navbar.api.php in Navbar 7
Hooks provided by the navbar module.
navbar.api.phpView source
* @file
* Hooks provided by the navbar module.
* @addtogroup hooks
* @{
* Add items to the navbar menu.
* The navbar is a container for administrative and site-global interactive
* components.
* The navbar provides a common styling for items denoted by the
* .navbar-tab class. The theme wrapper navbar_tab_wrapper is provided to wrap
* a navbar item with the appropriate markup to apply the styling.
* The navbar provides a construct called a 'tray'. The tray is a container
* for content. The tray may be associated with a toggle in the administration
* bar. The toggle shows or hides the tray and is optimized for small and
* large screens. To create this association, hook_navbar() returns one or
* more render elements of type 'navbar_item', containing the toggle and tray
* elements in its 'tab' and 'tray' properties.
* The following properties are available:
* - 'tab': A renderable array.
* - 'tray': Optional. A renderable array.
* - '#weight': Optional. Integer weight used for sorting navbar items in
* administration bar area.
* This hook is invoked in navbar_pre_render().
* @return
* An array of navbar items, keyed by unique identifiers such as 'home' or
* 'administration', or the short name of the module implementing the hook.
* The corresponding value is a render element of type 'navbar_item'.
* @see navbar_pre_render()
* @ingroup navbar_tabs
function hook_navbar() {
$items = array();
// Add a search field to the navbar. The search field employs no navbar
// module theming functions.
$items['global_search'] = array(
'#type' => 'navbar_item',
'tab' => array(
'#type' => 'search',
'#attributes' => array(
'placeholder' => t('Search the site'),
'class' => array(
'#weight' => 200,
// Custom CSS, JS or a library can be associated with the navbar item.
'#attached' => array(
'css' => array(
drupal_get_path('module', 'search') . '/css/search.base.css',
// The 'Home' tab is a simple link, which is wrapped in markup associated
// with a visual tab styling.
$items['home'] = array(
'#type' => 'navbar_item',
'tab' => array(
'#type' => 'link',
'#title' => t('Home'),
'#href' => '<front>',
'#options' => array(
'attributes' => array(
'title' => t('Home page'),
'class' => array(
'#weight' => -20,
// A tray may be associated with a tab.
// When the tab is activated, the tray will become visible, either in a
// horizontal or vertical orientation on the screen.
// The tray should contain a renderable array. An optional #heading property
// can be passed. This text is written to a heading tag in the tray as a
// landmark for accessibility.
$items['commerce'] = array(
'#type' => 'navbar_item',
'tab' => array(
'#type' => 'link',
'#title' => t('Shopping cart'),
'#href' => '/cart',
'#options' => array(
'html' => FALSE,
'attributes' => array(
'title' => t('Shopping cart'),
'tray' => array(
'#heading' => t('Shopping cart actions'),
'shopping_cart' => array(
'#theme' => 'item_list',
'#items' => array(),
'#weight' => 150,
// The tray can be used to render arbritrary content.
// A renderable array passed to the 'tray' property will be rendered outside
// the administration bar but within the containing navbar element.
// If the default behavior and styling of a navbar tray is not desired, one
// can render content to the navbar element and apply custom theming and
// behaviors.
$items['user_messages'] = array(
// Include the navbar_tab_wrapper to style the link like a navbar tab.
// Exclude the theme wrapper if custom styling is desired.
'#type' => 'navbar_item',
'tab' => array(
'#type' => 'link',
'#theme' => 'user_message_navbar_tab',
'#theme_wrappers' => array(),
'#title' => t('Messages'),
'#href' => '/user/messages',
'#options' => array(
'attributes' => array(
'title' => t('Messages'),
'tray' => array(
'#heading' => t('User messages'),
'messages' => array(),
'#weight' => 125,
return $items;
* Alter the navbar menu after hook_navbar() is invoked.
* This hook is invoked by navbar_view() immediately after hook_navbar(). The
* navbar definitions are passed in by reference. Each element of the $items
* array is one item returned by a module from hook_navbar(). Additional items
* may be added, or existing items altered.
* @param $items
* Associative array of navbar menu definitions returned from hook_navbar().
function hook_navbar_alter(&$items) {
// Move the User tab to the right.
$items['commerce']['#weight'] = 5;
* Implementing hook_navbar_breakpoints_alter allows a module to change the
* media query string associated with one of the three default breakpoints
* that the Navbar reacts to.
* @see Drupal.navbar.mediaQueryChangeHandler in navbar.js.
function hook_navbar_breakpoints_alter(&$breakpoints) {
$breakpoints['standard'] = 'only screen and (min-width: 35em)';
* @} End of "addtogroup hooks".
Name | Description |
hook_navbar | Add items to the navbar menu. |
hook_navbar_alter | Alter the navbar menu after hook_navbar() is invoked. |
hook_navbar_breakpoints_alter | Implementing hook_navbar_breakpoints_alter allows a module to change the media query string associated with one of the three default breakpoints that the Navbar reacts to. |