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Functions in Node Auto Term [NAT] 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
nat_ctools_plugin_directory ./nat.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
nat_fields_form ./ Menu callback: NAT module fields form. @todo This form is something of a mess and could use a little clean-up. 1
nat_fields_form_submit ./ Process NAT fields form submissions.
nat_fields_form_validate ./ Validate NAT fields form submissions.
nat_field_formatter_info ./nat.module Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
nat_field_formatter_prepare_view ./nat.module Implements hook_field_formatter_prepare_view().
nat_field_formatter_view ./nat.module Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
nat_form_alter ./nat.module Implements hook_form_alter().
nat_get_children ./nat.module Retrieve all all the children of a node via its NAT association. Note: taxonomy_select_nodes is a rather resource hungry function.
nat_get_nids ./nat.module Gets node IDs/nodes associated with a term. 2
nat_get_term ./nat.module Retrieve the first / single NAT term associated with a node optionally restricted by vocabulary. 1
nat_get_terms ./nat.module Gets terms associated with a node. 5
nat_get_terms_by_vocabulary ./nat.module Retrieve the NAT terms associated with a node restricted by vocabulary. 2
nat_help ./nat.module Implements hook_help().
nat_install ./nat.install Implements hook_install().
nat_menu ./nat.module Implements hook_menu().
nat_nat_node_from_term_ctools_context includes/ctools/relationships/ Return a new context based on an existing context. 1
nat_nat_node_from_term_ctools_relationships includes/ctools/relationships/ Implementation of specially named hook_ctools_relationships().
nat_nat_term_from_node_ctools_context includes/ctools/relationships/ Return a new context based on an existing context. 1
nat_nat_term_from_node_ctools_relationships includes/ctools/relationships/ Implementation of specially named hook_ctools_relationships().
nat_nat_term_from_node_settings_form includes/ctools/relationships/ Settings form for the relationship. 1
nat_node_delete ./nat.module Implements hook_node_delete().
nat_node_insert ./nat.module Implements hook_node_insert().
nat_node_load ./nat.module Implements hook_node_load().
nat_node_type_delete ./nat.module Implements hook_node_type_delete().
nat_node_update ./nat.module Implements hook_node_update().
nat_permission ./nat.module Implements hook_permission().
nat_schema ./nat.install Implements hook_install().
nat_settings_form ./ Menu callback: NAT module settings form. 1
nat_settings_form_submit ./ Process NAT settings form submissions.
nat_set_config ./nat.module Update the NAT config to include node->vocabulary associations and related settings. Commonly used in .install files to register associations and save the admin some work. @todo Add the new field association option?
nat_sync_form ./ Sync the NAT table with the node table for associated vocabularies. 1
nat_sync_form_submit ./ Process NAT sync form submissions.
nat_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete ./nat.module Implements hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete().
nat_theme ./nat.module Implements hook_theme().
nat_uninstall ./nat.install Implements hook_uninstall().
nat_update_2 ./nat.install Add a vid column to the NAT table.
nat_update_7002 ./nat.install Convert configuration settings from vocab vid to vocab machine_name
nat_views_api ./nat.module Implements hook_views_api().
nat_views_data includes/ Implements hook_views_data().
nat_views_data_alter includes/ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
nat_views_handlers includes/ Implements hook_views_handlers() to register all the basic handlers that Views uses.
theme_nat_table ./ Theme table elements within the NAT field configuration form.
_nat_add_terms ./nat.module Add node titles as terms into the taxonomy system. @todo Ideas are welcome to allow retaining the hierarchy for vocabularies not present in the node form. 2
_nat_check ./nat.module Check if a node is a NAT node. 4
_nat_delete_association ./nat.module Delete node-term associations from the NAT table. 1
_nat_delete_terms ./nat.module Delete associated terms from the taxonomy system. @todo Options to delete child nodes as well etc. 1
_nat_field_associate ./nat.module Synchronize term and node fields. @todo All the entity handling feels hacky. Needs investigation. 1
_nat_field_label ./ Retrieve the field label for the field which can be synchronized. 1
_nat_field_types_match ./ Check if the node and term field types are compatible. 1


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