You are here in Panelizer 7.3

This is the task handler plugin to handle an entity view. NOTE: This is named panelizer_node for historical reasons. It is too much of a pain to change the name of a task handler. This panelizes any entity not just a node.


View source

 * @file
 * This is the task handler plugin to handle an entity view.
 * NOTE: This is named panelizer_node for historical reasons. It is too much
 * of a pain to change the name of a task handler. This panelizes any entity
 * not just a node.

// Plugin definition
$plugin = array(
  // is a 'context' handler type, meaning it supports the API of the
  // context handlers provided by ctools context plugins.
  'handler type' => 'context',
  // Administrative fields.
  'title' => t('Panelizer'),
  'forms' => array(),
  'admin title' => 'panelizer_panelizer_task_title',
  'admin summary' => 'panelizer_panelizer_task_admin_summary',
  'operations' => array(),
  // Callback to render the data.
  'render' => 'panelizer_panelizer_task_render',
  // Callback to return addressable data
  'addressable callback' => 'panelizer_panelizer_task_get_addressable',
  'test' => 'panelizer_panelizer_task_test',
  'visible' => TRUE,
  // Provide custom panelizer specific contextual links.
  'contextual link' => 'panelizer_panelizer_task_contextual_link',
  'operations' => array(
    'settings' => array(
      'title' => t('General'),
      'description' => t('Change general settings for this variant.'),
      'form' => 'panelizer_panelizer_task_edit_settings',
    'criteria' => array(
      'title' => t('Selection rules'),
      'description' => t('Control the criteria used to decide whether or not this variant is used.'),
      'ajax' => FALSE,
      'form' => array(
        'order' => array(
          'form' => t('Selection rules'),
        'forms' => array(
          'form' => array(
            'include' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/includes/',
            'form id' => 'ctools_context_handler_edit_criteria',
    'context' => array(
      'title' => t('Contexts'),
      'ajax' => FALSE,
      'description' => t('Add additional context objects to this variant that can be used by the content.'),
      'form' => array(
        'order' => array(
          'form' => t('Context'),
        'forms' => array(
          'form' => array(
            'include' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/includes/',
            'form id' => 'ctools_context_handler_edit_context',
  'default conf' => array(
    'title' => t('Panelizer'),
    'contexts' => array(),
    'relationships' => array(),
    'context' => array(),

 * Figure out the correct context to use for this panelizer.
function _panelizer_panelizer_task_get_context($handler, $contexts) {
  $contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_handler_contexts($contexts, $handler);
  if (isset($handler->conf['context']) && is_string($handler->conf['context']) && !empty($contexts[$handler->conf['context']])) {
    return $contexts[$handler->conf['context']];

  // If one was not set up, we could be using old, saved data. Assume that
  // this means we just want the first context available.
  if (!empty($contexts)) {
    return reset($contexts);

  // Fail!
  return new stdClass();

 * Get extra contexts to pass from page manager to panelizer.
 * @param $handler
 *   The handler object.
 * @param $base_contexts
 *   The base contexts from page manager.
 * @return array
 *   All contexts defined in page manager other than the panelized entity
 *   context.
function _panelizer_panelizer_task_get_extra_contexts($handler, $base_contexts) {
  $extra_contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_handler_contexts($base_contexts, $handler);

  // Remove the panelized context to prevent duplication in the extra contexts.
  if (isset($handler->conf['context']) && !empty($extra_contexts[$handler->conf['context']])) {
  elseif (!empty($extra_contexts)) {
  return $extra_contexts;

 * Provide appropriate contextual links for Panelizer controlled entities.
function panelizer_panelizer_task_contextual_link($handler, $plugin, $contexts, $args) {
  $links = array();
  $context = _panelizer_panelizer_task_get_context($handler, $contexts);
  if (empty($context->data)) {
  $entity =& $context->data;

  // Only show links for this view mode.
  $view_mode = 'page_manager';
  if (empty($entity->panelizer[$view_mode])) {
    return FALSE;
  $panelizer = $entity->panelizer[$view_mode];

  // One of these two will always be set.
  $entity_type = !empty($panelizer->entity_type) ? $panelizer->entity_type : $panelizer->panelizer_type;
  if ($entity_handler = panelizer_entity_plugin_get_handler($entity_type)) {
    list($entity_id, $revision_id, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);

    // @todo there's code on the entity handler to do this path thing for us.
    $bits = explode('/', $entity_handler->plugin['entity path']);
    foreach ($bits as $count => $bit) {
      if (strpos($bit, '%') === 0) {
        $bits[$count] = $entity_id;
    $bits[] = 'panelizer';
    $bits[] = $view_mode;
    $base_path = implode('/', $bits);
    if ($entity_handler
      ->panelizer_access('settings', $entity, $view_mode)) {
      $links['settings'] = array(
        'title' => t("Edit custom display settings"),
        'href' => "{$base_path}/settings",
    if ($entity_handler
      ->panelizer_access('context', $entity, $view_mode)) {
      $links['context'] = array(
        'title' => t('Edit custom display contexts'),
        'href' => "{$base_path}/context",
    if ($entity_handler
      ->panelizer_access('layout', $entity, $view_mode)) {
      $links['layout'] = array(
        'title' => t('Edit custom display layout'),
        'href' => "{$base_path}/layout",
    if ($entity_handler
      ->panelizer_access('content', $entity, $view_mode)) {
      $links['content'] = array(
        'title' => t('Edit custom display content'),
        'href' => "{$base_path}/content",

