You are here in Panelizer 6

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Contains routines specific to handling nodes that are panelized.


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 * @file
 * Contains routines specific to handling nodes that are panelized.

 * Retrieve the panelizer panel associated with a node.
function panelizer_load_node_panelizer($node, $default_anyway = FALSE) {
  if (!empty($node) && is_numeric($node)) {
    $node = node_load($node);
  if (!$node) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!panelizer_is_panelized('node', $node->type)) {
    return FALSE;
  $panelizer = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {panelizer_node} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid));
  if ($panelizer && !empty($panelizer->did)) {
    $panelizer = ctools_export_unpack_object('panelizer_node', $panelizer);
    $panelizer->panelizer_type = 'node';
    return $panelizer;

  // TODO: When we implement choice, we would look to see which default is in use.
  $choice = 'default';

  // Is there a default?
  $panelizer = panelizer_load_default('node', $node->type, $choice, $default_anyway);
  if (!$panelizer) {
    return FALSE;
  return panelizer_clone_node_panelizer($panelizer, $node->nid);

 * Helper function to clone a node's panelizer object and the panels display.
 * @param stdClass $panelizer
 *   The fully-loaded panelizer object for a given node.
 * @param integer $nid
 *   The nid to use for the cloned panelizer.
 * @return stdClass
 *   A cloned and fully-loaded panelizer object.
function panelizer_clone_node_panelizer($panelizer, $nid) {
  $panelizer_clone = drupal_clone($panelizer);

  // To ensure this saves properly later, we need to scrub out the data that
  // is specific to the default.
  $original_display = panelizer_load_display($panelizer);

  // In order to ensure we don't actually use and modify the default display,
  // we export and re-import it.
  $code = panels_export_display($original_display);
  $panelizer_clone->display = $display;
  $panelizer_clone->did = NULL;
  $panelizer_clone->nid = $nid;
  $panelizer_clone->new = TRUE;
  return $panelizer_clone;

 * Write a panelizer node panel to the database.
function panelizer_save_node_panelizer($panelizer) {
  if (!empty($panelizer->display)) {

    // First write the display

    // Make sure we have the did.
    // @todo -- this should never spontaneously change on us, but we aren't
    // checking that, either. We possibly should enforce a safety condition
    // here.
    $panelizer->did = $panelizer->display->did;

  // Then write the default
  if (empty($panelizer->new)) {

    // Existing record.
    $update = array(
  else {

    // New record.
    $update = array();
  return drupal_write_record('panelizer_node', $panelizer, $update);

 * Delete a panelizer node panel from the database.
function panelizer_delete_node_panelizer($panelizer) {
  if (!empty($panelizer->did)) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {panelizer_node} WHERE nid = %d", $panelizer->nid);

 * Render the panels display for a given panelizer node.
 * @param stdClass $node
 *   A fully-loaded node object controlled by panelizer.
 * @param array $args
 *   Optional array of arguments to pass to the panels display.
 * @return array
 *   If the node isn't panelized, this returns NULL. Otherwise, it returns an
 *   associative array with the following keys:
 *   - 'content': String containing the rendered panels display output.
 *   - 'no_blocks': Boolean defining if the panels display wants to hide core
 *      blocks or not when being rendered.
function panelizer_render_node($node, $args = array()) {
  ctools_include('node', 'panelizer');
  $panelizer = panelizer_load_node_panelizer($node);
  if (empty($panelizer)) {

  // Load the display
  $display = panelizer_load_display($panelizer);
  if (empty($display)) {
  $display->context = panelizer_get_contexts($panelizer, $node);
  $display->args = $args;
  $display->css_id = $panelizer->css_id;

  // This means the IPE will use our cache which means it will get appropriate
  // allowed content should it be selected.
  $display->cache_key = 'panelizer:node:' . $node->nid;

  // Check to see if there is any CSS.
  if (!empty($panelizer->css)) {
    $filename = ctools_css_retrieve($display->cache_key);
    if (!$filename) {
      $filename = ctools_css_store($display->cache_key, $panelizer->css);

