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21 calls to oa_core_get_space_context() in Open Atrium Core 7.2

OaGroupsSelectionHandler::getReferencableEntities in plugins/entityreference/selection/OaGroupsSelectionHandler.class.php
Implements EntityReferenceHandler::getReferencableEntities().
oa_buttons_clear_section_button_cache in modules/oa_buttons/oa_buttons.module
Clear the button cache for the given group
oa_core_create_node in includes/
Create a new content node within a space/section
oa_core_create_space_access in ./oa_core.module
Menu access callback for creating space types
oa_core_form_views_content_views_panes_content_type_edit_form_alter in ./oa_core.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
oa_core_form_views_exposed_form_alter in ./oa_core.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
oa_core_get_allowed_space_terms in ./oa_core.module
Helper function to return list of space blueprint term ids allowed to be created.
oa_core_get_allowed_space_types in ./oa_core.module
Allowed values callback for using particular space types.
oa_core_get_space_home_context in includes/
Returns the current space id context Returns zero if on the site home page
oa_core_get_taxonomy_term_access in includes/
Helper function to determine access to create nodes of certain taxonomy terms
oa_core_node_delete_redirect in ./oa_core.module
Helper to redirect to proper landing page after content deletion
oa_core_node_prepare in ./oa_core.module
Implements hook_node_prepare().
oa_core_oa_section_ref_process in includes/
Process function of the oa_section_ref field.
oa_core_process_exposed_group_input in ./oa_core.module
Helper function for Views handlers to process the exposed input
oa_core_select2widget_entity_validate_field in includes/
Validate the entities as real, including custom all/current.
oa_sections_get_best_section in modules/oa_sections/oa_sections.module
Return the best section id to create $node in.
oa_teams_get_teams_for_space in modules/oa_teams/oa_teams.module
Get the listing of teams that are in the specified space, or the current space is no space is specified.
oa_users_oa_members_toolbar_render in modules/oa_users/plugins/content_types/
Run-time rendering of the body of the block (content type) See ctools_plugin_examples for more advanced info
oa_users_register_external_user_modal in modules/oa_users/plugins/content_types/
This is the page callback for "oa_users/add/%ctools_js/%node".
_oa_sections_get_current_selected_space in modules/oa_sections/oa_sections.module
Get the currently selected group.
_oa_variable_realm in modules/oa_variables/oa_variables.module
Helper function to return variable realm data