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oa-core-members-widget.tpl.php in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Template that provides the view for the space members widget.

$tabs[$category] = array 'title' - title of category 'items' - array of users 'links' - array of links

array of users = array 'title' - name of user 'picture' - user picture 'uid' - user id

array of links = array 'title' - link text 'url' - link url. user id will be appended to this url


View source

 * @file
 * Template that provides the view for the space members widget.
 * $tabs[$category] = array
 *   'title' - title of category
 *   'items' - array of users
 *   'links' - array of links
 * array of users = array
 *   'title' - name of user
 *   'picture' - user picture
 *   'uid' - user id
 * array of links = array
 *   'title' - link text
 *   'url' - link url.  user id will be appended to this url

<div id="oa-core-messages"></div>


if ($show_as_tabs) {
  <ul class="nav nav-tabs">

  foreach ($categories as $cat) {

    if (!empty($tabs[$cat]['items']) || !empty($tabs[$cat]['global_links'])) {

      print $cat;
      ?> <?php

      if ($cat == $active) {
        print 'active';
          <a href="#tab-<?php

      print $cat;
      ?>" data-toggle="tab">

      print $tabs[$cat]['caption'];



<div class="tab-content">

foreach ($categories as $cat) {

  if (!empty($tabs[$cat]['items']) || !empty($tabs[$cat]['global_links'])) {

    if ($show_as_tabs) {
        <div class="tab-pane <?php

      if ($cat == $active) {
        print 'active';
      ?>" id="<?php

      print 'tab-' . $cat;


    $tab = $tabs[$cat];
    $well = !empty($tab['title']) ? ' well well-sm' : '';
      <div class='clearfix <?php

    print $well . ' ' . $cat;

    if (!empty($tab['items']) || !empty($tab['global_links'])) {

      if (!empty($tab['title'])) {

        print $tab['title'];


      foreach ($tab['items'] as $key => $items) {

        if (!is_numeric($key)) {
              <h5 class='clear-both'>

          print $key;


        foreach ($items as $item) {

          if (empty($tab['links'])) {
                <div class='oa-pull-left label'>

            print $item['title'];

          elseif (empty($item['uid'])) {
                <div class='oa-pull-left dropdown oa-dropdown btn-group'>
                  <div class="dropdown-toggle btn oa-pull-left user-badge">

            print $item['picture'];

            print $item['title'];

          else {
                <div class="oa-pull-left dropdown oa-dropdown btn-group">
                  <div class="dropdown-toggle btn oa-pull-left user-badge"

            print $item['picture'];

            print $item['title'];
                    <i class='icon-chevron-down'></i>
                  <div class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"

            foreach ($tab['links'] as $lid) {

              if (!empty($links[$lid]['url'])) {

                $url = str_replace('%uid', $item['uid'], $links[$lid]['url']);
                print l($links[$lid]['title'], $url, empty($links[$lid]['noajax']) ? $item['options'] : array());







    if (!empty($tab['form'])) {
          <div class='clear-both'>

      print render($tab['form']);


    if (!empty($tab['global_links'])) {
          <div class='clear-both oa-global-links'>

      foreach ($tab['global_links'] as $link) {
              <a href="<?php

        print $link['url'];
                 class="btn btn-sm btn-default"><?php

        print $link['title'];



    if ($show_as_tabs) {


