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Form and render elements in Office Hours 8

Primary tabs

Element machine namesort descending Type Class Namespace Description
office_hours_datelist FormElement OfficeHoursDatelist Drupal\office_hours\Element Provides a one-line text field form element.
office_hours_datetime FormElement OfficeHoursDatetime Drupal\office_hours\Element Provides a one-line HTML5 time element.
office_hours_list FormElement OfficeHoursList Drupal\office_hours\Element Provides a one-line text field form element for the List Widget.
office_hours_slot FormElement OfficeHoursSlot Drupal\office_hours\Element Provides a one-line text field form element for the Week Widget.
office_hours_table FormElement OfficeHoursTable Drupal\office_hours\Element Provides a render element for a table.

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