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oa-messages-body.tpl.php in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Default theme template for HTML Body of notification emails from Atrium.

Copy this file in your default theme folder to create a custom themed mail. Rename it to oa-messages-body--[message_type].tpl.php to override it for a specific message type.

Available variables:

  • $recipient: The recipient of the message
  • $subject: The message subject
  • $body: The message body
  • $css: Internal style sheets
  • $module: The sending module
  • $key: The message identifier (type)
  • $message: The full message object
  • $timestamp: timestamp of message


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme template for HTML Body of notification emails from Atrium.
 * Copy this file in your default theme folder to create a custom themed mail.
 * Rename it to oa-messages-body--[message_type].tpl.php to override it for a
 * specific message type.
 * Available variables:
 * - $recipient: The recipient of the message
 * - $subject: The message subject
 * - $body: The message body
 * - $css: Internal style sheets
 * - $module: The sending module
 * - $key: The message identifier (type)
 * - $message: The full message object
 * - $timestamp: timestamp of message
 * @see template_preprocess_mimemail_message()

  NOTE: We use some inline styles here because GMail strips css in the
  <style> tag of the email.  So really important css needs to be inline.


if (!empty($message['separator'])) {

  print $message['separator'];
<div class="mail-table">

if (!empty($message['username'])) {
    <div class="user-badge" style="float:right;padding: 5px 10px;">
      <a href="<?php

  print url('user/' . $user->uid);

  print $message['username'];

  if (!empty($message['picture'])) {

    print $message['picture'];


  <div class="heading" style="padding:10px;border-bottom:1px solid #EEE;">

if (!empty($timestamp)) {
    <div class="timestamp"><?php

  print $timestamp;


if (!empty($message['title'])) {
      <h3 style="margin:0;"><?php

  print $message['title'];

  <div class="body" style="padding:10px;"><?php

print $body;

if (!empty($message['footer'])) {
    <div class="footer" style="padding:10px;
  border-top:1px solid #EEE;"><?php

  print $message['footer'];