  // We think this is handled as a page, so set the current page display.
  ctools_include('plugins', 'panels');
  $renderer = panels_get_renderer($panelizer->pipeline, $display);
  $info = array(
    'content' => panels_render_display($display, $renderer),
    'no_blocks' => !empty($panelizer->no_blocks),
  return $info;

 * Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
function panelizer_edit_node_settings_page($node) {
  $panelizer = panelizer_load_node_panelizer($node);
  if (empty($panelizer)) {

    // If this node is not yet panelized, and there is no default panel
    // do to configuration, give them the option of panelizing it.
    if (panelizer_has_default('node', $node->type)) {
      return MENU_NOT_FOUND;

    // Set the form to the Panelize It! form.
    $form_id = 'panelizer_panelize_node_form';

    // Fetch a special default panelizer that is only accessible with the
    // default_anyway flag.
    $panelizer = panelizer_load_node_panelizer($node, TRUE);
  else {
    $form_id = 'panelizer_settings_form';
    $reset_button = TRUE;
  $form_state = array(
    'panelizer' => &$panelizer,
    'no_redirect' => TRUE,
  if (!empty($reset_button)) {
    $form_state['reset button'] = TRUE;

  // load a comparison panelizer so that we can detect changes to the load object
  $compare_panelizer = panelizer_load_node_panelizer($node, TRUE);
  ctools_include('common', 'panelizer');
  $output = ctools_build_form($form_id, $form_state);
  if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) {
    if (empty($form_state['clicked_button']['#reset'])) {
      $difference = false;
      foreach ($panelizer as $key => $value) {
        if ($value != $compare_panelizer->{$key}) {
          $difference = true;
      if ($difference) {
        drupal_set_message(t('The settings have been updated.'));
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t('No changes found, using original settings.'));
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('The node panel has been reset to the default.'));
  return $output;
function panelizer_panelize_node_form(&$form_state) {
  $form = array();
  $form['markup'] = array(
    '#value' => '<p>' . t('This node is not currently panelized.') . '</p>',
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Panelize it!'),
  return $form;

 * Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
function panelizer_edit_node_context_page($node) {
  $cache_key = $node->nid;
  $panelizer = panelizer_context_cache_get('node', $cache_key);
  if (empty($panelizer)) {
    return MENU_NOT_FOUND;
  $form_state = array(
    'panelizer' => &$panelizer,
    'panelizer type' => 'node',
    'panelizer id' => 'node',
    'cache key' => $cache_key,
    'no_redirect' => TRUE,
  ctools_include('common', 'panelizer');
  $output = ctools_build_form('panelizer_default_context_form', $form_state);
  if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) {
    if (!empty($form_state['clicked_button']['#write'])) {
      drupal_set_message(t('The settings have been updated.'));
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('Changes have been discarded.'));
    panelizer_context_cache_clear('node', $cache_key);
  return $output;

 * Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
function panelizer_edit_node_layout_page($node) {
  $panelizer = panelizer_load_node_panelizer($node);
  if (empty($panelizer)) {
    return MENU_NOT_FOUND;
  $display = panelizer_load_display($panelizer);
  $display->context = panelizer_get_contexts($panelizer, $node);
  $output = panels_edit_layout($display, t('Save'), '', 'panelizer_node' . ':' . $node->type);
  if (is_object($output)) {

    // The display was already saved, but if we were given a did, that
    // needs to be saved too.
    if ($panelizer->did != $output->did) {
      $panelizer->did = $output->did;

      // Ensure we don't try to write again:
      if (isset($panelizer->display)) {
  return $output;

 * Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
function panelizer_edit_node_content_page($node) {
  $panelizer = panelizer_load_node_panelizer($node);
  if (empty($panelizer)) {
    return MENU_NOT_FOUND;
  $cache = panels_edit_cache_get('panelizer:node:' . $node->nid);
  ctools_include('plugins', 'panels');
  ctools_include('display-edit', 'panels');
  $renderer = panels_get_renderer_handler('editor', $cache->display);
  $renderer->cache = $cache;
  $output = $renderer
  if (is_object($output)) {

