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oa_buttons.module in Open Atrium Core 7.2


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 * @file
 * Code for the Open Atrium Buttons feature.
include_once '';

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory
function oa_buttons_ctools_plugin_directory($owner, $plugin_type) {
  if ($owner == 'ctools' && $plugin_type == 'content_types') {
    return 'plugins/content_types';

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function oa_buttons_form_oa_section_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  oa_buttons_node_overrides($form, $form_state, $form_id);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function oa_buttons_form_oa_space_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  oa_buttons_node_overrides($form, $form_state, $form_id);

 * Provides override for node pages which implement sections and spaces.
function oa_buttons_node_overrides(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $form['#attached']['js'][] = array(
    'data' => drupal_get_path('module', 'oa_buttons') . '/oa_buttons.js',
    'type' => 'file',

 * Implements hook_oa_core_space_type_options().
function oa_buttons_oa_core_space_type_options($term, $vocab_name) {
  $options = array(
    'node_options' => array(),
  $node_types = field_get_items('taxonomy_term', $term, 'field_oa_node_types', LANGUAGE_NONE);
  if (!empty($node_types)) {
    foreach ($node_types as $option) {
      $options['node_options'][] = $option['value'];
  return $options;

 * Returns an option list of buttons in the node_add bundle..
function oa_buttons_get_command_buttons_options() {
  $node_type_options =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (!$node_type_options) {
    $result = db_select('command_buttons', 'b')
      ->fields('b', array(
    $result = $result
    while ($button = $result
      ->fetchAssoc()) {
      $node_type_options[$button['name']] = $button['title'];
  return $node_type_options;

 * Determines which command buttons should be shown within the current context.
 * @param $all if FALSE and within a section, only return commands for that section
 *   if TRUE, return commands for all sections regardless of current context
function oa_buttons_get_command_buttons($node, $all = FALSE) {
  $buttons = array();
  $node_types = array_flip(node_type_get_names());
  _oa_buttons_get_space_command_buttons($node, $buttons, $all);
  _oa_buttons_get_parent_command_buttons($node, $buttons);

  // look for node_add command buttons and check the 'create X content'
  // node_access dynamically so we don't show command buttons the user
  // cannot acccess
  foreach ($buttons as $button) {
    $entity_type = $button['value'];
    if (in_array($entity_type, $node_types) && !node_access('create', $entity_type)) {
  drupal_alter('oa_buttons_add_content', $buttons, $node);
  return $buttons;

 * Get the command buttons allowed by a single node.
function _oa_buttons_get_node_command_buttons($node, &$buttons) {
  $override_node_options = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_oa_section_override');

  // Grab from the taxonomy term.
  if (empty($override_node_options[0]['value'])) {
    if ($node->type == 'oa_section') {
      $items = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_oa_section');
    else {
      $items = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_oa_space_type');
    if (!empty($items) && ($tid = reset($items)) && ($term = taxonomy_term_load($tid['tid']))) {
      $node_options = field_get_items('taxonomy_term', $term, 'field_oa_node_types');
  else {
    $node_options = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_oa_node_types');
  if (!empty($node_options)) {
    foreach ($node_options as $opt) {

      // There may be more than one node created using the same content type. If
      // we want to add each possibility to the command button list we need to
      // add the nid to the array key so they are unique.
      if (!isset($buttons[$opt['value'] . ':' . $node->nid])) {
        $buttons[$opt['value'] . ':' . $node->nid] = array(
          'value' => $opt['value'],
          'provider_type' => $node->type,
          'id' => $node->nid,

 * Get the command buttons allowed by all parent groups of type oa_space.
function _oa_buttons_get_parent_command_buttons($node, &$buttons) {
  if (!module_exists('og_subgroups')) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'og_subgroups', 'og_subgroups.common');

  // Now get options set from parent spaces.
  $parent_nids = og_subgroups_parents_load('node', $node->nid, FALSE);
  if (!empty($parent_nids)) {
    $spaces = db_select('node', 'n')
      ->fields('n', array(
      ->condition('n.type', 'oa_space')
      ->condition('n.nid', $parent_nids['node'], 'IN')
    if (!empty($spaces)) {
      $parent_groups = node_load_multiple(array_keys($spaces));
      if (!empty($parent_groups)) {
        foreach ($parent_groups as $parent) {

          // The urls for the allowed buttons are checked seperately,
          // but for now ensure they at least have view access on the parent
          // group.
          if ($parent->type == 'oa_space' && node_access('view', $node)) {
            _oa_buttons_get_node_command_buttons($parent, $buttons);

 * Get the command buttons allowed by a single space, as well as any sections
 * within it.
function _oa_buttons_get_space_command_buttons($node, &$buttons, $all = FALSE) {
  _oa_buttons_get_node_command_buttons($node, $buttons);
  if ($node->type == 'oa_space') {
    $sections = oa_core_space_sections($node->nid, NODE_PUBLISHED);
    if (count($sections)) {

      // If we are within a section only show the buttons for this specific section.
      if (!$all && ($section = oa_core_get_section_context())) {
        if (isset($sections[$section])) {
          $section_node = node_load($section);
          _oa_buttons_get_space_command_buttons($section_node, $buttons, $all);
      else {

        // Otherwise show the buttons for all sections.
        foreach ($sections as $nid => $section) {
          $section_node = node_load($nid);
          _oa_buttons_get_space_command_buttons($section_node, $buttons, $all);

 * Helper to return a permission for oa_button for given vocabulary and term
 * @param $machine_name
 * @param $tid
 * @return string
function _oa_buttons_perm_name($machine_name, $tid) {
  return 'use oa button ' . $machine_name . ' for ' . $tid . ' term';

