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function og_panels_load_display in Organic groups 5.7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.8 og_panels.module \og_panels_load_display()
  2. 5 og_panels.module \og_panels_load_display()
  3. 5.3 og_panels.module \og_panels_load_display()
  4. 6 modules/og_panels/og_panels.module \og_panels_load_display()

Load an og_panel's display information.

Loads a panels display object with various parameters, depending on the information passed into the load function.


int $did: The did of the panels display.

object $group_node = NULL: The node object for the group to which the panel is attached.

bool $ct = FALSE: If TRUE, content_types are also loaded into the $display object

Return value

mixed Either returns a display object, or FALSE if no display was found with the parameters provided.

4 calls to og_panels_load_display()
og_panels_edit_content in ./og_panels.module
Pass through to the panels content editor.
og_panels_edit_layout in ./og_panels.module
Pass through to the panels layout editor.
og_panels_edit_layout_settings in ./og_panels.module
Pass through to the panels layout settings editor.
og_panels_page in ./og_panels.module
A menu callback. Renders an og_panel based upon its display ID.


./og_panels.module, line 407


function og_panels_load_display($did, $group_node = NULL, $ct = FALSE) {
  $display = panels_load_display($did);
  if (is_object($group_node)) {
    $display->context = array(
      'og_panels' => panels_context_create('group', $group_node),
    if ($ct) {
      $display->content_types = panels_common_get_allowed_types('og_panels', $display->context);
  return is_object($display) ? $display : FALSE;