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Functions in Opigno Quiz App 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
opigno_pdf_viewer_install includes/opigno_pdf_viewer/opigno_pdf_viewer.install
opigno_pdf_viewer_install_translations includes/opigno_pdf_viewer/opigno_pdf_viewer.install Put in this function all the strings that are not in a t() or st() function.
opigno_quiz_app_access_node_sort_quizzes ./opigno_quiz_app.module Access callback: check if user has access to sort quizzes inside the course. 1 1
opigno_quiz_app_access_node_teacher_results ./opigno_quiz_app.module Access callback: check if user has access to student results for the specified course. 1 1
opigno_quiz_app_access_user_achievements ./opigno_quiz_app.module Custom user access to the users achievements page 1
opigno_quiz_app_apps_app_info ./ Implements hook_apps_app_info().
opigno_quiz_app_check_questions_for_type ./opigno_quiz_app.module 1
opigno_quiz_app_courses_results includes/ Page callback: view all user results for all courses (where allowed). 1
opigno_quiz_app_course_class_passed ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to check if a user passed the course or class given in parameter.
opigno_quiz_app_course_get_last_viewed ./opigno_quiz_app.module Gets the latest lesson the user has been in. 2
opigno_quiz_app_course_has_been_sorted ./opigno_quiz_app.module 1
opigno_quiz_app_course_is_started ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to know if a course is started or not by a user.
opigno_quiz_app_course_last_viewed ./opigno_quiz_app.module Sets in the db the latest lesson the user has been in 1
opigno_quiz_app_course_lessons ./opigno_quiz_app.module 6
opigno_quiz_app_course_lessons_progress_and_time ./opigno_quiz_app.module 1
opigno_quiz_app_course_results includes/ Page callback: view all user results for a specific course. 1
opigno_quiz_app_course_resume ./opigno_quiz_app.module Page callback for resuming a course. 1
opigno_quiz_app_course_resume_access ./opigno_quiz_app.module Access callback for the redirection to resume a quiz 1
opigno_quiz_app_course_resume_get_path ./opigno_quiz_app.module 1
opigno_quiz_app_current_user_results includes/ Page callback: view quiz results for the current user. 1
opigno_quiz_app_default_rules_configuration ./ Implements hook_default_rules_configuration().
opigno_quiz_app_delete_course_quiz_weight ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to delete the weight of a quiz inside a course. 1
opigno_quiz_app_enable_calendar_integration ./opigno_quiz_app.install Enable Calendar App integration. 2
opigno_quiz_app_filter_by_status_form includes/ Helper form for filtering student lists by student membership state. 2
opigno_quiz_app_filter_by_status_form_submit includes/ Submit callback for opigno_quiz_app_filter_by_status_form().
opigno_quiz_app_form_alter ./opigno_quiz_app.module Quiz node form alter
opigno_quiz_app_get_all_required_quizzes ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to fetch all the required quizzes for the passed course node. 2
opigno_quiz_app_get_certificate ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to get the certificate download link from the Opigno Certificate App. 2
opigno_quiz_app_get_class_progression ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to get the class progression in percent 2
opigno_quiz_app_get_course_class_progression ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to get the course or class progression in percent
opigno_quiz_app_get_course_class_score_average ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to get the average score for a course or a class.
opigno_quiz_app_get_course_data_result ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to get all results for a given course and user. 3
opigno_quiz_app_get_course_progression ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to get the course progression in percent 3
opigno_quiz_app_get_course_quizzes ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to fetch all course quizzes. 2
opigno_quiz_app_get_course_quiz_weight ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to fetch the weight of a quiz inside a course. 2
opigno_quiz_app_get_first_lesson_from_group ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function that returns the first lesson's ID of a group (course or class) 1
opigno_quiz_app_get_next_lesson_from_course ./opigno_quiz_app.module Returns the next lesson NID for a course. 1
opigno_quiz_app_get_quizzes_view_title ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to get the Opigno Quizzes View title. 1
opigno_quiz_app_get_quiz_question_types ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to get the available quiz question types. 2
opigno_quiz_app_get_score_data ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to fetch score data for quizzes. The difference with the core quiz function is that this function gets all results (not just the best one) and also returns the start and end time. 3
opigno_quiz_app_init ./opigno_quiz_app.module Implements hook_init().
opigno_quiz_app_install ./opigno_quiz_app.install Implements hook_install().
opigno_quiz_app_install_translations ./opigno_quiz_app.install Put in this function all the strings that are not in a t() or st() function.
opigno_quiz_app_is_in_entity_reference ./opigno_quiz_app.module Compares entity references fields 1
opigno_quiz_app_is_node_add_question ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to determine if we're adding a Question node. 2
opigno_quiz_app_is_quiz_path ./opigno_quiz_app.module Helper function to check if we are in a quiz path. 1
opigno_quiz_app_menu ./opigno_quiz_app.module Implements hook_menu().
opigno_quiz_app_menu_alter ./opigno_quiz_app.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
opigno_quiz_app_menu_local_tasks_alter ./opigno_quiz_app.module Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter().
opigno_quiz_app_modules_enabled ./opigno_quiz_app.module Implements hook_modules_enabled().


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