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function oa_clone_prepare in Open Atrium Clone 7.2

Prepares a node to be cloned via the 'clone' module.

After you've made any changes, save it using oa_clone_save().


object|int $original_node: The node object or nid that we are cloning.

int $space_nid: (Optional) The nid of the Space to add this node to.

int $section_nid: (Optional) The nid of the Section to add this node to.

boolean $bypass_access_check: (Optional) If set to TRUE, the access check will be bypassed.

Return value

object|NULL The new node object that was created or NULL if the user doesn't have access to clone it.

See also



1 call to oa_clone_prepare()
oa_clone in ./oa_clone.module
Clones a node using the 'clone' module.


./oa_clone.module, line 360


function oa_clone_prepare($original_node, $space_nid = NULL, $section_nid = NULL, $bypass_access_check = FALSE) {
  if (!is_object($original_node)) {
    $original_node = node_load($original_node);
    $original_node->oa_clone_skip = TRUE;

  // We mark the node to bypass access check, which will be recognized by
  // clone_access_cloning() and passed down to other content contained within
  // this this $node (ie. Section, sub-Spaces, etc).
  // NOTE: This won't bypass ALL access checks. It'll only bypass them for
  // group content (normal 'clone' module access checks will remain) and some
  // additional hook_clone_access_alter() function can choose to heed it or not
  // depending on what they want to do.
  $original_node->oa_clone_bypass_access_check = $bypass_access_check;
  if (clone_access_cloning($original_node)) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'clone', 'clone.pages');
    $node = _clone_node_prepare($original_node, FALSE);
    if ($space_nid) {
      if ($node->type == 'oa_space') {
        if (module_exists('oa_subspaces')) {
          $node->{OA_PARENT_SPACE}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'] = $space_nid;
      else {
        $node->{OA_SPACE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'] = $space_nid;
    if ($section_nid) {
      $node->{OA_SECTION_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['target_id'] = $section_nid;
    $context = array(
      'method' => 'save-edit',
      'original_node' => $original_node,
    drupal_alter('clone_node', $node, $context);
    return $node;