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class OfficeHoursDateHelper in Office Hours 8

Defines lots of helpful functions for use in massaging dates.

For formatting options, see


Expanded class hierarchy of OfficeHoursDateHelper

9 files declare their use of OfficeHoursDateHelper
OfficeHoursDatelist.php in src/Element/OfficeHoursDatelist.php
OfficeHoursDatetime.php in src/Element/OfficeHoursDatetime.php
OfficeHoursDefaultWidget.php in src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/OfficeHoursDefaultWidget.php
OfficeHoursFieldDiffBuilder.php in src/Plugin/diff/Field/OfficeHoursFieldDiffBuilder.php
OfficeHoursFormatterBase.php in src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/OfficeHoursFormatterBase.php

... See full list


src/OfficeHoursDateHelper.php, line 13


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class OfficeHoursDateHelper extends DateHelper {

   * Gets the day number of first day of the week.
   * @return int
   *   Returns the number.
  public static function getFirstDay() {
    return \Drupal::config('')

   * Helper function to get the proper format_date() format from the settings.
   * For formatting options, see
   * @param string $time_format
   *   Time format.
   * @return string
   *   Returns the time format.
  public static function getTimeFormat($time_format) {
    switch ($time_format) {
      case 'G':

        // 24hr without leading zero.
        $time_format = 'G:i';
      case 'H':

        // 24hr with leading zero.
        $time_format = 'H:i';
      case 'g':

        // 12hr am/pm without leading zero.
        $time_format = 'g:i a';
      case 'h':

        // 12hr am/pm with leading zero.
        $time_format = 'h:i a';
    return $time_format;

   * Pads date parts with zeros.
   * Helper function for a task that is often required when working with dates.
   * Copied from DateTimePlus::datePad($value, $size) method.
   * @param int $value
   *   The value to pad.
   * @param int $size
   *   (optional) Size expected, usually 2 or 4. Defaults to 2.
   * @return string
   *   The padded value.
   * @deprecated replaced with OfficeHoursDatetime::get($value, $format)
   * @see OfficeHoursDatetime::get($value, $format)
  public static function datePad($value, $size = 2) {
    return sprintf("%0" . $size . "d", $value);

   * Helper function to convert a time to a given format.
   * For formatting options:
   *   @see
   *   @see
   * @param string $time
   *   Time, in 24hr format '0800', '800', '08:00' or '8:00'.
   * @param string $time_format
   *   The requested time format.
   * @param bool $end_time
   *   TRUE if the time is an End time of a time slot.
   * @return string
   *   The formatted time.
  public static function format($time, $time_format, $end_time = FALSE) {

    // Convert '800' or '0800' to '08:00'.
    if (!mb_strlen($time)) {
      return NULL;

    // Empty time field. (negative value)
    if (strstr($time, '-')) {
      return NULL;
    if (!strstr($time, ':')) {
      $time = substr('0000' . $time, -4);
      $hour = substr($time, 0, -2);
      $min = substr($time, -2);
      $time = $hour . ':' . $min;
    $date = new DrupalDateTime($time);
    $formatted_time = $date

    // Format the 24-hr end time from 0 to 24:00/2400.
    if ($end_time && mb_strlen($time_format) == strspn($time_format, 'GH:i ')) {
      if ($time == '0:00' || $time == '00:00') {
        $formatted_time = '24:00';
    return $formatted_time;

   * Formats a time slot.
   * @param string $start
   *   Start time.
   * @param string $end
   *   End time.
   * @param string $format
   *   Date format.
   * @param string $separator
   *   Date separator.
   * @return string
   *   Returns formatted time.
  public static function formatTimeSlot($start, $end, $format = 'G:i', $separator = ' - ') {
    $start_time = OfficeHoursDateHelper::format($start, $format, FALSE);
    $end_time = OfficeHoursDateHelper::format($end, $format, TRUE);
    if (!mb_strlen($start_time) && !mb_strlen($end_time)) {

      // Empty time fields.
      return '';
    return $start_time . $separator . $end_time;

   * Gets the (limited) hours of a day.
   * Mimics DateHelper::hours() function, but that function
   * does not support limiting the hours. The limits are set
   * in the Widget settings form, and used in the Widget form.
   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function hours($format = 'H', $required = FALSE, $start = 0, $end = 23) {
    $hours = [];

    // Get the valid hours. DateHelper API doesn't provide
    // straight method for this.
    $add_midnight = empty($end);

    // midnight.
    $start = empty($start) ? 0 : max(0, (int) $start);
    $end = empty($end) ? 23 : min(23, (int) $end);

    // Begin modified copy from date_hours().
    if ($format == 'h' || $format == 'g') {

      // 12-hour format.
      $min = 1;
      $max = 24;
      for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
        if ($i >= $start && $i <= $end || $end - $start >= 11) {
          $hour = $i <= 12 ? $i : $i - 12;
          $hours[$hour] = $hour < 10 && ($format == 'H' || $format == 'h') ? "0{$hour}" : (string) $hour;
      $hours = array_unique($hours);
    else {
      $min = $start;
      $max = $end;
      for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
        $hour = $i;
        $hours[$hour] = $hour < 10 && ($format == 'H' || $format == 'h') ? "0{$hour}" : (string) $hour;
    if ($add_midnight) {
      $hours[00] = $format == 'H' || $format == 'h' ? "00" : (string) "0";
    $none = [
      '' => '',
    $hours = !$required ? $none + $hours : $hours;

