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function hook_navbar_alter in Navbar 7

Alter the navbar menu after hook_navbar() is invoked.

This hook is invoked by navbar_view() immediately after hook_navbar(). The navbar definitions are passed in by reference. Each element of the $items array is one item returned by a module from hook_navbar(). Additional items may be added, or existing items altered.


$items: Associative array of navbar menu definitions returned from hook_navbar().

1 invocation of hook_navbar_alter()
navbar_pre_render in ./navbar.module
Builds the Navbar as a structured array ready for drupal_render().


./navbar.api.php, line 163
Hooks provided by the navbar module.


function hook_navbar_alter(&$items) {

  // Move the User tab to the right.
  $items['commerce']['#weight'] = 5;