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function og_ui_group_admin_overview in Organic groups 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 og_ui/ \og_ui_group_admin_overview()

Provide an overview of the administrator menu items.


$entity_type: The entity type.

$etid: The entity ID.

1 string reference to 'og_ui_group_admin_overview'
og_ui_menu in og_ui/og_ui.module
Implements hook_menu().


og_ui/, line 111
Admin settings for Organic groups module.


function og_ui_group_admin_overview($entity_type, $etid) {
  og_set_breadcrumb($entity_type, $etid);
  $items = og_ui_get_group_admin($entity_type, $etid);
  foreach ($items as &$item) {

    // Re-format the URL.
    $item['href'] = "group/{$entity_type}/{$etid}/" . $item['href'];

    // Imitate the menu_get_item() content, so we can pass it to
    // theme_admin_block_content(), so we add the localized_options key.
    $item['localized_options'] = array();
  $form['admin_block_content'] = array(
    '#theme' => 'admin_block_content',
    '#content' => $items,
  return $form;