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function npop_check_change_url in Node pop-up 7

Checking change url flag value for selected content type.


string $type: The node bundle.

Return value

bool TRUE if urel need change and FALSE if not.

5 calls to npop_check_change_url()
npop_ajax_close_npop in ./npop.module
Close button callback function.
npop_ajax_load_node in ./npop.module
Ajax node loading callback.
npop_contextual_links_view_alter in ./npop.module
Implements hook_contextual_links_view_alter().
npop_ds_render_field in ./npop.module
Placeholder for ds_render_field(), processing ds title links by npop.
npop_field_formatter_view in ./npop.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().


./npop.module, line 479
Create popup nodes with ajax and Drupal core functionality.


function npop_check_change_url($type) {
  $urls = variable_get('npop_change_urls', array());
  return in_array($type, $urls);