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function node_export_get_menu in Node export 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 node_export.module \node_export_get_menu()
  2. 6.2 node_export.module \node_export_get_menu()

Create a new menu entry with title, parent and weight exported from another nodes menu. Returns NULL if the node has no menu title.

1 call to node_export_get_menu()
node_export_prepare_node in ./node_export.module
Prepare a single node during export.


./node_export.module, line 946
The Node export module.


function node_export_get_menu($node) {

  // This will fetch the existing menu item if the node had one.
  module_invoke_all('node_prepare', $node);
  $type = $node->type;

  // Only keep the values we care about.
  if (!empty($node->menu['mlid'])) {

    // Store a copy of the old menu
    $old_menu = $node->menu;

    // Now fetch the defaults for a new menu entry.
    $node = new stdClass();
    $node->type = $type;

    //module_invoke_all('node_prepare', $node);

    // Make a list of values to attempt to copy.
    $menu_fields = array(

    // Copy those fields from the old menu over the new menu defaults.
    foreach ($menu_fields as $menu_field) {
      $node->menu[$menu_field] = $old_menu[$menu_field];

    // Copy the menu description from the old menu.
    // Issue #1287300.
    if (isset($old_menu['options']['attributes']['title'])) {
      $node->menu['description'] = $old_menu['options']['attributes']['title'];
    else {
      $node->menu['description'] = '';

    // Ensure menu will be created during node import.
    // Issue #1139120.
    $node->menu['enabled'] = 1;

    // Return the menu.
    return $node->menu;