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CHANGELOG.txt in Nodewords: D6 Meta Tags 6.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.3 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 6 CHANGELOG.txt
Nodewords 6.x-2.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx
By DamienMcKenna: Cleaned up the CHANGELOG.txt file.

Nodewords 6.x-2.0-alpha1, 2011-05-03
Issue #986832: Disable watchdog messages by default when meta tags are saved.
Issue #1126642 by AlexisWilke, Dave Reid: Skip meta tag output on
  administration pages.
Issue #962884: Added message about not having any meta tags enabled on admin
Issue #984346 by Dave Reid: Remove the search customization options and cleanup
  the admin UI.
Issue #1115224 by catch, Dave Reid: Removed call to file_scan_directory() from
  _nodewords_load_hook_files() for performance.
Issue #1058536 by Methos76, DamienMcKenna: Fixed incorrectly named variable.
By DamienMcKenna: recovered additional missing CHANGELOG.txt notices.
By DamienMcKenna: cleaned up the CHANGELOG.txt to make it more readable (all
  changes since January 1st, 2010).
#986722 by nibblebot: Fixed variable names do not match their respective form
  element keys.
#974920 by jaydub: Fixed node_load() call not able to retrieve node from
  internal static cache.
#948958 follow-up by Dave Reid: Fixed not all tokens displayed on default meta
  tags form.
#911204 by Dave Reid | jasonabc: Standardized the taxonomy term and vocabulary
  meta tag editing fieldset.
#960482 by Dave Reid, hles: Fixed dublin core date field does not perform token
by Dave Reid: Fixed nodewords_replace_tokens() may not perform correctly with
by Dave Reid: Fixed nodewords_replace_tokens() may not perform correctly with
#781440: follow-up by Dave Reid: Cleaned up token and page context handling
By Dave Reid: Fixed bug in _nodewords_taxonomy_object_load() when loading
#948958 by Dave Reid: Cleaned up token API and related code.
#781440 by Dave Reid: resolved PHP notices from previous commit.
#958192 by Dave Reid: Fixed no message returned from
#958192 by Dave Reid: Fixed the nodewords_extra_update_last_removed() function
  prevented updates from running.
#781440 by Brian294, DamienMcKenna: missing tokens.
#881854 by volocuga, DamienMcKenna: search engine verification tag
#927186 by Dave Reid: Removed redundant ICRA meta tag as the service has been
#823982 by Dave Reid, xjm, gilgabar: Added an 'edit meta tags' permission so
  that not everyone can edit meta tags on node or user edit forms.
#893762 by Dave Reid, andrewsuth: Fixed missing index on
  {nodewords_custom}.enabled, database selection queries, and non 0/1 enabled
By Dave Reid: Fixing code cleanups.
By Dave Reid: Removed silly variables that made code harder to read.
#929082 by Dave Reid, mikeytown2: Fixed useless function
#835172 by AlexisWilke, Dave Reid; Summit, powery: Fixed robots meta tag
  defaulted to noindex,nofollow when saving meta tags.
#588716 by aether, kiamlaluno, hass: Use drupal_set_html_head() rather than
  directly altering the head variable in nodewords_preprocess_page().
#939708 by AlexisWilke: Ensure WYSIWYG does not try to open on textarea fields.
#905614 by AlexisWilke | eule: Fixed update error with missing third parameter
  with preg_match_all().
#866226 by nasa51: Fixed PHP notice in _nodewords_ui_get_node_metatags_type()
  when creating a new node.
#848088 by Gomez_in_the_South: Error in nodewords_basic.install.
#774944 by kiam: Custom pages meta tags do not work.
#820576 by kiam: "textarea" for Keywords.
#816426 by melon: Basic meta tags module fails updating prefixed table.
#813606 by kiam: Support for Alexa verification tag.
#753702 by ayalon, kiam: Some meta tags are not output.
#810880 by highrockmedia: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';'.
#810078 by yettyn, charlie836: Syntax error.
#775446 by kiam: Use again tokens for the meta tag DC.DATE.
#797292 by juankvillegas: hook_taxonomy($op, $type, $array = NULL).
#782792 by locomo: Meta tags fieldset is missing when editing user account.
#791866 by kiam: Credits.
#785654 by snorkers, kiam: Commas missing in ROBOTS tag for previously created
#791188 by kiam: Error message when installing custom pages.
#786270 by kiam: The default value for the meta tag ROBOTS is not used.
#776086 by kiam: White spaces in description token.
#775446 by kiam: Meta tag DC.DATE doesn't verify the entered value.

Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta9, 2010-04-18
#774350 by kiam: Fatal error: Call to undefined function nodewords_check_api().
#753702 by kiam: Location is not shown.
#708530 by kiam: Description & Keywords for taxonomy terms aren't getting
#660746 by kiam: Robots tag not displayed, but on <front>.
By kiam: Corrected the descriptions given for two fieldsets.
By kiam: Changed the identifier for the messages passed to watchdog().
#774350 by kiam: Fatal error: Call to undefined function
By kiam: Corrected the API version number.

Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta8, 2010-04-17
By kiam: Removed extra characters.
By kiam: Corrected the reference to a mistyped constant.

Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta7, 2010-04-17
By kiam: Corrected the return value of nodewords_admin_update_6100().

Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta6, 2010-04-17
By kiam: Updated the installation files.

Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta5, 2010-04-17
#660746 by kiam: Robots tag not displayed, but on <front>.
#708530 by kiam: Description & Keywords for taxonomy terms aren't getting
#753702 by kiam: Location is not shown.
#772474 by kiam: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /sites/all/modules/nodewords/nodewords_ui/nodewords_ui.module.
#771226 by kiam: README.txt contains outdated information.
#767764 by kiam: Token for the front page URL should return the base URL.
#767760 by kiam: Can't delete meta tags for custom pages.
#767612 by TravisCarden: The link in the post-installation message is not
#767492 by kiam: Token is not replaced for custom pages.
#767190 by kiam: Token [metatags-url-alias] does not return the path alias.
#767406 by yettyn: Warning - Cannot modify header information.
#665042 by kiam: If the front page is a node, meta tags fieldset should not be
  shown for the node.
#761690 by kiam: Syntax error on line 13.
#760588 by kiam: Database error after installation.
#691852 by kiam: Meta tags are sometime output multiple times.
#748958 by kiam: Default and specific tags are not saved.
#748828 by kiam: update error | nodewords_basic.install.
#748846 by kiam: Parse error on nodewords_tokens.module.

Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta4, 2010-03-21
#706630 by kiam: Implement the hooks necessary to add more tokens.
#735148 by kiam: Variables not deleted after uninstall.
#740520 by kiam: Change the form field for meta tags ROBOTS.
#630184 by kiam: Remove verification tag checkboxes for "edit forms" since they
  ONLY appear on the front page.
#644102 by kiam: Re-organize the sub-modules.
#696652 by kiam: Meta tags that are generated should not be shown in the
  editing form.
#696650 by kiam: Change the settings fields for the meta tags generation.
#731664 by kiam: Put the settings to enable the meta tags, and to select the
  meta tags to output in the same fieldset.
#672262 by Lars Pohlmann: Meta tags for "other pages" are not used.
#698582 by jenlampton: Meta tags form fields are missing when adding a new
  taxonomy term.
#721642 by AlexisWilke: PostgreSQL update.
#717892 by maximpodorov: Parameter 2 to nodewords_form_alter() expected to be a
  reference, value given.

Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta3, 2010-02-17
#715170 by kiamlaluno: Warning: "Unknown column 'n.0' in 'where clause' query"
  during search indexing.
#707722 by zxs: Custom regexp does't filter node teaser.
#705128 by kiamlaluno: Improper check for node form generates PHP warning.
#701248 by kiamlaluno: Show a message after the module is installed.
#699904 by kiamlaluno: Change the module description.
#698956 by kiamlaluno: Change the message reported from hook_reports().
#695322 by kiamlaluno: Nodewords keeps logging error on the database.
#690304 by kiamlaluno: It is not possible to set the value for the meta tag
  PICS-LABEL to use in the front page.

Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta2, 2010-01-11
#668446 by kiamlaluno: Change the options to allow setting keywords that are
  put before, and after all the others.

Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta1, 2010-01-11
#668446 by kiamlaluno: Change the options to allow setting keywords that are
  put before, and after all the others.
#681080 by kiamlaluno: Update function changes the field id into a smallint.
#672068 by suvisor, kiamlaluno: Update fails passing from 6.x-1.3 to 6.x-1.11.
#679466 by kiamlaluno: Update from Nodewords 6.x-1.3-alpha2 to 6.x-1.11 fails
  because of Update #6151.
#675110 by kiamlaluno: Add '#wysiwyg' => FALSE to textareas.
#675920 by kiamlaluno: Bad rewriting of the $variables['head'] in
#673624 by kiamlaluno: Node meta tag description does not correctly work.
#673214 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags for other pages are not correctly loaded from
  the database.
#672976 by kiamlaluno: Syntax error on line 322.
#672096 by Summit, kiamlaluno: Meta tags are not saved for taxomony terms or
#672346 by kiamlaluno: Remove the settings that have an equivalent setting for
  content types.
#672262 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags for "other pages" are not used.
#672072 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag content generation always use the node body
#671926 by kiamlaluno: Node operations are probably not compatible with VBO.

Nodewords 6.x-1.11, 2009-12-31
By kiamlaluno: Updated the documentation files, and the documentation comments.
By kiamlaluno: Removed the code that automatically enabled
By kiamlaluno: Merged nodewords_update_6166(), and nodewords_update_6167().
By kiamlaluno: Changed the code to use an integer value where it was using an
  empty string.
By kiamlaluno: Updated hook_node_type().
#671128 by kiamlaluno: Bing authentication failure.
#669896 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag DESCRIPTION content is not correctly shown.
#670342 by kiamlaluno: Special pages settings are not deleted.

Nodewords 6.x-1.10, 2009-12-29
#669728 by kiamlaluno: Option "Auto-keywords vocabularies" is not used when
  node meta tags editing is not enabled.
#669684 by kiamlaluno: Change the code that verify if there are modules
  implementing meta tags for the current API version.
#668804 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags content for specific pages are wrongly saved.
#669272 by kiamlaluno: "There are no modules that implement meta tags" message.
#667636 by kiamlaluno: Pull Description from body if metatag field and teaser
  are both empty.
By kiamlaluno: Changed the comment used for hook implementations; removed the
  comments placed between different type of functions.
By kiamlaluno: Updated nodewords.api.php.
By kiamlaluno: Remove a not used parameter from the query executed by
By kiamlaluno: Changed some messages returned from the update functions.
By kiamlaluno: Fixed a typo; made the user interface more consistent.

Nodewords 6.x-1.9, 2009-12-24
#660136 by beeradb: Canonical URL does not allow to use äöü.
#659814 by kiamlaluno: The table shown in the other pages settings doesn't have
  the rows draggable anymore.
#651898 by kiamlaluno: {nodewords_custom}.path is copied in {nodewords}.id.
By gbernier: Changed the permission the user must have to be able to edit all
  the meta tags, even the ones that are not selected to be shown in the edit
By kiamlaluno: Corrected the way the location meta tags are generated.
By kiamlaluno: Follow-up to the fix for #654206.
By kiamlaluno: Added the code to set a Drupal variable used in branch 6.x-3 to
  verify from which 6.x-1 version the module is being updated; removed Drupal
  variables not used anymore.
By kiamlaluno: Changed the code to validate the base URL; the code doesn't
  accept a base URL that contains just slashes.
#658630 by kiamlaluno: Generated canonical URL is not correct.
#650362 by ao2: Canonical URL doesn't use the path alias (and URL is relative
  when base_url is empty).

Nodewords 6.x-1.8, 2009-12-10
By kiamlaluno: Fixed a problem with the meta tags form fields not being shown
  for users without administration permissions.
By kiamlaluno: Corrected the function nodewords_extra_location_prepare(), which
  was outputting the wrong meta tag content.
By kiamlaluno: Changed nodewords_update_6156() to not alter the values that has
  been already serialized.
By kiamlaluno: Rewritten nodewords_update_6156() to avoid problems in some
#655012 by Dave Reid: Update vertical_tabs integration.
By kiamlaluno: Changed a string used in the user interface.

Nodewords 6.x-1.7, 2009-12-08
#653696 by kiamlaluno: Users with administration permissions should always be
  able to edit the meta tags content.
By kiamlaluno: Removed a fieldset that was used from the meta tag PICS-LABEL.
by kiamlaluno: Fixed the previous commit which was incorrectly saving the meta
  tag ROBOTS content.

Nodewords 6.x-1.6, 2009-12-07
#653812 by kiamamluno: Change the way the meta tags content is saved in the
#651896 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag ROBOTS for lists is not used.
#652210 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag SCHEMA.DC is always output.
#651208 by kiamlaluno: Error while updating.
#650790 by kiamlaluno: Prepopulation of nodewords on translated nodes.
#650718 by fenstrat: Auto meta description generation: third-party modules
  filter regex is broken.
By kiamlaluno: Updated nodewords.api.php to include the description of

Nodewords 6.x-1.5, 2009-12-03
By kiamlaluno: Fixed a problem with the files not being correctly tagged.

Nodewords 6.x-1.4, 2009-12-03
#650362 by kiamlaluno: Canonical URL doesn't use the path alias.
#650164 by a02: Code incorrectly uses the revision ID instead of the node ID.
#649748 by kiamlaluno: Correct the implementation of hook_form_alter().

