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6 calls to panels_get_style() in Panels 6.3

panels_get_panel_style_and_settings in includes/
Given a display and the id of a panel, get the style in which to render that panel.
panels_renderer_editor::ajax_style_type in plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php
AJAX entry point to select the style for a display, region or pane.
panels_renderer_editor::get_style in plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php
Get the appropriate style from the panel in the cache.
panels_renderer_standard::prepare_regions in plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_standard.class.php
Prepare the list of regions to be rendered.
panels_renderer_standard::render_pane in plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_standard.class.php
Render a pane using its designated style.
panels_render_pane in includes/
Render a pane using the appropriate style.