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CHANGELOG.txt in Nodewords: D6 Meta Tags 6.3

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  1. 6 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 6.2 CHANGELOG.txt
# All the dates reported here are referred to UTC.

#820576 by kiam: "textarea" for Keywords.

#753702 by ayalon, kiam: Some meta tags are not output.

#810880 by highrockmedia: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';'.
#810078 by yettyn, charlie836: Syntax error.

#797292 by juankvillegas: hook_taxonomy($op, $type, $array = NULL).

#782792 by locomo: Meta tags fieldset is missing when editing user account.

#791866 by kiam: Credits.

#785654 by snorkers, kiam: Commas missing in ROBOTS tag for previously created nodes.

#786270 by kiam: The default value for the meta tag ROBOTS is not used.

#774350 by kiam: Fatal error: Call to undefined function nodewords_check_version_api().

#660746 by kiam: Robots tag not displayed, but on <front>.
#708530 by kiam: Description & Keywords for taxonomy terms aren't getting saved.
#753702 by kiam: Location is not shown.
#772474 by kiam: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /sites/all/modules/nodewords/nodewords_ui/nodewords_ui.module.

#130389 by kiam: Translatable meta tags content.
#771226 by kiam: README.txt contains outdated information.

#676342 by kiam: Allow the meta tags handlers to return an array from <metatag>_prepare().

#767760 by kiam: Can't delete meta tags for custom pages.
#767612 by TravisCarden: The link in the post-installation message is not correct.

#767492 by kiam: Token is not replaced for custom pages.

#665042 by kiam: If the front page is a node, meta tags fieldset should not be shown for the node.

#760588 by kiam: Database error after installation.

#758792 by kiam: Wrongly named functions.

#691852 by kiam: Meta tags are sometime output multiple times.

#748958 by kiam: Default and specific tags are not saved.

#748846 by kiam: Parse error on nodewords_tokens.module.

#706630 by kiam: Implement the hooks necessary to add more tokens.
#735148 by kiam: Variables not deleted after uninstall.

#740520 by kiam: Change the form field for meta tags ROBOTS.

#630184 by kiam: Remove verification tag checkboxes for "edit forms" since they ONLY appear on the front page.
#644102 by kiam: Re-organize the sub-modules.
#696652 by kiam: Meta tags that are generated should not be shown in the editing form.
#696650 by kiam: Change the settings fields for the meta tags generation.

#731664 by kiam: Put the settings to enable the meta tags, and to select the meta tags to output in the same fieldset.

#672262 by Lars Pohlmann: Meta tags for "other pages" are not used.

#698582 by jenlampton: Meta tags form fields are missing when adding a new taxonomy term.

#675920 by kiamlaluno: Bad rewriting of the $variables['head'] in hook_preprocess_page().
#675110 by kiamlaluno: Add '#wysiwyg' => FALSE to textareas.
#699904 by kiamlaluno: Change the module description.
#717892 by maximpodorov: Parameter 2 to nodewords_form_alter() expected to be a reference, value given.

#705128 by kiamlaluno: Improper check for node form generates PHP warning.

#701248 by kiamlaluno: Show a message after the module is installed.

#699904 by kiamlaluno: Change the module description.

#698956 by kiamlaluno: Change the message reported from hook_reports().

#671128 by kiamlaluno: Bing authentication failure.

#669728 by kiamlaluno: Option "Auto-keywords vocabularies" is not used when node meta tags editing is not enabled.

#660136 by beeradb: Canonical URL does not allow to use äöü.

#656076 by kiamlaluno: Make the setting "Base URL" more generic.
#659904 by kiamlaluno: Remove the settings for the tracker pages.

#651898 by kiamlaluno: {nodewords_custom}.path is copied in {nodewords}.id.

#658630 by kiamlaluno: Generated canonical URL is not correct.

#650750 by kiamlaluno: Default changes don't reflect on already created nodes.
#655012 by Dave Reid: Update vertical_tabs integration.

#653812 by kiamamluno: Change the way the meta tags content is saved in the database.

#651896 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag ROBOTS for lists is not used.

#652210 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag SCHEMA.DC is always output.
#650790 by kiamlaluno: Prepopulation of nodewords on translated nodes.

#650718 by fenstrat: Auto meta description generation: third-party modules filter regex is broken.
#650362 by kiamlaluno: Canonical URL doesn't use the path alias.
#649748 by kiamlaluno: Correct the implementation of hook_form_alter().
#644330 by kiamlaluno: Change the user interface.

#648414 by kiamlaluno: Error while accessing the property of a not object, and an undefined variable.

#647356 by kiamlaluno: Wrong implementation of hook_theme().