Nodewords 6.x-1.3, 2009-12-02
(truncated, includes all of the beta & alpha releases)
By KiamLaLuno: Added a call to trim() for the meta tags content.
#646964 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag DC.CREATOR always uses the Drupal username.
#648414 by kiamlaluno: Error while accessing the property of a not object, and
  an undefined variable.
#647356 by kiamlaluno: Wrong implementation of hook_theme().
#646996 by kiamlaluno: Hook implemented in nodewords_extra.module doesn't have
  the correct name.
#646966 by kiamlaluno: nodewords_pages_edit_validate() reports the error for
  the wrong form field.
#646710 by kiamlaluno: Incorrect database schema when updating from a previous
#646656 by kiamlaluno: When there are no vocabularies, the option for the meta
  tag KEYWORDS to populate it with taxonomy terms doesn't appear.
#640716 by ilo, kiamlaluno: Admin settings when no tags module is enabled.
#628868 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags content is not indexed from the search module.
#640906 by ilo: Readme.txt file is completely outdated.
#640278 by KiamLaLuno: Change the order the settings for other pages are used.
#639392 by KiamLaLuno: Wildcards not working in "Other Pages".
#638962 by KiamLaLuno: Unsupported operand types.
#637396 by maximpodorov: Meta tags don't appear because a bug in the function
  that detects the page being viewed.
#636798 by KiamLaLuno: Re-add the call to drupal_alter('nodewords_tags').
#636978 by KiamLaLuno: Ubercart catalog page support.
#635386 by KiamLaLuno: Add more options to filter the text present in the node
  teaser used as meta tag content.
#634174 by KiamLaLuno: Updating from 6100 to 6113 fails under PostgreSQL.
#634106 by KiamLaLuno: Strip the text added by Image Browser.
#632856 by dkruglyak: Error with version_compare().
#620408 by KiamLaLuno: Default value assigned to a parameter passed by
#556014 by KiamLaLuno: Allow third-party modules to help in detecting the type
  of the page shown.
#629588 by KiamLaLuno: User profile meta tags are output even when they are not
#629564 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tags are not properly filtered.
#628868 by 63reasons-YP, KiamLaLuno: nodewords_nodeapi('update index') is
#625816 by KiamLaLuno: Strip Image_Assist filter tags from description when set
  automatically from teaser.
#626964 by KiamLaLuno: Merge nodewords - vertical tabs into main module.
#626310 by Dave Reid: Undefined index: value in nodewords_basic.module.
#626180 by KiamLaLuno: Form field is not included in the right fieldset.
#626162 by KiamLaLuno: Integration with Vertical tabs.
#625054 by KiamLaLuno: <meta name="robots" content="noindex, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0" />.
#624696 by Dmitriy.trt: Broken message for nodewords_bypath.
#623952 by KiamLaLuno: Automatically use node teaser for meta tag description
  if the meta tag DESCRIPTION form field is left empty.
#623962 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tag description from teaser does not work together
  with excerpt module.
#622404 by KiamLaLuno: The meta tags are not shown for a page using the pager.
#619846 by KiamLaLuno: Define base URL for canonical URLs.
#617600 by KiamLaLuno: Missing a way to add pages to 'other pages' setting.
#618576 by KiamLaLuno: Invalid argument supplied for foreach.
#616394 by KiamLaLuno: Upgrade from D5 ends with disabled nodewords module, but
  enabled submodules.
#613376 by hass, KiamLaLuno: How to downgrade broken nodewords 1.1+ to 1.0 for
  a smooth upgrade to 1.3.
#601436 by KiamLaLuno: When the option "Repeat meta tags for lists" is not
  selected, the canonical URL is not used.
#613350 by KiamLaLuno: Rename the tab "Global and default meta tags".
#610458 by hass, KiamLaLuno: Extend default max meta description length to 350
#613360 by KiamLaLuno: Remove backup table "nodewords_10".
#613410 by KiamLaLuno: Code wrongly uses Drupal variables
#612976 by KiamLaLuno: "edit" and "head" array is not upgraded (settings lost).
#612978 by KiamLaLuno: Setting "Use the node teaser if the description meta tag
  is not set" lost after upgrade (setting lost).
#612210 by KiamLaLuno: Global settings not shown on settings page.
#587070 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tags form fields are always shown in the
  administration pages even if they are not selected to appear in the edit
#611686 by KiamLaLuno: Add the support for
  <link rel="meta" title="ICRA labels" />.
#611042 by KiamLaLuno: Global geourl is lost after upgrade (data loss).
#591538 by hass, KiamLaLuno: Upgrade path for new submodule names is broken.
#604160 by KiamLaLuno: Call to undefined function drupal_get_install_files() in
  nodewords.module line 1084.
#588946 by nonsie: Unable to edit the node meta tags unless the user has
  permission "administer nodes".
#603530 by KiamLaLuno: Error while uninstalling the modules.
By KiamLaLuno: Allow to use a different set of meta tags for the pager pages.
#600756 by KiamLaLuno: Change the tab title from "Global meta tags" to "Global
  and default meta tags".
#600460 by KiamLaLuno: Upgrade path for robots tag is missing (data loss).
#591538 by KiamLaLuno: Upgrade path for new submodule names is broken.
#600462 by KiamLaLuno: Upgrade path for global nodeword settings is missing.
#591524 by KiamLaLuno: Caching issues are still present.
#600464 by KiamLaLuno: Code is suppressing errors in many places of install
#600468 by KiamLaLuno: Uninstall in nodewords_basic delete wrong variables from
  variables table.
#595734 by KiamLaLuno: Dash in variable names.
#591538 by KiamLaLuno: Submodule names not prefixed with base module name.
#593148 by andypost, KiamLaLuno: array_filter() error.
#587260 by KiamLaLuno: Errors when upgrading from 6.x.1.0 to 6.x.1.2.
#591706 by andypost: Wrong Google site verification meta tag.
#587152 by KiamLaLuno: colspan counter wrong.
#588716 by hass, KiamLaLuno: Use drupal_set_html_head() for $variables['head'].
#590474 by KiamLaLuno: Permission strings are not translatable.
#590222 by KiamLaLuno: Implement hook_node_type().
#588716 by KiamLaLuno: Use drupal_set_html_head() for $variables['head'].
#590054 by KiamLaLuno: Small typo.
#587046 by KiamLaLuno: update.php may fail on big sites for PHP timeout and/or
  memory reasons.
#589814 by KiamLaLuno: Invalid argument supplied for foreach in
  nodewords.module at line 385.
#588946 by KiamLaLuno: Unable to edit the node meta tags unless the user has
  permission "administer nodes".
#586448 by KiamLaLuno: Allow to set a default value for the location meta tags
  as it was allowed before.
#588462 by KiamLaLuno: Add an option to disable the meta tags for specific
  content types.
#587744 by KiamLaLuno: Auto description from node teaser: the maximum length is
  not respected.
#588620 by KiamLaLuno: Code shows only the first character of the meta tag
#587248 by mikeytown2, KiamLaLuno: Meta tags content is not correctly encoded/
#588156 by hass: Translatable string review.
#587514 by KiamLaLuno: Reintroduce the global keywords as in the previous
  version of the module.
#587710 by KiamLaLuno: Auto description from node teaser: when the attribute
  alt is empty, the tag img is replaced by [].
#587108 by KiamLaLuno: nodewords_unique() should not change text to lower case.
#587120 by KiamLaLuno: Rename menu item 'Nodewords' to 'Meta tags'.
#587656 by KiamLaLuno: Remove the call to drupal_alter('nodewords_tags').
#584720 by KiamLaLuno: Allow the meta tag "Description" to be generated from
  the node teaser.
#587060 by KiamLaLuno: Remove the settings for the offline site.
#560022 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tags "Revisit after" and "Robots" are not output.
#586434 by KiamLaLuno: Implement hook_requirements().
#585358 by plj, KiamLaLuno: SQL queries contain {{.
#586168 by KiamLaLuno: The "noodp" robots meta tag is misspelled.

