You are here in Panels Everywhere 7

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  1. 6 theme/

Contains preprocess functions for Panels Everywhere themes.


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 * @file
 * Contains preprocess functions for Panels Everywhere themes.

 * Output the panels everywhere task handler.
 * This is usually a panel, and this is used in place of
 * theme('page') so there will be no page.tpl.php
function theme_panels_everywhere_page($vars) {
  $page =& $vars['page'];
  $task = page_manager_get_task('site_template');
  $content = new stdClass();
  $content->title = theme('head_title');
  $content->content = isset($page['content']) ? $page['content'] : '';
  $args = array(
  $contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_task_contexts($task, '', $args);

  // @todo -- we need a way to insert the page content into the panel
  // if for some reason they left out the page content pane.
  $info = ctools_context_handler_render_handler($task, '', $page['#handler'], $contexts, $args, FALSE);

  // @todo -- is this even necessary?
  $page['#panels_everywhere_site_template'] = array(
    'name' => 'site_template',
    'task' => $task,
    'subtask' => '',
    'contexts' => $contexts,
    'arguments' => $args,
  return is_array($info['content']) ? drupal_render($info['content']) : $info['content'];

 * Customize the page title.
function theme_head_title($vars) {
  $head_title = array();
  $page_title = drupal_get_title();
  if (!empty($page_title)) {
    $head_title[] = strip_tags($page_title);

  // Optionally include the site name in the title.
  if (variable_get('panels_everywhere_head_title_include_name', TRUE)) {
    $site_name = variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal');
    if (!empty($site_name)) {
      $head_title[] = strip_tags($site_name);

  // Optionally use the site's slogan if the page title is empty.
  if (empty($page_title) && variable_get('panels_everywhere_head_title_include_slogan', TRUE)) {
    $site_slogan = variable_get('site_slogan', '');
    if (!empty($site_slogan)) {
      $head_title[] = strip_tags($site_slogan);
  return implode(variable_get('panels_everywhere_head_title_separator', ' | '), $head_title);

 * Default preprocess functions.
function template_preprocess_pane_header(&$vars) {
  $vars['site_name'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_name') ? filter_xss_admin(variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal')) : '';
  $vars['site_slogan'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_slogan') ? filter_xss_admin(variable_get('site_slogan', '')) : '';
  $vars['front_page'] = url();
  $vars['logo'] = theme_get_setting('logo');
function template_process_pane_header(&$vars) {
  $vars['title'] = drupal_get_title();
function template_preprocess_pane_messages(&$vars) {
  $vars['tabs'] = menu_local_tabs();
  $vars['action_links'] = theme('ctools_menu_local_actions_wrapper', array(
    'links' => menu_local_actions(),
  $vars['help'] = menu_get_active_help();
function template_process_pane_messages(&$vars) {
  $vars['messages'] = theme('status_messages');

 * Override Pane Navigation in Panels.
function template_preprocess_pane_navigation(&$vars) {

  // Adhere to the theme's settings for the navigation bar.
  $vars['main_menu'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_main_menu') ? menu_main_menu() : array();
  $vars['secondary_menu'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_secondary_menu') ? menu_secondary_menu() : array();
function template_process_pane_navigation(&$vars) {
  if (!empty($vars['main_menu'])) {
    $vars['main_menu'] = theme('links__system_main_menu', array(
      'links' => $vars['main_menu'],
      'attributes' => array(
        'id' => 'main-menu',
        'class' => array(
      'heading' => t('Main menu'),
  if (!empty($vars['secondary_menu'])) {
    $vars['secondary_menu'] = theme('links__system_secondary_menu', array(
      'links' => $vars['secondary_menu'],
      'attributes' => array(
        'id' => 'secondary-menu',
        'class' => array(
      'heading' => t('Secondary menu'),
  $vars['breadcrumb'] = theme('breadcrumb', array(
    'breadcrumb' => drupal_get_breadcrumb(),