#640716 by ilo, kiamlaluno: Admin settings when no tags module is enabled.
#628868 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags content is not indexed from the search module.
#640906 by ilo: Readme.txt file is completely outdated.
#646996 by kiamlaluno: Hook implemented in nodewords_extra.module doesn't have the correct name.
#646966 by kiamlaluno: nodewords_pages_edit_validate() reports the error for the wrong form field.
#640278 by KiamLaLuno: Change the order the settings for other pages are used.
#646710 by kiamlaluno: Incorrect database schema when updating from a previous version.
#639392 by KiamLaLuno: Wildcards not working in "Other Pages".
#638962 by KiamLaLuno: Unsupported operand types.
#646656 by kiamlaluno: When there are no vocabularies, the option for the meta tag KEYWORDS to populate it with taxonomy terms doesn't appear.
#637396 by maximpodorov: Meta tags don't appear because a bug in the function that detects the page being viewed.
#636798 by KiamLaLuno: Re-add the call to drupal_alter(nodewords_tags').
#636978 by KiamLaLuno: Ubercart catalog page support.

#635386 by KiamLaLuno: Add more options to filter the text present in the node teaser used as meta tag content.

#632856 by dkruglyak: Error with version_compare().

#629588 by KiamLaLuno: User profile meta tags are output even when they are not enabled.
#629564 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tags are not properly filtered.
#628868 by 63reasons-YP, KiamLaLuno: nodewords_nodeapi('update index') is bugged.

#625816 by KiamLaLuno: Strip Image_Assist filter tags from description when set automatically from teaser.

#626964 by KiamLaLuno: Merge nodewords - vertical tabs into main module.

#626162 by KiamLaLuno: Integration with Vertical tabs.
#626310 by Dave Reid: Undefined index: value in nodewords_basic.module.

#626180 by KiamLaLuno: Form field is not included in the right fieldset.

#625054 by KiamLaLuno: <meta name="robots" content="noindex, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0" />.

#624696 by Dmitriy.trt: Broken message for nodewords_bypath.
#623952 by KiamLaLuno: Automatically use node teaser for meta tag description if the meta tag DESCRIPTION form field is left empty.
#623962 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tag description from teaser does not work together with excerpt module.

#622404 by KiamLaLuno: The meta tags are not shown for a page using the pager.

#619846 by KiamLaLuno: Define base URL for canonical URLs.
#617600 by KiamLaLuno: Missing a way to add pages to 'other pages' setting.

#618576 by KiamLaLuno: Invalid argument supplied for foreach.

#613360 by KiamLaLuno: Remove backup table "nodewords_10".
#601436 by KiamLaLuno: When the option "Repeat meta tags for lists" is not selected, the canonical URL is not used.

#556014 by KiamLaLuno: Allow third-party modules to help in detecting the type of the page shown.
#508496 by KiamLaLuno: Support for tokens.
#613350 by KiamLaLuno: Rename the tab "Global and default meta tags".
#610458 by hass, KiamLaLuno: Extend default max meta description length to 350 characters.
#613410 by KiamLaLuno: Code wrongly uses Drupal variables nodewords_basic_user_teaser_$content_type.


