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class Notifications_Event in Notifications 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 includes/ \Notifications_Event

Notifications Event class

This is the object that when triggered will produce notifications to be sent.

Each event type can have a linked template that will be the object responsible for building the notification text

Hidden variable: 'notifications_event_log', set to number of seconds for keeping all events logged for that time


Expanded class hierarchy of Notifications_Event

See also

hook_notifications('event types')

3 string references to 'Notifications_Event'
notifications_entity_info in ./notifications.module
Implements hook_entity_info().
Notifications_Event::build_object in ./
Build Event from db object
Notifications_Event::build_type in ./
Build Event from type and action


./, line 19
Drupal Notifications Framework - Default class file

View source
class Notifications_Event extends Notifications_Entity {

  // Object unique id
  public $eid;

  // Module and type of the event, will define it
  public $module = 'notifications';
  public $type = '';
  public $action = '';

  // User who produced the event
  public $uid = 0;

  // Main object id. I.e. if a node event it will be nid
  public $oid;

  // Time the event was produced
  public $created;
  public $triggered;

  // Notifications in queue linked to this event
  public $counter = 0;

  // Mark event as log
  public $log = 0;

  // Objects for this event
  public $objects = array();

  // Generic content for this event. It can be nodes, comments, etc...
  protected $content;

  // Processing options, event to be queued, sent, discarded
  public $queue;
  public $send;
  public $dispatch;

  // Whether this has already been queued
  public $queued = FALSE;

  // Will be set if any of the objects cannot be loaded
  public $incomplete = FALSE;

  // Event text for composition. This can override the event's default texts.
  public $text;

  // Pre-built template to use for this event
  protected $template;

  // Keep track of notifications sent for this event, indexed by destination
  protected $notifications_sent;

  // Last (biggest) sid, this message has been sent to
  protected $last_sid = 0;

  // Stats about this event
  public $send_start = 0;

  // Timestamp start sending
  public $send_end = 0;

  // Timestamp end sending
  public $send_time = 0;

  // Time lapse, sending time, seconds
  public $notif_count = 0;

  // Counter for notifications to be sent
  public $notif_errors = 0;

  // Number of sending errors
  public $notif_sent = 0;

  // Number of notifications sent
  public $notif_success = 0;

  // Number of messages successfully sent

   * Constructor
  function __construct($object = NULL) {
    if (!isset($this->created)) {
      $this->created = time();

   * Build Event from db object
  public static function build_object($object) {
    $class = self::type_info($object->type, 'class', 'Notifications_Event');
    if (!empty($object->data)) {
    return new $class($object);

   * Build Event from type and action
  public static function build_type($type, $action = NULL) {
    $class = self::type_info($type, 'class', 'Notifications_Event');
    $action = $action ? $action : self::type_info($type, 'action', 'default');
    return new $class(array(
      'type' => $type,
      'action' => $action,

   * Get object title
  public function get_title() {
    return $this
      ->get_type('title', t('Event'));

   * Get object name
  public function get_name() {
    return $this
      ->get_type('name', t('Event'));

   * Get generic content
  public function get_content() {
    return isset($this->content) ? $this->content : NULL;

   * Get subscription type information
  public static function type_info($type_key = NULL, $property = NULL, $default = NULL) {
    return notifications_event_type($type_key, $property, $default);

   * Load event by id
  public static function load($eid) {
    $event = entity_load('notifications_event', array(
    return $event ? $event[$eid] : FALSE;

   * Load multiple events
  public static function load_multiple($eids = array(), $conditions = array()) {
    return entity_load('notifications_event', $eids, $conditions);

   * Get event type information
  function get_type($property = NULL, $default = NULL) {
    return $this
      ->type_info($this->type, $property, $default);

   * Get simple subject text
  function get_subject() {
    return t('Notifications event');

   * Get message template to build this event as text
   * The difference with create template is that this one keeps the template with the event so it can be reused
  public function get_template() {
    if (!isset($this->template)) {
      $this->template = $this
    return $this->template;

   * Create message template to build this event as text
   * The value will be taken from this event's defaults, but can be overriden on hook_notifications('event types')
  function create_template() {
    $template_name = $this
      ->get_type('template', 'default');
    return notifications_template($template_name)