    // Work out what the default display is called.
    $default_display_name = $entity_handler
      ->get_default_display_default_name($bundle, $view_mode);

    // If the default display is defined, add links to edit it.
    if (!empty($default_display_name)) {
      $template_base_path = "admin/structure/types/manage/{$bundle}/panelizer/{$view_mode}/{$default_display_name}";
      if ($entity_handler
        ->panelizer_access('settings', $entity, $view_mode)) {
        $links['default_settings'] = array(
          'title' => t('Edit default display settings'),
          'href' => "{$template_base_path}/settings",
      if ($entity_handler
        ->panelizer_access('context', $entity, $view_mode)) {
        $links['default_context'] = array(
          'title' => t('Edit default display contexts'),
          'href' => "{$template_base_path}/context",
      if ($entity_handler
        ->panelizer_access('layout', $entity, $view_mode)) {
        $links['default_layout'] = array(
          'title' => t('Edit default display layout'),
          'href' => "{$template_base_path}/layout",
      if ($entity_handler
        ->panelizer_access('content', $entity, $view_mode)) {
        $links['default_content'] = array(
          'title' => t('Edit default display content'),
          'href' => "{$template_base_path}/content",
  return $links;

 * Callback to provide administrative summary of the task handler.
function panelizer_panelizer_task_admin_summary($handler, $task, $subtask, $page, $show_title = TRUE) {
  $output = '';
  $output .= '<div class="clear-block">';
  if ($show_title) {

    // Get the operations
    $operations = page_manager_get_operations($page);

    // Get operations for just this handler.
    $operations = $operations['handlers']['children'][$handler->name]['children']['actions']['children'];
    $args = array(
    $rendered_operations = page_manager_render_operations($page, $operations, array(), array(
      'class' => array(
    ), 'actions', $args);
    $output .= '<div class="handler-title clear-block">';
    $output .= '<div class="actions handler-actions">' . $rendered_operations['actions'] . '</div>';
    $output .= '<span class="title-label">' . t('Panelizer') . '</span>';
    $output .= '</div>';
  $plugin = page_manager_get_task_handler($handler->handler);
  $object = ctools_context_handler_get_task_object($task, $subtask, $handler);
  $context = ctools_context_load_contexts($object, TRUE);
  $access = ctools_access_group_summary(!empty($handler->conf['access']) ? $handler->conf['access'] : array(), $context);
  if ($access) {
    $access = t('This variant will be selected if the entity being viewed is panelized AND @conditions. This variant must be enabled and selected for panelizer to work!', array(
      '@conditions' => $access,
  else {
    $access = t('This variant will be selected if the entity being viewed is panelized. This variant must be enabled and selected for panelizer to work!');
  $rows[] = array(
      'class' => array(
      'data' => t('Selection rule'),
      'class' => array(
      'data' => $access,
      'class' => array(
  $output .= theme('table', array(
    'header' => array(),
    'rows' => $rows,
    'attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Render a entity that has been panelized.
function panelizer_panelizer_task_render($handler, $base_contexts, $args, $test = TRUE) {

  // Get the context this is viewing; figure out what entity it is and load
  // the right plugin.
  $context = _panelizer_panelizer_task_get_context($handler, $base_contexts);
  if (!$context) {
    return FALSE;
  if (empty($context->data->panelizer['page_manager'])) {
    return FALSE;
  $panelizer = $context->data->panelizer['page_manager'];

  // One of these two will always be set.
  $entity_type = !empty($panelizer->entity_type) ? $panelizer->entity_type : $panelizer->panelizer_type;
  $address = implode('::', array(
    implode('..', $args),
  if ($entity_handler = panelizer_entity_plugin_get_handler($entity_type)) {
    $extra_contexts = _panelizer_panelizer_task_get_extra_contexts($handler, $base_contexts);
    $info = $entity_handler
      ->render_entity($context->data, 'page_manager', NULL, $args, $address, $extra_contexts);

    // Add body element classes, appending to the existing value.
    $panel_body_css =& drupal_static('panel_body_css', array());
    if (!empty($info['classes_array'])) {
      $panel_body_css += array(
        'body_classes_to_add' => '',
      $panel_body_css['body_classes_to_add'] = trim($panel_body_css['body_classes_to_add'] . ' ' . implode(' ', $info['classes_array']));
    return $info;

 * Determine if the panelizer task handler should fire.
 * This returns true if the configured entity is panelized and has
 * a display.
function panelizer_panelizer_task_test($handler, $base_contexts) {
  if (!ctools_context_handler_select($handler, $base_contexts)) {
  $context = _panelizer_panelizer_task_get_context($handler, $base_contexts);
  if (empty($context->data)) {
  $entity =& $context->data;