 * Implements hook_og_permission().
function oa_buttons_og_permission() {
  $perms = array();
  if (module_exists('oa_subspaces') && ($vocabulary = oa_core_taxonomy_vocabulary('space_type')) && ($terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid, 0))) {
    $perms['use any oa button space_type'] = array(
      'title' => t('Use any space type'),
      'description' => t('Users may use any of the available space types..'),
      'restrict access' => TRUE,
      'default role' => array(
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
      $perms[_oa_buttons_perm_name('space_type', $term->tid)] = array(
        'title' => t('Use @name space type', array(
          '@name' => $term->name,
        'description' => t('Users may select @name space type on create space form. This permission will be ignored if user can create space globally or if they can administer current group.', array(
          '@name' => $term->name,
        'restrict access' => TRUE,
        'default role' => array(
  return $perms;

 * Implements hook_node_insert().
function oa_buttons_node_insert($node) {
  if ($node->type == OA_SPACE_TYPE) {
  elseif ($node->type == OA_SECTION_TYPE) {
    $gid = !empty($node->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id']) ? $node->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'] : OA_BUTTONS_CLEAR_CACHE_ALL;

 * Implements hook_node_update().
function oa_buttons_node_update($node) {
  if ($node->type == OA_SPACE_TYPE) {
  elseif ($node->type == OA_SECTION_TYPE) {
    $gid = !empty($node->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id']) ? $node->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'] : OA_BUTTONS_CLEAR_CACHE_ALL;

 * Implements hook_flag_flag().
function oa_buttons_flag_flag($flag, $content_id, $account, $flagging) {
  oa_buttons_trigger_flag('flag', $flag, $content_id, $account);

 * Implements hook_flag_unflag().
function oa_buttons_flag_unflag($flag, $content_id, $account, $flagging) {
  oa_buttons_trigger_flag('unflag', $flag, $content_id, $account);

 * Helper function for flag and unflag hooks.
function oa_buttons_trigger_flag($op, $flag, $content_id, $account) {
  if ($flag->name == 'trash' && ($node = node_load($content_id)) && $node->type == OA_SECTION_TYPE) {
    $gid = !empty($node->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id']) ? $node->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'] : OA_BUTTONS_CLEAR_CACHE_ALL;

 * Implements hook_og_membership_insert().
function oa_buttons_og_membership_insert($og_membership) {
  if ($og_membership->entity_type == 'user') {

 * Implements hook_og_membership_update().
function oa_buttons_og_membership_update($og_membership) {
  if ($og_membership->entity_type == 'user') {

 * Implements hook_og_membership_delete().
function oa_buttons_og_membership_delete($og_membership) {
  if ($og_membership->entity_type == 'user') {

 * Implements hook_og_role_change_permissions().
function oa_buttons_og_role_change_permissions($role, $grant, $revoke) {

 * Clear the button cache for the given group
 * @param null $gid.  If NULL, use current space context.  If 0, clear all groups
function oa_buttons_clear_section_button_cache($gid = NULL) {
  if (!isset($gid)) {
    $gid = oa_core_get_space_context();
  $cache_name = 'oa_section_buttons:';
  $bin = 'cache_oa_section_buttons';
  if (!empty($gid)) {
    $cache_key = $cache_name . $gid;
    cache_clear_all($cache_key, $bin, TRUE);
    if (module_exists('og_subgroups')) {

      // Clear button cache for any associated subgroups as well.
      $subgroups = og_subgroups_children_load('node', $gid, TRUE, FALSE);
      if (!empty($subgroups['node'])) {
        foreach ($subgroups['node'] as $nid) {
          $cache_key = $cache_name . $nid;
          cache_clear_all($cache_key, $bin, TRUE);
  else {
    cache_clear_all($cache_name, $bin, TRUE);

 * Implements hook_flush_caches().
function oa_buttons_flush_caches() {
  return array(


Namesort descending Description
oa_buttons_clear_section_button_cache Clear the button cache for the given group
oa_buttons_ctools_plugin_directory Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory
oa_buttons_flag_flag Implements hook_flag_flag().
oa_buttons_flag_unflag Implements hook_flag_unflag().
oa_buttons_flush_caches Implements hook_flush_caches().
oa_buttons_form_oa_section_node_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
oa_buttons_form_oa_space_node_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
oa_buttons_get_command_buttons Determines which command buttons should be shown within the current context.
oa_buttons_get_command_buttons_options Returns an option list of buttons in the node_add bundle..
oa_buttons_node_insert Implements hook_node_insert().
oa_buttons_node_overrides Provides override for node pages which implement sections and spaces.
oa_buttons_node_update Implements hook_node_update().
oa_buttons_oa_core_space_type_options Implements hook_oa_core_space_type_options().
oa_buttons_og_membership_delete Implements hook_og_membership_delete().
oa_buttons_og_membership_insert Implements hook_og_membership_insert().
oa_buttons_og_membership_update Implements hook_og_membership_update().
oa_buttons_og_permission Implements hook_og_permission().
oa_buttons_og_role_change_permissions Implements hook_og_role_change_permissions().
oa_buttons_trigger_flag Helper function for flag and unflag hooks.
_oa_buttons_get_node_command_buttons Get the command buttons allowed by a single node.
_oa_buttons_get_parent_command_buttons Get the command buttons allowed by all parent groups of type oa_space.
_oa_buttons_get_space_command_buttons Get the command buttons allowed by a single space, as well as any sections within it.
_oa_buttons_perm_name Helper to return a permission for oa_button for given vocabulary and term