   * Build template
  function build_template() {
    return $this

   * Get event text if available
  function get_text($key) {
    if (isset($this->text[$key])) {
      return $this->text[$key];

   * Add Drupal Object, converting it into a Notifications_Object
   * @param $object
  function add_object($type, $value) {
    return $this
      ->set_object(notifications_object($type, $value));

   * Set Notifications object
  function set_object($object) {
    $this->objects[$object->type] = $object;
    return $this;

   * Get event objects
  function get_objects() {
    return $this->objects;

   * Get single object
  function get_object($type) {
    return isset($this->objects[$type]) ? $this->objects[$type] : NULL;

   * Check that all the objects still exist
  function check_objects() {
    foreach ($this
      ->get_objects() as $object) {
      if (!$object->value) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

   * Trigger event. Save, run queue query, etc...
   * Replaces notifications_event_trigger($event)
  public function trigger() {

    // If already been triggered, don't do it again
    if (empty($this->triggered)) {
      $this->triggered = REQUEST_TIME;

      // Notify other modules we are about to trigger some subscriptions event
      // Modules can do cleanup operations or modify event properties. To discard, set $event->dispatch = FALSE;

      // Now dispatch de event (send, queue) if not marked for the opposite
      if ($this->dispatch) {
        return $this

    // If already triggered, or not to be dispatched or whatever
    return FALSE;

   * Prepare event, set default queueing / sending options
  public function prepare() {
    if (!isset($this->dispatch)) {
      $this->dispatch = variable_get('notifications_event_dispatch', 1);
    if (!isset($this->queue)) {
      $this->queue = $this->dispatch && variable_get('notifications_event_queue', 0);
    if (!isset($this->send)) {
      $this->send = $this->dispatch && !$this->queue;
    return $this;

   * Dispatch event to where it corresponds
  public function dispatch() {

    // Send event to queue for subscriptions, unless marked not to
    if ($this->queue) {
      return $this
    elseif ($this->send) {
      return $this
    else {

      // Not for queue nor for sending, just do nothing
      return FALSE;

   * Send operation. Default will be send to all destinations
  public function send() {
    $this->sent = REQUEST_TIME;

   * Create a record for the event and get unique eid
   * @param $update
   *   Whether to update the row if already created.
  function record($update = FALSE) {
    if (!$this->eid || $update) {
      $this->send_time = $this->send_end - $this->send_start;
      $this->updated = time();
      drupal_write_record('notifications_event', $this, $this->eid ? 'eid' : array());

   * Save full event
  function save() {

    // First of all, make sure we have a unique eid
    return db_update('notifications_event')
      ->condition('eid', $this->eid)
      'data' => serialize($this),

   * Queue event for later processing
  function queue() {

    // First of all, make sure we have a unique eid
    $this->queued = REQUEST_TIME;

    // If advanced queue enabled, go for it. Otherwise, go for Drupal Queue
    if (function_exists('notifications_queue')) {
    else {
      $queue = DrupalQueue::get('notifications_event');

    // Modules can do cleanup operations or modify the queue or the event counter

   * Delete from db
  function delete() {
    if (!empty($this->eid)) {

      // Inform all modules when we still have an eid, in case they have linked data

      // Finally, delete traces in our reference table
      return db_delete('notifications_event')
        ->condition('eid', $this->eid)

   * Check user access to event's objects
   * Replaces notifications_event_user_access($event, $account);
  public function user_access($account, $op = 'view') {
    foreach ($this
      ->get_objects() as $object) {
      if (!$object
        ->user_access($account)) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

   * Set parameters
  public function set_params($params = array()) {
    $params += array(
      'uid' => $GLOBALS['user']->uid,
      'language' => $GLOBALS['language']->language,
    foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
      $this->{$field} = $value;
    return $this;

   * Clean up queued events
   * Replaces notifications_event_clean()
   * @param $update
   *   Update event counter
  public static function queue_clean($update = FALSE) {
    return notifications_queue()

   * Unserialize after db loading
  public function unserialize() {
    $this->params = $this->params ? unserialize($this->params) : array();

   * Track notifications queue row processed, decrease counter
  function track_count() {
    return $this->counter ? --$this->counter : 0;

   * Update event counter
  function update_counter($value = NULL) {
    if (isset($value)) {
      $this->counter = $value;
    db_query('UPDATE {notifications_event} SET counter = :counter WHERE eid = :eid', array(
      ':counter' => $this->counter,
      ':eid' => $this->eid,

