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OnlyOnePrintDrushTest.php in Allow a content type only once (Only One) 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\onlyone\Unit;

use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Drupal\onlyone\OnlyOnePrintDrush;
use Drupal\Tests\onlyone\Traits\OnlyOneUnitTestTrait;

 * Tests the OnlyOnePrintAdminPage class methods.
 * @group onlyone
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\onlyone\OnlyOnePrintDrush
class OnlyOnePrintDrushTest extends UnitTestCase {
  use OnlyOneUnitTestTrait;

   * Tests the content type list for printing for the Admin Page.
   * @param array $expected
   *   The expected result from calling the function.
   * @param array $content_types
   *   A list with content types objects.
   * @covers ::getContentTypesListForPrint
   * @dataProvider providerGetContentTypesListForPrint
  public function testGetContentTypesListForPrint(array $expected, array $content_types) {

    // Creating the object.
    $onlyOnePrintDrush = new OnlyOnePrintDrush();

    // Testing the function.
      ->assertEquals($expected, $onlyOnePrintDrush

   * Data provider for testGetContentTypesListForPrint().
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing:
   *   - 'expected' - Expected return from getContentTypesListForPrint().
   *   - 'content_types' - A list with content types objects.
   * @see getContentTypesListForPrint()
  public function providerGetContentTypesListForPrint() {

    // Getting the list of content types.
    $content_types = $this

    // Adding format to the Configured string.
    $configured = sprintf(OnlyOnePrintDrush::GREEN_OUTPUT, 'Configured');
    $expected = [
      // Test 1.
        'page' => 'Basic Page (En: 1 Node, Es: 1 Node) ' . $configured,
        'blog' => 'Blog Post (0 Nodes) ' . $configured,
        'car' => 'Car (Not specified: 1 Node, Not applicable: 2 Nodes, En: 1 Node)',
        'article' => 'Article (Not specified: 1 Node, En: 2 Nodes, Es: 1 Node)',
      // Test 2.
        'blog' => 'Blog Post (En: 1 Node) ' . $configured,
        'car' => 'Car (0 Nodes)',
      // Test 3.
        'page' => 'Basic Page (En: 1 Node, Es: 1 Node) ' . $configured,
        'car' => 'Car (0 Nodes) ' . $configured,
        'article' => 'Article (Es: 3 Nodes)',
      // Test 4.
        'page' => 'Basic Page (1 Node) ' . $configured,
        'blog' => 'Blog Post (2 Nodes) ' . $configured,
        'car' => 'Car (0 Nodes)',
        'article' => 'Article (5 Nodes)',
      // Test 5.
        'blog' => 'Blog Post (0 Nodes) ' . $configured,
        'car' => 'Car (1 Node)',
      // Test 6.
        'page' => 'Basic Page (1 Node) ' . $configured,
        'car' => 'Car (5 Nodes) ' . $configured,
        'article' => 'Article (3 Nodes)',
    $tests['multilingual 1'] = [
    $tests['multilingual 2'] = [
    $tests['multilingual 3'] = [
    $tests['non-multilingual 1'] = [
    $tests['non-multilingual 2'] = [
    $tests['non-multilingual 3'] = [
    return $tests;



Namesort descending Description
OnlyOnePrintDrushTest Tests the OnlyOnePrintAdminPage class methods.