Nodewords 6.x-1.2, 2009-09-23
By KiamLaLuno: Fixed the code that was trying to access a not existing array

Nodewords 6.x-1.1, 2009-09-23
#585908 by KiamLaLuno: Add the documentation on how to add custom meta tags
  through extra_metatags.module.
#587084 by KiamLaLuno: Typo in "lenght".
#584810 by KiamLaLuno: Use db_rewrite_sql() when getting a taxonomy term.
#584720 by KiamLaLuno: Remove the possibility to generate the meta tag
  "Description" from the node teaser.
#558622 by KiamLaLuno: Change the way the module checks if a module is
  supporting the current API version.
#558192 by KiamLaLuno: Cache the meta tags definition data obtained from third-
  party modules.
#573192 by KiamLaLuno: SQL errors on module install.
#556240 by KiamLaLuno: Wrong implementations of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
#556094 by AlexisWilke, KiamLaLuno: Document the argument for
#556278 by KiamLaLuno: Undefined offset: 1.
#542078: Integration with CheckAll.
#518140 by KiamLaLuno: Add the support for node / user bulk operations.
#236833 by KiamLaLuno: Add more settings pages for the global meta tags.
#547956 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tag keywords doesn't show any keywords in the page
#546968 by KiamLaLuno: Nothing is saved in database.
#546806 by jcmarco: Missing semicolon.
#546314 by jcmarco: Syntax error in SQL query.
#545102 by jcmarco: Site verification tags are not added.
#542688 by KiamLaLuno: Error in the table name.
#542074 by KiamLaLuno: Add a page for the error pages meta tags.
#537984 by manarth: Integrate with CCK content-type forms.
#535100 by KiamLaLuno: Validation function uses incorrect values for the
#523536 by KiamLaLuno: Sort the meta tags fields shown in the edit page.
#526796 by KiamLaLuno: Update function calls update_sql() without to first
  escape the strings passed to the function.
#524570 by KiamLaLuno: Add support for NOSNIPPET.
#523948 by KiamLaLuno: Unchecking all robots meta tag options the meta tag is
  not output.
#523526 by KiamLaLuno: Split nodewords.module into nodewords.module,
  basic_metatags.module, and extra_metatags.module.
#522992 by KiamLaLuno: Create a sub-module for the site verification meta tags.
#523272 by KiamLaLuno: Problems setting meta tags configuration up.
#296963 by KiamLaLuno: Support for site verification meta tag.
#521794 by KiamLaLuno: Call to undefined function nodewords_add_html_head()
  while accessing a view generated page.
#517480 by KiamLaLuno: Add the validation code for the meta tag form fields.
By KiamLaLuno: Reverted the changes made with #509910.
#517464 by KiamLaLuno: Reorganize the settings page.
#518146 by KiamLaLuno: Rename "Global meta tags" as "Default meta tags".
#510200 by KiamLaLuno: Global meta tags should be saved in the database as the
  other meta tags.
#516662 by KiamLaLuno: "collapsed" property should not always be set to TRUE.
#518342 by KiamLaLuno: The module doesn't output all the meta tags.
#509802 by KiamLaLuno: Allow multiple values per meta tag.
#516518 by KiamLaLuno: _nodewords_get_possible_tags(TRUE) is not returning the
  list of meta tags.
#516506 by KiamLaLuno: Invalid argument supplied for foreach().
#516500 by KiamLaLuno: Missing argument for
#515836 by KiamLaLuno: Error while saving the front page meta tags.
#515180 by KiamLaLuno: Use different Drupal variables for the settings.
#510424 by KiamLaLuno: array_key_exists() argument error.
#509910 by KiamLaLuno: Remove the option for the meta tags that can be edited.
#509836 by KiamLaLuno: Add additional checks for the user permissions.
#509826 by KiamLaLuno: The global meta tags field set is shown on the bottom of
  the form.
#313057 by KiamLaLuno: Support for PICS meta tags.
#354821 by KiamLaLuno: Use existing node location from location module for
  GeoURL/ICBM Meta Tag.
#508922 by KiamLaLuno: Global meta tags values should be the default values
  used when the module cannot use a specific value.
#508894 by KiamLaLuno: Allow the user to edit the global value for each meta
#300180 by KiamLaLuno: Add permissions to edit each meta tag.
#507798 by KiamLaLuno: Use node_teaser().
#507514 by Support for NOOPD, and NOYDIR.
#506640 by The module handles paths that are not used by
#492728 by Meta tags field set is show in each tab present in
  the editing form for the user profile.
#506474 by Island Usurper: Replace nodewords_init() with
#374049 by Add a default value for the node canonical URL.
#497580 by Settings page doesn't list any meta tag.
#495352 by Change the default for 'use the node teaser for the
  description meta tag' to FALSE, and add a warning.
#494398 by Wrong call to drupal_alter().
#374049 by Add the support for <link rel="canonical">.
#478990 by Add the support for more meta tags setting fields.
#253324 by Add the support for the NOARCHIVE option for the
  robots meta tag.
#478988 by Robrecht Jacques, Change the way the list of
  supported meta tags is created.
#395460 by Create, and from
#476602 by Robrecht Jacques, Informations about meta tags
  should come only from the .inc files.
#393844 by SeroSero: Convert &amp; to & in _nodewords_check_content().
#178307 by deviantintegral,, Handling of
  ALT attributes.
#216262 by mrfelton, Meta tags are not added to all the views.
By Replaced multiple call to arg(NN) with a single call to
#428356 by lastnico, Poll results page has not meta tags.
#445464 by Add the option to disable the meta tags editing for
#428348 by lastnico: Allow hook_nodewords() to override existing tags.
#388516 by psynaptic, clarkburbidge: Default to collapsed fieldset on form
#474766 by Optimize the code.

Nodewords 6.x-1.0, 2009-02-07
First full release.


