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trait OnlyOneUnitTestTrait in Allow a content type only once (Only One) 8

Trait for common function to Unit tests.


3 files declare their use of OnlyOneUnitTestTrait
OnlyOnePrintAdminPageTest.php in tests/src/Unit/OnlyOnePrintAdminPageTest.php
OnlyOnePrintDrushTest.php in tests/src/Unit/OnlyOnePrintDrushTest.php
OnlyOneTest.php in tests/src/Unit/OnlyOneTest.php


tests/src/Traits/OnlyOneUnitTestTrait.php, line 8


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trait OnlyOneUnitTestTrait {

   * Returns an array of content types objects.
   * Each index determine a set of content types.
   * @return array
   *   An array of content types objects.
  public function getContentTypesObjectList() {
    $content_types = [
      // Test 1.
        'page' => [
          (object) [
            'language' => 'en',
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Basic Page',
          (object) [
            'language' => 'es',
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Basic Page',
        'blog' => [
          (object) [
            'language' => '',
            'total' => 0,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Blog Post',
        'car' => [
          (object) [
            'language' => 'und',
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Car',
          (object) [
            'language' => 'xzz',
            'total' => 2,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Car',
          (object) [
            'language' => 'en',
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Car',
        'article' => [
          (object) [
            'language' => 'und',
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Article',
          (object) [
            'language' => 'en',
            'total' => 2,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Article',
          (object) [
            'language' => 'es',
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Article',
      // Test 2.
        'blog' => [
          (object) [
            'language' => 'en',
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Blog Post',
        'car' => [
          (object) [
            'language' => '',
            'total' => 0,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Car',
      // Test 3.
        'page' => [
          (object) [
            'language' => 'en',
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Basic Page',
          (object) [
            'language' => 'es',
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Basic Page',
        'car' => [
          (object) [
            'language' => '',
            'total' => 0,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Car',
        'article' => [
          (object) [
            'language' => 'es',
            'total' => 3,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Article',
      // Test 4.
        'page' => [
          (object) [
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Basic Page',
        'blog' => [
          (object) [
            'total' => 2,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Blog Post',
        'car' => [
          (object) [
            'total' => 0,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Car',
        'article' => [
          (object) [
            'total' => 5,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Article',
      // Test 5.
        'blog' => [
          (object) [
            'total' => 0,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Blog Post',
        'car' => [
          (object) [
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Car',
      // Test 6.
        'page' => [
          (object) [
            'total' => 1,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Basic Page',
        'car' => [
          (object) [
            'total' => 5,
            'configured' => TRUE,
            'name' => 'Car',
        'article' => [
          (object) [
            'total' => 3,
            'configured' => FALSE,
            'name' => 'Article',

    // Getting the language labels.
    $language_labels = array_column($this
      ->getLanguageMap(), 1, 0);

    // Adding the total nodes information to the array of expected values.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
      foreach ($content_types[$i] as $conten_type => $languages) {
        foreach ($languages as $language => $values) {

          // Adding the total nodes information for multilingual sites.
          if ($i < 3) {
            $total_nodes = $values->total ? $this
              ->formatPlural($values->total, '@language: @total Node', '@language: @total Nodes', [
              '@language' => $language_labels[$values->language],
              '@total' => $values->total,
            ]) : $this
              ->translate('0 Nodes');
          else {

            // Adding the total nodes information for non-multilingual sites.
            $total_nodes = $values->total ? $this
              ->formatPlural($values->total, '@total Node', '@total Nodes', [
              '@total' => $values->total,
            ]) : $this
              ->translate('0 Nodes');

          // Adding the total nodes information.
          $content_types[$i][$conten_type][$language]->total_nodes = $total_nodes;
    return $content_types;

   * Returns an array of language labels.
   * @return array
   *   An array of languages labels keyed by language code.
  public function getLanguageMap() {

    // The language map.
    $language_map = [
        'Not specified',
        'Not specified',
        'Not applicable',
    return $language_map;

   * Returns a content type label list.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array with the content type machine name as key
   *   and it label as value.
  public function getContentTypesList() {

    // The content types list.
    $content_types_list = [
      'page' => 'Basic Page',
      'blog' => 'Blog Post',
      'car' => 'Car',
      'article' => 'Article',
    return $content_types_list;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
OnlyOneUnitTestTrait::getContentTypesList public function Returns a content type label list.
OnlyOneUnitTestTrait::getContentTypesObjectList public function Returns an array of content types objects.
OnlyOneUnitTestTrait::getLanguageMap public function Returns an array of language labels.