function openlayers_process_layers in Openlayers 6
Process Layers
Call back to process layers provided by the openlayers_openlayers_layers_info() function
$layer: String ID for the layer
Return value
Array formated for an OpenLayers map layer
2 string references to 'openlayers_process_layers'
- hook_openlayers_layers_info in docs/
openlayers.api.php - OpenLayers Layers Info
- openlayers_openlayers_layers_info in ./
openlayers.module - Implementation of hook_openlayers_layers_info().
- includes/, line 21 - This file contains layer instances for the default openlayers WMS
function openlayers_process_layers($layer = NULL) {
$layer_data = array();
// Make sure layer is a string
if (!is_string($layer)) {
return FALSE;
// Get info array to reference title
$layer_info = openlayers_openlayers_layers_info();
// Determine what data to send back
switch ($layer) {
case 'openlayers_default_wms':
$layer_data = array(
'id' => $layer,
'type' => 'WMS',
'name' => $layer_info[$layer]['name'],
'description' => $layer_info[$layer]['description'],
'projection' => $layer_info[$layer]['projection'],
'baselayer' => $layer_info[$layer]['baselayer'],
'url' => '',
'params' => array(
'layers' => 'basic',
'options' => array(),
'events' => array(),
// If baselayer is set to false, we need to ask WMS for a transparent layer.
// If the user has set transparency explicitly, we do not ovverride.
if ($layer_data['baselayer'] == FALSE && !isset($layer_data['params']['transparent'])) {
$layer_data['params']['transparent'] = TRUE;
return $layer_data;