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function openlayers_get_presets in Openlayers 6

Get Formatted Presets

Get Presets and formats accordingly


$format: String to determine format of results

  • simple: 'preset_name' => 'Preset Title'
  • full: 'preset_name' => array( full preset data )

$reset: Boolean whether to reset or not

Return value

Return formatted data

Related topics

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./openlayers.module, line 517
Main OpenLayers API File


function openlayers_get_presets($format = 'simple', $reset = FALSE) {
  static $data = array();
  static $simple = array();
  static $full = array();

  // Check if data has already been pulled
  // (there should at least be the default)
  if (empty($data) || $reset == TRUE) {
    $data = openlayers_presets($reset);

  // Check if format variable has data
  if (empty(${$format}) || $reset == TRUE) {
    $return = array();

    // Go through results
    foreach ($data as $name => $preset) {

      // Determine how to format data
      switch ($format) {
        case 'simple':
          $return[$preset['preset_name']] = $preset['preset_title'];
        case 'full':
          $return[$preset['preset_name']] = $preset;
    return $return;
  else {
    return ${$format};