View source
  1. # All the dates reported here are referred to UTC.
  2. 2010-06-03
  3. ----------
  4. #820576 by kiam: "textarea" for Keywords.
  5. 2010-05-28
  6. ----------
  7. #753702 by ayalon, kiam: Some meta tags are not output.
  8. 2010-05-27
  9. ----------
  10. #810880 by highrockmedia: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';'.
  11. #810078 by yettyn, charlie836: Syntax error.
  12. 2010-05-13
  13. ----------
  14. #797292 by juankvillegas: hook_taxonomy($op, $type, $array = NULL).
  15. 2010-05-11
  16. ----------
  17. #782792 by locomo: Meta tags fieldset is missing when editing user account.
  18. 2010-05-07
  19. ----------
  20. #791866 by kiam: Credits.
  21. 2010-05-06
  22. ----------
  23. #785654 by snorkers, kiam: Commas missing in ROBOTS tag for previously created nodes.
  24. 2010-05-05
  25. ----------
  26. #786270 by kiam: The default value for the meta tag ROBOTS is not used.
  27. 2010-04-18
  28. ----------
  29. #774350 by kiam: Fatal error: Call to undefined function nodewords_check_version_api().
  30. 2010-04-17
  31. ----------
  32. #660746 by kiam: Robots tag not displayed, but on .
  33. #708530 by kiam: Description & Keywords for taxonomy terms aren't getting saved.
  34. #753702 by kiam: Location is not shown.
  35. #772474 by kiam: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /sites/all/modules/nodewords/nodewords_ui/nodewords_ui.module.
  36. 2010-04-14
  37. ----------
  38. #130389 by kiam: Translatable meta tags content.
  39. #771226 by kiam: README.txt contains outdated information.
  40. 2010-04-13
  41. ----------
  42. #676342 by kiam: Allow the meta tags handlers to return an array from _prepare().
  43. 2010-04-11
  44. ----------
  45. #767760 by kiam: Can't delete meta tags for custom pages.
  46. #767612 by TravisCarden: The link in the post-installation message is not correct.
  47. 2010-04-10
  48. ----------
  49. #767492 by kiam: Token is not replaced for custom pages.
  50. 2010-04-08
  51. ----------
  52. #665042 by kiam: If the front page is a node, meta tags fieldset should not be shown for the node.
  53. 2010-04-03
  54. ----------
  55. #760588 by kiam: Database error after installation.
  56. 2010-04-01
  57. ----------
  58. #758792 by kiam: Wrongly named functions.
  59. 2010-03-25
  60. ----------
  61. #691852 by kiam: Meta tags are sometime output multiple times.
  62. 2010-03-23
  63. ----------
  64. #748958 by kiam: Default and specific tags are not saved.
  65. 2010-03-22
  66. ----------
  67. #748846 by kiam: Parse error on nodewords_tokens.module.
  68. 2010-03-21
  69. ----------
  70. #706630 by kiam: Implement the hooks necessary to add more tokens.
  71. #735148 by kiam: Variables not deleted after uninstall.
  72. 2010-03-12
  73. ----------
  74. #740520 by kiam: Change the form field for meta tags ROBOTS.
  75. 2010-03-07
  76. ----------
  77. #630184 by kiam: Remove verification tag checkboxes for "edit forms" since they ONLY appear on the front page.
  78. #644102 by kiam: Re-organize the sub-modules.
  79. #696652 by kiam: Meta tags that are generated should not be shown in the editing form.
  80. #696650 by kiam: Change the settings fields for the meta tags generation.
  81. 2010-03-04
  82. ----------
  83. #731664 by kiam: Put the settings to enable the meta tags, and to select the meta tags to output in the same fieldset.
  84. 2010-02-24
  85. ----------
  86. #672262 by Lars Pohlmann: Meta tags for "other pages" are not used.
  87. 2010-02-23
  88. ----------
  89. #698582 by jenlampton: Meta tags form fields are missing when adding a new taxonomy term.
  90. 2010-02-18
  91. ----------
  92. #675920 by kiamlaluno: Bad rewriting of the $variables['head'] in hook_preprocess_page().
  93. #675110 by kiamlaluno: Add '#wysiwyg' => FALSE to textareas.
  94. #699904 by kiamlaluno: Change the module description.
  95. #717892 by maximpodorov: Parameter 2 to nodewords_form_alter() expected to be a reference, value given.
  96. 2010-02-05
  97. ----------
  98. #705128 by kiamlaluno: Improper check for node form generates PHP warning.
  99. 2010-02-01
  100. ----------
  101. #701248 by kiamlaluno: Show a message after the module is installed.
  102. 2010-01-30
  103. ----------
  104. #699904 by kiamlaluno: Change the module description.
  105. 2010-01-29
  106. ----------
  107. #698956 by kiamlaluno: Change the message reported from hook_reports().
  108. 2009-12-31
  109. ----------
  110. #671128 by kiamlaluno: Bing authentication failure.
  111. 2009-12-29
  112. ----------
  113. #669728 by kiamlaluno: Option "Auto-keywords vocabularies" is not used when node meta tags editing is not enabled.
  114. 2009-12-20
  115. ----------
  116. #660136 by beeradb: Canonical URL does not allow to use äöü.
  117. 2009-12-15
  118. ----------
  119. #656076 by kiamlaluno: Make the setting "Base URL" more generic.
  120. #659904 by kiamlaluno: Remove the settings for the tracker pages.
  121. 2009-12-14
  122. ----------
  123. #651898 by kiamlaluno: {nodewords_custom}.path is copied in {nodewords}.id.
  124. 2009-12-13
  125. ----------
