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Functions in Organic groups 5.8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
og_workflow_ng_action_remove_user ./ Action: Unsubscribe user from group.
og_workflow_ng_action_subscribe_user ./ Action: Subscribe user to group.
og_workflow_ng_action_subscribe_user_form ./ Subscribe user to group form.
og_workflow_ng_action_subscribe_user_submit ./
og_workflow_ng_condition_content_is_group ./ Condition: Content is a group.
og_workflow_ng_condition_user_in_group ./ Condition: User is group member.
og_workflow_ng_events_argument_og_node ./ handler to get node. 1
og_workflow_ng_events_argument_og_user ./ handler to get user. 1
og_workflow_ng_events_hook_og_arguments ./ Describes the arguments available for the og hook. 1
og_xmlrpc ./og.module Implementation of hook_xmlrpc().
og_xmlrpc_error ./ Prepare an error message for returning to the XMLRPC caller. 3
og_xmlrpc_get_all_subscribers ./ 1
og_xmlrpc_get_user_groups ./ 1
og_xmlrpc_subscribe_user ./ 1
panels_group_from_node_context includes/ Return a new context based on an existing context 1
theme_og_format_subscriber_status ./og.module
theme_og_mission ./og.module
theme_og_panels_table ./og_panels.module Wrangle the $form into a tabular listing of pages.
theme_og_picture_grid ./og.module
theme_opml_icon ./og.module Return code that emits an XML icon. TODO: this belongs in
views_handler_filter_groupcurrent ./ 1
_og_notifications_node_options og_notifications/og_notifications.module Options to display for node subscriptions. 1
_og_notifications_populate og_notifications/og_notifications.install Populate the og_notifications_table with any uids added prior to installation or when disabled. 1
_og_notifications_user_groups og_notifications/og_notifications.module Retrieve a list of organic groups that a user is subscribed (via notifications) to. 1
_og_notifications_user_grouptypes og_notifications/og_notifications.module Retrieve a list of organic group content types that a user is subscribed (via notifications) to. 1
_og_user_mail_text ./og.module Define all OG message strings. Modelled after Drupal's user.module 8


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