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function notifications_subscription in Notifications 7

Build subscription type object. We keep an object for each type so we can quickly clone it

3 calls to notifications_subscription()
notifications_account_subscription_list_form in notifications_account/
List form for subscriptions of the same type for a user
notifications_subscription_enabled_types in ./notifications.module
Get enabled subscription types
notifications_subscription_type_load in ./notifications.module
Load subscription type for menu operations
8 string references to 'notifications_subscription'
notifications_entity_info in ./notifications.module
Implements hook_entity_info().
Notifications_Event::send_list in ./
Send to subscriptors
notifications_forms in ./notifications.module
Implementation of hook_forms()
Notifications_Subscription::load in ./
Load from db
Notifications_Subscription::load_multiple in ./
Load multiple from db

... See full list


./notifications.module, line 558
Notifications module


function notifications_subscription($type) {
  $subscription_types =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($subscription_types[$type])) {
    $subscription_types[$type] = Notifications_Subscription::build_type($type);
  return clone $subscription_types[$type];