  126. #658630 by kiamlaluno: Generated canonical URL is not correct.
  127. 2009-12-11
  128. ----------
  129. #650750 by kiamlaluno: Default changes don't reflect on already created nodes.
  130. #655012 by Dave Reid: Update vertical_tabs integration.
  131. 2009-12-07
  132. ----------
  133. #653812 by kiamamluno: Change the way the meta tags content is saved in the database.
  134. 2009-12-06
  135. ----------
  136. #651896 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag ROBOTS for lists is not used.
  137. 2009-12-05
  138. ----------
  139. #652210 by kiamlaluno: Meta tag SCHEMA.DC is always output.
  140. #650790 by kiamlaluno: Prepopulation of nodewords on translated nodes.
  141. 2009-12-03
  142. ----------
  143. #650718 by fenstrat: Auto meta description generation: third-party modules filter regex is broken.
  144. #650362 by kiamlaluno: Canonical URL doesn't use the path alias.
  145. #649748 by kiamlaluno: Correct the implementation of hook_form_alter().
  146. #644330 by kiamlaluno: Change the user interface.
  147. 2009-12-02
  148. ----------
  149. #648414 by kiamlaluno: Error while accessing the property of a not object, and an undefined variable.
  150. 2009-12-01
  151. ----------
  152. #647356 by kiamlaluno: Wrong implementation of hook_theme().
  153. 2009-11-30
  154. ----------
  155. #640716 by ilo, kiamlaluno: Admin settings when no tags module is enabled.
  156. #628868 by kiamlaluno: Meta tags content is not indexed from the search module.
  157. #640906 by ilo: Readme.txt file is completely outdated.
  158. #646996 by kiamlaluno: Hook implemented in nodewords_extra.module doesn't have the correct name.
  159. #646966 by kiamlaluno: nodewords_pages_edit_validate() reports the error for the wrong form field.
  160. #640278 by KiamLaLuno: Change the order the settings for other pages are used.
  161. #646710 by kiamlaluno: Incorrect database schema when updating from a previous version.
  162. #639392 by KiamLaLuno: Wildcards not working in "Other Pages".
  163. #638962 by KiamLaLuno: Unsupported operand types.
  164. #646656 by kiamlaluno: When there are no vocabularies, the option for the meta tag KEYWORDS to populate it with taxonomy terms doesn't appear.
  165. #637396 by maximpodorov: Meta tags don't appear because a bug in the function that detects the page being viewed.
  166. #636798 by KiamLaLuno: Re-add the call to drupal_alter(nodewords_tags').
  167. #636978 by KiamLaLuno: Ubercart catalog page support.
  168. 2009-11-17
  169. ----------
  170. #635386 by KiamLaLuno: Add more options to filter the text present in the node teaser used as meta tag content.
  171. 2009-11-15
  172. ----------
  173. #632856 by dkruglyak: Error with version_compare().
  174. 2009-11-11
  175. ----------
  176. #629588 by KiamLaLuno: User profile meta tags are output even when they are not enabled.
  177. #629564 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tags are not properly filtered.
  178. #628868 by 63reasons-YP, KiamLaLuno: nodewords_nodeapi('update index') is bugged.
  179. 2009-11-10
  180. ----------
  181. #625816 by KiamLaLuno: Strip Image_Assist filter tags from description when set automatically from teaser.
  182. 2009-11-09
  183. ----------
  184. #626964 by KiamLaLuno: Merge nodewords - vertical tabs into main module.
  185. 2009-11-08
  186. ----------
  187. #626162 by KiamLaLuno: Integration with Vertical tabs.
  188. #626310 by Dave Reid: Undefined index: value in nodewords_basic.module.
  189. 2009-11-07
  190. ----------
  191. #626180 by KiamLaLuno: Form field is not included in the right fieldset.
  192. 2009-11-06
  193. ----------
  194. #625054 by KiamLaLuno: .
  195. 2009-11-05
  196. ----------
  197. #624696 by Dmitriy.trt: Broken message for nodewords_bypath.
  198. #623952 by KiamLaLuno: Automatically use node teaser for meta tag description if the meta tag DESCRIPTION form field is left empty.
  199. #623962 by KiamLaLuno: Meta tag description from teaser does not work together with excerpt module.
  200. 2009-11-04
  201. ----------
  202. #622404 by KiamLaLuno: The meta tags are not shown for a page using the pager.
  203. 2009-10-31
  204. ----------
  205. #619846 by KiamLaLuno: Define base URL for canonical URLs.
  206. #617600 by KiamLaLuno: Missing a way to add pages to 'other pages' setting.
  207. 2009-10-30
  208. ----------
  209. #618576 by KiamLaLuno: Invalid argument supplied for foreach.
  210. 2009-10-25
  211. ----------
  212. #613360 by KiamLaLuno: Remove backup table "nodewords_10".
  213. #601436 by KiamLaLuno: When the option "Repeat meta tags for lists" is not selected, the canonical URL is not used.
  214. 2009-10-24
  215. ----------
  216. #556014 by KiamLaLuno: Allow third-party modules to help in detecting the type of the page shown.
  217. #508496 by KiamLaLuno: Support for tokens.
  218. #613350 by KiamLaLuno: Rename the tab "Global and default meta tags".
  219. #610458 by hass, KiamLaLuno: Extend default max meta description length to 350 characters.
  220. #613410 by KiamLaLuno: Code wrongly uses Drupal variables nodewords_basic_user_teaser_$content_type.