10 calls to PanelizerTestHelper::createNode() in Panelizer 7.3
- PanelizerExportablesTest::testExportablesChangeablePreEntity in tests/
panelizer.exportables.test - Verify that the exported configuration can be edited when applied to an individual entity.
- PanelizerNodeTest::testNodeCustomDisplay in tests/
panelizer.node.test - Confirm that overriding a default display works correctly.
- PanelizerNodeTest::testNodePanelizerAdminTheme in tests/
panelizer.node.test - Verify that the admin theme is displayed appropriately.
- PanelizerNodeTest::testPageConfiguration in tests/
panelizer.node.test - Verify that the "Basic page" content type can be panelized.
- PanelizerNodeTest::testPageMultipleDisplays in tests/
panelizer.node.test - Verify that multiple displays work.
- PanelizerNodeTest::testViewModeReassignment in tests/
panelizer.node.test - Confirm that view mode reassignment works correctly.
- PanelizerWithPanelsIPE::testIpeContentAccess in tests/
panelizer.with_panels_ipe.test - Test whether the IPE 'content' permissions work correctly.
- PanelizerWithPanelsIPE::testIpeContentEntityAccess in tests/
panelizer.with_panels_ipe.test - Test whether the IPE 'content' permissions work correctly w entity perms.
- PanelizerWithPanelsIPE::testIpeLayoutAccess in tests/
panelizer.with_panels_ipe.test - Test whether the IPE 'layout' permissions work correctly.
- PanelizerWithPathautoTest::testNodeSave in tests/
panelizer.with_pathauto.test - Confirm that saving the Panelizer page doesn't remove the Pathauto alias.