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13 calls to panels_ajax_render() in Panels 5.2

panels_ajax in includes/
panels_ajax_add_config in includes/
Entry point for AJAX: Add pane configuration.
panels_ajax_add_content in includes/
Entry point for AJAX: 'Add Content' modal form, from which the user selects the type of pane to add.
panels_ajax_cache in includes/
Entry point for AJAX modal: configure pane
panels_ajax_cache_settings in includes/
Handle the cache settings form
panels_ajax_configure in includes/
Entry point for AJAX: Edit pane configuration.
panels_ajax_form in ./panels.module
Handle a form for AJAX in a manner that happens to be basically the opposite of the normal flow; if the form hasn't been processed, just render it and exit; if it has been submitted successfuly, however, then we return whatever the submit…
panels_ajax_toggle_shown in includes/
Entry point for AJAX: toggle pane show/hide status.
panels_common_ajax in includes/
Incoming menu function for ajax calls. This routes to the proper 'module' -- we really only need this because relies on panels.module for its menu hook, and this way the code stays together.
panels_common_ajax_context_item_add in includes/
Ajax entry point to add an context
panels_common_ajax_context_item_edit in includes/
Ajax entry point to edit an item
panels_edit_submit_subform in includes/
panels_panel_settings_ajax in includes/
AJAX incoming to deal with the style settings modal