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function hook_npop_css_animations in Node pop-up 7

You can define your animations.

First step: add your css file with animations to site.

Second step: define bellow hook and return array of css classes.

Array is keyd my class name and values is titles, for administration page.

1 function implements hook_npop_css_animations()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

npop_npop_css_animations in ./npop.module
Implements hook_npop_css_animations().
1 invocation of hook_npop_css_animations()
npop_admin_settings_form in ./
Main administration settings page form.


./npop.api.php, line 67
Hooks provided by Node popup nodule.


function hook_npop_css_animations() {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule') . '/css/myanimations.css');
  return array(
    'npop-animate-fade-left' => t('From left with fade side'),
    'npop-animate-fade-right' => t('From right with fade side'),
    'npop-animate-fade-top' => t('From top with fade side'),
    'npop-animate-fade-bottom' => t('From bottom with fade side'),
    'npop-animate-left' => t('From left side'),
    'npop-animate-right' => t('From right side'),
    'npop-animate-top' => t('From top side'),
    'npop-animate-bottom' => t('From bottom side'),