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Functions in Organic groups 5.7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
og_panels_ct_title_callback_mission includes/ 1
og_panels_ct_title_callback_search includes/ 1
og_panels_ct_title_callback_subscribers includes/ 1
og_panels_delete ./og_panels.module 1
og_panels_delete_confirm ./og_panels.module 1
og_panels_delete_confirm_submit ./og_panels.module
og_panels_edit_content ./og_panels.module Pass through to the panels content editor. 1
og_panels_edit_layout ./og_panels.module Pass through to the panels layout editor. 1
og_panels_edit_layout_settings ./og_panels.module Pass through to the panels layout settings editor. 1
og_panels_form ./og_panels.module Add/edit an og_panel. 1
og_panels_form_submit ./og_panels.module INSERT or UPDATE a new og_panel. If insert, redirect to layout form.
og_panels_form_validate ./og_panels.module
og_panels_get_all ./og_panels.module Return an array of all og_panels attached to the given nid. 3
og_panels_get_one_by_display ./og_panels.module Load an og_panels object. 2
og_panels_get_one_by_nid_default ./og_panels.module Load the default og_panels object, if any, for the given nid.
og_panels_help ./og_panels.module
og_panels_install ./og_panels.install
og_panels_load_display ./og_panels.module Load an og_panel's display information. 4
og_panels_menu ./og_panels.module
og_panels_nodeapi ./og_panels.module
og_panels_overview ./og_panels.module Menu callback. List the pages for this specified group. Provide helpful operations links. 1
og_panels_page ./og_panels.module A menu callback. Renders an og_panel based upon its display ID. 1
og_panels_panels_content_types ./og_panels.module Implementation of hook_panels_content_types()
og_panels_panels_contexts ./og_panels.module Implementation of hook_panels_contexts()
og_panels_panels_relationships ./og_panels.module
og_panels_perm ./og_panels.module
og_panels_set_breadcrumb ./og_panels.module 3
og_panels_table ./og_panels.module A form for setting the group homepage. Includes a helpful table of Pages and their operations links. 1
og_panels_table_submit ./og_panels.module
og_panels_uninstall ./og_panels.install
og_panels_update_5001 ./og_panels.install
og_pathauto_node ./og.module
og_perm ./og.module Implementation of hook_perm().
og_populate_uid_global_table ./og.install 2
og_readme ./og.module 3
og_remove_admin_confirm ./og.module OG remove admin form 1
og_remove_admin_confirm_submit ./og.module Confirm og remove admin form
og_replies_mine ./og.module
og_requirements ./og.module
og_save_ancestry ./og.module 1
og_save_subscription ./og.module Low level function for managing membership 7
og_search_form ./og.module 2
og_set_group_context ./og.module 4
og_set_locale ./og.module Like locale_initialize(), but includes a check for group language and sets accordingly. Priority goes: user => group => site default 1
og_set_theme ./og.module 1
og_submit_group ./og.module 1
og_subscribe ./og.module 1
og_subscriber_count_link ./og.module Determine the number of active and pending members and the current user's membership state. 1
og_subscribe_link ./og.module 2
og_subscribe_user ./og.module Create a new membership for a given user to given group and send proper email. Edits to membership should go through og_save_subscription(). No access control since this is an API function. 3


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