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function nd_default_value in Node displays 6

Function to return a value or return the default if empty.


array $settings The settings loaded for a content type.:

string $build_mode The name of the build mode.:

string $type The name of the type to search (ie fields, regions):

string $key The name of the key to search in $type.:

string $search_key The name of the key to search in $key.:

string $default The default value.:

6 calls to nd_default_value()
nd_add_fields in includes/
Add fields to display overview form.
nd_cssoverrider_form in plugins/
Implementation of nd_pluginname_form().
nd_cssoverrider_process in plugins/
Implementation of nd_pluginname_process().
nd_emptyregionrender_form in plugins/
Implementation of nd_pluginname_form().
nd_emptyregionrender_process in plugins/
Implementation of nd_pluginname_process().

... See full list


./nd.module, line 329
Main node displays file.


function nd_default_value($settings, $build_mode, $type, $key, $search_key, $default) {
  return isset($settings[$build_mode][$type][$key][$search_key]) ? $settings[$build_mode][$type][$key][$search_key] : $default;