openlayers_test.module in Openlayers 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
Main OpenLayers Test Module file
This file contains a test module to help with automated testing.
tests/openlayers_test.moduleView source
* @file
* Main OpenLayers Test Module file
* This file contains a test module to help with automated
* testing.
* @ingroup openlayers
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function openlayers_test_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['admin/settings/openlayers/test'] = array(
'title' => 'OpenLayers Test Page',
'description' => 'Test Page for OpenLayers.',
'page callback' => 'openlayers_test_page',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer openlayers',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => 9999,
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_openlayers_presets().
function openlayers_test_openlayers_presets() {
$presets = array();
// Create style map array
$style_test = array(
'projection' => '4326',
'width' => 'auto',
'default_layer' => 'openlayers_default_wms',
'height' => '300px',
'center' => array(
'lat' => '0',
'lon' => '0',
'zoom' => '2',
'options' => array(
'displayProjection' => '4326',
'controls' => array(
'LayerSwitcher' => TRUE,
'Navigation' => TRUE,
'PanZoomBar' => TRUE,
'MousePosition' => TRUE,
'behaviors' => array(
'openlayers_behaviors_fullscreen_test' => array(
'id' => 'openlayers_behaviors_fullscreen_test',
'type' => 'openlayers_behaviors_fullscreen',
'styles' => array(
'default' => array(
'pointRadius' => 10,
'fillColor' => '#333333',
'strokeColor' => '#FFFFFF',
'strokeWidth' => 4,
'fillOpacity' => 0.75,
'layers' => array(
'style_vector' => array(
'id' => 'style_vector',
'type' => 'Vector',
'name' => t('Style Test Vector'),
'features' => array(
'feature_1' => array(
'wkt' => 'POLYGON((1 1,5 1,5 5,1 5,1 1),(2 2, 3 2, 3 3, 2 3,2 2))',
'attributes' => array(
'name' => t('A Polygon with a hole in it'),
'style' => array(
'fillColor' => '#aa4400',
'fillOpacity' => '0.7',
'feature_2' => array(
'lat' => '40.123',
'lon' => '-20.123',
'attributes' => array(
'name' => t('A point'),
'style' => array(
'externalGraphic' => '',
'graphicWidth' => 21,
'graphicHeight' => 25,
'graphicXOffset' => 10,
'graphicYOffset' => 10,
'feature_3' => array(
'wkt' => 'POINT(-20.123 -20.123)',
'attributes' => array(
'name' => t('Another point'),
// Create full preset array
$presets['style_test'] = array(
'preset_name' => 'style_test',
'preset_title' => t('Test: Styles per Feature'),
'preset_description' => t('This is a test preset.'),
'preset_data' => $style_test,
// Context styleing map
$style_test = array(
'projection' => '4326',
'width' => 'auto',
'default_layer' => 'openlayers_default_wms',
'height' => '300px',
'center' => array(
'lat' => '0',
'lon' => '0',
'zoom' => '2',
'options' => array(
'displayProjection' => '4326',
'controls' => array(
'LayerSwitcher' => TRUE,
'Navigation' => TRUE,
'PanZoomBar' => TRUE,
'MousePosition' => TRUE,
'styles' => array(
'default' => array(
'pointRadius' => '${getRadius}',
'fillColor' => '${getColor}',
'strokeColor' => '${getColor}',
'strokeWidth' => 1,
'fillOpacity' => 0.95,
'styleContextCallback' => 'OLTest.Testing.StyleContextCallback',
'layers' => array(
'style_vector' => array(
'id' => 'style_vector',
'type' => 'Vector',
'name' => t('Style Test Vector'),
// Add points to work with style context
$features = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
$x = 2 + rand(-30, 30);
$y = 2 + rand(-30, 30);
$features['feature_' . $i . $j] = array(
'wkt' => 'POINT(' . $x . ' ' . $y . ')',
'projection' => '4326',
$style_test['layers']['style_vector']['features'] = $features;
// Create full preset array
$presets['context_style_test'] = array(
'preset_name' => 'context_style_test',
'preset_title' => t('Test: Context Styling'),
'preset_description' => t('This is a test preset.'),
'preset_data' => $style_test,
// Attribute replacement styleing map
$style_test = array(
'projection' => '4326',
'width' => 'auto',
'default_layer' => 'openlayers_default_wms',
'height' => '300px',
'center' => array(
'lat' => '0',
'lon' => '0',
'zoom' => '2',
'options' => array(
'displayProjection' => '4326',
'controls' => array(
'LayerSwitcher' => TRUE,
'Navigation' => TRUE,
'PanZoomBar' => TRUE,
'MousePosition' => TRUE,
'styles' => array(
'default' => array(
'pointRadius' => '${radius}',
'fillColor' => '${color}',
'strokeColor' => '${color}',
'strokeWidth' => 4,
'fillOpacity' => 0.95,
'layers' => array(
'style_vector' => array(
'id' => 'style_vector',
'type' => 'Vector',
'name' => t('Style Test Vector'),
// Add points to work with style context
$features = array();
$colors = array(
for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
$x = 2 + rand(-30, 30);
$y = 2 + rand(-30, 30);
$features['feature_' . $i . $j] = array(
'wkt' => 'POINT(' . $x . ' ' . $y . ')',
'projection' => '4326',
'attributes' => array(
'radius' => rand(7, 12),
'color' => $colors[rand(0, count($colors) - 1)],
$style_test['layers']['style_vector']['features'] = $features;
// Create full preset array
$presets['attribute_style_test'] = array(
'preset_name' => 'attribute_style_test',
'preset_title' => t('Test: Attribute Replacement Styling'),