   * Build query for subscriptions that match this event type
  public function query_subscriptions() {

    // For regular events, time interval must be >= 0
    $query = db_select('notifications_subscription', 's')
      ->condition('s.status', Notifications_Subscription::STATUS_ACTIVE)
      ->condition('s.send_interval', 0, '>=');

    // Maybe we don't need to notify the user who produced this
    if ($this->uid && !variable_get('notifications_sendself', 1)) {
        ->condition('s.uid', $this->uid, '<>');
    return $query;

   * Get subscriptions conditions
  protected function subscriptions_conditions() {
    $add = db_or();
    foreach ($this
      ->subscription_types() as $type) {
      $condition = notifications_subscription($type)
      if ($condition && $condition
        ->count()) {
    return $add && $add
      ->count() ? $add : NULL;

   * Get subscription types triggered by this event
  function subscription_types() {

    // Get types from event definition, add types for main object and run hook_notifications_event()
    $types = $this
      ->get_type('subscriptions', array());
    if (($object_type = $this
      ->get_type('object')) && ($object = $this
      ->get_object($object_type))) {
      $types = array_merge($types, $object
    $types = array_merge($types, $this
      ->invoke_all('subscription types'));
    return array_filter(array_unique($types), 'notifications_subscription_type_enabled');

   * Invoke all hook_notifications_event()
  function invoke_all($op) {
    return module_invoke_all('notifications_event', $op, $this);

   * Send message to all subscriptions
  public function send_all() {
    $limit = variable_get('notifications_batch_size', 100);
    $total_count = 0;
    while ($sids = $this
      ->get_subscriptions($limit)) {
      $count = count($sids);
      $results = $this
      $sent = count($results['sent']);
      $skip = count($results['skip']);
      $success = $results['success'];
      $errors = $sent - $success;
      watchdog('notifications', 'Sent event @event to @count subscriptions: @success success, @errors errors, @skip skipped.', array(
        '@event' => $this
        '@count' => $count,
        '@success' => $success,
        '@errors' => $errors,
        '@skip' => $skip,
      $total_count += $count;
    return $total_count;

   * Processing and sending is done, log or dispose
  public function done() {

    // If logging enabled record data, if not just delete
    if (variable_get('notifications_event_log', NOTIFICATIONS_EVENT_LOG)) {
      $this->log = 1;
    else {

   * Get subscriptions
   * @param $limit
   *   Whether to limit the number of subscriptions. If so we'll use last_sid and 'notifications_batch_size'
   * @return array
   *   Array of subscription ids
  public function get_subscriptions($limit = 0) {
    if ($condition = $this
      ->subscriptions_conditions()) {
      $query = $this
        ->fields('s', array(
        ->leftJoin('notifications_subscription_fields', 'f', 's.sid = f.sid');
        ->having('COUNT(f.sid) = s.conditions');
      if ($limit) {
          ->condition('s.sid', $this->last_sid, '>')
          ->range(0, $limit);
      return $query
    else {
      return array();

   * Send to subscriptors
   * @param $subscriptions
   *   List of subscriptions to send to
  public function send_list($sids) {
    if (!$this->send_start) {
      $this->send_start = time();
    $this->notif_count += count($sids);
    $subscriptions = entity_load('notifications_subscription', $sids);

    // Template to be rendered for each user
    $template = $this
    $message = $template
      ->add_event($this, array_keys($subscriptions));

    // Keep track of users sent so we don't repeat
    $results = array(
      'skip' => array(),
      'sent' => array(),
      'success' => array(),
      'error' => array(),
    foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) {
      $this->last_sid = $subscription->sid;
      if ($destination = $subscription
        ->get_destination()) {

        // If already sent for this destination (user, method, address), move on
        if (isset($this->notifications_sent[$destination
          ->index()])) {
          $results['skip'][] = $subscription->sid;

        // Mark the event as already sent for this destination
          ->index()] = TRUE;
      else {

        // Missing or wrong destination
        watchdog('notifications', 'Cannot find destination or missing user for subscription @sid', array(
          '@sid' => $subscription->sid,

