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function oa_core_create_node in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Create a new content node within a space/section


string $bundle name of node bundle to create:

object $context an optional code to copy space/section from: if not specified, current Session space/section context is used

Return value

object $wrapper entity metadata wrapper around node

NOTE: The created node is NOT SAVED. You need to use: $wrapper = oa_core_create_node(...); $wrapper->save(); to actually save the created node. This allows you to set other wrapper fields before saving


includes/, line 729
Code for Utility functions for OpenAtrium spaces


function oa_core_create_node($bundle, $title = '', $context = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $values = array(
    'type' => $bundle,
    'uid' => $user->uid,
    'status' => 1,
    'comment' => 0,
    'promote' => 0,
  $entity = entity_create('node', $values);
  $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $entity);
  $wrapper->title = $title;
  $space_id = oa_core_get_space_context();
  $section_id = oa_core_get_section_context();
  if (isset($context)) {

    // copy space and section fields from context node
    $context_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $context);
    if (isset($context_wrapper->{OA_SPACE_FIELD})) {
      $space_id = $context_wrapper->{OA_SPACE_FIELD}
      if (is_array($space_id)) {

        // if multi-value space field, just use first space for message
        $space_id = array_shift($space_id);
    if (isset($context_wrapper->{OA_SECTION_FIELD})) {
      $section_id = $context_wrapper->{OA_SECTION_FIELD}
  if (isset($wrapper->{OA_SPACE_FIELD})) {
    $wrapper->{OA_SPACE_FIELD} = $space_id;
  if (isset($wrapper->{OA_SECTION_FIELD})) {
    $wrapper->{OA_SECTION_FIELD} = $section_id;
  return $wrapper;