    // The display was already saved, but if we were given a did, that
    // needs to be saved too.
    if ($panelizer->did != $output->did) {
      $panelizer->did = $output->did;

      // Ensure we don't try to write again:
      if (isset($panelizer->display)) {
      $panelizer->new = FALSE;

  // Print this with theme('page') so that blocks are disabled while editing a display.
  // This is important because negative margins in common block layouts (i.e, Garland)
  // messes up the drag & drop.
  print theme('page', $output, FALSE);

 * callback to get a basic display for a new node panelizer.
function panelizer_get_default_display_node() {
  $display = new panels_display();
  $display->layout = 'flexible';
  $display->layout_settings = array();
  $display->panel_settings = array(
    'style_settings' => array(
      'default' => NULL,
      'center' => NULL,
  $display->cache = array();
  $display->title = '';
  $display->content = array();
  $display->panels = array();
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-1';
  $pane->panel = 'center';
  $pane->type = 'node_content';
  $pane->subtype = 'node_content';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array(
    'links' => 1,
    'page' => 1,
    'no_extras' => 0,
    'override_title' => 0,
    'override_title_text' => '',
    'identifier' => '',
    'link' => 0,
    'leave_node_title' => 0,
    'context' => 'panelizer',
    'build_mode' => 'full',
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 0;
  $display->content['new-1'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['center'][0] = 'new-1';
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-2';
  $pane->panel = 'center';
  $pane->type = 'node_comments';
  $pane->subtype = 'node_comments';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array(
    'mode' => '4',
    'order' => '2',
    'comments_per_page' => '50',
    'context' => 'panelizer',
    'override_title' => 0,
    'override_title_text' => '',
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 1;
  $display->content['new-2'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['center'][1] = 'new-2';
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-3';
  $pane->panel = 'center';
  $pane->type = 'node_comment_form';
  $pane->subtype = 'node_comment_form';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array(
    'anon_links' => 1,
    'context' => 'panelizer',
    'override_title' => 0,
    'override_title_text' => '',
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 2;
  $display->content['new-3'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['center'][2] = 'new-3';
  $display->hide_title = PANELS_TITLE_FIXED;
  $display->title_pane = 'new-1';
  return $display;

 * Callback to get the base context for a node panelizer.
function panelizer_get_base_context_node($object = NULL) {
  if ($object) {
    $context = ctools_context_create('node', $object);
  else {
    $context = ctools_context_create_empty('node');

    // The placeholder is needed to create the form used for the live
    // preview.
    $context->placeholder = array(
      'type' => 'context',
      'conf' => array(
        'name' => 'node',
        'identifier' => t('This node'),
        'keyword' => 'node',
        'context_settings' => array(),
  $context->identifier = t('This node');
  $context->keyword = 'node';
  return array(
    'panelizer' => $context,

 * Switch to the administration theme on node/%node/panelizer/* if needed.
 * Sadly, in D6 there's no such thing as hook_admin_paths(), so we have to do
 * this ourselves.
function _panelizer_check_admin_theme() {
  if (variable_get('node_admin_theme', '0')) {
    global $custom_theme;
    $custom_theme = variable_get('admin_theme', '0');
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/admin.css', 'module');


Namesort descending Description
panelizer_clone_node_panelizer Helper function to clone a node's panelizer object and the panels display.
panelizer_delete_node_panelizer Delete a panelizer node panel from the database.
panelizer_edit_node_content_page Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
panelizer_edit_node_context_page Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
panelizer_edit_node_layout_page Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
panelizer_edit_node_settings_page Page to edit basic settings on a panelized node.
panelizer_get_base_context_node Callback to get the base context for a node panelizer.
panelizer_get_default_display_node callback to get a basic display for a new node panelizer.
panelizer_load_node_panelizer Retrieve the panelizer panel associated with a node.
panelizer_render_node Render the panels display for a given panelizer node.
panelizer_save_node_panelizer Write a panelizer node panel to the database.
_panelizer_check_admin_theme Switch to the administration theme on node/%node/panelizer/* if needed.