function PanelizerWithPanelsIPE::testIpeContentEntityAccess in Panelizer 7.3
Test whether the IPE 'content' permissions work correctly w entity perms.
- tests/
panelizer.with_panels_ipe.test, line 260 - Tests for Panels IPE.
- PanelizerWithPanelsIPE
- @file Tests for Panels IPE.
function testIpeContentEntityAccess() {
$perms = array(
// Standard node permissions.
'create page content',
'administer content types',
'administer nodes',
'bypass node access',
// Panelizer.
'administer panelizer',
$web_user = $this
// Just 'cause.
// Create a test node.
$node = $this
// Enable IPE for this node.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/panelizer/page_manager/settings');
$edit = array(
'pipeline' => 'ipe',
->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
->assertText(t('The settings have been updated.'));
// Log out the user so a new user can log in.
// Create a new user with the new permissions.
$perms = array(
// Standard node permissions.
'create page content',
'administer content types',
'administer nodes',
'bypass node access',
// Panels IPE.
'use panels in place editing',
// Permission to manage the 'content', i.e. the display.
'administer panelizer node page content',
$web_user = $this
// Load the node view page.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
// Confirm the IPE link is on the form.
->assertLink(t('Customize this page'));
$path = 'panels/ajax/ipe/save_form/panelizer:node:' . $node->nid . ':page_manager:' . $node->vid;
$query_string = array(
'destination' => 'node/' . $node->nid,
$full_path = url($path, array(
'query' => array(
'destination' => $query_string['destination'],
// Confirm the link via xpath.
$xpath = $this
->assertEqual(count($xpath), 1, 'Found the "Customize this page" link.');
->assertEqual($xpath[0]['href'], $full_path);
//, 'The "Customize this Page" link is what was expected.');
// Log out.
$perms = array(
// Need to be able to access the node.
'access content',
// Panels IPE.
'use panels in place editing',
// Adds the "Change layout" functionality to IPE.
'change layouts in place editing',
// Panelizer.
'administer panelizer',
// Permission to manage the 'content', i.e. the display.
'administer panelizer node page content',
'administer panelizer node page layout',
$web_user = $this
// Load the node view page.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
// Confirm the IPE link is not on the form.
->assertNoLink(t('Customize this page'));
$path = 'panels/ajax/ipe/save_form/panelizer:node:' . $node->nid . ':page_manager:' . $node->vid;
$query_string = array(
'destination' => 'node/' . $node->nid,
$full_path = url($path, array(
'query' => array(
'destination' => $query_string['destination'],
// Confirm the IPE link is not on the form.
->assertNoLink(t('Change layout'));
$path = 'panels/ajax/ipe/change_layout/panelizer:node:' . $node->nid . ':Apage_manager:' . $node->vid;
$query_string = array(
'destination' => 'node/' . $node->nid,
$full_path = url($path, array(
'query' => array(
'destination' => $query_string['destination'],