function PanelizerExportablesTest::testExportablesChangeablePreEntity in Panelizer 7.3
Verify that the exported configuration can be edited when applied to an individual entity.
- tests/
panelizer.exportables.test, line 136 - Test the exportables functionality for Panelizer.
- PanelizerExportablesTest
- @file Test the exportables functionality for Panelizer.
function testExportablesChangeablePreEntity() {
$perms = array(
// Standard node permissions.
'create page content',
'edit own page content',
// Allow access to the 'panelizer' tab.
'administer panelizer node page overview',
// Permission to manage the 'content', i.e. the display.
'administer panelizer node page content',
// Allow choosing the display that is used.
'administer panelizer node page choice',
$web_user = $this
// Create a node.
$edit = array(
'panelizer[page_manager][name]' => 'node:page:without_storage',
$node = $this
->assertNotEqual($node->nid, 0);
// Load the Panelizer main page.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/panelizer');
// Confirm there's a link to the 'content' page, and load it.
$path = 'node/' . $node->nid . '/panelizer/page_manager/content';
// Confirm the 'Add content' link is on the page.
->assertLink(t('Add content'));
$ajax_path = 'panels/ajax/editor/select-content/panelizer:node:' . $node->nid . ':page_manager:' . $node->vid . '/center';
// Need to pass the path through url() to get the correct syntax for the
// actual link.
// Load the AJAX path to see what it contains.
$json = $this
// Examine the JSON response from the AJAX API.
->verbose('<pre>' . print_r($json, TRUE) . '</pre>');
// $this->assertEqual(count($json), 2);
->assertEqual($json[0]['command'], 'settings');
->assertEqual($json[0]['merge'], 'TRUE');
// This is what should happen.
->assertEqual($json[1]['command'], 'modal_display');
if (isset($json[1]['title'])) {
->assertEqual($json[1]['title'], t('Add content to Center'));
// This is what should not happen.
->assertNotEqual($json[1]['command'], 'alert');
if (isset($json[1]['text'])) {
->assertNotEqual($json[1]['text'], t('You are not authorized to access this page.'), 'Access Denied error in the AJAX response.');