    // End modified copy from date_hours().
    return $hours;

   * Initializes day names, using date_api as key (0=Sun, 6=Sat).
   * Be careful: date_api uses PHP: 0=Sunday and DateObject uses ISO: 1=Sunday.
   * @param string $format
   *   The requested format.
   * @return array
   *   A list of weekdays in the requested format.
  public static function weekDaysByFormat($format) {
    $days = [];
    switch ($format) {
      case 'number':
        $days = range(1, 7);
      case 'none':
        $days = array_fill(0, 7, '');
      case 'long':
        $days = self::weekDays(TRUE);
      case 'two_letter':

        // @todo Avoid translation from English to XX, in case of 'Microdata'.
        $days = self::weekDaysAbbr2(TRUE);
      case 'short':

      // three-letter.
        $days = self::weekDaysAbbr(TRUE);
    return $days;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function weekDaysOrdered($office_hours, $first_day = '') {
    $first_day = $first_day == '' ? OfficeHoursDateHelper::getFirstDay() : $first_day;

    // Sort Weekdays; leave Exception days at bottom of list.
    foreach ($office_hours as $key => $item) {
      $new_office_hours[$key - 7 * (int) ($key >= $first_day)] = $item;
    return $new_office_hours;

   * Creates a date object from an array of date parts.
   * Wrapper function to centralize all Date/Time functions
   * into DateHelper class.
   * @param array $date_parts
   *   Date parts for datetime.
   * @param int|null $timezone
   *   Timezone for datetime.
   * @param array $settings
   *   Optional settings.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime
   *   A new DateTimePlus object.
  public static function createFromArray(array $date_parts, $timezone = NULL, array $settings = []) {
    return DrupalDateTime::createFromArray($date_parts, $timezone, $settings);

   * Creates a date object from an input format.
   * Wrapper function to centralize all Date/Timefunctions into DateHelper class.
   * @param string $format
   *   PHP date() type format for parsing the input. This is recommended
   *   to use things like negative years, which php's parser fails on, or
   *   any other specialized input with a known format. If provided the
   *   date will be created using the createFromFormat() method.
   * @param mixed $time
   * @param mixed $timezone
   * @param array $settings
   *   - validate_format: (optional) Boolean choice to validate the
   *     created date using the input format. The format used in
   *     createFromFormat() allows slightly different values than format().
   *     Using an input format that works in both functions makes it
   *     possible to a validation step to confirm that the date created
   *     from a format string exactly matches the input. This option
   *     indicates the format can be used for validation. Defaults to TRUE.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime
   *   A new DateTimePlus object.
   * @see
   * @see __construct()
  public static function createFromFormat($format, $time, $timezone = NULL, array $settings = []) {
    return DrupalDateTime::createFromFormat($format, $time, $timezone, $settings);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DateHelper::ampm public static function Constructs an array of AM and PM options.
DateHelper::dayOfWeek public static function Returns day of week for a given date (0 = Sunday).
DateHelper::dayOfWeekName public static function Returns translated name of the day of week for a given date.
DateHelper::days public static function Constructs an array of days in a month.
DateHelper::daysInMonth public static function Identifies the number of days in a month for a date.
DateHelper::daysInYear public static function Identifies the number of days in a year for a date.
DateHelper::minutes public static function Constructs an array of minutes.
DateHelper::monthNames public static function Returns a translated array of month names.
DateHelper::monthNamesAbbr public static function Constructs a translated array of month name abbreviations
DateHelper::monthNamesAbbrUntranslated public static function Constructs an untranslated array of abbreviated month names.
DateHelper::monthNamesUntranslated public static function Constructs an untranslated array of month names.
DateHelper::seconds public static function Constructs an array of seconds.
DateHelper::weekDays public static function Returns a translated array of week names.
DateHelper::weekDaysAbbr public static function Constructs a translated array of week day abbreviations.
DateHelper::weekDaysAbbr1 public static function Constructs a translated array of 1-letter week day abbreviations.
DateHelper::weekDaysAbbr2 public static function Constructs a translated array of 2-letter week day abbreviations.
DateHelper::weekDaysUntranslated public static function Constructs an untranslated array of week days.
DateHelper::years public static function Constructs an array of years in a specified range.
OfficeHoursDateHelper::createFromArray public static function Creates a date object from an array of date parts.
OfficeHoursDateHelper::createFromFormat public static function Creates a date object from an input format.
OfficeHoursDateHelper::datePad Deprecated public static function Pads date parts with zeros.
OfficeHoursDateHelper::format public static function Helper function to convert a time to a given format.
OfficeHoursDateHelper::formatTimeSlot public static function Formats a time slot.
OfficeHoursDateHelper::getFirstDay public static function Gets the day number of first day of the week.
OfficeHoursDateHelper::getTimeFormat public static function Helper function to get the proper format_date() format from the settings.
OfficeHoursDateHelper::hours public static function Gets the (limited) hours of a day. Overrides DateHelper::hours
OfficeHoursDateHelper::weekDaysByFormat public static function Initializes day names, using date_api as key (0=Sun, 6=Sat).
OfficeHoursDateHelper::weekDaysOrdered public static function Reorders weekdays to match the first day of the week. Overrides DateHelper::weekDaysOrdered