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function hook_clone_node_alter in Node clone 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 node_clone.api.php \hook_clone_node_alter()
  2. 6 clone.api.php \hook_clone_node_alter()

Alter the node before saving a clone.


$node: Reference to the fully loaded node object being saved (the clone) that can be altered as needed.

array $context: An array of context describing the clone operation. The keys are:

  • 'method' : Can be either 'prepopulate' or 'save-edit'.
  • 'original_node' : The original fully loaded node object being cloned.

See also



3 invocations of hook_clone_node_alter()
clone_action_clone in ./clone.module
Action callback.
clone_node_prepopulate in ./
Clones a node - prepopulate a node editing form
clone_node_save in ./
Clones a node by directly saving it.


./clone.api.php, line 22
API documentation for the Node clone module.


function hook_clone_node_alter(&$node, $context) {
  if ($context['original_node']->type == 'special') {
    $node->special = special_something();