View source
  1. Nodewords 6.x-2.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx
  2. ---------------------------------
  3. By DamienMcKenna: Cleaned up the CHANGELOG.txt file.
  4. Nodewords 6.x-2.0-alpha1, 2011-05-03
  5. ------------------------------------
  6. Issue #986832: Disable watchdog messages by default when meta tags are saved.
  7. Issue #1126642 by AlexisWilke, Dave Reid: Skip meta tag output on
  8. administration pages.
  9. Issue #962884: Added message about not having any meta tags enabled on admin
  10. pages.
  11. Issue #984346 by Dave Reid: Remove the search customization options and cleanup
  12. the admin UI.
  13. Issue #1115224 by catch, Dave Reid: Removed call to file_scan_directory() from
  14. _nodewords_load_hook_files() for performance.
  15. Issue #1058536 by Methos76, DamienMcKenna: Fixed incorrectly named variable.
  16. By DamienMcKenna: recovered additional missing CHANGELOG.txt notices.
  17. By DamienMcKenna: cleaned up the CHANGELOG.txt to make it more readable (all
  18. changes since January 1st, 2010).
  19. #986722 by nibblebot: Fixed variable names do not match their respective form
  20. element keys.
  21. #974920 by jaydub: Fixed node_load() call not able to retrieve node from
  22. internal static cache.
  23. #948958 follow-up by Dave Reid: Fixed not all tokens displayed on default meta
  24. tags form.
  25. #911204 by Dave Reid | jasonabc: Standardized the taxonomy term and vocabulary
  26. meta tag editing fieldset.
  27. #960482 by Dave Reid, hles: Fixed dublin core date field does not perform token
  28. replacement.
  29. by Dave Reid: Fixed nodewords_replace_tokens() may not perform correctly with
  31. by Dave Reid: Fixed nodewords_replace_tokens() may not perform correctly with
  33. #781440: follow-up by Dave Reid: Cleaned up token and page context handling
  34. code.
  35. By Dave Reid: Fixed bug in _nodewords_taxonomy_object_load() when loading
  36. vocabularies.
  37. #948958 by Dave Reid: Cleaned up token API and related code.
  38. #781440 by Dave Reid: resolved PHP notices from previous commit.
  39. #958192 by Dave Reid: Fixed no message returned from
  40. nodewords_extra_update_6106().
  41. #958192 by Dave Reid: Fixed the nodewords_extra_update_last_removed() function
  42. prevented updates from running.
  43. #781440 by Brian294, DamienMcKenna: missing tokens.
  44. #881854 by volocuga, DamienMcKenna: search engine verification tag
  45. added.
  46. #927186 by Dave Reid: Removed redundant ICRA meta tag as the service has been
  47. discontinued.
  48. #823982 by Dave Reid, xjm, gilgabar: Added an 'edit meta tags' permission so
  49. that not everyone can edit meta tags on node or user edit forms.
  50. #893762 by Dave Reid, andrewsuth: Fixed missing index on
  51. {nodewords_custom}.enabled, database selection queries, and non 0/1 enabled
  52. values.
  53. By Dave Reid: Fixing code cleanups.
  54. By Dave Reid: Removed silly variables that made code harder to read.
  55. #929082 by Dave Reid, mikeytown2: Fixed useless function
  56. _nodewords_get_tags_data_query().
  57. #835172 by AlexisWilke, Dave Reid; Summit, powery: Fixed robots meta tag
  58. defaulted to noindex,nofollow when saving meta tags.
  59. #588716 by aether, kiamlaluno, hass: Use drupal_set_html_head() rather than
  60. directly altering the head variable in nodewords_preprocess_page().
  61. #939708 by AlexisWilke: Ensure WYSIWYG does not try to open on textarea fields.
  62. #905614 by AlexisWilke | eule: Fixed update error with missing third parameter
  63. with preg_match_all().
  64. #866226 by nasa51: Fixed PHP notice in _nodewords_ui_get_node_metatags_type()
  65. when creating a new node.
  66. #848088 by Gomez_in_the_South: Error in nodewords_basic.install.
  67. #774944 by kiam: Custom pages meta tags do not work.
  68. #820576 by kiam: "textarea" for Keywords.
  69. #816426 by melon: Basic meta tags module fails updating prefixed table.
  70. #813606 by kiam: Support for Alexa verification tag.
  71. #753702 by ayalon, kiam: Some meta tags are not output.
  72. #810880 by highrockmedia: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';'.
  73. #810078 by yettyn, charlie836: Syntax error.
  74. #775446 by kiam: Use again tokens for the meta tag DC.DATE.
  75. #797292 by juankvillegas: hook_taxonomy($op, $type, $array = NULL).
  76. #782792 by locomo: Meta tags fieldset is missing when editing user account.
  77. #791866 by kiam: Credits.
  78. #785654 by snorkers, kiam: Commas missing in ROBOTS tag for previously created
  79. nodes.
  80. #791188 by kiam: Error message when installing custom pages.
  81. #786270 by kiam: The default value for the meta tag ROBOTS is not used.
  82. #776086 by kiam: White spaces in description token.
  83. #775446 by kiam: Meta tag DC.DATE doesn't verify the entered value.
  84. Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta9, 2010-04-18
  85. ------------------------------------
  86. #774350 by kiam: Fatal error: Call to undefined function nodewords_check_api().
  87. #753702 by kiam: Location is not shown.
  88. #708530 by kiam: Description & Keywords for taxonomy terms aren't getting
  89. saved.
  90. #660746 by kiam: Robots tag not displayed, but on .
  91. By kiam: Corrected the descriptions given for two fieldsets.
  92. By kiam: Changed the identifier for the messages passed to watchdog().
  93. #774350 by kiam: Fatal error: Call to undefined function
  94. nodewords_check_api_version().
  95. By kiam: Corrected the API version number.
  96. Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta8, 2010-04-17
  97. ------------------------------------
  98. By kiam: Removed extra characters.
  99. By kiam: Corrected the reference to a mistyped constant.
  100. Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta7, 2010-04-17
  101. ------------------------------------
  102. By kiam: Corrected the return value of nodewords_admin_update_6100().
  103. Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta6, 2010-04-17
  104. ------------------------------------
  105. By kiam: Updated the installation files.
  106. Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta5, 2010-04-17
  107. ------------------------------------
  108. #660746 by kiam: Robots tag not displayed, but on .
  109. #708530 by kiam: Description & Keywords for taxonomy terms aren't getting
  110. saved.
  111. #753702 by kiam: Location is not shown.
  112. #772474 by kiam: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /sites/all/modules/nodewords/nodewords_ui/nodewords_ui.module.
  113. #771226 by kiam: README.txt contains outdated information.
  114. #767764 by kiam: Token for the front page URL should return the base URL.
  115. #767760 by kiam: Can't delete meta tags for custom pages.
  116. #767612 by TravisCarden: The link in the post-installation message is not
  117. correct.
  118. #767492 by kiam: Token is not replaced for custom pages.
  119. #767190 by kiam: Token [metatags-url-alias] does not return the path alias.
  120. #767406 by yettyn: Warning - Cannot modify header information.
  121. #665042 by kiam: If the front page is a node, meta tags fieldset should not be
  122. shown for the node.
  123. #761690 by kiam: Syntax error on line 13.
  124. #760588 by kiam: Database error after installation.
  125. #691852 by kiam: Meta tags are sometime output multiple times.
  126. #748958 by kiam: Default and specific tags are not saved.
  127. #748828 by kiam: update error | nodewords_basic.install.
  128. #748846 by kiam: Parse error on nodewords_tokens.module.
  129. Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta4, 2010-03-21
  130. ------------------------------------
  131. #706630 by kiam: Implement the hooks necessary to add more tokens.
  132. #735148 by kiam: Variables not deleted after uninstall.
  133. #740520 by kiam: Change the form field for meta tags ROBOTS.
  134. #630184 by kiam: Remove verification tag checkboxes for "edit forms" since they
