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function opigno_quiz_app_opigno_breadcrumbs in Opigno Quiz App 7

Implements hook_opigno_breadcrumbs().


./opigno_quiz_app.module, line 446
Module file. Defines module hooks.


function opigno_quiz_app_opigno_breadcrumbs($gid) {
  $breadcrumbs = array();
  $node = menu_get_object();

  // Must we handle this page request for the breadcrumb ?
  if (isset($node->type) && $node->type == 'quiz' || current_path() == 'node/add/quiz' || preg_match('/^node\\/[0-9]+\\/sort-quizzes$/', current_path()) || opigno_quiz_app_is_node_add_question()) {

    // Add the Opigno Quizzes view link.
    $breadcrumbs[] = l(opigno_quiz_app_get_quizzes_view_title(), "node/{$gid}/quizzes");

    // Is this a sub page of the quiz (like node/%/take) ? Add the Quiz itself.
    if (isset($node->type) && $node->type == 'quiz' && preg_match('/^node\\/[0-9]+\\/.+/', current_path())) {
      $breadcrumbs[] = l($node->title, "node/{$node->nid}");

    // Is this a question add form ? And the parent Quiz NID is given in the URL ?
    // Add the parent Quiz title and the manage question tab.
    if (opigno_quiz_app_is_node_add_question() && !empty($_GET['quiz_nid'])) {
      $quiz = node_load($_GET['quiz_nid']);
      $breadcrumbs[] = l($quiz->title, "node/{$_GET['quiz_nid']}");
      $breadcrumbs[] = l(t("Manage questions"), "node/{$_GET['quiz_nid']}/questions");
  if (!empty($breadcrumbs)) {
    return $breadcrumbs;