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Functions in Node displays 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
nd_add_fields includes/ Add fields to display overview form. 1
nd_block_field_form includes/ Block field form. 1
nd_block_field_form_submit includes/ Save block field. 1
nd_block_field_form_validate includes/ Validate block field submission, only on insert.
nd_buildmodes_matrix_form includes/ Build modes matrix form. 1
nd_build_modes includes/ Build modes overview. 6
nd_build_modes_matrix_submit includes/ Submit build mode matrix form. 1
nd_build_mode_delete_form includes/ Build mode delete form. 1
nd_build_mode_delete_form_submit includes/ Delete display.
nd_build_mode_form includes/ Build mode form. 1
nd_build_mode_form_submit includes/ Save new build mode. 1
nd_build_mode_form_validate includes/ Validate new custom display submission.
nd_code_field_form includes/ Code field form. 1
nd_code_field_form_submit includes/ Save code field. 1
nd_code_field_form_validate includes/ Validate code field submission, only on insert.
nd_content_build_modes ./nd.module Implementation of hook_content_build_modes().
nd_cssoverrider_form plugins/ Implementation of nd_pluginname_form().
nd_cssoverrider_process plugins/ Implementation of nd_pluginname_process().
nd_cssoverrider_submit plugins/ Implementation of nd_pluginname_submit().
nd_default_value ./nd.module Function to return a value or return the default if empty. 6
nd_display_overview_form includes/ Menu callback; presents a listing of fields display settings for a content type. 1
nd_display_submit includes/ Save fields per context. 1
nd_emptyregionrender_form plugins/ Implementation of nd_pluginname_form().
nd_emptyregionrender_process plugins/ Implementation of nd_pluginname_process().
nd_emptyregionrender_submit plugins/ Implementation of nd_pluginname_submit().
nd_eval ./nd.module Wrapper function around PHP eval(). We don't use drupal_eval because custom fields might need properties from the current node object. 1
nd_eval_block ./nd.module Evaluate block field. 1
nd_eval_code ./nd.module Evaluate custom code. 1
nd_fields includes/ Fields overview. 8
nd_field_default_form_properties includes/ Function to load default form properties for a field in a context 1
nd_field_delete_form includes/ Field delete form. 1
nd_field_delete_form_submit includes/ Delete field.
nd_get_build_modes ./nd.module Api function to return all build modes. 4
nd_get_fields ./nd.module API function to get all fields. 5
nd_init ./nd.module Implementation of hook_init().
nd_install ./nd.install Implementation of hook_install().
nd_label_options includes/ Return array of available label options. 1
nd_menu ./nd.module Implementation of hook_menu().
nd_nd_fields ./nd.module Implementation of hook_nd_fields().
nd_nd_plugins ./nd.module Implementation of hook_nd_plugins().
nd_nodeapi ./nd.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
nd_plugins includes/ Menu callback. Registers all plugins for ND. 1
nd_plugins_display_form includes/ Add plugins to display overview form. 1
nd_plugins_display_submit includes/ Save plugins settings. 1
nd_plugins_process ./nd.module Process plugins. 1
nd_plugins_retrieve includes/ Retrieve all available plugins. 1
nd_plugins_submit includes/ Save the plugin settings.
nd_preprocess_node ./nd.module Implementation of moduleName_preprocess_hook(). The node data will be rendered in regions. This uses a helper function so themers/developers can call that helper function from within their preprocess_hooks if they are fiddling with some data. For…
nd_regions ./nd.module Return array of available regions. 7
nd_settings includes/ Settings page. 1


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