  135. ONLY appear on the front page.
  136. #644102 by kiam: Re-organize the sub-modules.
  137. #696652 by kiam: Meta tags that are generated should not be shown in the
  138. editing form.
  139. #696650 by kiam: Change the settings fields for the meta tags generation.
  140. #731664 by kiam: Put the settings to enable the meta tags, and to select the
  141. meta tags to output in the same fieldset.
  142. #672262 by Lars Pohlmann: Meta tags for "other pages" are not used.
  143. #698582 by jenlampton: Meta tags form fields are missing when adding a new
  144. taxonomy term.
  145. #721642 by AlexisWilke: PostgreSQL update.
  146. #717892 by maximpodorov: Parameter 2 to nodewords_form_alter() expected to be a
  147. reference, value given.
  148. Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta3, 2010-02-17
  149. ------------------------------------
  150. #715170 by kiamlaluno: Warning: "Unknown column 'n.0' in 'where clause' query"
  151. during search indexing.
  152. #707722 by zxs: Custom regexp does't filter node teaser.
  153. #705128 by kiamlaluno: Improper check for node form generates PHP warning.
  154. #701248 by kiamlaluno: Show a message after the module is installed.
  155. #699904 by kiamlaluno: Change the module description.
  156. #698956 by kiamlaluno: Change the message reported from hook_reports().
  157. #695322 by kiamlaluno: Nodewords keeps logging error on the database.
  158. #690304 by kiamlaluno: It is not possible to set the value for the meta tag
  159. PICS-LABEL to use in the front page.
  160. Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta2, 2010-01-11
  161. ------------------------------------
  162. #668446 by kiamlaluno: Change the options to allow setting keywords that are
  163. put before, and after all the others.
  164. Nodewords 6.x-1.12-beta1, 2010-01-11
  165. ------------------------------------
  166. #668446 by kiamlaluno: Change the options to allow setting keywords that are
  167. put before, and after all the others.
  168. #681080 by kiamlaluno: Update function changes the field id into a smallint.
  169. #672068 by suvisor, kiamlaluno: Update fails passing from 6.x-1.3 to 6.x-1.11.
  170. #679466 by kiamlaluno: Update from Nodewords 6.x-1.3-alpha2 to 6.x-1.11 fails
  171. because of Update #6151.
  172. #675110 by kiamlaluno: Add '#wysiwyg' => FALSE to textareas.
  173. #675920 by kiamlaluno: Bad rewriting of the $variables['head'] in
  174. hook_preprocess_page().
  175. #673624 by kiamlaluno: Node meta tag description does not correctly work.
  176. #673214 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags for other pages are not correctly loaded from
  177. the database.
  178. #672976 by kiamlaluno: Syntax error on line 322.
  179. #672096 by Summit, kiamlaluno: Meta tags are not saved for taxomony terms or
  180. vocabularies.
  181. #672346 by kiamlaluno: Remove the settings that have an equivalent setting for
  182. content types.
  183. #672262 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags for "other pages" are not used.
  184. #672072 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag content generation always use the node body
  185. content.
  186. #671926 by kiamlaluno: Node operations are probably not compatible with VBO.
  187. Nodewords 6.x-1.11, 2009-12-31
  188. ------------------------------
  189. By kiamlaluno: Updated the documentation files, and the documentation comments.
  190. By kiamlaluno: Removed the code that automatically enabled
  191. nodewords_basic.module.
  192. By kiamlaluno: Merged nodewords_update_6166(), and nodewords_update_6167().
  193. By kiamlaluno: Changed the code to use an integer value where it was using an
  194. empty string.
  195. By kiamlaluno: Updated hook_node_type().
  196. #671128 by kiamlaluno: Bing authentication failure.
  197. #669896 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag DESCRIPTION content is not correctly shown.
  198. #670342 by kiamlaluno: Special pages settings are not deleted.
  199. Nodewords 6.x-1.10, 2009-12-29
  200. ------------------------------
  201. #669728 by kiamlaluno: Option "Auto-keywords vocabularies" is not used when
  202. node meta tags editing is not enabled.
  203. #669684 by kiamlaluno: Change the code that verify if there are modules
  204. implementing meta tags for the current API version.
  205. #668804 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags content for specific pages are wrongly saved.
  206. #669272 by kiamlaluno: "There are no modules that implement meta tags" message.
  207. #667636 by kiamlaluno: Pull Description from body if metatag field and teaser
  208. are both empty.
  209. By kiamlaluno: Changed the comment used for hook implementations; removed the
  210. comments placed between different type of functions.
  211. By kiamlaluno: Updated nodewords.api.php.
  212. By kiamlaluno: Remove a not used parameter from the query executed by
  213. nodewords_update_6161().
  214. By kiamlaluno: Changed some messages returned from the update functions.
  215. By kiamlaluno: Fixed a typo; made the user interface more consistent.
  216. Nodewords 6.x-1.9, 2009-12-24
  217. -----------------------------
  218. #660136 by beeradb: Canonical URL does not allow to use äöü.
  219. #659814 by kiamlaluno: The table shown in the other pages settings doesn't have
  220. the rows draggable anymore.
  221. #651898 by kiamlaluno: {nodewords_custom}.path is copied in {nodewords}.id.
  222. By gbernier: Changed the permission the user must have to be able to edit all
  223. the meta tags, even the ones that are not selected to be shown in the edit
  224. forms.
  225. By kiamlaluno: Corrected the way the location meta tags are generated.
  226. By kiamlaluno: Follow-up to the fix for #654206.
  227. By kiamlaluno: Added the code to set a Drupal variable used in branch 6.x-3 to
  228. verify from which 6.x-1 version the module is being updated; removed Drupal
  229. variables not used anymore.
  230. By kiamlaluno: Changed the code to validate the base URL; the code doesn't
  231. accept a base URL that contains just slashes.
  232. #658630 by kiamlaluno: Generated canonical URL is not correct.
  233. #650362 by ao2: Canonical URL doesn't use the path alias (and URL is relative
  234. when base_url is empty).
  235. Nodewords 6.x-1.8, 2009-12-10
  236. -----------------------------
  237. By kiamlaluno: Fixed a problem with the meta tags form fields not being shown
  238. for users without administration permissions.
  239. By kiamlaluno: Corrected the function nodewords_extra_location_prepare(), which
  240. was outputting the wrong meta tag content.
  241. By kiamlaluno: Changed nodewords_update_6156() to not alter the values that has
  242. been already serialized.
  243. By kiamlaluno: Rewritten nodewords_update_6156() to avoid problems in some
  244. cases.
  245. #655012 by Dave Reid: Update vertical_tabs integration.
  246. By kiamlaluno: Changed a string used in the user interface.
  247. Nodewords 6.x-1.7, 2009-12-08
  248. -----------------------------
  249. #653696 by kiamlaluno: Users with administration permissions should always be
  250. able to edit the meta tags content.
  251. By kiamlaluno: Removed a fieldset that was used from the meta tag PICS-LABEL.
  252. by kiamlaluno: Fixed the previous commit which was incorrectly saving the meta
  253. tag ROBOTS content.
  254. Nodewords 6.x-1.6, 2009-12-07
  255. -----------------------------
  256. #653812 by kiamamluno: Change the way the meta tags content is saved in the
  257. database.
  258. #651896 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag ROBOTS for lists is not used.
  259. #652210 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag SCHEMA.DC is always output.
  260. #651208 by kiamlaluno: Error while updating.
  261. #650790 by kiamlaluno: Prepopulation of nodewords on translated nodes.
  262. #650718 by fenstrat: Auto meta description generation: third-party modules
  263. filter regex is broken.
