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function panels_panel_settings_ajax in Panels 5.2

AJAX incoming to deal with the style settings modal

1 string reference to 'panels_panel_settings_ajax'
panels_menu in ./panels.module
Implementation of hook_menu


includes/, line 1570


function panels_panel_settings_ajax($did, $panel, $name) {
  if ($name == '0') {
    panels_ajax_render(t('There are no style settings to edit.'), t('Edit default style settings'));
  $style = panels_get_style($name);
  $style_settings = panels_common_cache_get('style_settings', $did);
  if (!isset($style_settings)) {

  // Render the panels ajax form. This only returns to us on successful
  // submit; otherwise the form is rendered for us and nothing else happens.
  $style_settings[$panel] = panels_ajax_form('panels_common_style_settings_form', t('Edit style settings for @style', array(
    '@style' => $style['title'],
  )), url($_GET['q'], NULL, NULL, TRUE), $did, $style, $style_settings[$panel]);
  panels_common_cache_set('style_settings', $did, $style_settings);