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npop.api.php in Node pop-up 7

Hooks provided by Node popup nodule.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by Node popup nodule.

 * @addtogroup hooks
 * @{

 * Alter popup content render array, before rendering.
 * This function is called for each popup window creation.
 * @param array $view
 *   An render array of popup content.
 * @param object $node
 *   The popup node object.
function hook_npop_view_data_alter(array &$view, $node) {

  // Change close icon text to FontAwesome close icon.
  $view['node']['closebtn']['#text'] = '<i class="fa fa-close"></i>';

 * Alert ajax commands before popup window open.
 * Use this alter, if you want change ajax commands or execute your command on
 * popup window open event.
 * @param array $commands
 *   An array with commands generated by module.
 * @param object $node
 *   The popup node object.
function hook_npop_ajax_alter(array &$commands, $node) {

  // Alert window openned when popup open event called.
  $commands[] = ajax_command_alert('Window openned');

 * Alert ajax commands when popup window close.
 * Use this alter, if you want change ajax commands or execute your command on
 * popup window close event.
 * @param array $commands
 *   An array with commands generated by module.
function hook_npop_ajax_close_alter(array &$commands) {

  // Alert window closed when popup close event called.
  $commands[] = ajax_command_alert('Window openned');

 * You can define your animations.
 * First step: add your css file with animations to site.
 * Second step: define bellow hook and return array of css classes.
 * Array is keyd my class name and values is titles, for administration page.
function hook_npop_css_animations() {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule') . '/css/myanimations.css');
  return array(
    'npop-animate-fade-left' => t('From left with fade side'),
    'npop-animate-fade-right' => t('From right with fade side'),
    'npop-animate-fade-top' => t('From top with fade side'),
    'npop-animate-fade-bottom' => t('From bottom with fade side'),
    'npop-animate-left' => t('From left side'),
    'npop-animate-right' => t('From right side'),
    'npop-animate-top' => t('From top side'),
    'npop-animate-bottom' => t('From bottom side'),

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".


Namesort descending Description
hook_npop_ajax_alter Alert ajax commands before popup window open.
hook_npop_ajax_close_alter Alert ajax commands when popup window close.
hook_npop_css_animations You can define your animations.
hook_npop_view_data_alter Alter popup content render array, before rendering.