  264. By kiamlaluno: Updated nodewords.api.php to include the description of
  265. hook_nodewords_tags_alter().
  266. Nodewords 6.x-1.5, 2009-12-03
  267. -----------------------------
  268. By kiamlaluno: Fixed a problem with the files not being correctly tagged.
  269. Nodewords 6.x-1.4, 2009-12-03
  270. -----------------------------
  271. #650362 by kiamlaluno: Canonical URL doesn't use the path alias.
  272. #650164 by a02: Code incorrectly uses the revision ID instead of the node ID.
  273. #649748 by kiamlaluno: Correct the implementation of hook_form_alter().
  274. Nodewords 6.x-1.3, 2009-12-02
  275. -----------------------------
  276. (truncated, includes all of the beta & alpha releases)
  277. By KiamLaLuno: Added a call to trim() for the meta tags content.
  278. #646964 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag DC.CREATOR always uses the Drupal username.
  279. #648414 by kiamlaluno: Error while accessing the property of a not object, and
  280. an undefined variable.
  281. #647356 by kiamlaluno: Wrong implementation of hook_theme().
  282. #646996 by kiamlaluno: Hook implemented in nodewords_extra.module doesn't have
  283. the correct name.
  284. #646966 by kiamlaluno: nodewords_pages_edit_validate() reports the error for
  285. the wrong form field.
  286. #646710 by kiamlaluno: Incorrect database schema when updating from a previous
  287. version.
  288. #646656 by kiamlaluno: When there are no vocabularies, the option for the meta
  289. tag KEYWORDS to populate it with taxonomy terms doesn't appear.
  290. #640716 by ilo, kiamlaluno: Admin settings when no tags module is enabled.
  291. #628868 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags content is not indexed from the search module.
  292. #640906 by ilo: Readme.txt file is completely outdated.
  293. #640278 by KiamLaLuno: Change the order the settings for other pages are used.
  294. #639392 by KiamLaLuno: Wildcards not working in "Other Pages".
  295. #638962 by KiamLaLuno: Unsupported operand types.
  296. #637396 by maximpodorov: Meta tags don't appear because a bug in the function
  297. that detects the page being viewed.
  298. #636798 by KiamLaLuno: Re-add the call to drupal_alter('nodewords_tags').
  299. #636978 by KiamLaLuno: Ubercart catalog page support.
  300. #635386 by KiamLaLuno: Add more options to filter the text present in the node
  301. teaser used as meta tag content.
  302. #634174 by KiamLaLuno: Updating from 6100 to 6113 fails under PostgreSQL.
  303. #634106 by KiamLaLuno: Strip the text added by Image Browser.
  304. #632856 by dkruglyak: Error with version_compare().
  305. #620408 by KiamLaLuno: Default value assigned to a parameter passed by
  306. reference.
  307. #556014 by KiamLaLuno: Allow third-party modules to help in detecting the type
  308. of the page shown.
  309. #629588 by KiamLaLuno: User profile meta tags are output even when they are not
  310. enabled.
  311. #629564 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tags are not properly filtered.
  312. #628868 by 63reasons-YP, KiamLaLuno: nodewords_nodeapi('update index') is
  313. bugged.
  314. #625816 by KiamLaLuno: Strip Image_Assist filter tags from description when set
  315. automatically from teaser.
  316. #626964 by KiamLaLuno: Merge nodewords - vertical tabs into main module.
  317. #626310 by Dave Reid: Undefined index: value in nodewords_basic.module.
  318. #626180 by KiamLaLuno: Form field is not included in the right fieldset.
  319. #626162 by KiamLaLuno: Integration with Vertical tabs.
  320. #625054 by KiamLaLuno: .
  321. #624696 by Dmitriy.trt: Broken message for nodewords_bypath.
  322. #623952 by KiamLaLuno: Automatically use node teaser for meta tag description
  323. if the meta tag DESCRIPTION form field is left empty.
  324. #623962 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tag description from teaser does not work together
  325. with excerpt module.
  326. #622404 by KiamLaLuno: The meta tags are not shown for a page using the pager.
  327. #619846 by KiamLaLuno: Define base URL for canonical URLs.
  328. #617600 by KiamLaLuno: Missing a way to add pages to 'other pages' setting.
  329. #618576 by KiamLaLuno: Invalid argument supplied for foreach.
  330. #616394 by KiamLaLuno: Upgrade from D5 ends with disabled nodewords module, but
  331. enabled submodules.
  332. #613376 by hass, KiamLaLuno: How to downgrade broken nodewords 1.1+ to 1.0 for
  333. a smooth upgrade to 1.3.
  334. #601436 by KiamLaLuno: When the option "Repeat meta tags for lists" is not
  335. selected, the canonical URL is not used.
  336. #613350 by KiamLaLuno: Rename the tab "Global and default meta tags".
  337. #610458 by hass, KiamLaLuno: Extend default max meta description length to 350
  338. characters.
  339. #613360 by KiamLaLuno: Remove backup table "nodewords_10".
  340. #613410 by KiamLaLuno: Code wrongly uses Drupal variables
  341. nodewords_basic_user_teaser_$content_type.
  342. #612976 by KiamLaLuno: "edit" and "head" array is not upgraded (settings lost).
  343. #612978 by KiamLaLuno: Setting "Use the node teaser if the description meta tag
  344. is not set" lost after upgrade (setting lost).
  345. #612210 by KiamLaLuno: Global settings not shown on settings page.
  346. #587070 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tags form fields are always shown in the
  347. administration pages even if they are not selected to appear in the edit
  348. forms.
  349. #611686 by KiamLaLuno: Add the support for
  350. .
  351. #611042 by KiamLaLuno: Global geourl is lost after upgrade (data loss).
  352. #591538 by hass, KiamLaLuno: Upgrade path for new submodule names is broken.
  353. #604160 by KiamLaLuno: Call to undefined function drupal_get_install_files() in
  354. nodewords.module line 1084.
  355. #588946 by nonsie: Unable to edit the node meta tags unless the user has
  356. permission "administer nodes".
  357. #603530 by KiamLaLuno: Error while uninstalling the modules.
  358. By KiamLaLuno: Allow to use a different set of meta tags for the pager pages.
  359. #600756 by KiamLaLuno: Change the tab title from "Global meta tags" to "Global
  360. and default meta tags".
  361. #600460 by KiamLaLuno: Upgrade path for robots tag is missing (data loss).
  362. #591538 by KiamLaLuno: Upgrade path for new submodule names is broken.
  363. #600462 by KiamLaLuno: Upgrade path for global nodeword settings is missing.
  364. #591524 by KiamLaLuno: Caching issues are still present.
  365. #600464 by KiamLaLuno: Code is suppressing errors in many places of install
  366. files.
  367. #600468 by KiamLaLuno: Uninstall in nodewords_basic delete wrong variables from
  368. variables table.
  369. #595734 by KiamLaLuno: Dash in variable names.
  370. #591538 by KiamLaLuno: Submodule names not prefixed with base module name.
  371. #593148 by andypost, KiamLaLuno: array_filter() error.
  372. #587260 by KiamLaLuno: Errors when upgrading from 6.x.1.0 to 6.x.1.2.
  373. #591706 by andypost: Wrong Google site verification meta tag.
  374. #587152 by KiamLaLuno: colspan counter wrong.
  375. #588716 by hass, KiamLaLuno: Use drupal_set_html_head() for $variables['head'].
  376. #590474 by KiamLaLuno: Permission strings are not translatable.
  377. #590222 by KiamLaLuno: Implement hook_node_type().
  378. #588716 by KiamLaLuno: Use drupal_set_html_head() for $variables['head'].
  379. #590054 by KiamLaLuno: Small typo.
  380. #587046 by KiamLaLuno: update.php may fail on big sites for PHP timeout and/or
  381. memory reasons.
  382. #589814 by KiamLaLuno: Invalid argument supplied for foreach in
  383. nodewords.module at line 385.
  384. #588946 by KiamLaLuno: Unable to edit the node meta tags unless the user has
  385. permission "administer nodes".
  386. #586448 by KiamLaLuno: Allow to set a default value for the location meta tags
  387. as it was allowed before.
  388. #588462 by KiamLaLuno: Add an option to disable the meta tags for specific
