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function theme_openlayers_cck_formatter_default in Openlayers 6

Theme function for openlayers cck default formatters


modules/openlayers_cck/openlayers_cck.module, line 514
This file holds the main Drupal hook functions and private functions for the openlayers_cck module.


function theme_openlayers_cck_formatter_default($element) {
  $features = array();
  $output = '';

  // Create array of $features
  foreach (element_children($element) as $delta) {

    // First look in the 'wkt' key (where geo stores it),
    // then look in 'openlayers_wkt' key (where the non-spatial
    // openlayers wkt field stores it).
    $features[$delta] = $element[$delta]['#item']['wkt'] ? $element[$delta]['#item']['wkt'] : $element[$delta]['#item']['openlayers_wkt'];

  // Clean features array of empty and null values
  $features = array_filter($features);

  // Check count and build geomtry collection
  if (count($features) > 0) {
    if (count($features) > 1) {

      // There are multiple features, so output either a
      // multipart feature or a geometrycollection.
      // Check to see if all the feature types are the same.
      $samefeaturetype = TRUE;
      foreach ($features as $feature) {
        foreach ($features as $checkfeature) {
          if (drupal_substr($feature, 0, 5) != drupal_substr($checkfeature, 0, 5)) {
            $samefeaturetype = FALSE;
            break 2;
      if ($samefeaturetype) {

        // All the same feature types, output a multipart feature.
        if (drupal_substr($features[0], 0, 5) == 'POINT') {
          $output = 'MULTIPOINT(' . str_replace('POINT', '', implode(',', $features)) . ')';
        if (drupal_substr($features[0], 0, 10) == 'LINESTRING') {
          $output = 'MULTILINESTRING(' . str_replace('LINESTRING', '', implode(',', $features)) . ')';
        if (drupal_substr($features[0], 0, 7) == 'POLYGON') {
          $output = 'MULTIPOLYGON(' . str_replace('POLYGON', '', implode(',', $features)) . ')';
      else {

        // Different feature types, output a geometrycollection.
        $output = 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(' . implode(',', $features) . ')';
    else {

      // Only one feature.
      $output = $features[0];
  return $output;