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function oa_messages_preprocess_mimemail_message in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Implements hook_preprocess_mimemail_message().


modules/oa_messages/oa_messages.module, line 657


function oa_messages_preprocess_mimemail_message(&$variables) {
  $message = !empty($variables['message']['params']['message_entity']) ? $variables['message']['params']['message_entity'] : array();
  $vars['message'] = $message;
  $variables['timestamp'] = !empty($message->timestamp) ? format_date($message->timestamp, 'long') : '';

  // Sometimes WYSIWYG adds an extra \n<p>&nbsp; to the beginning
  $body =& $variables['body'];
  $pattern = "#\n<p>&nbsp;(.*)<\\/p>#s";
  $matches = array();
  if (preg_match($pattern, $body, $matches)) {
    $body = $matches[1];

  // Allow the body of the HTML to be changed for specific message types
  $variables['body'] = trim(theme(array(
    'oa_messages_body__' . $variables['key'],
  ), $variables));

  // Add in our custom css.
  $stylesheet = drupal_get_path('module', 'oa_messages') . '/css/oa-messages-mail.css';
  $css = drupal_load_stylesheet($stylesheet, TRUE);

  // End the file with a new line.
  $css .= "\n";

  // End copying
  // Wordwrap to adhere to RFC821
  $css = wordwrap($css, 700);

  // Set styles for the message.
  $variables['css'] .= $css;