  389. content types.
  390. #587744 by KiamLaLuno: Auto description from node teaser: the maximum length is
  391. not respected.
  392. #588620 by KiamLaLuno: Code shows only the first character of the meta tag
  393. content.
  394. #587248 by mikeytown2, KiamLaLuno: Meta tags content is not correctly encoded/
  395. filtered.
  396. #588156 by hass: Translatable string review.
  397. #587514 by KiamLaLuno: Reintroduce the global keywords as in the previous
  398. version of the module.
  399. #587710 by KiamLaLuno: Auto description from node teaser: when the attribute
  400. alt is empty, the tag img is replaced by [].
  401. #587108 by KiamLaLuno: nodewords_unique() should not change text to lower case.
  402. #587120 by KiamLaLuno: Rename menu item 'Nodewords' to 'Meta tags'.
  403. #587656 by KiamLaLuno: Remove the call to drupal_alter('nodewords_tags').
  404. #584720 by KiamLaLuno: Allow the meta tag "Description" to be generated from
  405. the node teaser.
  406. #587060 by KiamLaLuno: Remove the settings for the offline site.
  407. #560022 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tags "Revisit after" and "Robots" are not output.
  408. #586434 by KiamLaLuno: Implement hook_requirements().
  409. #585358 by plj, KiamLaLuno: SQL queries contain {{.
  410. #586168 by KiamLaLuno: The "noodp" robots meta tag is misspelled.
  411. Nodewords 6.x-1.2, 2009-09-23
  412. -----------------------------
  413. By KiamLaLuno: Fixed the code that was trying to access a not existing array
  414. index.
  415. Nodewords 6.x-1.1, 2009-09-23
  416. -----------------------------
  417. #585908 by KiamLaLuno: Add the documentation on how to add custom meta tags
  418. through extra_metatags.module.
  419. #587084 by KiamLaLuno: Typo in "lenght".
  420. #584810 by KiamLaLuno: Use db_rewrite_sql() when getting a taxonomy term.
  421. #584720 by KiamLaLuno: Remove the possibility to generate the meta tag
  422. "Description" from the node teaser.
  423. #558622 by KiamLaLuno: Change the way the module checks if a module is
  424. supporting the current API version.
  425. #558192 by KiamLaLuno: Cache the meta tags definition data obtained from third-
  426. party modules.
  427. #573192 by KiamLaLuno: SQL errors on module install.
  428. #556240 by KiamLaLuno: Wrong implementations of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
  429. #556094 by AlexisWilke, KiamLaLuno: Document the argument for
  430. _nodewords_get_pages_data().
  431. #556278 by KiamLaLuno: Undefined offset: 1.
  432. #542078: Integration with CheckAll.
  433. #518140 by KiamLaLuno: Add the support for node / user bulk operations.
  434. #236833 by KiamLaLuno: Add more settings pages for the global meta tags.
  435. #547956 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tag keywords doesn't show any keywords in the page
  436. output.
  437. #546968 by KiamLaLuno: Nothing is saved in database.
  438. #546806 by jcmarco: Missing semicolon.
  439. #546314 by jcmarco: Syntax error in SQL query.
  440. #545102 by jcmarco: Site verification tags are not added.
  441. #542688 by KiamLaLuno: Error in the table name.
  442. #542074 by KiamLaLuno: Add a page for the error pages meta tags.
  443. #537984 by manarth: Integrate with CCK content-type forms.
  444. #535100 by KiamLaLuno: Validation function uses incorrect values for the
  445. longitude.
  446. #523536 by KiamLaLuno: Sort the meta tags fields shown in the edit page.
  447. #526796 by KiamLaLuno: Update function calls update_sql() without to first
  448. escape the strings passed to the function.
  449. #524570 by KiamLaLuno: Add support for NOSNIPPET.
  450. #523948 by KiamLaLuno: Unchecking all robots meta tag options the meta tag is
  451. not output.
  452. #523526 by KiamLaLuno: Split nodewords.module into nodewords.module,
  453. basic_metatags.module, and extra_metatags.module.
  454. #522992 by KiamLaLuno: Create a sub-module for the site verification meta tags.
  455. #523272 by KiamLaLuno: Problems setting meta tags configuration up.
  456. #296963 by KiamLaLuno: Support for site verification meta tag.
  457. #521794 by KiamLaLuno: Call to undefined function nodewords_add_html_head()
  458. while accessing a view generated page.
  459. #517480 by KiamLaLuno: Add the validation code for the meta tag form fields.
  460. By KiamLaLuno: Reverted the changes made with #509910.
  461. #517464 by KiamLaLuno: Reorganize the settings page.
  462. #518146 by KiamLaLuno: Rename "Global meta tags" as "Default meta tags".
  463. #510200 by KiamLaLuno: Global meta tags should be saved in the database as the
  464. other meta tags.
  465. #516662 by KiamLaLuno: "collapsed" property should not always be set to TRUE.
  466. #518342 by KiamLaLuno: The module doesn't output all the meta tags.
  467. #509802 by KiamLaLuno: Allow multiple values per meta tag.
  468. #516518 by KiamLaLuno: _nodewords_get_possible_tags(TRUE) is not returning the
  469. list of meta tags.
  470. #516506 by KiamLaLuno: Invalid argument supplied for foreach().
  471. #516500 by KiamLaLuno: Missing argument for
  472. nodewords_nodewords_tags_list_alter().
  473. #515836 by KiamLaLuno: Error while saving the front page meta tags.
  474. #515180 by KiamLaLuno: Use different Drupal variables for the settings.
  475. #510424 by KiamLaLuno: array_key_exists() argument error.
  476. #509910 by KiamLaLuno: Remove the option for the meta tags that can be edited.
  477. #509836 by KiamLaLuno: Add additional checks for the user permissions.
  478. #509826 by KiamLaLuno: The global meta tags field set is shown on the bottom of
  479. the form.
  480. #313057 by KiamLaLuno: Support for PICS meta tags.
  481. #354821 by KiamLaLuno: Use existing node location from location module for
  482. GeoURL/ICBM Meta Tag.
  483. #508922 by KiamLaLuno: Global meta tags values should be the default values
  484. used when the module cannot use a specific value.
  485. #508894 by KiamLaLuno: Allow the user to edit the global value for each meta
  486. tag.
  487. #300180 by KiamLaLuno: Add permissions to edit each meta tag.
  488. #507798 by KiamLaLuno: Use node_teaser().
  489. #507514 by Support for NOOPD, and NOYDIR.
  490. #506640 by The module handles paths that are not used by
  491. Drupal.
  492. #492728 by Meta tags field set is show in each tab present in
  493. the editing form for the user profile.
  494. #506474 by Island Usurper: Replace nodewords_init() with
  495. nodewords_preprocess_page().
  496. #374049 by Add a default value for the node canonical URL.
  497. #497580 by Settings page doesn't list any meta tag.
  498. #495352 by Change the default for 'use the node teaser for the
  499. description meta tag' to FALSE, and add a warning.
  500. #494398 by Wrong call to drupal_alter().
  501. #374049 by Add the support for .
  502. #478990 by Add the support for more meta tags setting fields.
  503. #253324 by Add the support for the NOARCHIVE option for the
  504. robots meta tag.
  505. #478988 by Robrecht Jacques, Change the way the list of
  506. supported meta tags is created.
  507. #395460 by Create, and from
  509. #476602 by Robrecht Jacques, Informations about meta tags
  510. should come only from the .inc files.
  511. #393844 by SeroSero: Convert & to & in _nodewords_check_content().
  512. #178307 by deviantintegral,, Handling of
  513. ALT attributes.
  514. #216262 by mrfelton, Meta tags are not added to all the views.
  515. By Replaced multiple call to arg(NN) with a single call to
  516. arg().
  517. #428356 by lastnico, Poll results page has not meta tags.
  518. #445464 by Add the option to disable the meta tags editing for
  519. users.
  520. #428348 by lastnico: Allow hook_nodewords() to override existing tags.
  521. #388516 by psynaptic, clarkburbidge: Default to collapsed fieldset on form
  522. pages.
  523. #474766 by Optimize the code.
  524. Nodewords 6.x-1.0, 2009-02-07
  525. -----------------------------
  526. First full release.