'preset_description' => t('This is a test preset.'),
'preset_data' => $style_test,
// Cluster and Grouping preset
$map = $default_map;
$map['behaviors'] = array(
'clusterone' => array(
'id' => 'clusterone',
'type' => 'openlayers_behaviors_cluster',
'layer' => 'default_vector',
'distance' => '20',
'threshold' => '1',
'clustertwo' => array(
'id' => 'clustertwo',
'type' => 'openlayers_behaviors_cluster',
'layer' => 'second_vector',
'fullscreen' => array(
'id' => 'fullscreen',
'type' => 'openlayers_behaviors_fullscreen',
$map['layers']['default_vector'] = array(
'id' => 'default_vector',
'type' => 'Vector',
'name' => t('Default Vector'),
'options' => array(),
// Add points
$features = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
$x = 2 + rand(-10, 10);
$y = 2 + rand(-10, 10);
$features['feature_' . $i . $j] = array(
'wkt' => 'POINT(' . $x . ' ' . $y . ')',
'projection' => '4326',
$map['layers']['default_vector']['features'] = $features;
$map['layers']['second_vector'] = array(
'id' => 'second_vector',
'type' => 'Vector',
'name' => t('second Vector'),
'options' => array(),
'features' => array(
'yeah3' => array(
'wkt' => 'POINT(55 -55)',
'projection' => '4326',
'yeah4' => array(
'wkt' => 'POINT(50 -50)',
'projection' => '4326',
// Create full preset array
$presets['cluster_group_example'] = array(
'preset_name' => 'cluster_group_example',
'preset_title' => t('Test: Cluster Group'),
'preset_description' => t('This is a test preset.'),
'preset_data' => $map,
// Tooltip
$map = array(
'projection' => '4326',
'width' => 'auto',
'default_layer' => 'openlayers_default_wms',
'height' => '300px',
'center' => array(
'lat' => '0',
'lon' => '0',
'zoom' => '2',
'options' => array(
'displayProjection' => '4326',
'controls' => array(
'LayerSwitcher' => TRUE,
'Navigation' => TRUE,
'PanZoomBar' => TRUE,
'MousePosition' => TRUE,
'styles' => array(
'layers' => array(
'vector' => array(
'id' => 'vector',
'type' => 'Vector',
'name' => t('Test Vector'),
'behaviors' => array(
'openlayers_views_tooltip_vector' => array(
'id' => 'openlayers_views_tooltip_vector',
'type' => 'openlayers_behaviors_tooltip',
'layer' => 'vector',
'attribute' => 'openlayers_tooltip',
// Add points to work with style context
$features = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
$x = 2 + rand(-30, 30);
$y = 2 + rand(-30, 30);
$features['feature_' . $i . $j] = array(
'wkt' => 'POINT(' . $x . ' ' . $y . ')',
'projection' => '4326',
'attributes' => array(
'openlayers_tooltip' => t('Feature') . ': ' . $i,
$map['layers']['vector']['features'] = $features;
// Create full preset array
$presets['tooltip_test'] = array(
'preset_name' => 'tooltip_test',
'preset_title' => t('Test: Tooltips'),
'preset_description' => t('This is a test preset.'),
'preset_data' => $map,
// Popups
$map = array(
'projection' => '4326',
'width' => 'auto',
'default_layer' => 'openlayers_default_wms',
'height' => '300px',
'center' => array(
'lat' => '0',
'lon' => '0',
'zoom' => '2',
'options' => array(
'displayProjection' => '4326',
'controls' => array(
'LayerSwitcher' => TRUE,
'Navigation' => TRUE,
'PanZoomBar' => TRUE,
'MousePosition' => TRUE,
'styles' => array(
'layers' => array(
'vector' => array(
'id' => 'vector',
'type' => 'Vector',
'name' => t('Test Vector'),
'behaviors' => array(
'openlayers_popups' => array(
'id' => 'openlayers_popups',
'type' => 'openlayers_behaviors_popup',
'attribute' => 'openlayers_popup',
'openlayers_zoom_to_layer' => array(
'id' => 'openlayers_zoom_to_layer',
'type' => 'openlayers_behaviors_zoom_to_layer',
'layer' => 'vector',
// Add points to work with style context
$features = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {
$x = 2 + rand(-30, 30);
$y = 2 + rand(-30, 30);
$features['feature_' . $i] = array(
'wkt' => 'POINT(' . $x . ' ' . $y . ')',
'projection' => '4326',
'attributes' => array(
'openlayers_popup' => t('Feature') . ': ' . $i,
$map['layers']['vector']['features'] = $features;
// Create full preset array
$presets['popup_test'] = array(
'preset_name' => 'popup_test',
'preset_title' => t('Test: Popups and Zoom to Layer'),
'preset_description' => t('This is a test preset.'),
'preset_data' => $map,
return $presets;
* Callback for OpenLayers Test Page
function openlayers_test_page() {
$output = '';
// Add some extra testing JS
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers_test') . '/js/openlayers_test.js');
// Render all maps
$presets = openlayers_get_presets();
foreach ($presets as $name => $title) {
$rendered = openlayers_render_map($name);
if ($rendered['themed']) {
$output .= '
<h3> ' . $title . '</h3>
' . $rendered['themed'] . '
// Create collapsed fieldset
$render_fieldset = openlayers_render_map();
$element = array(
'#value' => $render_fieldset['themed'],
'#title' => t('Fieldset Example'),
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
$fieldset = theme_fieldset($element);
// Create output
$output .= '
<!-- Not including fieldset cause its broken -->
return $output;
Name![]() |
Description |
openlayers_test_menu | Implementation of hook_menu(). |
openlayers_test_openlayers_presets | Implementation of hook_openlayers_presets(). |
openlayers_test_page | Callback for OpenLayers Test Page |