      // Check access to all objects related with this event
      if ($destination && ($user = $subscription
        ->get_user()) && $this
        ->user_access($user)) {
          ->add_destination($destination, $subscription->send_method);
        $results['sent'][] = $subscription->sid;
      else {
        $results['error'][] = $subscription->sid;

    // This will send out all messages. It will be a bulk sending or not depending on send method
    if (!empty($results['sent'])) {
      $results['results'] = $message
      $results['success'] = count(array_filter($results['results']));
      $this->notif_success += $results['success'];
    $this->send_end = time();
    return $results;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Notifications_Entity::get_info public function Get information for specific instance.
Notifications_Event::$action public property
Notifications_Event::$content protected property
Notifications_Event::$counter public property
Notifications_Event::$created public property
Notifications_Event::$dispatch public property
Notifications_Event::$eid public property
Notifications_Event::$incomplete public property
Notifications_Event::$last_sid protected property
Notifications_Event::$log public property
Notifications_Event::$module public property
Notifications_Event::$notifications_sent protected property
Notifications_Event::$notif_count public property
Notifications_Event::$notif_errors public property
Notifications_Event::$notif_sent public property
Notifications_Event::$notif_success public property
Notifications_Event::$objects public property
Notifications_Event::$oid public property
Notifications_Event::$queue public property
Notifications_Event::$queued public property
Notifications_Event::$send public property
Notifications_Event::$send_end public property
Notifications_Event::$send_start public property
Notifications_Event::$send_time public property
Notifications_Event::$template protected property
Notifications_Event::$text public property
Notifications_Event::$triggered public property
Notifications_Event::$type public property Overrides Notifications_Entity::$type
Notifications_Event::$uid public property
Notifications_Event::add_object function Add Drupal Object, converting it into a Notifications_Object
Notifications_Event::build_object public static function Build Event from db object Overrides Notifications_Entity::build_object
Notifications_Event::build_template function Build template
Notifications_Event::build_type public static function Build Event from type and action
Notifications_Event::check_objects function Check that all the objects still exist
Notifications_Event::create_template function Create message template to build this event as text
Notifications_Event::delete function Delete from db
Notifications_Event::dispatch public function Dispatch event to where it corresponds
Notifications_Event::done public function Processing and sending is done, log or dispose
Notifications_Event::get_content public function Get generic content
Notifications_Event::get_name public function Get object name Overrides Notifications_Entity::get_name
Notifications_Event::get_object function Get single object
Notifications_Event::get_objects function Get event objects
Notifications_Event::get_subject function Get simple subject text
Notifications_Event::get_subscriptions public function Get subscriptions
Notifications_Event::get_template public function Get message template to build this event as text
Notifications_Event::get_text function Get event text if available
Notifications_Event::get_title public function Get object title Overrides Notifications_Entity::get_title
Notifications_Event::get_type function Get event type information
Notifications_Event::invoke_all function Invoke all hook_notifications_event()
Notifications_Event::load public static function Load event by id
Notifications_Event::load_multiple public static function Load multiple events
Notifications_Event::prepare public function Prepare event, set default queueing / sending options
Notifications_Event::query_subscriptions public function Build query for subscriptions that match this event type
Notifications_Event::queue function Queue event for later processing
Notifications_Event::queue_clean public static function Clean up queued events
Notifications_Event::record function Create a record for the event and get unique eid
Notifications_Event::save function Save full event
Notifications_Event::send public function Send operation. Default will be send to all destinations
Notifications_Event::send_all public function Send message to all subscriptions
Notifications_Event::send_list public function Send to subscriptors
Notifications_Event::set_object function Set Notifications object
Notifications_Event::set_params public function Set parameters
Notifications_Event::subscriptions_conditions protected function Get subscriptions conditions
Notifications_Event::subscription_types function Get subscription types triggered by this event
Notifications_Event::track_count function Track notifications queue row processed, decrease counter
Notifications_Event::trigger public function Trigger event. Save, run queue query, etc...
Notifications_Event::type_info public static function Get subscription type information Overrides Notifications_Entity::type_info
Notifications_Event::unserialize public function Unserialize after db loading
Notifications_Event::update_counter function Update event counter
Notifications_Event::user_access public function Check user access to event's objects Overrides Notifications_Entity::user_access
Notifications_Event::__construct function Constructor Overrides Notifications_Entity::__construct