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function npop_ds_render_field in Node pop-up 7

Placeholder for ds_render_field(), processing ds title links by npop.


object $field: Field which need to render.

Return value

string rendered field html code.

1 string reference to 'npop_ds_render_field'
npop_ds_fields_info_alter in ./npop.module
Implements hook_ds_fields_info_alter().


./npop.module, line 404
Create popup nodes with ajax and Drupal core functionality.


function npop_ds_render_field($field) {
  $output = '';
  $settings = isset($field['formatter_settings']) ? $field['formatter_settings'] : array();
  $settings += $field['properties']['default'];
  if ($field['entity_type'] !== 'node' || empty($settings['npop']) || empty($settings['link']) || $field['field_name'] !== 'title') {
    return ds_render_field($field);

  // Basic string.
  if (isset($settings['link text'])) {
    $output = t($settings['link text']);
  elseif (isset($field['properties']['entity_render_key']) && isset($field['entity']->{$field['properties']['entity_render_key']})) {
    if ($field['entity_type'] == 'user' && $field['properties']['entity_render_key'] == 'name') {
      $output = format_username($field['entity']);
    else {
      $output = $field['entity']->{$field['properties']['entity_render_key']};
  if (empty($output)) {
    return '';

  // Add use-ajax class for ajax processing.
  $link_options = array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'data-npop' => array(
  if (!drupal_is_front_page() && npop_check_change_url($field['entity']->type)) {
    $link_options['query']['parent'] = '/' . request_path();
  $output = l($output, 'node/' . $field['entity']->nid, $link_options);

  // Wrapper and class.
  if (!empty($settings['wrapper'])) {
    $wrapper = check_plain($settings['wrapper']);
    $class = !empty($settings['class']) ? ' class="' . check_plain($settings['class']) . '"' : '';
    $output = '<' . $wrapper . $class . '>' . $output . '</' . $wrapper . '>';
  return $output;