fix for incorrect branch/tag in build-panopoly-release.make.
  1498. - Add makefiles to enable building the distribution for use on Pantheon.
  1499. - Fix incorrect revision for panopoly_widgets.
  1500. - Update Panopoly Core for 31981494: FAPE causing "Illegal string offset 'field_name'.
  1501. - Update Panopoly Admin and Widgets for #2151657: Use #title_display rather than unsetting #title.
  1502. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2151657: Change panopoly_admin to use #title_display rather than unsetting #title.
  1503. - Update Panopoly Core and Panopoly Magic for #2058931: Incorrect implementation of CSS 'clearfix'.
  1504. - Update Panopoly Core for #2080925: Update field_group to version 1.3.
  1505. - Add a Behat test for the live preview.
  1506. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2075903: Spotlight gives an ajax error - hook_field_validate() doesn't run during live preview.
  1507. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2016527: use #parents instead of checking under exposed.
  1508. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly "content list" widget.
  1509. - Update Panopoly Core for #2153291: The "Sort by" won't save in the "Content list" widget.
  1510. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2016643: Undefined index row_classes, group - use hook_view_pre_view instead of hook_views_pre_render.
  1511. - Update Panopoly Magic for #2097199: Views pager settings do not stick.
  1512. - Update Panopoly Core for #2146727: Update 'link' module to version 1.2.
  1513. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly "links" widget.
  1514. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2125231: Update simple_gmap to version 1.1.
  1515. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2087075: Update file_entity and media to version 2.0-alpha3.
  1516. - Update Panopoly Admin for #2151647: Don't move 'field_featured_status' into node 'options' if the user doesn't have permission to access it.
  1517. - Update Panopoly Pages for #2151571: Separate field_base from field_instance in Panopoly Pages.
  1518. - Fix e-mail handling on Travis-CI.
  1519. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly "map" widget.
  1520. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly "table" widget.
  1521. - Add Behat login test.
  1522. - Update Panopoly Widgets for #2075903: Spotlight gives an ajax error and title does not ever change.
  1523. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly "content item" widget.
  1524. - Add travis support for github.
  1525. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly "text" widget.
  1526. - Add Behat test for creating landing page.
  1527. - Add utility scripts to make rebuilding the installation profile a simple process.
  1528. - Add .gitignore to exclude libraries, themes, and modules directories.
  1529. - Write Behat tests for Panopoly spotlight widget.
  1530. - Update Panopoly Admin and Panopoly Widgets for #2031673: Move file_entity permissions from panopoly_admin to panopoly_widgets.
  1531. - Add initial Behat tests to Panopoly.
  1532. - Update Panopoly User for #2023433: Should set 'user_picture' to work with themes that customize 'user-picture.tpl.php'.
  1533. - Follow-up to Update Drupal core to 7.24 (security release!).
  1534. - Update Panopoly Core for #2101013 - Defaultconfig issues in installation profiles that extend panopoly.
  1535. - Update Panopoly Search for #2111097 - Unable to install Panopoly Search on Pantheon.
  1536. - Updting Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2097487 - Accessibility improvement, support for aria properties.
  1537. - Updting Panopoly Admin for #2122847 - Improve the styling of the media "cancel" button.
  1538. - Updting Panopoly WYSIWYG for #2055091 - Update Caption Filter to latest dev.
  1539. - Fix for incorrect revision numbers.
  1540. - Updting Panopoly Admin for #2124727 - Editors unable to save draft content by default.
  1541. - Updating Panopoly Admin for #2062381 - Update module_filter module to version 1.8.
  1542. - Remove reference to RC4 in panopoly dev makefiles.
  1543. - Updating Panopoly Core for #2105433 - Add Migrate modules to Panopoly Core to help facilitate better demo content patterns.
  1544. - Updating Panopoly Pages for 2008762 - Panopoly Pages has missing dependencies.
  1545. - Updating Panopoly Core for #2097861 - Update Apps module so that Apps can be used in offline mode.
  1546. - Updating Panopoly Core and Panopoly Pages for #1837312 - Troubles Implementing Default Permissions for Panelizer.
  1547. - Updating Panopoly Core for #2062377: Update features to 2.0.
  1548. - Updating Panopoly Core for #2068489: Update 'entity' module to version 1.2 (for security advisory!).
  1549. - Updating Panopoly Core for #2141069: Update 'entityreference' module to version 1.1 (for security advisory!).
  1550. - Update Drupal core to 7.24 (security release!).
  1551. - Updating Panopoly Admin for #2071133: Update URLs for backbone and underscore for whitelist.
  1552. - Add -dev and -release make files to make is easier to build dev or release versions of the platform.
  1553. - Getting ready for the RC5 Release: Part Two.