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function _panelizer_check_admin_theme in Panelizer 6

Switch to the administration theme on node/%node/panelizer/* if needed.

Sadly, in D6 there's no such thing as hook_admin_paths(), so we have to do this ourselves.

4 calls to _panelizer_check_admin_theme()
panelizer_edit_node_content_page in includes/
Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
panelizer_edit_node_context_page in includes/
Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
panelizer_edit_node_layout_page in includes/
Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
panelizer_edit_node_settings_page in includes/
Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.


includes/, line 508
Contains routines specific to handling nodes that are panelized.


function _panelizer_check_admin_theme() {
  if (variable_get('node_admin_theme', '0')) {
    global $custom_theme;
    $custom_theme = variable_get('admin_theme', '0');
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/admin.css', 'module');