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function theme_head_title in Panels Everywhere 7

Customize the page title.

1 theme call to theme_head_title()
theme_panels_everywhere_page in theme/
Output the panels everywhere task handler.


theme/, line 44
Contains preprocess functions for Panels Everywhere themes.


function theme_head_title($vars) {
  $head_title = array();
  $page_title = drupal_get_title();
  if (!empty($page_title)) {
    $head_title[] = strip_tags($page_title);

  // Optionally include the site name in the title.
  if (variable_get('panels_everywhere_head_title_include_name', TRUE)) {
    $site_name = variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal');
    if (!empty($site_name)) {
      $head_title[] = strip_tags($site_name);

  // Optionally use the site's slogan if the page title is empty.
  if (empty($page_title) && variable_get('panels_everywhere_head_title_include_slogan', TRUE)) {
    $site_slogan = variable_get('site_slogan', '');
    if (!empty($site_slogan)) {
      $head_title[] = strip_tags($site_slogan);
  return implode(variable_get('panels_everywhere_head_title_separator', ' | '), $head_title);