  // Fail if there isn't a panelizer object on the entity.
  if (empty($entity->panelizer['page_manager']->display)) {
  $panelizer = $entity->panelizer['page_manager'];
  $entity_type = !empty($panelizer->entity_type) ? $panelizer->entity_type : $panelizer->panelizer_type;
  $panelizer_handler = panelizer_entity_plugin_get_handler($entity_type);
  if (!$panelizer_handler) {
  list($entity_id, $revision_id, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);

  // Make sure the bundle + view mode is actually panelized!
  return $panelizer_handler
    ->is_panelized($bundle . '.page_manager');
function panelizer_panelizer_task_get_addressable($task, $subtask_name, $handler, $address, $contexts, $arguments, $type) {
  ctools_include('plugins', 'panels');
  if (empty($contexts)) {
  $context = _panelizer_panelizer_task_get_context($handler, $contexts);
  if (empty($context->data)) {

  // Extract the entity from the context so we can load the panelizer.
  $entity =& $context->data;
  if (empty($entity->panelizer['page_manager']) || empty($entity->panelizer['page_manager']->display)) {

  // Load the panelizer info.
  $panelizer = $entity->panelizer['page_manager'];

  // Load the display.
  $display = $panelizer->display;

  // One of these two will always be set.
  $entity_type = !empty($panelizer->entity_type) ? $panelizer->entity_type : $panelizer->panelizer_type;
  $handler = panelizer_entity_plugin_get_handler($entity_type);
  if (!$handler) {
  list($entity_id, $revision_id, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
  $display->context = $handler
    ->get_contexts($panelizer, $entity);
  $display->args = $arguments;
  $display->css_id = $panelizer->css_id;
  $display->cache_key = implode(':', array(
  $renderer = panels_get_renderer($panelizer->pipeline, $display);
  $pid = array_shift($address);
  if (!empty($renderer->prepared['panes'][$pid])) {
    if ($type == 'content') {
      return $renderer
    elseif ($type == 'pane') {
      return $renderer->prepared['panes'][$pid];

 * General settings for the panel
function panelizer_panelizer_task_edit_settings($form, &$form_state) {
  $conf = $form_state['handler']->conf;
  $form['title'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#default_value' => !empty($conf['title']) ? $conf['title'] : t('Panelizer'),
    '#title' => t('Administrative title'),
    '#description' => t('Administrative title of this variant.'),
  $name = isset($conf['name']) ? $conf['name'] : FALSE;
  $form['name'] = array(
    '#type' => 'machine_name',
    '#title' => t('Machine name'),
    '#required' => FALSE,
    '#default_value' => $name,
    '#description' => t("A unique machine-readable name for this variant. It must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. This name will be used when exporting the variant. If left empty the variant's name will be used instead."),
    '#size' => 32,
    '#maxlength' => 32,
    '#machine_name' => array(
      'exists' => 'page_manager_handler_check_machine_name',
      'source' => array(
    '#field_prefix' => '<span dir="ltr">' . $form_state['task_name'] . '__',
    '#field_suffix' => '</span>&lrm;',
  $contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_all_contexts($form_state['task'], $form_state['subtask'], $form_state['handler']);
  $required_context = new ctools_context_required(t('Panelized entity'), 'entity');
  $form['context'] = ctools_context_selector($contexts, $required_context, isset($conf['context']) ? $conf['context'] : '');
  return $form;
function panelizer_panelizer_task_edit_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $machine_name = $form_state['handler']->name;
  $name = $form_state['task_id'] . '__' . $form_state['values']['name'];

  // If new name doesn't equal machine name, we need to update and redirect.
  if ($machine_name !== $name) {
    $form_state['new trail'] = $form_state['trail'];
    $delta = array_search($machine_name, $form_state['new trail']);
    $form_state['new trail'][$delta] = $name;
    $form_state['handler']->name = $name;
  $form_state['handler']->conf['title'] = $form_state['values']['title'];
  $form_state['handler']->conf['name'] = $form_state['values']['name'];
  $form_state['handler']->conf['context'] = $form_state['values']['context'];

 * Set up a title for the display based upon the selection rules.
function panelizer_panelizer_task_title($handler, $task, $subtask) {
  if (isset($handler->conf['title'])) {
    return check_plain($handler->conf['title']);
  else {
    return t('Panelizer');


Namesort descending Description
panelizer_panelizer_task_admin_summary Callback to provide administrative summary of the task handler.
panelizer_panelizer_task_contextual_link Provide appropriate contextual links for Panelizer controlled entities.
panelizer_panelizer_task_edit_settings General settings for the panel
panelizer_panelizer_task_render Render a entity that has been panelized.
panelizer_panelizer_task_test Determine if the panelizer task handler should fire.
panelizer_panelizer_task_title Set up a title for the display based upon the selection rules.
_panelizer_panelizer_task_get_context Figure out the correct context to use for this panelizer.
_panelizer_panelizer_task_get_extra_contexts Get extra contexts to pass from page manager to panelizer.